Petition for savage dps buff nerf!


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Bittelieten (sp?), Hib/Excal, got at least 15 killspams in 3 seconds today during the Hib "realm event". Plenty of witnesses to that. I guess that means she needs to be nerfed extremely heavily, yes? Since no Savage gets 15 kills in 3 seconds, and you seem to think Savages are still overpowered somehow, then that must mean that she's obscenely overpowered, yes?

what the hell does kills per second have to do with anything? casters are supposed to be able to kill quick, that way they have a chance of killing before they are killed, even if its 15 people running blindly into pbaoe range. a savage is a light tank, and so has the hitpoints to take some blows, and therfor should NOT be able to kill its equivelant from another realm in 3 hits

but since we are on about kills per second... omg i never get kill spam because im a support class, that must mean pala's need some loving yes? w00t, givf 3hit kills against warriors etc! /sarcasm


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003

a better SS is this one:


thats Cougar again swinging at a rr7l5 blademaster. Notice its only mainhand. 700+ with one hit Svartmetall, now assume its a maxcritt of 50%, that would mean that the basedamage is near 500. Now take into account that a savage swings at around 1.5s delay, also take into account that he can triple/quad aswell and fact is he does this more and more often with higher RR since DR actually affects the multihitrate. You have a tank that have the potential to do far too much damage. My caster get 2shotted out there pretty much every day I RVR if its 2 savas i get instakilled instead of killed in 1.5s. One can argue and say, but casters do crazy damage on assist too, yes, we can, we spend mana for it too, we are also 3 casting to be able to kill really really fast, we are also subject to something called interrupts that cancels our casting pretty damn effective, we are nearly like a savage arent we?

And comparing casters to tanks.. wth are you on dude? Did you forget that mids have SMs with a pbae that delve for more than hibs and albs pbae do and can do _exact_ same thing and also have it easier to do this since mid also have access to AoEstun. But I guess that means nothing does it?

The fact is that mids have a superior RVRtank and no other realm have anything similar, aoestun where no other realm have it, I cant see how you can deny this Svartmetall and you argue with lousy arguements, i'd call you biased, some would call you stupid but I settle with biased.

have a nice day.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
Its amazing how someone posting a single example of a 'rogue' big hit can open such a huge pandoras box. I always thought you needed lots of evidence to support a claim that a particular char was overpowered in some way?

I'm sure we could all post screenies showing unusually high damage (my BD was one-shotted by a Scout in DF for over 1100HP - big deal, but I don't expect Scouts to be nerfed).

Unless you detail ALL the facts, what class you were fighting, what were their stats, what are your stats, RR comparison, buffs you had, buffs they had, were they debuffed etc. then it seems pretty pointless. Also you need to show consistency, i.e. lots of evidence over a period of time so you can identify whether there is some overall imbalance and where it lies.

Indio, L50 scroll-bot BD


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
The first Screenshot was someone using a sidestyle and 2 chain from it, its no anytime being used.

I been been hit by alot more from heros backstyle, and I dont think I myself hit that hard against a other tank.

But I am gimped troll savage ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
wow more savage whine :p

they are classed as hybrids in frontiers btw and so dont get free PF, zerkers will be fotm again, will you whine about zerkers when that happens?

i also noticed that hardly anyone whined about savages before LA nerf, they were just as overpowered before LA nerf as after so all i see now is a whole bunch of people whining about a class theyve never played, damage on savages is not consistent, it varies alot especially at lower RR (thats why i deleted mine, i prefered doing good damage all the time on zerker than high damage every now and again :p )

anyway these savage whines achieve nothing, the petitions achieve nothing, mythic have already "fixed" savages and i doubt they wiill do anything more to them in the forseeable future (apart from new frontiers ;) )


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Ormorof said:
anyway these savage whines achieve nothing, the petitions achieve nothing, mythic have already "fixed" savages and i doubt they wiill do anything more to them in the forseeable future (apart from new frontiers ;) )

hrhr, they loose DR in frontiers which will lower their damage considerably, im happy with that :)

anyway, some good old whinging is always nice dont u think? I mean, you did after all actually bother with it and did post a reply aswell :D what else is there to do :p

ventilate, flame alittle, discuss, argue, thats whats forums are for :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
i've one shotted another 50 skald before, this hardly makes skald dmg in need of a nerf


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Macke said:
I been been hit by alot more from heros backstyle

Lol, tbh.

The Hero's backstyle, Annihilation (sp?) is a 2 HANDED weapon, so it swings almost every 6 seconds, whereas savages are not only on a whole different speed scale, but a different weapon type too. Savages use 2 one handed weapons, hero's use a 2 handed weapon. You're effectively comparing venus and mars. It's like comparing a pallie's damage to a polearmer, if not a caster :puke: . When someone is hitting for WAY more with a 1handed weapon at a fast speed than a slower, 2 handed weapon, it needs to be looked at. Period.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Eleasias said:
Anyone thinking savages arent horribly overpowered are retarded and lack any knowledge of the game.

