PS3 has lost to Wii and Xbox360 (discuss)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Fudged figures boys, the PS3 is still losing badly in the U.S. region (I read the NPD's every month and PS3 wins an occasional month over 360 but more often than not 360 edges ahead) and the PS3 worldwide total sales are only creeping up on 360 instead blasting past it as Sony claimed it would have done long before now. PS3 has lost in the states, it is 10 million units behind and that number grows every week. As someone also said, 360 has been out a year longer but it's monthly sales figures are still very competitive and with the release of Natal before Christmas I fully expect to see the console gain new momentum. If needed I can get a breakdown of the NPD's but in the biggest region 360 is still king, EU is currently favouring PS3 and gaining momentum BUT and this is a big BUT...

J.Lo sized BUTT infact! :D

PS3 games sales are fucking shocking, the attachment rate is poor, the exclusives aren't hitting target sales and the big multiplatform games sell 2:1 in favour of Xbox 360.

That is right boys and girls, 360 owners play games, PS3 owners play films...

hehe ok, that is borderline trolling I know but being a PS3 owner myself I can honestly tell you that my PS3 doesn't get used for gaming more than 4 hours a week but maybe 20 hours a week for media. My 360 is hardly off when I have downtime though and if a game is multiplatform I always buy it for my 360 because the 360 versions always seem to run that little bit smoother.

No fanboi'ism here fellas, telling it as I see it and giving PS3 it's dues where it deserves them i.e. media/bluray and God of War motherduckers! :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
It's a shame there are no easily obtainable european sales charts, as the PS3 definately did better here initially than the US.

Just found these at VGChartz bud...

360 322,277
PS3 269,476

That is pretty close to the market split for the consoles in the EU as well which is...

360 15.5 million consoles
PS3 15.8 million consoles

50/50 in EU, 10 million ahead in the US, 4 million behind in Japan.

U.S. PS3 games sales are not great though as your RDR figures show, they tend repeatedly do half of the 360's numbers.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
VGchartz make up their numbers from thin air. Whichever side you're batting for, it's pretty retarded to believe anything they put out.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
the exclusives aren't hitting target sales

What exclusives aren't hitting target sales?

Heavy Rain destroyed any expectations Sony had. God of War 3, Uncharted 2 have sold a bucket load. MGS4 has done over 4 million and so has GT5P. LittleBigPlanet has done at least a few million, KZ2 at least a couple.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but the way sony went on about LBP it should have been doing pokemon numbers... oh look, it didn't.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
So if Alan Wake doesn't do 15 million copies it'll be a complete failure I suppose?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So changing the subject doesn't prove my point I suppose?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
What exclusives aren't hitting target sales?

Heavy Rain destroyed any expectations Sony had. God of War 3, Uncharted 2 have sold a bucket load. MGS4 has done over 4 million and so has GT5P. LittleBigPlanet has done at least a few million, KZ2 at least a couple.

I could spend an hour going over all this but let us be honest, when your biggest franchise MGS doesn't break much more than a 10% sell through then you have a problem. The top PS3 exclusives are not hitting the numbers they should be, you cannot deny that. Then you have the cross platform titles where some of the AAA games end up selling close to a 2:1 ratio for 360 compared to PS3.

When I look at Halo 3 sales topping 10 million it makes me wonder why the PS3 big hitters aren't even getting close, the budgets are bigger but the sales are what? Half?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I could spend an hour going over all this but let us be honest, when your biggest franchise MGS doesn't break much more than a 10% sell through then you have a problem. The top PS3 exclusives are not hitting the numbers they should be, you cannot deny that.

What is this 10% sell through bullshit?

Instead of posting BS, post a proper counter-argument, telling me what games didn't hit their targets and what their targets were. Otherwise you have nothing.

When I look at Halo 3 sales topping 10 million it makes me wonder why the PS3 big hitters aren't even getting close, the budgets are bigger but the sales are what? Half?

What games had a bigger budget than Halo 3? Halo's advertising budget alone was as big as the development budget for most big PS3 games!

And it's not like Microsoft has 10-million sellers all over the place. They have Halo. Sony has Gran Turismo.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
MGS was average at best, I finished it but didn't enjoy it as much as previous outings. Final fantasy was good but cross platform.

Gran Turismo is the new Duke Nukem. I doubt it will ever come out.

Still glad I got a PS3 as its a good media centre, as a games console is crap though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You seriously doubt that GT5 will get a release?

This thread gets more and more ridiculous by the minute :<


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
What is this 10% sell through bullshit?

Instead of posting BS, post a proper counter-argument, telling me what games didn't hit their targets and what their targets were. Otherwise you have nothing.

What games had a bigger budget than Halo 3? Halo's advertising budget alone was as big as the development budget for most big PS3 games!

