Political Correctness (again)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
The only person its legal to discriminate against in the country are white hetro-sexual males .
Actually as a white heterosexual male you are covered by the Race and Sex discrimination acts in the same way a black woman would be. If you are lucky you will soon be covered for your hetersexuality soon...

This legislation is about 20 years too late, but it's doing the trick.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Big G said:
I couldn't choose to be gay - well I suppose I could but I'd hate it.

Actually you couldn't. Homosexuality means you have a preference for the cock. Just having gay sex doesn't making you gay.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
yaruar said:
Actually as a white heterosexual male you are covered by the Race and Sex discrimination acts in the same way a black woman would be. If you are lucky you will soon be covered for your hetersexuality soon...

This legislation is about 20 years too late, but it's doing the trick.

From what i've seen and what i've experienced, if I had racial abuse shouted at me by a pakistani lad or something and I reported it, I can near enough guarantee fuck all would be done about it. Absolutely FUCK ALL.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If a Pakistani lad had racial abuse shouted at him I very much doubt anything would be done about it either.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Sharma said:
From what i've seen and what i've experienced, if I had racial abuse shouted at me by a pakistani lad or something and I reported it, I can near enough guarantee fuck all would be done about it. Absolutely FUCK ALL.

Although as a white hetero male i doubt you've ever lost out on a job opportunity or had shit posted through your letterbox on a regular basis, or been murdered for the crime of holding your lovers hand, or suffered constant verbal and physical abuse in the workplace. And if you have you are in a tiny, tiny minority.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
yaruar said:
or been murdered for the crime of holding your lovers hand.

sorry but i dont think this fits. anything liek that is usually between people of the same race and religion and cultural background etc.

i dont think thats anything to do with them being discriminated against. if thats what flys in their culture then thats what flys.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
sorry but i dont think this fits. anything liek that is usually between people of the same race and religion and cultural background etc.

i dont think thats anything to do with them being discriminated against. if thats what flys in their culture then thats what flys.

No, i'm talknig about the day to day experiences of people who are part of minority groups and who continually have to listen to the "but what about us poor white middle class hetero males, we're so hard done by" I'm talking about our culture.
"Nationally, the police recorded 50,000 racially or religiously motivated hate crimes last year. The British Crime Survey, which is based on interviews with a wide sample of people and picks up crimes that are not reported to police, indicated that there were 260,000 such offences last year.

The Metropolitan Police alone reported 11,799 incidents of racist and religious hate crime and 1,359 incidents of homophobic hate crime in the 12 months to January 2006.

However, the police estimate that most racist and religious hate crime, and as much as 90% of homophobic crime, goes unreported (source: Hate Crime: Delivering a Quality Service) because victims are too frightened or embarrassed to let someone know.

The typical hate offender is a young white male (most homophobic offenders are aged 16-20, and most race hate offenders under 30) who lives locally to the victim. The majority of hate crimes happen near to the victim's home while they are going about their daily business, and an offence is most likely to be committed between 3pm and midnight."


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
yaruar said:
Actually as a white heterosexual male you are covered by the Race and Sex discrimination acts in the same way a black woman would be. If you are lucky you will soon be covered for your hetersexuality soon...

This legislation is about 20 years too late, but it's doing the trick.

We dont need any more fucking legislation, or fucking Guardian-reading wooly liberals telling us what to do and how to live our lives, thanks all the same. Particularly when most of them have never even been near any of the things they legislate for.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I think churches who consider homosexuality to be wrong should be able to deny the use of thier halls for pro-gay activities but the rest of the legislation sounds fine.

But then i don't have anything against gays.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
We dont need any more fucking legislation, or fucking Guardian-reading wooly liberals telling us what to do and how to live our lives, thanks all the same. Particularly when most of them have never even been near any of the things they legislate for.

Yes we do, whilst people are still discriminating there needs to be legislation to outlaw it.

Although i'd suppose you'd be happy to go back to the times before women were allowed to vote and queers were just thrown in jail and they still lynched n1ggers.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i think disco stu is right. why shouldnt a church be able to stop gay festivities in their place if they dont agree with it?

i bet a group of women couldnt have a lesbian convention in a mosque for example.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
pez said:
I think churches who consider homosexuality to be wrong should be able to deny the use of thier halls for pro-gay activities but the rest of the legislation sounds fine.

But then i don't have anything against gays.

Bollox. Religions get a free ride too much. Either allow them and the old traditionalist grandads to be a bit funny around teh gheys or allow noone. I don't see why you can get away with more because you think some spook in the sky tells you to do it :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
yaruar said:
Yes we do, whilst people are still discriminating there needs to be legislation to outlaw it.

Although i'd suppose you'd be happy to go back to the times before women were allowed to vote and queers were just thrown in jail and they still lynched n1ggers.

