SPAM random annoying things


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
well AI's arn't omnipotent in and of themselves, but you're right. tbh when I was coding my pong clone ball tracking (hur hur) for the computer opponent, I deliberately left out advanced trajectory prediction: the computer would only know about straight lines and would position it's paddle accordingly. If the ball changed it's vector due to bouncing off a wall or another paddle, it would recompute and reposition.

if I had told it about trajectory change and how to compensate for that it would have been unbeatable from the defensive pov: it would always be able to place it's paddle where the ball would end up being, because it would look ahead and compute all the vectors taking changes in to account. Eventually the human player would lose simply due to being a human. Ofc this is very small scale compared to actual AI, but I am now curious as to what I'd have to do to get the computer to "learn" about how to handle such a thing.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
In 3D Curveball on Android it seems the developer "fixed" that problem by making the opponent super-smart from the off but imposing a speed limit on its paddle so it could luck out and be in the right place at the right time or it could be making futile but trajectorially (is that a word) correct moves to the other side of the space.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
i guess you learn by having a database full of previous encounters and their outcomes. the computer would look up the situation it was in and based on the successful or not out come make its choice.

That way its always learning 'gathering more data' from previous experience and can decide to follow or not its previous actions.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Fucking cooker has packed up, just got my dinner out of it after 30mins and it's stone cold


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
had that a couple weeks ago had to get a new element for it :( cold dinners arnt good


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
I have changed it about 3 times over the years, just fitted a new kitchen and was trying to make do with the old cooker as long as poss, gonna have to bite the bullet and get a new one, it's on its last legs anyway


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Bloody traffic this evening in London

Tube strike, everyone decided to drive in (where do they think they're all going to be able to park?)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Bob Crow needs to do a proper days work and then fuck off tbh.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think that most union officials should be put in to the place of the people that their service supports and see the effects that they cause.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
People who see you are watching something on your phone then start wittering on about some shit film they watched on some shit channel last night meaning you have to pause what you are watching.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
People who see you are watching something on your phone then start wittering on about some shit film they watched on some shit channel last night meaning you have to pause what you are watching.
I see you met my girlfriend then, huh?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
In 3D Curveball on Android it seems the developer "fixed" that problem by making the opponent super-smart from the off but imposing a speed limit on its paddle so it could luck out and be in the right place at the right time or it could be making futile but trajectorially (is that a word) correct moves to the other side of the space.

not too sure about that tbh. in curveball the CPU doesn't seem to know about handling curves, it just recomputes the ball's vector every (so many) game tick (s). I'd say there is some funky method going on because the CPU's paddle does not fully commit to moving to the projected arrival point of the ball (my code in my pong clone did do that), so to guess I'd say iIn curveball the CPU paddle moves part of the way to the projected ball arrival point and then recomputes to see if it's still valid. Choosing a method like compute-move-recompute-move allows curveball to perform micro-adjustments to the paddle position, which you see the CPU doing ingame.

My code didn't do it that way; I'd compute the ball arival point and attempt to move the paddle there; if the ball changed it's vector (by bouncing off a wall) I would compute again (eg the CPU paddle code was subscribed to the ball code's vector field so to speak, so if a change occured then the CPU would know). Kind of a naieve implementation, but hey ho neither perfect position tracking nor implementing any kind of "spin" was what this was about. I did have adjustments for speed and angle coming off the paddle: any kind of "slice" would result in a speed change, so if the angle of the slice was alike a "top-spin" the ball would speed up, and the reverse "back-spin" the ball would slow down. Also, my paddles were devided in to three areas: the middle area would allow the ball to bounce at the it's required goniometric opposite angle (e. g. a ball arriving at 87deg would leave at 93deg) but each edge area would manipulate both the angle and the speed in a special way.

