Patch 1.82 C - Remedy Nerf !?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Corran said:
Fix the bridge/tower abuse.

Stick the taunt on a 15-30second timer (if it only for pulling as was stated then it only needs to be up as often as a friars!)
At that they are fairly balanced, but making the cone similar to other aoe spells by giving a fall off is a good idea to a degree

Please dont spout crap thnx

THIS is how the spell was intended to be.

Camelotherald said:

Attracts the attention of a creature. Can be used for "pulling" targets from a distance, "peeling off" a target that is attacking a friend, or interrupting enemy casters.

And i cant see whats wrong with the taunt if you compare it with what theurgs and BD's can do. Stop complaining just for the sake of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004

- Remedy now only blocks poisons from weapons. (Note: This is a slight change in the design of Remedy in preparation for more changes and updates which will be made to the Nightshade class in this patch cycle.)

Duration should go up to 10 mins also in line with Inf and SB RR5 ability or Inf SB comes down to 5 mins.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Alhanna said:

- Remedy now only blocks poisons from weapons. (Note: This is a slight change in the design of Remedy in preparation for more changes and updates which will be made to the Nightshade class in this patch cycle.)

Duration should go up to 10 mins also in line with Inf and SB RR5 ability or Inf SB comes down to 5 mins.

Ohh yes give remedy on 10 min "duration" that would r0x :p

I guess u wanted to say RUT :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Ging said:
i do i do.

btw hows the new sprog comming along?

stlong 5 weeks old, and smiling like a trooper.

EDIT: she also agrees with the assasin changes ;P


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Theseus said:
the bottom line is that caster are supposed to die to assassins if they get the PA in. Whining about the fact that this will now actually happen again (after 2 years of toa unbalance in the foodchain) is just stupid. You will need to accept the fact that this is how the game was like when it started, and they are bringing it back to its original plan.

For ppl that didnt play before toa: HAVE IT !!!

Just because assasins was able to insta-kill casters (grouped or not) pre-toa, does not mean that was the way it was intended to be. Is brittles vs assasins unbalanced? Yes. Is this the right way to fix it? No, I certainly do not think so.

You use as an argument that "the game will now be as it was when it started". Well, back then a lot of things were different. For example I remember that everyone would just clear the frontiers when a skald was present. People just ran when they saw one. The very point of patching this game is to keep it evolving, make it better and keep it interesting. They did a mistake while trying to balance melee/stealthers versus casters, and the assasins was the ones who got it bad because of it. That does not mean that we should return back to the time when 1 stealther could pop on a fg and insta-kill 1 caster.

If the tables were turned and casters were the ones who could totally own assasins pre-toa, and the assasins had their glory post-toa.. Would you then consider it fair to go back to what you call "the original plan"? Would you not rather have arrangement which could keep both sides somewhat satisfyed?

Of course it should be damn difficult to kill an assasin as a caster if he gets PA in. But it should not be impossible. In my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Brite said:
maybe if i solo some on my bd some assassins going to attack me in less than 3 now :D lets see ^^

not quite ;)

To be honest this does regress finally back to the good old days when the casters feared assassins from all realms. there are a few get out clauses and I'll say midgards spiritmasters, warlocks, and bd's come out better off, all having a slightly better survival chance vs an assassin. The wizzie i'm sorry to say back to the bottom of the food chain, least the sorc and chanter can quest mezz/stun. But it has ALWAYS been the ethos of this game, that the Assassin is the bane of the caster. Mythic severly damaged this ethos with things like Physical Defence, Brittle Guards, Shield of Immunity, intercepting pets. those who have been around for a while and played casters since beta or release will remember the days of the invisible sb who never broke stealth 2 handed pa'ing his way through the dress brigade. It would quite be those days, but the days of the solo running mage will dwindle.. though i fore see even more DI bots running round than before to conpensate.

In short mages you've had it good since ToA was released your cast time to dmg ratio is insane.. yes a sb may be able to pa you for like 900 dmg again, but your able to dish out considerable more dmg, Sorcerers don't you dare cry, moc Lifetap, Shield of immuinty you have more toys for survival than anyone else. It will still be difficult for casters to be farmed but it'll be a damn sight easier than it is now. As Censi said the art of PA is one of the very few skills left in the game, the mechanics of it are difficult and timing is everything, even when lined up in positions you normally hit often you'll miss as your target twists slight from its path. So assassin wil not have it all their own way. But the most lethal mage kill out of the three from my perspective will be the ml9 Shadowblade. Given the significant boost in dmg on the 2 handed PA, and having been on Pendragon to see, I asssure they were not joking when they say significant. 50 cs spec, 3x sword 3x stealth 3x envenom 2x la will be the fotm spec.. funnily enough what my sb already is. But i digress, the 2 handed ml9 perf will win cause he'll often have ae mezz venom installed forcing his mageling target either purge now and get the ability/quick cast off or wait for the cd to come in and rsk being dead before he gets to hit a button again. The inf, shade and duel wielding sb's run the risk of mezz venom being broke by off hand, or offhand missing and the mezz not going off, thus getting qcast/ability in their faces. Won't be plain sailing but the sb finally has a fortay, shades and infs in melee combat have the upper hand on the blade, just don't let him perf you. But saying that if a blade does get a perf in on a inf or shade they shouldn't survive now, let alone then.

