And @Raven your comment is still Glenn. LololololNot only is the new interface crap (including on my tablet), they have a mobile and tablet app for BBC News... so they don't even NEED the website to be tablet and phone friendly...
It really is awful though, and not just because it's changed, there's so much white space now, and no real distinction between the different areas of the page...
The previous design worked great in Safari. I also have the app. But why change as design that worked great on tablets and desktop to this shite. Phones don't count their interface is too small.Yes they do. Especially if you're the public service BBC. Remit is maximum reach, and not everyone has access to, or wants, apps (weirdos with Blackberries for example). Even Android apps don't always work on all devices.
Good responsive design is fucking hard to pull off. Personally I think one of the only sites that's done a really good job is the Guardian, and they've basically spent years in a public beta honing the design. This BBC effort isn't as good, but it actually doesn't need that many tweaks; differentiating the headers with a bolder font or caps would solve most of the problems, but it is certainly a problem for lots of sites that designing responsive the "correct" way (mobile first) often sort of goes to pieces on a full desktop. But, if its anything like us, the BBC site is probably more than 50% mobile traffic by now, so that's just the way its going to be.
But in a reasonable tablet, most of the webs for desktop are fineIt's 65%. There's no escaping it, everything will be mobile-oriented from here on in. I always thought that was the point of user agents telling websites what you're browsing on but I guess a single unified experience is easier all round.
Big Nope. Pasts yes. Seafood feck off you Neptune loving mother fucker. LolLooking at pictures of food when you've got the serious munchies
Now I want seafood pasta.
The previous design worked great in Safari. I also have the app. But why change as design that worked great on tablets and desktop to this shite. Phones don't count their interface is too small.
Responsive design: just so long as you dont want it to respond to anything wider than 4:3.
Don't.I feel guilty and embarrassed about the way I feel about her.
I didn't say you can't say stuff like that. It's up to you.Don't.
Mines a cunt. Nothing I can do about it. @Moriath thinks I shouldn't say things like that but I think that's because he can't understand that other people's mothers can be nasty pieces of work...
My Mum has Alzheimers. Sometimes she'll sing along to music and it takes me right back to when I was a little boy and she used to sing to me. It fills me with a combination of profound love and incredibly moving sadness. At other times she's so difficult you want to bang your head against a brick wall. Occasionally there are moments of humour. Mostly though its just very sad.
1.3 cups per day? Bah, some foreigners and teaswedes bringing our numbers down. I've had 4 cups(well, mugs to be exact) before noon already![]()
My father has been dead for years. My mother has a 'partner'. I just pray that my children don't ever feel about me like this.I get the feelings, i don't have any issues with my mother, but if we go into father territory then the tone changes.