Petition for savage dps buff nerf!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Marcus75 said:
Lol...just because those that play high rr-savages with toa gear hit hard then nerf, nerf, nerf....and that 4.4 speed weapon people whine about its for sale in every haven in ToA...its very common and every savage that leaves mpkE has at least 3.... :rolleyes:
I thought we had established that noone cares about the rr2 roleplay-savages.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
p0x said:
Can see this thread is fucked up when frs's posts make more sense than 90% of the replies here :/

Too bad when it was so constructive in the begining...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Dook said:
I stopped reading after that.
Pls don't, I love it when you ppl get excited ^^

Dook said:
You're a whiney noob RR2 Savage who's bitter because he can't hit like the higher RR Savages and in your desperation, had to break out the (quite sad) personal insults due to having no argument other than "omg m8s my Savage doesn't hit that hard!!!11".

Lol, yes, I am a savage.. I admit it.. it's my main, and always will be! Hi, I am Klonk, the savage... did you even read my sig? Or my posts? I am not a savage, I could not care less about my 50 savage, my chars are a warrior (nerf them btw :p ) and a healer, fyi. So all the rest of your ranting where you supposedly imitate me as a savage (which was actually quite funny - since it was so far from the truth and/or point) kinda fails to impress me.

Dook said:
You say you can see that most aren't overpowered from a support classes view? WTF sort of view is that? You're telling me you can see the damage they do and take on each target? You folow the /assist train now do you?

Yes, I can easily see how much damage they do, and I listen to our tanks discussing it the whole frigging day in chat, we are daoc nerds after all, so it kinda interesting for us :) Additionaly, I can tell what kind of damage they do by looking at how fast (or if) our enemies go down... and yes, I cast Celerity (remember, not with my savage, with my healer) so I often follow our tanks around to some extent (I'm sure you know the range of Celerity so you'll know what I mean).

Dook said:
FO and actually PLAY your Savage somewhere other than in a PvE exping group and then try to defend your class.
Oh, and... nQQb.

As I already mentioned: I don't play my savage, he's not even in my rvr guild, nor in my signature. And sure I can FO, but it's sooo much more fun arguing with u :wub:

As an experienced daoc player (yes, I choose to defy the "nQQb" tag from you, my good man) I reserve the right to defend savages even if I don't play one in rvr just as you and your other QQers reserve your right to whine about them even if you don't play one in rvr.

Btw, what was the name of your savage? You seem to have missed that question from my earlier post.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
katt! said:
I thought we had established that noone cares about the rr2 roleplay-savages.

Well then, why do u wanna nerf them?

Maybe better to nerf savage RAs then?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Yes, in fact Savages have 3 arms and can swing all 3 at once, too. That's before we take off and nuke the site from orbit.

This is great!!!



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
just wondering, what makes a rr5 savage hit so much harder? compare it to a rr0 50 savage if you must :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Klonk said:
Lol, I don't know about you, but as a aug/mend healer I tend to keep an eye on the players in my grp... you CAN do two things at once, you know, spread heal + observe what is going on around you is as easy as chewing gum + taking the elevator ^^

Zzzzzzzz this quote says all there is to say about the overpoweredness of mid grps and still you don't think it's overpowered.

So fucking t.t almost as wank as yanks :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I rather talk to Mike Tyson and get more sense from him than that savage on VN boards in that thread xD


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Posted some logs there with merc, suggest savages/zerks/bms do similar tests too and post some, see in the end which is most effective.Logs do not lie.
Feb 29, 2004
Svartmetall said:
And when was that taken? On what server? And what RR was the Savage in question? Just says "you" in the screenie, who is the Savage in the log? Using what weapons/artifacts? What buffs did they have? And what target was it? What level? Wearing what armour? Res-sick or not? Sitting or not?

That fragment of a screenie is completely meaningless without a context.

Bittelieten (sp?), Hib/Excal, got at least 15 killspams in 3 seconds today during the Hib "realm event". Plenty of witnesses to that. I guess that means she needs to be nerfed extremely heavily, yes? Since no Savage gets 15 kills in 3 seconds, and you seem to think Savages are still overpowered somehow, then that must mean that she's obscenely overpowered, yes? And because ONE Hib caster gets 15 killspams in 3 seconds, I guess that means ALL Hib casters get that, don't they? So they should ALL be nerfed extremely heavily, since apparently they can ALL do what no Savage could ever do.


99.9% of Savages don't do anything LIKE that damage, as you damn well know. Savages have BEEN nerfed, largely because of the whines about the occasional lucky hits of very-high-RR uber-buffed Savages.

stfu savages are still overpowered EVERYONE but you realises that..go crawl under your rock good little boy


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Edlina said:
Zzzzzzzz this quote says all there is to say about the overpoweredness of mid grps and still you don't think it's overpowered.

