Kicks said:Ooh managed to spot myself
Mid zerg inc!! - Alb zerg inc!! - killed by 6fgs
:xxStallie: "Patience is a virtue"
Bishibosh said:Award for originality goes to you, well done
Gordonax said:Five minutes later, in Mid /as chat
Mid1: Albs at mmg! 6fgs!
Mid2: Fukkin Albs, zergin again.
nol said:I'm not defending the guys camping the milegates but get realistic, 143 albs in emain night before last, how exactly is that Odins rabble going to stop that?
I think the majority of them end up in Odins because their zerg cannot compete with daddy zerg and if they run fg, they get eaten by glove-wearing, voice-comming super stars and I don't mean michael jackson
Lastly, believe it or not...wait for it...there is a third rvr zone(OMG I SAID IT).
Get Glotis to take some screenies and caption them imo...actually no, get someone with a sense of humour to do it![]()
I am missing somethingSpellsinger said:But just as Seeaira said, just sitting there at the hill looking down upon the Hibs camping AMG is not fun, waiting and waiting for the 30min to go so that we can use SoS again, just to get through a simple door.
Seeaira_Tempest said:You know what makes me laugh is dip wads like this guy.
I can just see him in his chair getting all hot and bothered by this post ..
such anger, such violence.
I think you need to seek some professional help there son.
Seeaira_Tempest said:Its also your prerogative to be an immature window licker and attack me personally
Seeaira_Tempest said:Im a grown woman and Ive had to deal with more then a few prepubescent boys in my time so whatever.
Jaond said:Since when does mids have a emain cg? nothing i ever been part of atleast![]()
Glottis said:If you promise to stop posting "funny" pictures.
Talking about a sense of humor.
Regards, Glottis
PS. You are defending Hib actions the same way Albs have defended their zerg reasons... once more the hyprocrites from Hibernia and Midgard strike.
Gordonax said:Since when was /as a cg?Pay attention at the back there!!!
Parlain said:The reason HW isn't a major RvR zone is simply because Hibs and Mids both enjoy farming warders (Hibs, especially DH take great pleasure in the ease at which PBAE mows down people in epic without max resists)
And since your average warder can't get further than Excal without getting lost/eaten by Ellylls/Nuked by Great Brown Drakes/Shreiked at by Cyraeths, there is a distinct lack of mobile RP's for the porters to farm
Which means they go back to Odin's or Emain or most of the time, don't even port.
Without relics, the only thing you tend to find in HW are solo/duo's who are used to waiting hours for fights anyway, keeptake forces and the occasional HG spawn
I personally would love to RvR in HW but am also not keen about running around for hours finding naff all.
P.S. To those saying well why don't you organise fg vs fights in HW blah blah blah well sometimes we have been invited to come play in HW and some fun ensues. Then a third (often bearded and short) realm decides to bring 2fg to HW and break up the parties, having heard about it on irc :/
Squalion said:okay, back from college.
first of all, i am not your "son", so do not lower me to that. and if you go around calling strangers over forums "Son" you either have deep emotional issues or are crazy.
yes i do get pissed off with the amout of "Noobs Stop Zerging me @ xxxxx" threads
wow so you couldnt get through the mg beacuse of hibs camping
whopdy de fucking do cry me a river and call someone that gives a damn
how many times have hib or Mid stealthers been plowed down by Epic wearing Alb's at MG's beacuse of the the Infil's/Scout's/Mincer's sitting inbetween the gates? yes it gets fustrating, but shit happens. get over it.
either you cant read or you need new glasses, where in my post is there a personnal attack?
yes i said shut the fuck up, if the take that perssonaly, your the one that must get pissed off in game. does it piss you off when ppl /rude you too?
oh and immature window licker? well, ive never heard of anything like that before? so im guessing your the mature one here? who throws a personal insult back at someone? wouldnt the mature thing to do would be to just ignore it?
here we go again. prepubescent boys? sounds like someones got a fetish oh and btw, isnt that another personnal insult?
anyway, bye bye, i cant be arsed to bitch at a woman who obviously has more rolls then a bakery.
Also, i wasnt the one that called an entire realm "Cockroaches". they dont all zerg
cba to lower my standards and talk to you anymore, ciao
/flame off
nol said:I'm sorry mate, but not being able to find your way in your own frontier is not a good enough excuse. There are many maps online and it may take a nights worth of patience to find a route. If I can make it from excal to HPK, so can some arb Alb.
This thread is just another cry cry, you brought more then us. I know well enough how capable Albs are of camping both HPK and HMG in Odins. The albs that frequent Odins have the same knack of forming zergs, as do the hibs that frequent emain.
Seeaira_Tempest said:I just cant pass this one up.. I have to reply one last time.
This is just hilarious that you feel the need to tell us all you got back from college. WOW! you go to college?? that means you got to be over 16 or 17!! holy cow you are a mature man!
You might want to take into consideration, in calling you son I was being a tad sarcastic, it was an insult, and if you haven't gotten through that part in your English class then I will excuse you. I was pointing out your immaturity is saying "stfu" And do accept my most humble apology in calling you "son" I will reframe from this "insult" in the future and call you "a pathetic pile of waste taking up space on the universe". Thats only cause "son" was so insulting to you.. so I went up on my standards ..
