SPAM random annoying things


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
having a "cup" as measurement is fine if its one, but when you get absurd recipes with one three fifths of a cup or some other bollox it would be easier to do it with "25ml" :p


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Winging cooking is a given in my opinion, but baking needs to be freaking exact depending on which ingredients you use, so yeah, would have been easier otherwise. @Jupitus Good link, thanks!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
For anything other than baking, wing it is fine, I agree (and do so successfully)... baking does require more precision though.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003

Metric cooking ftw. It's just easier. Base 10.
They are metric measurements. You can buy measuring tools with the exact measurement of a cup, teaspoon and tablespoon. You wouldn't weigh out a tablespoon of garlic powder when you can simply stick a spoon in the jar.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Ugg new news website design. Have to scroll loads to get where I want to go now :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
They are metric measurements. You can buy measuring tools with the exact measurement of a cup, teaspoon and tablespoon. You wouldn't weigh out a tablespoon of garlic powder when you can simply stick a spoon in the jar.

They're not metric measurements at all m8 - they're not even imperial measurements. A cup is a bastard measuring system used primarily in the United States. A "metric cup" is defined in a couple of countries as 250mls but they're not metric units and not standard. In the US alone there's a "US customary cup" and a "US legal cup" (link to retardedness).

I like imperial measurements. I have an emotional attachment to them and like the pounds/feet/inches/stone/miles shite and use them in my everyday vernacular. (My sister's kids look at me strange when I do as they've no idea - and that's an important point).

Metric is an inherently superior measurement system for a metric fuckton of reasons. All other measuring systems need to die - and will, eventually, because they are inherently inferior.

First of the pseduo units that need to die horribly, however, is "cup" - because that's the King Kahmehameha of dumbness :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
there was a neat bbc documentary about measurement (and how the various unit definitions came along) a while back

went through length, temperature, time etc


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They're not metric measurements at all m8 - they're not even imperial measurements. A cup is a bastard measuring system used primarily in the United States. A "metric cup" is defined in a couple of countries as 250mls but they're not metric units and not standard. In the US alone there's a "US customary cup" and a "US legal cup" (link to retardedness).

I like imperial measurements. I have an emotional attachment to them and like the pounds/feet/inches/stone/miles shite and use them in my everyday vernacular. (My sister's kids look at me strange when I do as they've no idea - and that's an important point).

Metric is an inherently superior measurement system for a metric fuckton of reasons. All other measuring systems need to die - and will, eventually, because they are inherently inferior.

First of the pseduo units that need to die horribly, however, is "cup" - because that's the King Kahmehameha of dumbness :)

ok ok, you can continue to measure out all the ingredients for a curry on the scales then, I will just stick to using my exactly 5ml and exactly 15ml spoons :)

Using an (exact) 250ml measuring cup is just so much easier than getting the measuring jug and pissing about watching the line and making sure you don't go over or under, you just scoop the ingredient out of the bag or poor the liquid in and you know that you have 250 ml of it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
but baking needs to be freaking exact depending on which ingredients you use,

RArely so exact that teaspoon/cup doesn't work. If you don't know what acup is, then ofcourse you need to look it up, but it's still not ml accurate stuff ;)

You're making a pie, not cooking meth.

WAnted to add that the annoyance works the other way around too. If you're somewhere like a cabin and the recipe says 50g of sugar, it's a bit of a pain to figure that out unless you know how much it is in teaspoons etc.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
But, that's not 'measuring' if you just scoop it up and not messing about with lines. It's all about the lines!

RArely so exact that teaspoon/cup doesn't work. If you don't know what acup is, then ofcourse you need to look it up, but it's still not ml accurate stuff ;)

You're making a pie, not cooking meth.

Oh, didn't know you were using cups for measurements? Cudos to you! I take it you bake a lot? The point was initially that i have to waste time converting the measurements and they might not be exactly right even then.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Ugg new news website design. Have to scroll loads to get where I want to go now :(

Oh god, it's just awful now. Looks utter shit on a PC.