The problem is more that legislation often causes more problems than it solves. Most gay couples have no problems (at least according to my botter friends) getting a hotel room these days but what's likely to happen now is that gay couples who have been refused will automatically sue although they may have been refused for just being pissed and lewd. Lawyers after a quick buck will ruin it like most legislation :/


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
yaruar said:
Yes we do, whilst people are still discriminating there needs to be legislation to outlaw it.

Although i'd suppose you'd be happy to go back to the times before women were allowed to vote and queers were just thrown in jail and they still lynched n1ggers.

Mate the only legislation we need is against over-educated wankers telling other people how to live how to behave and how to think.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
Mate the only legislation we need is against over-educated wankers telling other people how to live how to behave and how to think.
Without the legislation to protect people they will continue to be discriminated against on a day to day basis. So what is your solution to that?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
yaruar said:
Without the legislation to protect people they will continue to be discriminated against on a day to day basis. So what is your solution to that?

to me it seems like throd is saying he doesnt believe we should be legally bound to all think the same thing.

or hes just a queer basher.

something like that :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Wij said:
The problem is more that legislation often causes more problems than it solves. Most gay couples have no problems (at least according to my botter friends) getting a hotel room these days but what's likely to happen now is that gay couples who have been refused will automatically sue although they may have been refused for just being pissed and lewd. Lawyers after a quick buck will ruin it like most legislation :/
They may not have problems getting hotel rooms (although they do sometimes, i've had friends thrown out of hotels at 1am before) The legislation is more to do with Employment and offering of services to people. I know if i'd been out in at least 3 of my previous jobs i would have been sacked and there was fuck all i could have done about it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
to me it seems like throd is saying he doesnt believe we should be legally bound to all think the same thing.

or hes just a queer basher.

something like that :)

In an ideal world noone would discriminate, this law isn't telling what they should think, or even say, just telling them that it's unacceptable to ACT in a discriminatory manner.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
then surely that means there is no choice but to only say and do things that are positive or neutral towards the particular group.

if i owned a church, why should i be forced to accept a gay couple to celebrate there?

(note: i dont dislike gays, i have nothing against them. just trying to be objective)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
tris- said:
then surely that means there is no choice but to only say and do things that are positive or neutral towards the particular group.

if i owned a church, why should i be forced to accept a gay couple to celebrate there?

(note: i dont dislike gays, i have nothing against them. just trying to be objective)

Tough. Churches should live in the real world like everyone else tbh. Laws should apply to religions at least as much as everyone else.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
then surely that means there is no choice but to only say and do things that are positive or neutral towards the particular group.

if i owned a church, why should i be forced to accept a gay couple to celebrate there?

Ok, lets leave the church and guesthouse thing.

Why should a company be allowed to sack someone just because they happen to be attracted to someone of their own sex? Or refuse to hire anyone black? Why should women be allowed to vote, lots of people still think they shouldn't....
Why should anyone be treated unfairly and differently from others people just because they are different.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Lazarus said:
Sexual orientation is a choice (you like the boys or the girls)
it is? oh fantastic! now i've heard this news, hopefully my sodomy will clear up.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
yaruar said:
Ok, lets leave the church and guesthouse thing.

Why should a company be allowed to sack someone just because they happen to be attracted to someone of their own sex? Or refuse to hire anyone black? Why should women be allowed to vote, lots of people still think they shouldn't....
Why should anyone be treated unfairly and differently from others people just because they are different.

Fair questions but where do you stop ? When does it become a fascist state ?

When do you say "Here is EXACTLY everything that this society accepts and eveything else is WRONG and punishable."

Don't get me wrong. I'm against homophobia, but how much legislation is actually useful ? How much will actually be used mainly for good and not just cause resentment. I've not read every detail of the new laws and they may be really mild but I'm just trying to give the other side of the argument that isn't just homophobic.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
yaruar said:
Ok, lets leave the church and guesthouse thing.

Why should a company be allowed to sack someone just because they happen to be attracted to someone of their own sex? Or refuse to hire anyone black? Why should women be allowed to vote, lots of people still think they shouldn't....
Why should anyone be treated unfairly and differently from others people just because they are different.

It's the same for the disability legislation etc, it's there for a reason yet in some cases it's fucking stupid and open to abuse.

I'm pretty sure there would be an opportunity for someone who is say, wheelchair bound to apply for a job not suitable for them, so basically the company turns them down in favour of someone more well suited, they're quite welcome to abuse the legislation and sue over it.

Same for the other ones, a woman could easily sue a company if they took a bloke over her (Even if he was better qualified) because lawyers can easily abuse the fact that she's a woman and may have been discriminated against.

These legislations bring in massive opportunities for abuse, they don't clarify the laws enough to prevent it either.

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