That brings me to the next subject. You might want to do a little study on what is and is not a personal assault ... replying to the thread started.. ME and saying "stfu" that's a rude comment to me.. no need to pay me for this lesson by the way its free. And by the way Hun, I don't want you to flunk out your spelling class at college, you spelled personally wrong.. among other things but I wont point them all out.
And no, I don't get mad when people spam /rude at me.. I generally laugh it off and make fun them for thinking they are so ubber in their 1 or 2fg zerg that they could kill a inf !! OMG!! lets spam /rude and /laugh I KILLED HER!!! along with my 9 other buddies. woot!
I don't see how prepubescent became a fetish? Did I miss something? Cause some little boys wee wee doesn't turn me on.. don't know about you.. next subject!
I wont even say much about the rolls comment as im not understanding what you are talking about.. If you are trying to call me fat or something then thats kind of idiotic as you haven't seen me in real life and don't know anything about me.. so /laugh to that.
And about you cant be "arsed" to lower your standards.. hate to point out the obvious you already did! Therefore I think you hit rock bottom.
Funny you use the word cba but don't know what a window licker is.. None of them are in the dictionary but you seem to keep up to date on insults and terms don't you?
K-thanx bye bye![]()
swords said:You dont see them campinig DL do you?
begach said:Lol because they'd last about 2 mins. 10fg nuubers > 1fg hibs running solo and isolated. They aint stronger than the hibs groups standing in DL waiting and leaving 1fg @ a time.
camp DL with 10fg......i darez ya![]()
An btw...i was there some of the night an here's how i saw it. I get a random group invite in htk odins (9:30pm ish) running as second bard (rare but fun). We leave as 6 man group and 40 yards away from htk run into magematic an co getting run over by 1-2fg hibs (not surprising camping the tk). Their alb add group didn't arrive in time, they lose, hibs turn an kill the add group. Hib groups rest an we moved on alone. We arrive hmg and find 1fg SS (whyp and co) running with a second group camping hmg who flatten our 6 man unbalanced group in seconds. Thats (count with me albs) 1, 2 ,3 FUCKIN 4 fg albs htk side of hmg odins.
SS mini zerg (since when did SS EVER need to run 2fg??) gets owned shortly after and the 6 of us head for amg to make sure you gimps never make it through amg with 2fg+ again that night. There was NEVER during the whole night 5fg there, at most MAYBE 3-4fg Teh end.
Funny thing is, albs zerg the shit out of emain with 160 rp horny nuubers every night and hibs keep commin back 1fg because it's the norm and get run over again and again. You'd be surprised how quickly 3fg hibs in odins can not only clear odins but make it an alb wasteland with not an alb fg in fuckin sight. You hypocrits give up too easily imo.
Kicks said:u2 wanna take it to a pm or sommat, cos I know my reply to that would get me banned, and tbh no1 really gives a fuck about your personal flame war.
begach said:Funny thing is, albs zerg the shit out of emain with 160 rp horny nuubers every night and hibs keep commin back 1fg because it's the norm and get run over again and again.
Nee said:i care....and i happens to agree to what she said, feel free to PM me when you grown up and act like a college student you suppost to be :kissit:
swords said:6. Read the thread then get a clue.
begach said:I have a clue.
I started the night ready for some nice random fg RvR. I've had nights where odin's was some great fg RvR (me getting owned on occasion but fun non the less).
You don't want to zerg because your a "l33t aLb" so you head odins. Smart move but guess what...........neither do we so we head there too. The only thing with a chance running 1fg in emain v's your 10fg+ realm mates are RvR guilds and since the majority of hibs don't zerg thier way to RR10 where the feck you expect us to go?
We arrive odin's and find not only strong fg albs but a strong alb RvR guild running 2fg+ camping hmg. We get pissed and fuck your game for a night. Tough shit tbfh. Post this whine in the alb forum askin them to sort thier shit out in emain and you'll get a more positive response from me. Until then i couldn't give a shit An disassociating yourself from the gay shit in emain leaving you free to do feckall about it is definatly the way to go imo. Such stlong realm!!
Lastly don't blame hibs for turning up in equal numbers an all your realm mates fuckin off an leaving you, cock in hand. 4fg albs in odins, 4fg hibs turn up over time (originaly it was 2fg hibs plus our 6 man group in odin's total). Albs get owned an leave = alb whine ktnx.
So here your clue: Hibs have zerged odin's on occasion over the last few months. But last night wasn't one of em
Gordonax said:LOL Begach, quite often you talk a little sense. This isn't one of those times. That image... heroic Hibs always running 1fg... yet dying again and again... but coming back! Because THEY'RE HEROES!!!
It's beautiful. Write a script and Hollywood might make you a millionaire. Shame it isn't true, but what does truth matter when there's a good little story to be told.
swords said:Name the strong Alb rvr guild?
begach said:You know feckall about excal/hib RvR man. Zero. Nothing!!
Gordonax said:If you're seriously claiming that Hibs only ever run 1fg in Emain then either (1) You're the one who knows nothing about Excal/Hib RvR, or (2) You can't count. I'm not saying Hibs always zerg: I'm saying they don't always run 1fg like a bunch of little heroes.
By the way, calling someone a dumbass doesn't make you right either.
begach said:An I didn't say hibs only run 1fg. I said I run with 1fg GG (if the guild can get enough ppl not leveling some alt to make it) and if it's even remotely balanced we head emain and get zerged to shit every time.