And it's not like Microsoft has 10-million sellers all over the place. They have Halo. Sony has Gran Turismo.

36 million PS3's, 3 million copies of MGS sold. It's poor for a AAA franchise title. GTA4 and MW1/2 sold gubloads because they were multi-platform and so were able to recoup the entire investment within weeks. Konami have barely made a bean on the game that was by far their biggest ever in development costs because they stuck to PS3 and limited their sales massively in return. That game would have easily broken 6 million in sales by now on 360 and yet both consoles have similair sized shares of the market right now, so why are PS3 exclusives and PS3 games in general selling below average in comparison.

Ok, so you want figures I guess.

Top selling 360 games ;

Halo 3 (8.1 million)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (7.5 million)
Gears of War (5 million)
Gears of War 2 (5 million)
Grand Theft Auto IV (4.5 million)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (4.25 million)
Call of Duty: World at War (3.35 million)
Halo 3: ODST (3 million)
Forza Motorsport 2 (2.7 million)
Fable II (2.6 million)

Top selling PS3 games ;

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (4.7 million)
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (4.6 million)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (3.5 million)
MotorStorm (3.3 million)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (3 million)
LittleBigPlanet (3 million)
Grand Theft Auto IV (2.6 million)
Final Fantasy XIII (2.6 million)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2.6 million)
Resistance: Fall of Man (2.5 million)
Killzone 2 (2 million)
Resident Evil 5 (1.6 million)
Heavenly Sword (1.5 million)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (1.4 million)
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (1.2 million)
Infamous (1.2 million)
God of War III (1.9 million)
Heavy Rain (1 million)
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (1 million)

Now be honest, can you not see a trend here? Alot AAA franchise titles on PS3 barely doing half of what Xbox360 AAA franchise titles do in sales despite similair market penetration for both consoles. Don't bury your head in the sand, say I am a Xbox fanboi, call me a fat cnut or whatever. Look at the numbers which have developed over a 4 year period and then try tell me that something is not right with PS3 attachment rate.

Be honest ST^, you aren't a stupid bloke, those numbers are not impressive, especially considering the investment required. 5 million in sales on PS2 was a feking goldmine because development costs were alot lower but in the era of $50-70 million games those 5 million sales barely turn a profit for the developer or the publisher. Modern Warfare 2 is the classic example, they need to be multi-platform to generate the sales required to justify that scale investment to shareholders. No one puts up $50 million in the current economic climate unless you can absolutely guarantee them a decent return. MW2 on 360 and PS3 deliver that in spades, on PS3 alone it would have barely broken even and quite possibly lost them money.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You seriously doubt that GT5 will get a release?

This thread gets more and more ridiculous by the minute :<

07, delayed to 08, 08 delayed to 09, 09 delayed to 10. now has provisional date of November 10 which will more than likely slip to some time in 2011. I am not sure Sony can handle yet another multi billion dollar loss year so may well release it cross platform, that's if they can ever get it ready for release.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
07, delayed to 08, 08 delayed to 09, 09 delayed to 10. now has provisional date of November 10 which will more than likely slip to some time in 2011. I am not sure Sony can handle yet another multi billion dollar loss year so may well release it cross platform, that's if they can ever get it ready for release.

It only ever had one release date, which was march 2010 in Japan. One delay -_- and no, there isn't a provisional date for nov 2010. This is your own fault for believing random interweb rumours.

lol'ing at the suggestion of GT5 going cross platform.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
36 million PS3's, 3 million copies of MGS sold.

Your sales figure is too low (it was at 4 million last year) and remember, when it was released, there were probably less than 15m PS3's out there.

Gears of War (5 million)
Gears of War 2 (5 million)
Halo 3: ODST (3 million)
Forza Motorsport 2 (2.7 million)
Fable II (2.6 million)

So 4 million for MGS4 is "poor" for an AAA game. What does that say about these 360 games with a larger install base?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
feh stop this bitch fight ffs or go out side and start c unt slapping each other with you ffecking nickers.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Your sales figure is too low (it was at 4 million last year) and remember, when it was released, there were probably less than 15m PS3's out there.

So 4 million for MGS4 is "poor" for an AAA game. What does that say about these 360 games with a larger install base?

Depends where you read I guess, Konami 'shipped' 4 million copies but a number of places I have read put the actual sales figures topping out at just over 3 million as of December 2009. Oh and what difference does 15 million consoles at release make? There are 34 million now and that still hasn't spiked game sales of MGS4. Be honest, too many people mainly use it as a media/bluray device and occasionally use it for gaming.

Yes, 3 million, 4 million I don't really care which is underperforming for a game that cost $70 million to develop. As for what it says about the 360 games? Erm you do know the attach rate for games to consoles on 360 is over double that of PS3 right?