So fucking t.t almost as wank as yanks :p

Let me get this straight: according to your logic; savages need a nerf because spreadheal in mid is too easy/overpowered? Niiiice logics mate :)

Maybe it's hard for you to do two things at once, but if you cannot observe the enemies different tactics, movements, when they use what RAs, etc, don't expect to win many fights imo =)

This may come as news to you, but when playing a support class, you tend to be standing some feet behind your group, looking their way. So unless you choose to watch TV instead of your monitor, you are _bound_ to wind up observing the fight. I don't see what is so overpowered in that. Imo it's the difference between the really good rvr'ers and the rest; that the good ones observe what happens/is most likely going to happen, and act fast to counter it (not that I'm one of the best rvr'ers, but I feel I would get a lot better if I honed my observation/reaction skillz)

And btw: Midgards best enemies don't whine about savages, they don't loose to them either, they take the game as it is at the moment, and deal with it. To quote Monty Python: "I think there's a lesson in there for all of us" :cheers:


Dec 24, 2003
Sycho said:
Posted some logs there with merc, suggest savages/zerks/bms do similar tests too and post some, see in the end which is most effective.Logs do not lie.


u may have to paste etc etc to get the link to work.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Edlina said:
Show me a picture of a rr7+ bm hitting for 500-700 dmg mainhand.... Just 1 picture...


I have done 730dmg mainhand on a buffed zerk.

Ok i had banelord10 active but anyway :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

The american fuckers removed my thread :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Jareth Spellfire

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Stop whining and check which RA's will be given in frontiers to savages. No charge / no PF / no shout that disturbs? In that way they will get nerfed even more which in my opinion isnt truly needed since a zerker outdamages a savage with it's consistent high damage not having to depend on multihits or a shout that costs quite a bit of life, didnt think of that did you sherlock?

Do not whine/yell for a nerf without intensively having studied the class in question and coming with extensive logs and information. the screenshot posted was just utter bullshit. That could have been a ressick cloth caster without shields or buffs sitting down versus a fully capped, + 25 stat bonus cap , + 10 melee damage + 10 style damage savage obviously using a positional style.

Get a reality check


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
p0x said:

The american fuckers removed my thread :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
repost in savage forum!


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Jareth Spellfire said:
Stop whining and check which RA's will be given in frontiers to savages. No charge / no PF / no shout that disturbs? In that way they will get nerfed even more which in my opinion isnt truly needed since a zerker outdamages a savage with it's consistent high damage not having to depend on multihits or a shout that costs quite a bit of life, didnt think of that did you sherlock?

Do not whine/yell for a nerf without intensively having studied the class in question and coming with extensive logs and information. the screenshot posted was just utter bullshit. That could have been a ressick cloth caster without shields or buffs sitting down versus a fully capped, + 25 stat bonus cap , + 10 melee damage + 10 style damage savage obviously using a positional style.

Get a reality check

Some people really need help if they dont understand the whole concept of the screenshot was hitting cap damage :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Yeah...last savage whine-thread became quite large too because of one screenshot that turned out to be a non-50 caster that got str/con-debuffed...I dont mind a discussion if they are overpowered but the whine and nerf-shouts around a screenshot or two really isnt good enough - even if its enough to make people whine and defend the class for several pages.

And to whoever replied that rr2 savages dosnt count...yeah lets from now on base all nerfs and "fixes" to classes once they hit, at the minimum, rr5. :rolleyes:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Klonk said:
Let me get this straight: according to your logic; savages need a nerf because spreadheal in mid is too easy/overpowered? Niiiice logics mate :)

Maybe it's hard for you to do two things at once, but if you cannot observe the enemies different tactics, movements, when they use what RAs, etc, don't expect to win many fights imo =)

This may come as news to you, but when playing a support class, you tend to be standing some feet behind your group, looking their way. So unless you choose to watch TV instead of your monitor, you are _bound_ to wind up observing the fight. I don't see what is so overpowered in that. Imo it's the difference between the really good rvr'ers and the rest; that the good ones observe what happens/is most likely going to happen, and act fast to counter it (not that I'm one of the best rvr'ers, but I feel I would get a lot better if I honed my observation/reaction skillz)

And btw: Midgards best enemies don't whine about savages, they don't loose to them either, they take the game as it is at the moment, and deal with it. To quote Monty Python: "I think there's a lesson in there for all of us" :cheers:

Uhm, you just don't get it do you?

If any druids in my grp was doing nothing but spread healing and observing, which - note your post I quoted - you say is all you have to do they'd be killing the group imidiately and disbanded afterwards.

I mean the fact you just use spread heal says all that's needed to say. Not to come in on you don't do anything else than just cast a spread heal once and a while.