"We have made a unified interface to make it more mobile & tablet friendly" - Great, that worked so well for Windows 8.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Oh, didn't know you were using cups for measurements? Cudos to you! I take it you bake a lot? The point was initially that i have to waste time converting the measurements and they might not be exactly right even then.

I usually go by what the recipe is(i rarely make stuff anymore), 2 years spent in a culinary school kind of taught "winging it" :D

Yeah i get the point, it would be a pain if you don't make that much stuff. It's a handy thing to learn though, how much is a cup by palm measurements(depends on the paw ofc), how much 250ml is in cups etc.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
On that example, if all you have to measure with is a cup then you can fairly accurately say that 1 cup of flour = approximately 125g of flour


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Oh god, it's just awful now. Looks utter shit on a PC.

"We have made a unified interface to make it more mobile & tablet friendly" - Great, that worked so well for Windows 8.
Looks shit on my iPad too. So doesn't work for either.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
ok ok, you can continue to measure out all the ingredients for a curry on the scales then

I don't. As was alluded to - cooking is inexact, baking has to be exact.

And it still doesn't make non-metric measurement systems any less monumentally retarded ;)


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
@old.Tohtori is (understandably) considering making a pie as 'baking'. In this sense we are talking about baking of sweet dishes, i.e. CAKE :)

Baking a cake (or similar) is what requires the more precise measurements...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
As a Finn i consider baking to be something like cakes, pies, cupcakes, cookies etc. Cooking for "foodstuffs".

I know you have a bit of a different naming system in place :p

I was just saying that it's not rocketscience and the measurements don't need to be that precise. I'm not saying 50g is ok when you need 250g, but that 230-270 is fine.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
the measurements don't need to be that precise. I'm not saying 50g is ok when you need 250g, but that 230-270 is fine.

For general cooking, no. But if your cakes are to be great then yep, precision is exactly what's needed.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I've made great cakes with cups and pinches. Unless you're working at some bakery that does orders with over-sensitive masterbakers, it's just a real minor(mostly placebo) effect for yourself that noone will notice.

One of my teachers even had a theory that the "love" you can taste in food comes just from that, going more by feel instead of a production line mandate.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
thing is, if you're baking something to be exactly to spec, like for a contest or something, then you have to be exact. if you're baking something for the om-noms, then fuck it tbh. I prefer my brownies under-cooked for example, and I really don't give a shit if I'm adding whisky soaked raisins or maraschino cherries to it. I'd prolly get laughed out of a baking contest, but fuck yeah do I love my brownies.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
also, on topic: I can't get fiber based internets in my street. the *entire* city center has no fiber. wtf is up with that man :-/


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
Oh god, it's just awful now. Looks utter shit on a PC.

"We have made a unified interface to make it more mobile & tablet friendly" - Great, that worked so well for Windows 8.
Not only is the new interface crap (including on my tablet), they have a mobile and tablet app for BBC News... so they don't even NEED the website to be tablet and phone friendly...
It really is awful though, and not just because it's changed, there's so much white space now, and no real distinction between the different areas of the page...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Not only is the new interface crap (including on my tablet), they have a mobile and tablet app for BBC News... so they don't even NEED the website to be tablet and phone friendly...
It really is awful though, and not just because it's changed, there's so much white space now, and no real distinction between the different areas of the page...

Yes they do. Especially if you're the public service BBC. Remit is maximum reach, and not everyone has access to, or wants, apps (weirdos with Blackberries for example). Even Android apps don't always work on all devices.

Good responsive design is fucking hard to pull off. Personally I think one of the only sites that's done a really good job is the Guardian, and they've basically spent years in a public beta honing the design. This BBC effort isn't as good, but it actually doesn't need that many tweaks; differentiating the headers with a bolder font or caps would solve most of the problems, but it is certainly a problem for lots of sites that designing responsive the "correct" way (mobile first) often sort of goes to pieces on a full desktop. But, if its anything like us, the BBC site is probably more than 50% mobile traffic by now, so that's just the way its going to be.

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