Rememdy nerf fair and balanced. Friar stuff intereting, thane stuff nice.. Not what I'd hoped for in the assassin vs assassin stealth stakes but a step in the right direction. If mythic really want to sort the sb out, do something abut our weapon type and armour tables. Bring them into line with others, we're currently the only assassin who cannot spec a dmg type our enemy is vulnerable too and thus are forced to use lw weapons.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
It is not impossible now either. The deal is however, that pre1.82 casters baited stealthers to attacking them, hoping for the easy RP's. Now there is more of a challenge for the caster, even though the majority of the assassin problems have not been dealt with.

Geez, I remember PA'ing a sitting caster and still dying.

Yeah, Lag on the casters side often spoils CD and moc+lifetap will always be a killer for an assassin.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Vilje said:
Of course it should be damn difficult to kill an assasin as a caster if he gets PA in. But it should not be impossible. In my opinion.

If an assassin lands PA+CD a casters should have no chance to win whatsoever imo. That is the life of a caster, got lots of toys or do massive damage but are very fragile. If a caster survives most of the times or the assassin sees the PA+CD option as too much risk of dying, then whats the point with even trying? It would make the whole idea about the assassins obsolete.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Azathrim said:
It is not impossible now either.<...> Now there is more of a challenge for the caster, even though the majority of the assassin problems have not been dealt with

I hope you are right =)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Warden stuff so far looks complete junk. The procs dont work with battlemaster styles apparently. Wtf is the idea of giving mids another instant interupter that appears to have a chance of re-interupting back to the previous target without a recast. Lol


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 7, 2004
Originally Posted by Minstrel
As for the patch it looks nice i can say i like it Remedy change looks ok tbh the way it should have been from the start.

This is just a start for Remedy by the looks of it, I will bet that Remedy will be made a stealthers RA for 5,10 and 15 RA points purchase and NS will get a new rr5 RA. As it stand now, Remedy is still unfair to the other stealther class that this rr5 will neglect an entire spec line entirely.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Stt said:
This is just a start for Remedy by the looks of it, I will bet that Remedy will be made a stealthers RA for 5,10 and 15 RA points purchase and NS will get a new rr5 RA.
I've heard a lot of people saying that, but won't that give assassins a big disadvantage against archers (and minstrels) who will now be able to negate their posions also without relying on them for effectiveness? Or are people meaning only assassins when they say stealthers will get this RA?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Stt said:
Originally Posted by Minstrel
As for the patch it looks nice i can say i like it Remedy change looks ok tbh the way it should have been from the start.

This is just a start for Remedy by the looks of it, I will bet that Remedy will be made a stealthers RA for 5,10 and 15 RA points purchase and NS will get a new rr5 RA. As it stand now, Remedy is still unfair to the other stealther class that this rr5 will neglect an entire spec line entirely.

Why would every stealther have the same RA? that will totaly make inf/sb's OP due to having access to better race when hibs have what? elfs and luri's.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Nvm about what i just said remedy will negate poison from weps. my bad :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004
While I'd agree that the brittle guard problem for stealthers should be addressed, killing all the brittles and penetrating BT in one hit seems to go from one extreme to another.

It would be more balanced if the PA killed only one brittle and penetrated BT leaving the remaining guards to defend.

Nice to see friars getting attention, a shame heretics haven't had magic abilities added to their styles line.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Minstrel said:
Why would every stealther have the same RA? that will totaly make inf/sb's OP due to having access to better race when hibs have what? elfs and luri's.

i dont think remedy should be given to other classes than ns but afaik assasin races balance are as it is for a reason! maybe take a second look at ur cw styles and ur reactionaries compared to other asasins!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Tubbs said:
While I'd agree that the brittle guard problem for stealthers should be addressed, killing all the brittles and penetrating BT in one hit seems to go from one extreme to another.

It would be more balanced if the PA killed only one brittle and penetrated BT leaving the remaining guards to defend.

have u ever tried to land pa chain on a moving target? try that and i think u will reconsider!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Think we will have an upcomming nerf to reavers or the flexline to bring them on par with thanes now.


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
Herjulf said:
WL usually runs out of power 2 times trying to take a heavy tank out.
I usually do around 189+370 at the very most with a chamber on a "RR5" tank class.
Lifetap after that 370.
As it stands now, on a TANK note TANK not hybrids/stealthers or casters.

I do 560:ish on chamber 1
370 lifetap
560:ish chamber 2

Thats 1490 dmg in about 2.7 seconds. (unint casttime included) and 30% of my power is gone.
That saying the tank is solo, before tank is sub 40% he is healed up and im OOP.