Like I said, you can't even see it yourself how overpowered that is. t.t

If you ever roll a nurt druid (closest equivalent) and play him the same way you play your healer you'd probably be the worst druid ever.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Edlina said:
Uhm, you just don't get it do you?

If any druids in my grp was doing nothing but spread healing and observing, which - note your post I quoted - you say is all you have to do they'd be killing the group imidiately and disbanded afterwards.

I mean the fact you just use spread heal says all that's needed to say. Not to come in on you don't do anything else than just cast a spread heal once and a while.

Uhm, you just don't get it, do you? :)

Where in my post am I saying that all I do is cast spread heal? I am saying it's easy to do my job as a healer (demezz, remove dot/disease, backup single target mezz, cast AE Amnesia to interrupt, mezz pets, keep Celerity going, rezz/PR/rebuff when needed, keep moving to avoid aggro and CAST SPREADHEAL)

I am just saying that while you do all that, if you are paying attention, it's easy to do all of the above AND learn some while you're at it.

As to whether or not spreadheal is overpowered, start a new thread pls, in this we are whining about or defending savages.

BTW: Note your post I quoted?? Maybe you quoted me on the wrong parts there, you say I claim all I have to do is cast spreadheal and observe, I can't even find the word "spreadheal" or the phrase "all I have to do" in there, soz.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Even the best of players complain about Savages. even more so when they have relics. Hell even some of the best Savage players complain about there damage because its "too overpowered".

Granted high realm rank groups like DH, PE, FL may not have huge problems with Savages but when your support class's get slapped silly for 1k+ dmg (on a lucky hit) with an attack speed of ~1.5 seconds, who in there right mind wouldnt see that as a tad overpowered. Imho the fotm bandwagon teenage kids are the ones that think its "OK" because lets face they cant see past there own little screen and see the "big picture".


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
aaah ok.. NOW i see.. u want Mythic to make a "only EU server nerf" coz "we" like to play FG versus FG fights..... yea i bet they will do that....

and that "we" in enjoying fg v fg fights isnt really accurate.. theres just as many enjoying zerg warfare on eu servers as it is ppl enjoying fg fights....

acually. theres MORE ppl enjoying zerg warfare (according to server pop) then those that are pro fg fights as prydwen is what most ppl thing is the fg v fg server...

tho im only looking on the english speaking servers coz i never play on the others.. would be nice if some french and german players tell us how it is on their servers... but looking on the english servers u fg v fg peeps are heavvily underpopulated...

so no, i can PROMISE u that mythic wont "fix" the dps buff... and if it turns out they DO then u can laugh at me... but as ppl on VN boards said.. its REALM versus REALM, not 8 ppl versus 8 ppl.... they are balancing the classes and most things around it for zerg warfare..

if u dont wanna play that then thats ur desisioun, but Mythic wont give u any "fixes" because u refuse to play the game the way they designed it to be.

but just answer this question.. if ur so happy playing "small time battles" why are u playing daoc? it isnt built for it...

and dont come saying the engine cant take loads of ppl.. it can most of the time.. (remember mid/pryds event "Burning down albion? there was over 600 players around one keep at the peak of the battle, and no, the server didnt crash then) i havent played ONE MMOG that have NOT been laggy in huge battles, and i have played / are playing quite a few MMOG's

but back to the topic.. NO i dont think savages will have their DPS buff nerfed because u dont play the game the way it was built


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Ctuchik said:
but back to the topic.. NO i dont think savages will have their DPS buff nerfed because u dont play the game the way it was built
In the other works all the melee class's should get lots and lots of love to perfrom well in zerg warfare? I can imagine Polearmsman swinging his "pole" above his head making some serious PBAE-damage and Mercs throwing numerous of knives <:D/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The ***** deleted the thread, anyway merc/zerk was level on dps after 2 short tests and savage had 70 more dps xD


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Klonk said:
Uhm, you just don't get it, do you? :)

Where in my post am I saying that all I do is cast spread heal? I am saying it's easy to do my job as a healer (demezz, remove dot/disease, backup single target mezz, cast AE Amnesia to interrupt, mezz pets, keep Celerity going, rezz/PR/rebuff when needed, keep moving to avoid aggro and CAST SPREADHEAL)

I am just saying that while you do all that, if you are paying attention, it's easy to do all of the above AND learn some while you're at it.

As to whether or not spreadheal is overpowered, start a new thread pls, in this we are whining about or defending savages.

BTW: Note your post I quoted?? Maybe you quoted me on the wrong parts there, you say I claim all I have to do is cast spreadheal and observe, I can't even find the word "spreadheal" or the phrase "all I have to do" in there, soz.

The former quote where you said it's not hard to do two things at once - spreadheal and observe.

T.T I didn't whine about spreadheal anywhere, in fact I called you a poor excuse of a healer because all you use to heal is spreadheal.

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