

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Apparently they console players will have some sort of autoaim advantage though. Well that was going to be the case a few months ago.

Yep it's not going to be that clear cut the game has been designed with 360 in mind only major advantage PC players will have is with the sniping - I do agree though any other game KB/Mouse vs Pad no contest KB/Mouse everytime.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
However, I still felt myself thinking "if this had a mouse and keyboard it would be superb".

They'd have to make it much harder - same can be said for any console based FPS, if you can control it with the mouse things would be MUCH easier.

As for autoaim in PC vs Console fps' online - I'm not sure it'll help enough tbh. We shall see though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yep it's not going to be that clear cut the game has been designed with 360 in mind only major advantage PC players will have is with the sniping - I do agree though any other game KB/Mouse vs Pad no contest KB/Mouse everytime.

Nope, the biggest advantage by far is the speed at which you can change your aim. You can switch to a new target almost instantly and completely accurately with a mouse.

Anyway, auto-aiming of any kind shouldn't exist in online gaming. It's disgusting to imagine playing like that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I find the biggest asset of a mouse over a pads equivalent thumb stick is the counter balancing you can perform with your fingers.

This of course is the main reason why as has been said already, mice will always offer far superior aiming compared with any thumbstick or joypad.

Agreed on the 'Gears would have to be much harder' point Nath, it would be very easy with a mouse and keyboard.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Motorstorm does look good but i hear it's thin on game modes etc.

Resistance looks good too.

Sonic? you could have done better! didn't think about getting Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer?

I like the idea of browsing the net on the PS3 when i had all mine to sell i opened 1 and had a go but it kept crashing on some websites, if they brought out a mouse/KB i would kiss the PC goodbye.


This is not Microsnot. Just plug in any old mouse and keyboard or failing that, a bluetooth one. Go Sony for making the system support devices not supplied by them.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
yeah i think motorstorm will be a multiplayer game just for a laugh.

I loved Sonic on the Segas and the video made it look awesome so it was worth a go :)

I have not found a website that dies yet here and all worked not really solid testing i know. I would have thought if you put Linux on a PS3 any USB keyboard and Mouse would work with it maybe Deebs has checked. Im not putting linux on mine till WiFi works.

Indeed, you can use any old keyboard (not ps2) with either Linux or XMB. Sorted!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Totally skips the point that the others "sold out" (i.e. so you couldn't get one) unlike PS£ where you can't go anywhere without people desperate to flog you the ones they can't shift.

It dose metion its because the other 2 sold out in the srtical.

Still 600,000 units sold on launch day that is far from the flop that alot of people were expecting. I bet sony would be happy with 600,000 out of 1 million sold launch day.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Totally skips the point that the others "sold out" (i.e. so you couldn't get one) unlike PS£ where you can't go anywhere without people desperate to flog you the ones they can't shift.

Microsoft sold 71,000 Xbox 360 consoles during its UK launch weekend, while Nintendo sold 105,000 Wii machines. But both companies offered limited stock to retailers, which led to shortages.

No, you just totally skipped reading it.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If you say so Bodhs, all I know is on release day at work, we had 30 PS3's in the store, don't think we've ever actually had that many 360's held even at peak demand.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yep we had no 360's for a week after release and even then it was only 3 or 4 at a time. Pre-order stock was all we ever saw on launch day. With the ps3 the lukewarm pre-ordering has meant many units available in store.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Sony’s PS3 has record launch in Europe

By Maija Palmer in London

Published: March 28 2007 22:04 | Last updated: March 28 2007 22:04

Sony’s PlayStation 3 console has enjoyed a record-breaking launch in Europe, with about 600,000 sold in the first two days, despite its being the last and most expensive of the new games machines to come on the market.

Sony said it estimated that about €400m worth of PS3 consoles, games and peripherals were sold across Europe on launch weekend.

The sales figure compares with about 500,000 Xbox 360 consoles sold by Microsoft in Europe in the first month after its release in December 2005. Nintendo sold about 700,000 Wii consoles in Europe in the month after its launch last December.

Retailers such as the UK’s Game Group and FNAC of France said they had seen huge demand for Sony’s machine.

In the UK, Sony’s biggest market in Europe, 173,000 PS3 units were sold in the first 48 hours of launch, compared with 70,000 Xbox 360s and 105,000 Wiis on their launch weekends.

The PS3 launch eclipses that of its predecessor, PlayStation 2, in 2000. PS2 took several weeks to reach similar sales. Sales of the Xbox 360, Wii and PS2 were hampered by lack of stock, however. Sony, which had delayed the European debut by several months, ensured a stock of 1m PS3s in stores.

The PS3 also launched with a larger library of games than its rivals. The PlayStation platform has the largest European installed base, with more than 42m PS2s sold in the region.

“I would expect the PlayStation 3 to do well initially because a lot of PS2 users had been waiting for the PS3 to come along ,” said Paul O’Donovan, an analyst at the research company, Gartner. US figures suggest that the PS3 is performing marginally better than the Xbox 360 at the same stage of its sales cycle.

