SPAM random annoying things


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Renting out a room for a couple of weeks to someone I know, fairly decent. Not sure if this person would steal, but, a perfume worth 60 euro and 200 euro was stolen when i was gone. Haven't spoken to these two people about it. Just noticed it a couple of hours ago. Either them, or someone they have invited over took them.

Either i ask them to give me the fucking money, or i´ll take some stuff of theirs when they are gone, sell it. Or somehow scam them information from their cred-card and clean it. Fucking hell.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's his beds though :p

@fettoken crime doesn't solve crime. Make sure you didn't misplace it, confront. Either way, kicking someone out when they need a place is a strong motivator to speak the truth.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Renting out a room for a couple of weeks to someone I know, fairly decent. Not sure if this person would steal, but, a perfume worth 60 euro and 200 euro was stolen when i was gone. Haven't spoken to these two people about it. Just noticed it a couple of hours ago. Either them, or someone they have invited over took them.

Either i ask them to give me the fucking money, or i´ll take some stuff of theirs when they are gone, sell it. Or somehow scam them information from their cred-card and clean it. Fucking hell.
If they are a friend worth keeping give them the chance to make it right. Just ask if they had someone round and tell them you know what is missing. If they offer to pay you back all good if they start to make excuses tell them to move out.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You do feel old when someone mentions 2003 as an era of "good old music" and you want to punch them.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Renting out a room for a couple of weeks to someone I know, fairly decent. Not sure if this person would steal, but, a perfume worth 60 euro and 200 euro was stolen when i was gone. Haven't spoken to these two people about it. Just noticed it a couple of hours ago. Either them, or someone they have invited over took them.

Either i ask them to give me the fucking money, or i´ll take some stuff of theirs when they are gone, sell it. Or somehow scam them information from their cred-card and clean it. Fucking hell.
You seem to own quite a few places


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Apps on iTunes that don't offer a trial or refund. I wanted a Archery app for scoring and they are a bit specialised so I knew it was one of the two I wanted. Both were £6.99 so I tried the one I thought it was and it had none Rounds I wanted so it seemed like an American app. So I tried the second and it was perfect. So I tried to get a refund on the first application only to be told the App is not eligible for a refund. But the application does not offer a free trial so you have to spend the £6.99 to try it. I know this will most likely draw plenty of "that's what you get for buying an iPhone ect"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Don't the usual distance selling rules apply for apps?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
A would be Customer:

I closed the store at 13:00 (as we usually do) but stuck around to get some things done until 15:00 (agreed to meet a friend at 15:30 at his place)
as I'm locking up (alarm turned on etc) a car pulls up at the store, guy jumps out...

Him: nonono wait! I need to buy a couple bottles off you.
Me: Sorry mate, I closed up at 13:00 (points to sign)
Him: Come on, I really need this
Me: Sorry mate, I've already turned on the alarm, and I have an appointment else where in less than 30 mins.
If you'ed come 10 mins earlier I might have been able to help you out. sorry (very much trying to indicate to the chap that I really cannot help - this time around)
Him: Really? you cant be seriouse! I'm here and so are you, it will only take 2 mins.
Me: Yes really, as I said, I don't have time to spare - another time maybe.
Him: Dude, don't be a cunt!
Me: Okay..think we're done now, have a nice weekend.
Him: Fuck you! not going to shop here again, and will tell my friends about how arrogant you are, asshole!
Me: !? :confused:

Cant wait to get going with KAM, I'm done with store customers!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Would it have been such a pain to serve him?
I would imagine no cash if left in the till so to serve him you would need to turn the alarm off and get the cash out of the lock box / safe. So assuming he is not just trying to get you to turn the alarm off to rob you. Yes it is a pain to spend 10 minutes serving someone who showed up 2 hours after the store closed.

We get that all the time with late delivery drivers. I explain the office has a separate alarm and set of keys to the warehouse and even though I do hold both sets there is fuck all hope I am unlocking the warehouse for some random mug in a white van.