Words of a wise man indeed!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
hrhr, they loose DR in frontiers which will lower their damage considerably, im happy with that :)

anyway, some good old whinging is always nice dont u think? I mean, you did after all actually bother with it and did post a reply aswell :D what else is there to do :p

ventilate, flame alittle, discuss, argue, thats whats forums are for :)

well i was on pad.... bored.... etc :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
hrhr, they loose DR in frontiers which will lower their damage considerably, im happy with that :)

Losing DR doesn't do much when they still outdamage a dualhit from me with a single mainhand hit :OD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Savages outperform every other light tank , and everybody who has half a brain will be able to toa his/her svg so they do 500 + mainhand hits easily.

This is mainly due to the dps buff and 4.4 speed greave savages have, but I dont think it will be nerfed because american mids are 99% clueless.

and before you whine " bla bla play it before you scream for nerfs" I have a rr5 savage , and yes it would like it to be nerfed.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
p0x said:
Losing DR doesn't do much when they still outdamage a dualhit from me with a single mainhand hit :OD

it does alot, its possible to heal if they dont 2shot stuff with a lucky streak which will be less common.. also consider bots will be alittle less effective, they loose some damageRAs aswell since they really cant afford everything in NF due to the higher costs in general. Its the triples/Quads that kill too fast atm imho due to their high mainhanddamage.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Shike said:
it does alot, its possible to heal if they dont 2shot stuff with a lucky streak which will be less common.. also consider bots will be alittle less effective, they loose some damageRAs aswell since they really cant afford everything in NF due to the higher costs in general. Its the triples/Quads that kill too fast atm imho due to their high mainhanddamage.

But you'll get str/con buff-stripped by shamans, and then you'll still get 2 shot quad or no quad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
mebbe i should respec my savage to h2h and stop playing my gimp zerk then


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Elendar said:
i've one shotted another 50 skald before, this hardly makes skald dmg in need of a nerf

How exactly do you oneshot a class with ~1400 HP and wearing chain using a character with gimped WS? Gifv screen of your base damage cap of ~950 or so please :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Path said:
How exactly do you oneshot a class with ~1400 HP and wearing chain using a character with gimped WS? Gifv screen of your base damage cap of ~950 or so please :m00:

Probably dehasted and d/q debuffed, it's even near impossible for an armsman using defender's rage with a dragon pole.

Someone saying savages not getting PF, well have you noticed disease slows targets down and they die fast enough anyway so why do they need it?xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Svartmetall said:
And when was that taken? On what server? And what RR was the Savage in question? Just says "you" in the screenie, who is the Savage in the log? Using what weapons/artifacts? What buffs did they have? And what target was it? What level? Wearing what armour? Res-sick or not? Sitting or not?

It was The savage Cougar testing a side hit on his Shaman.

Res-sick or not ? wtf has that to do with anything ? If a savage hit that damage rs then you'd be insane to think they didnt need a nerf! RS doesnt effect damage Done on you

Svartmetall said:
Bittelieten (sp?), Hib/Excal, got at least 15 killspams in 3 seconds today during the Hib "realm event". Plenty of witnesses to that. I guess that means she needs to be nerfed extremely heavily, yes? Since no Savage gets 15 kills in 3 seconds, and you seem to think Savages are still overpowered somehow, then that must mean that she's obscenely overpowered, yes? And because ONE Hib caster gets 15 killspams in 3 seconds, I guess that means ALL Hib casters get that, don't they? So they should ALL be nerfed extremely heavily, since apparently they can ALL do what no Savage could ever do.



So lets get this Straight because you obviously havent thought about it.

Your comparing a RR11 Enchanter inside defending a keep with 2 other pbae'ers and him poping moc + Purge +rp, which cost him how many points ^^?, to kill those 15 people.

Oh and in a Thread about it, he also admits they were very lucky 2. Somebody with experience I think I'll take his word.

Savages Can only be interupted from doing damage if there Slammed and being a light tank they get 4 point purge so any savage with a brain keeps it for that ;). Other than that there Free to go pulverise the shit out of everybody.

Indio said:
I'm sure we could all post screenies showing unusually high damage (my BD was one-shotted by a Scout in DF for over 1100HP - big deal, but I don't expect Scouts to be nerfed).

Unless you detail ALL the facts, what class you were fighting, what were their stats, what are your stats, RR comparison, buffs you had, buffs they had, were they debuffed etc. then it seems pretty pointless. Also you need to show consistency, i.e. lots of evidence over a period of time so you can identify whether there is some overall imbalance and where it lies.