NPD, the research group, estimates that about 1.1m PS3 consoles have been sold in the US in the first four months since launch, compared with 1m sales for Xbox in its first quarter. A strong launch does not guarantee market dominance, however.

Many analysts say that while Sony will have no trouble selling the first 1m PS3s in Europe, it could struggle to find buyers for the £425 console once its loyal fan base is saturated.

Microsoft, which has had a year’s head start over its rivals, had sold more than 10m Xbox 360s globally by the end of last year. Gartner expects that by 2009 the PlayStation will have outsold both the Xbox 360 and Wii as more games are created for the machine.



Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
I guess it's time now to see how many games are sold alongside the systems or if it's being bought purely as a media centre/Blu-ray player.

Both are good but to drum up support as a console Sony really need the game sales to be high.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I don't understand the whole "yeah, but it didn't sell out" chant going on here.

It didn't sell out cos Sony supplied a shit load of consoles. If you supply two x-boxes and they both sell. That's a sell out. But if you've got 30 PS3's and 25 of them sell. It's not a sell out.

Now my maths may be a little rusty but surely 25 is a bigger number than 2? Which means selling 600,000 in the first two days as opposed to a couple of hundred thousand for the other consoles is pretty good going, no?

I'm not supporting either console here. Just looking at the figures.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Kenny, with the 360 and wii launch we ran out of pre-orders before launch, we couldn't gaurentee a console after that. I recall many game retailers and online stores not gaurenteeing pre-orders till after xmas. Demand was much higher than supply. We had many many requests for 360's everyday, had micrsoft sorted theirselves out and manufactured faster they would have had record sales.

The ps3 was very different, pre-orders did not sell out, infact unlike the 360 and wii it was difficult to get people to pre-order. It is still readily available, but I never thought I would see a console launch were we still had stock a week after launch. MS and Nintendo couldnt meet the demand, Sony have managed to and thus got the sales that got turned away when the other two launched.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Kenny, with the 360 and wii launch we ran out of pre-orders before launch, we couldn't gaurentee a console after that. I recall many game retailers and online stores not gaurenteeing pre-orders till after xmas. Demand was much higher than supply. We had many many requests for 360's everyday, had micrsoft sorted theirselves out and manufactured faster they would have had record sales.

The ps3 was very different, pre-orders did not sell out, infact unlike the 360 and wii it was difficult to get people to pre-order. It is still readily available, but I never thought I would see a console launch were we still had stock a week after launch. MS and Nintendo couldnt meet the demand, Sony have managed to and thus got the sales that got turned away when the other two launched.

This dose make me smile when the PS3 was anounced there were webcomics saying how sony are wankers they will only build 10 consols world wide just so they sell out and they can say ohh look at us we made a machine that sold out at launch!

Instead they make 1 million units to sell in March not Christmas like the 360 and Wii where alot would have been purchased as presents.

But instead of people saying hold on 600,000 units sold on launch weekend not bad, they say well it did not sell out! But Microsoft and Nintendo are not the wankers for not being able to fill demand Sony are still the wankers for not selling out on release day. I just find it a little it funny.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
This dose make me smile when the PS3 was anounced there were webcomics saying how sony are wankers they will only build 10 consols world wide just so they sell out and they can say ohh look at us we made a machine that sold out at launch!

Instead they make 1 million units to sell in March not Christmas like the 360 and Wii where alot would have been purchased as presents.

But instead of people saying hold on 600,000 units sold on launch weekend not bad, they say well it did not sell out! But Microsoft and Nintendo are not the wankers for not being able to fill demand Sony are still the wankers for not selling out on release day. I just find it a little it funny.

This made me chuckle.

They delayed the thing god knows how many times for Europe becaused we get shafted every time with Sony.

You would expect them to have many units to buy but the fact people have been waiting so long for the PS3 and it didn't sell out begs the question did these people buy a 360 instead.

When i was in GAME when Sony announced Europe were getting ass fucked again a guy came in when i was buying Test Drive/Enchanted arms and said to boy on the counter: 'get me a 360 please with dead rising/pgr3/test drive/leg star wars i'm fed up of sony delaying it for europe'.

I bet they lost a good few customers.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
This made me chuckle.

They delayed the thing god knows how many times for Europe becaused we get shafted every time with Sony.

You would expect them to have many units to buy but the fact people have been waiting so long for the PS3 and it didn't sell out begs the question did these people buy a 360 instead.

When i was in GAME when Sony announced Europe were getting ass fucked again a guy came in when i was buying Test Drive/Enchanted arms and said to boy on the counter: 'get me a 360 please with dead rising/pgr3/test drive/leg star wars i'm fed up of sony delaying it for europe'.

I bet they lost a good few customers.

I know they lost customers but that has nothing to do with what i was saying.

People are saying the PS3 is a folp it has not sold out 6 days after launch! But the reason for that is they made enough units for demand.

If they had shipped 500,000 units for launch in europe it would have sold out on launch day. And then would you be on here saying Sony did well they sold out on Launch.