One Monday a guy tried to deliver at 07.45 and was told the warehouse opened at 08.00 he called a college all kinds of cunt. He then unloaded over 1000 laptops by throwing them off the Van before pissing on them. He did this not only in front of witnesses but a Security Camera. It was on YouTube at one point as the delivery company said we were lying and the parcels were delivered and signed for :)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Band plays a venue, they end thier gig and stick around at the bar (own free time) guy walks up to them 2 hours later,
hey! I really love this song of yours please play it for me? The band, sorry mate gig ended 2 hours ago, we just want to hang out - maybe some other time
Guy: Fuck you, fucking cunts! I'm never buying any of your music again!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Band plays a venue, they end thier gig and stick around at the bar (own free time) guy walks up to them 2 hours later,
hey! I really love this song of yours please play it for me? The band, sorry mate gig ended 2 hours ago, we just want to hang out - maybe some other time
Guy: Fuck you, fucking cunts! I'm never buying any of your music again!!!

It's not that unbelievable, had a local grocer who didn't mind selling you milk or some such even after closing. Then again if it's not your store, f*ck if you care :p

Cyclists. Nearly hit two of the cunts today.

Yeeeei! Can avoid the thread now for two days.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Not worth my job unfortunately. Going out with a bang is definitely a consideration before I move on/get sacked mind.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Place i used to work had a warehouse next door that stored all the items for customers, the boss would come in at 8.00am with the keys to open said warehouse. I used to start there at 7am to do work. A guy comes in one morning at 7:05 to collect some stuff he had ordered and I told him we didn't open until 8.00 am and I can't get into the warehouse next door as I didn't have a key for it. It was a frosty morning and as he left we had three vans parked outside, he wrote 'wankers' and 'cunts' in the frost on the windscreens.

He came back later and complained to the boss who I had already explained the situation too. The boss told him to get fucked


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
It's not that unbelievable, had a local grocer who didn't mind selling you milk or some such even after closing. .
We usually don't mind staying open a little longer, and I've even opened the store on a sunday for a good customer of ours - So the the flexibilty runs quite deep.
However, this guys sence of entitlement and arrongance was beyond belief, the fact alone that he seemed to care less if I was late or not got under my skin.

We do enouncter his kind more and more often - thus also why I'm looking to take the next step to KAM.
They've been around for ages in the supermarkets, shouting and bitching at the helpless cashiers, I got into abit of a scuffel with one chap
who seemed to think that it was ok for him to shout at, threaten and grab a 18-19yo bird.
Because the machine wouldn't read the correct price and this was an inconvenience to him

Also I'd bet you are alot more appreciative of the service extended to you by your grocer, and would
be understanding if you told you - sorry not today.

It's important that people get through thier skulls that stuff like that is a service extended to you as a customer. It's not something your magically entitled to.
Last edited:


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ah ok, so it wasn't about the effort, but you thinking he was a twat. Then it's understandable, the guy was right and you were being a cunt, but understandable :D


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
this might suprise you, but it was very much a question of both. And no I cannot see how I was being a cunt.
when we do extend the service we do so despite the added effort and inconvenience to us.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Wine, Whisky, Beer, Tequila, Rum, tastings, events etc.
And ofcause....Foie Gras :p

KAM = Key Account Manager


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Ah ok, so it wasn't about the effort, but you thinking he was a twat. Then it's understandable, the guy was right and you were being a cunt, but understandable :D
Because you work for free? :rolleyes:


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Explains it ;)

Very funny :p
I'd like to think my views on that matter would be the same either way.
as in: My choice to sell is based on my views on the matter- Not the other way around.
Ps: not getting back into that! we've said our peace


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Paying for a gamepass on (£6)
just to later realise that they've opened for acsess to all Viasat chanels on the net this weekend .



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
this might suprise you, but it was very much a question of both. And no I cannot see how I was being a cunt.
when we do extend the service we do so despite the added effort and inconvenience to us.

Nothing wrong in being a cunt now and then, like i said, understandable :p

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