Casters and most stealthers on the other hand.
Generally have less HP and go down faster, thats the thing with WL. The casters worlds one target "assasain".
Strike and get out, thats the design idea of the class also.

This patch will be ok, i play WL and as that 1 sec will do ALOT when it comes to target survivability.
I cannot however deny that WL due to the "assasain" ish design, is in its own way overpowered.
But do remember that WL have no endurance, whilst other casters can dish out their damage for quite a while.
WL do its thing and is oop.

3sec recast on chambers should be a hefty impact on the OP status.
But should be a good change.

But to weight matters against eachother in 3 secs.
a sorc dash out 1800 damage on my warlock. with capped body.
And sorc capping @ 1 sec casttime. (600dmg/nuke, crits not counted)

After pathc WL will do 1490 in 3.7 secs. if using one unint lifete in between chambers.
more WL´s will start using 2 unint´s between chambers, lowering battle endurance even more.

How can chamber+ui lt+chamber take 2.7sec? (3.7 after patch) First of all, UI is capped at 0.8 so I don't see where you get that 0.7 from. Second it goes like this (assuming casting at 40% of delve witch would require AD5):
0.0 : first chamber
0.8 : first ui
1.6 : second ui
2.0 : second chamber
2.4 : third ui
And if you have an opportunity to surprise your opponent you can make the first ui (or a combo-cast) hit at 0.0sec (from targets pov).
This nerf will only touch the lt spammers and maybe survivability overall to a low extent(sp?).


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
atos said:
Think we will have an upcomming nerf to reavers or the flexline to bring them on par with thanes now.

yeah right, because reavers nukes are so much better then a thanes? o_O


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Vilje said:
Just because assasins was able to insta-kill casters (grouped or not) pre-toa, does not mean that was the way it was intended to be. Is brittles vs assasins unbalanced? Yes. Is this the right way to fix it? No, I certainly do not think so.

You use as an argument that "the game will now be as it was when it started". Well, back then a lot of things were different. For example I remember that everyone would just clear the frontiers when a skald was present. People just ran when they saw one. The very point of patching this game is to keep it evolving, make it better and keep it interesting. They did a mistake while trying to balance melee/stealthers versus casters, and the assasins was the ones who got it bad because of it. That does not mean that we should return back to the time when 1 stealther could pop on a fg and insta-kill 1 caster.

If the tables were turned and casters were the ones who could totally own assasins pre-toa, and the assasins had their glory post-toa.. Would you then consider it fair to go back to what you call "the original plan"? Would you not rather have arrangement which could keep both sides somewhat satisfyed?

Of course it should be damn difficult to kill an assasin as a caster if he gets PA in. But it should not be impossible. In my opinion.

I would like to start off with saying that if casters would have been able to kill assasins with no problem when the game was originally designed it would have been the most stupid representation of a so called foodchain.

You make it seem like assassins will now once again be able to kill casters that are grouped... how exactly ?

- Most stealthers use LW's, in group you have resistbuffs ( these LW's did not exist before toa)

- Casters now have more HP

- Casters now have more AF

- Acces to PD for the stealthers that dont use LW's

- Spreadheals

- DI

- ML9 pets

- Intercepting pets

- Bodyguard

Imo the assassins will have back their power against casters that are ungrouped or are in small groups of 2 or 3 max. I believe this is not unjustified and in line with classdesign.

Dont forget, if the NS misses the PA (wich happens due to numerous reasons) you will still have the BG's like you have em now wich is a fair tradeoff and keeps it balanced.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
dont see what the problem is

caster gets jump on assasin, assasin dead in 4 seconds

assasins get jump on mage, PA lands caster dead in maybe 8 seconds, PA misses anybodies game depending on various things....

summin like that....

has to be better than caster wins regardless of circumstances.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
Eversmallx said:
Wahey, a boost for them stealther zergs.

The idea to give the Assassins a boost is so they can revert back to a solo style of play (which is what they were designed to do in the first place) The fact now it will be possible to hit a caster with there brittles up and do damage to the caster is a huge help to a solo player. an increase to Cs style damage is also there to help against other classes.

Hopefully these stealth zerges will feck off, but i guess there will always be players that need the security a small zerge brings them.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Zahr said:
In 1 sec????? how?

Only 2 spells in one chamber and they can never ever hit u 4 2500 hp...

yeah, my bad, too late.

lox can`t insta kill 2500 hp people, only the 1500 hp people. mistake in my post.

I get killed in 1 sec. not tanks.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
i don`t understand why an assassin would go for self healing, lol ? if it ain`t usable in combat, it`s worthless. as an assassin you have the LUXURY of just waiting in stealth after a fight or using portions (barels, charges, whatever ) to get back on full health without risk to yourself.

I think you got zero to nothing experience on playing a stealther in 'normal RvR'. Healing would be welcome to reduce downtime.

You have any idea how long it took my ranger to med back from 20% hp to 100% when I killed an assassin and he used a disease on me? 4-5 minutes EASILY and during that I could only AFK or smth. Its boring, its annoying. I got First Aid on my Ranger just for that (!).

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