Indio, L50 scroll-bot BD

So that was a Crit Shot Then and unless he was spec'd 50 bow There is no way he could hit that damage. I assume you were unbuffed at the time 2 and he was most certainly not but then again you didnt give detail.

It seems more likely that your self bt dropped and generally speaking when bt goes down so does af and you wer quite happy exping away 4-sec-spaming an didnt notice but the scout did or just tried his luck.

Macke said:
The first Screenshot was someone using a sidestyle and 2 chain from it, its no anytime being used.

I been been hit by alot more from heros backstyle, and I dont think I myself hit that hard against a other tank.

But I am gimped troll savage ;)

He's 2h and Frontloading with a 2h slasher against Slash weak armor. I would expect big hits.

You must be a gimped troll savage if you havent hit that kind of damage, Troll savages make the best Frontloading savages, 2-3 frontload savages = insta kill stuff.

Ormorof said:
they are classed as hybrids in frontiers btw and so dont get free PF, zerkers will be fotm again, will you whine about zerkers when that happens?

i also noticed that hardly anyone whined about savages before LA nerf, they were just as overpowered before LA nerf as after so all i see now is a whole bunch of people whining about a class theyve never played, damage on savages is not consistent, it varies alot especially at lower RR (thats why i deleted mine, i prefered doing good damage all the time on zerker than high damage every now and again :p )

There Hybrids yet still get free Det o_O ?

Nobody whined about savages before LA because there were a handful of lvl 50 savages in rvr at the time and because there was swarms of lvl 50 zerkers wtfpwning in emain with there Skillz basically.

Damage on a savage is consistent if you spam anytimes or basically dont play your savage right, if played correctly they are uba omg wtf pwn death dealing bad azz mofo's! This has been tried tested and proved so dont deny.

Anyway, Nerf Savages :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Elendar said:
i've one shotted another 50 skald before, this hardly makes skald dmg in need of a nerf

And cows will fly.... :eek6:
Someone has hard to accept truth and then start to make laughable emblems.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Mythic said:
True Sight is something we’re going to continue to be watching very closely through the Frontier’s open beta as it’s going to be a very delicate balance issue.”

great m8s, make sure you balance wankfils, fagblades and tardshades with archers before everything else in this game. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
Eleasias said:
Anyone thinking savages arent horribly overpowered are retarded and lack any knowledge of the game.

OK lets hold a simple competition:-

Mids/Albs/Hibs all-comers event to be staged in emain - bring along your fave L50 tank and battle it out. Best of 3 solo fights. Any bets on which class will win??



Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Indio said:
OK lets hold a simple competition:-

Mids/Albs/Hibs all-comers event to be staged in emain - bring along your fave L50 tank and battle it out. Best of 3 solo fights. Any bets on which class will win??




FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Indio said:
OK lets hold a simple competition:-

Mids/Albs/Hibs all-comers event to be staged in emain - bring along your fave L50 tank and battle it out. Best of 3 solo fights. Any bets on which class will win??


ill bet on warrior, armsmen or hero :p

1vs1 savages really really suck :p

even thanes beat them :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Indio said:
OK lets hold a simple competition:-

Mids/Albs/Hibs all-comers event to be staged in emain - bring along your fave L50 tank and battle it out. Best of 3 solo fights. Any bets on which class will win??


Duels prove nothing.

Heroes are a nice, balanced class. Champs beat me in duels all the time, does that make Champs overpowered?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Friar < self buffs>

Or a Champ I'd Say.

Although a RR8+ Paladin would be an annoying fight :D

And Duels Prove nothing, Its about who can play there part in the group the best.

A Offensive Tanks roll is to kill the enemy supp / tanks / casters depending on your strat. Savages do this the best as its been shown time and time again, Those self buffs are what make Savages > any tank and the penalty is still isnt enough, not in the world of Spread heal. But you couldnt increase the penalty on the buffs any more because then soloing as a savage would literally be suicide ^^.

Removing Det and lowering there Total Dps output would have solved it. With Froniters that is what is basically happening, Lowering Det Effect and no DR which helps in lowering a bit. Lets see how that works out thou


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
Ok, maybe compering heros lw style to hth sidestyle was abit like apples and pears.

But if you get the hero to attack me 10 times he will probebly hit for same amount of damage each time.

If I hit from sidestyle 10 times it will be alot of misses and some highs and many lows.

If you check the thread where a savage duels a bd pet you will see that many of the hits are less then 200dmg, and thats my experiance that most hits are.

And if you dont play a savage (and its hard to tell if you do), cause you havent signed you post with names of charakters.

I will admit that I dont know much of other light tanks merc and bm, but I want to point out that its not normal to hit for 500 with main!

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