No people would be saying sony are wankers they did not ship enough units to fill demand. Its another example of Sony hating. Ship enough and your machine is a flop dont ship enough you are wankers trying to make your machine look like a sell out


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I still don't follow your logic Chets mate. There's no way to tell how many of those enquiries for 360's would have translated into sales. I think it's going to be a case of time will tell. We'll have to see who sells more consoles on a consistent monthly basis.

Aside from this all and if I actually had some cash in the bank I'm still more inclined towards a PS3. I like the fact it's a complete package that doesn't require bits and pieces to be plugged in and attached.

Some people resent the fact that it comes with blu-ray built in and there's no cheaper, non-blu-ray alternative. I can totally see there point.
But I can also see that blu-ray players alone are still selling for around 700 quid so the fact you can get a media centre, blu-ray player AND a next gen games console for £425 represents pretty good value to me.

The only thing that has pissed me off about the European PS3 is that they've remove the PS2 backwards compatibility. That's a real pain in the arse for a lot of people. A great appeal of the PS3 is that it's an all-in-one unit but if you still need to have your PS2 plugged in to play your older games (that are still being released) I find that a real shame.

In a year's time when I've finally paid off my credit card bill for the telly and have saved a bit of cash and the consoles have come down in price and got into their stride with the game makers I'll probably go for a PS3.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I agree a bit with Soze.

It's just spin, the console was delayed, Sony made sure enough units were available, well above demand and everyone who wanted one got one.

I'd rather excess supply than excess demand, purely because at launch, everyone goes home happier and gets your console.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't understand your logic Kenny.

PS3 is good value because current Blueray players are £700.00. I don't think you can justify that logic, if say, you take look at what happened to the price of LDC TV's over time. Additionally when you read things like I have to wonder if maybe blueray isn't taking off yet for a reason?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Well if you want a blu ray player you can spend £700 on a player or spend £425 on a PS3. A blu ray player mediacenter pc and games consol easy really.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I don't understand your logic Kenny.

PS3 is good value because current Blueray players are £700.00. I don't think you can justify that logic, if say, you take look at what happened to the price of LDC TV's over time. Additionally when you read things like I have to wonder if maybe blueray isn't taking off yet for a reason?

I'm still not with you. I never said it was cheap. VFM doesn't have to mean cheap. But if you want a blu-ray player. You can buy a stand alone unit for 700 quid or pay 425 for a blu-ray player with a media centre and a next gen games console built in.

It's the most expensive of all the next gen games consoles, but as Sony say themselves, it's not *just* a games console.

The Wii is cheap because it is just a games console. The 360 is cheap because it is just a games console. If you want to do more you have do add a load of dongles and doo-das. The PS3 may cost more but you're getting more for your money in a single box.

Having a quick poke around on
360 premium = 290 quid
HD-DVD unit = 130 quid
Total = 420 quid.

PS3 incl blu-ray player = 425 quid.

What am I still missing?

PS. I'm not some fan boy here defending the PS3 or Sony but I just don't see why the hoohaa about it's price or whether it sells out on launch day because Sony had the foresight to supply enough units to fill demand.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm going to skip all the pointless talk from my post till kennys :)

From a retail point of view it just did not feel like a succesful launch. With 360's and wii's people were clamouring to get one, and MS and Ninty shot themselves in the foot by not having enough to meet demand at the time. Maybe sony got their supply spot had a great launch, the numbers seem to point to that, but the demand and talk just doesn't seem to be there as it was for the other two consoles.

I am also going to buy a ps3 in the next few months


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe that was an intentional ploy by Nintendo and MS - make sure you supply less than you know people will want - as a result, people will be much noisier. I expect the case with PS3 is there's less noise because everyone is happy at home playing it because everyone who wanted one could get one.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
what is the blueray player like btw? the ps2 as a dvd player was awful, rubbish quality sound, sometimes it would go out of sync completely (happened to several friends ps2s too)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Difference being - with a DVD player it needs to convert Digital signals from the disc to analog to send down the scart cable/svid.

With blu-ray it's digital disc to digital display (assuming you're using HDMI) and so I can imagine the quality would be pretty damn good on even budget players. This is all speculation so I could be wrong, but I spent 90 quid on an HDMI ready DVD player fully expecting it to be utter shit. I'm using it with my 720p projector and it looks ace, I'm assuming that's because like with the PS3 it's digital disc to digitial display, no decoding throughout the entire process.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Basically, PS3 is the bestest console ever. Still don't see why you're still arguing.

As a complete aside I have decided that the Wii sucks balls. I don't see the point in a golf game I've got to swing a golf club to play, surely if I did I'd just play golf? Golf games for me should be played sitting on the couch eating crisps. The day I play computer games to get exercise is the day I try to eat myself thin(ner).


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Basically, PS3 is the bestest console ever. Still don't see why you're still arguing.

As a complete aside I have decided that the Wii sucks balls. I don't see the point in a golf game I've got to swing a golf club to play, surely if I did I'd just play golf? Golf games for me should be played sitting on the couch eating crisps. The day I play computer games to get exercise is the day I try to eat myself thin(ner).

lol, this mother fucker is talking sense tbh.

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