This.baking needs to be freaking exact
They are metric measurements. You can buy measuring tools with the exact measurement of a cup, teaspoon and tablespoon. You wouldn't weigh out a tablespoon of garlic powder when you can simply stick a spoon in the jar.This.
Metric cooking ftw. It's just easier. Base 10.
They are metric measurements. You can buy measuring tools with the exact measurement of a cup, teaspoon and tablespoon. You wouldn't weigh out a tablespoon of garlic powder when you can simply stick a spoon in the jar.
They're not metric measurements at all m8 - they're not even imperial measurements. A cup is a bastard measuring system used primarily in the United States. A "metric cup" is defined in a couple of countries as 250mls but they're not metric units and not standard. In the US alone there's a "US customary cup" and a "US legal cup" (link to retardedness).
I like imperial measurements. I have an emotional attachment to them and like the pounds/feet/inches/stone/miles shite and use them in my everyday vernacular. (My sister's kids look at me strange when I do as they've no idea - and that's an important point).
Metric is an inherently superior measurement system for a metric fuckton of reasons. All other measuring systems need to die - and will, eventually, because they are inherently inferior.
First of the pseduo units that need to die horribly, however, is "cup" - because that's the King Kahmehameha of dumbness![]()
but baking needs to be freaking exact depending on which ingredients you use,
RArely so exact that teaspoon/cup doesn't work. If you don't know what acup is, then ofcourse you need to look it up, but it's still not ml accurate stuff
You're making a pie, not cooking meth.
Ugg new news website design. Have to scroll loads to get where I want to go now![]()
Oh, didn't know you were using cups for measurements? Cudos to you! I take it you bake a lot? The point was initially that i have to waste time converting the measurements and they might not be exactly right even then.
Looks shit on my iPad too. So doesn't work for either.Oh god, it's just awful now. Looks utter shit on a PC.
"We have made a unified interface to make it more mobile & tablet friendly" - Great, that worked so well for Windows 8.
ok ok, you can continue to measure out all the ingredients for a curry on the scales then
the measurements don't need to be that precise. I'm not saying 50g is ok when you need 250g, but that 230-270 is fine.
GlennThe new BBC website. what the actual fuck?
Maybe. But it's glenn not glen.Your mum is Glen
Not only is the new interface crap (including on my tablet), they have a mobile and tablet app for BBC News... so they don't even NEED the website to be tablet and phone friendly...Oh god, it's just awful now. Looks utter shit on a PC.
"We have made a unified interface to make it more mobile & tablet friendly" - Great, that worked so well for Windows 8.
Not only is the new interface crap (including on my tablet), they have a mobile and tablet app for BBC News... so they don't even NEED the website to be tablet and phone friendly...
It really is awful though, and not just because it's changed, there's so much white space now, and no real distinction between the different areas of the page...