The truth lies in the multi-platform titles and so far you have dodged it, on those games the 360 is generally outselling PS3 somewhere between 1.5:1 and 2:1 DESPITE only having a 5 million consoles lead. That sales lead might sound massive but proportionally it equates to about 15% and yet those 360 multi-platform games generally outsell the PS3 equivelants by 50% at a minimum.

It boils down to this, 360 owners buy alot more games than PS3 owners despite rampant piracy on 360 and zero piracy on PS3.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
360 multi-platform games generally outsell the PS3 equivelants by 50% at a minimum.

In America. Nowhere else -_- and it's only really shooting games. Look at FF13 for example.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Chodax's argument comes down to : OMGHALO IN AMERKA.

GT5 has cost $60m so far.
It will sell millions of PS3s.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Chodax's argument comes down to : OMGHALO IN AMERKA.

GT5 has cost $60m so far.
It will sell millions of PS3s.

GT5P has probably already paid for GT5's entire development budget :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Do ST^ and ECA hold hands or something? ;)

Seriously, PS3 and 360 are neck and neck in Europe when it comes to hardware but in game sales 360 still trounces it. You boys either can't read or have been wearing your Sony specs too long. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
you do know the attach rate for games to consoles on 360 is over double that of PS3 right?

Where did you get double from?


This shows that (in America! from NPD) the PS3 is nowhere near as low as half of the 360. Do you even understand the relationship between console age and game attach rate?

Please stop pulling numbers out of your arse / from vgchartz.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Ok so the attach rate gap has closed alot since I last checked and yes I completely understand attach ratio having been in game retail for a while after I left college. You still totally dodged the arguement about how hardly any of the top AAA franchise games are making money on PS3, look at the numbers and seeing that you know so much about how the business works you will know the kind of money the developer/publishers make per unit after the retail channel and distribution get thier slice and of course government take taxes. We all have a good idea on those numbers, that is why Tesco/Asda can sell games with RRP of £45 for £20 and that is before the other costs come out.

MGS4 is a marquee title for the PS3 but it made close to zero profit, even a year after release. Those 360 AAA titles you pointed out all cost half or less of what MGS4 cost to develop, every single one of those games turned a tidy profit. That is the point you keep missing really, to make decent profits you NEED your game to be on 360 and the titles I mentioned earlier such as GTA4 and MW2 show it, both those games and many more sold substanially better on 360, now answer why and don't use the bullshit excuse of a larger installed userbase because the gap has halved in the last 18 months but not one single AAA title on PS3 has broken 5 million units sold yet even though it has an installed userbase of 34 million plus.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
MGS4 not making profit is complete bullshit. Also, the big publishers are all making good money on PS3. Look at publishers quarterly statements before you make any more baseless claims.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I have said it before and i will say it again 360 will win the sprint PS3 will win the marathon. XBox (dead and gone when the 360 hit) vs PS2 (New games still being made hardware still easily available) proves this. With some developers talking about power already being tapped on the 360 this will be interesting in 2 years unless MS can release a new console before that.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The Xbox 360 is nearly 5 years old, Microsoft are probably due to release a new console within the next couple of years - it was only 4 years between the Xbox and the Xbox 360.

The PS3 isn't going to reach its full potential until they drop the price again - it still isn't cheap enough for an absolute mass market domination. Sony screwed up by launching such an expensive console, had it been cheaper at launch and cheaper sooner I'm sure it would've reached the current sales figures much earlier.

I think Microsoft will have the upper hand going into the next generation of consoles. They could probably launch one late next year which is more powerful than the PS3, at a reasonable launch price, whilst Sony is still forced to support the PS3 for another few years. Just as long as they don't repeat the same mistake of releasing a console with unreliable hardware, Microsoft could be in a better position than Sony.

Even if Sony do eventually get more sales figures, they've lost their dominant position in the market.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Does anyone else think a lot of the slow start of the PS3 was not only price but product fatigue similar in nature to the Vista launch?

It basically does the same as the old stuff only a tiny bit shinier. There was no real generational need for a big replacement.

I wonder if Microsoft launch a new console the same won't at some point apply to them, especially with no new Halo etc etc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
it was the price for sure, ps3 had the exclusives etc pre launch but the previous sony head honcho had his head up his arse and fucked it all up.
ms are doing what sony did to them in the ps2 era, they can cut the price on a whim without slitting thier wrists when sony do it.

still use both ps3 and 360 often only touch the wii now and again


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Wii is a dead console to any gamer I know. Mine has lived at my GF's flat for months now and I can't say I have missed it.

The PS3 is expensive. If the next XBOX comes with some form of Blu-Ray drive as well, most of the technical advantages PS3 has will be dead in the water. Unless Microsoft does something funny like because HD-DVD is dead in the marketplace buy the rights to it and use that in an effort to fuck up game copying for a while.

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