The fun thing was that with a surprisingly tiny amount of code, the CPU could play against itself and appear to make intelligent descisions about things or even play strategically. All of that was ofc complete coincidence (e.g. projection of human on to the CPU), whereas in the case of the mooSe_AI it's all the result of said moose being a smart fucker :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Inconsiderate cunts jumping infront of trains. If he could've left it 10 minutes id practically be home now.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I sent a letter of complaint via email today. I am now officially middle-aged :(


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I sent a letter of complaint via email today. I am now officially middle-aged :(

You're not officially middle aged until:

- you buy a nose hair trimmer
- you realise you're turning into your Dad. Slowly at first. Little things. But it's undeniable
- you wish you were 20 yrs younger knowing what what you know now
- BBC2 suddenly becomes interesting
- policemen start looking 12 years old
- you stare at young pretty women and realise those dirty old men they're warned about..that's you!
- you can't bend down without making a noise
- you look at yourself in the mirror and realise fuck I'm not young anymore
- beige isn't such a bad color after all
- after 10 minutes chasing the kids around the garden you need a sit down
- everyone starts calling you Sir


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I realised I was supposed to be acting like an adult when I was at uni and I was working part-time in TKMaxx. This lady came up to the till with her son and she said to him "pass the clothes to the gentleman". Queue comedic look over my shoulder as I was looking for whoever she was talking about and then it dawned on me. "Oh, you meant me?".


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
- you buy a nose hair trimmer......check
- you realise you're turning into your Dad. Slowly at first. Little things. But it's undeniable.....check
- you wish you were 20 yrs younger knowing what what you know now.....check
- BBC2 suddenly becomes interesting.....check
- policemen start looking 12 years old.....check
- you stare at young pretty women and realise those dirty old men they're warned about..that's you!...check!.....check!.....check!
- you can't bend down without making a noise.....check
- you look at yourself in the mirror and realise fuck I'm not young anymore.....check
- beige isn't such a bad color after all.....Hmmmm
- after 10 minutes chasing the kids around the garden you need a sit down.....if they make it into my garden then their fate is sealed
- everyone starts calling you Sir.....more like Cunt


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
- you buy a nose hair trimmer......check - Grow a tash, nobody notices
- you realise you're turning into your Dad. Slowly at first. Little things. But it's undeniable.....check - If your Dad is a cock, this is a problem...if not, great
- you wish you were 20 yrs younger knowing what what you know now.....check - Yeah but you had no money 20 years ago, at least you can afford it now
- BBC2 suddenly becomes interesting.....check - Better than Eastenders and Casualty, surely?
- policemen start looking 12 years old.....check - Meh, a cunt is a cunt, age is irrelevant
- you stare at young pretty women and realise those dirty old men they're warned about..that's you!...check!.....check!.....check! - and?
- you can't bend down without making a noise.....check - parp!
- you look at yourself in the mirror and realise fuck I'm not young anymore.....check - Refined beats young any day
- beige isn't such a bad color after all.....Hmmmm - The colour of gaming when it was good.
- after 10 minutes chasing the kids around the garden you need a sit down.....if they make it into my garden then their fate is sealed - Get a better bolt gun
- everyone starts calling you Sir.....more like Cunt - Only get called Sir by youngsters, who obviously know their place. win



FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Beige: A colour we all actually love in secret (deep down inside), it just, there is an accepted age limit to how young you can be without facing retribution from your peer.

you know it's true - you've looked at that car with the baige interior and gone..thats actually......I'll have all black! yes black..and all the way home you'll be thinking of that lusiouse, creamy thick, voluptuous beige :p
Last edited:


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
no can do beige. ESPECIALLY with cars. was looking at a Mazzer GT the other day which was absolutely beautiful except that it had a leather interior that had the colour of Wij's liquid stool after a night of particularly harsh vindaloo and cheap larger (I've been told).


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
no can do beige. ESPECIALLY with cars. was looking at a Mazzer GT the other day which was absolutely beautiful except that it had a leather interior that had the colour of Wij's liquid stool after a night of particularly harsh vindaloo and cheap larger (I've been told).


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Just got nominated for that nek nomination bullshit, ffs.

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