Over Reproducing Cockroaches


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
whatever happened to your cute luri wife btw? I miss her :(

Nightingale... can't even remember the first name.. been so long :(

Ann Nightingale ... she left the server and went to Parcifal server on US like 10 months ago... I miss her alot aswell...but I will see her again soon cuz 5th april is the day that Chiefthunder is signing off :) going on a trip to America for unknown period of time and it might be that I start playing on US servers then :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Chiefthunder said:
Ann Nightingale ... she left the server and went to Parcifal server on US like 10 months ago... I miss her alot aswell...but I will see her again soon cuz 5th april is the day that Chiefthunder is signing off :)going on a trip to America for unknown period of time and it might be that I start playing on US servers then

Yeah.. Ann.. :(

If you ever find her again give me a biiiig hug from me :)

And have fun on the trip ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
We play our fees too and you are ruining our game.

So you must understand you cant use that as an reason.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Laalaa said:
Most people dont seem to understand that the population on exca is warped. Albs have ~2000 more active players than hibernia. Thats really much. Come to hibernia and see what is like.

And? It doesn't appear to make you incapable of camping a milegate with between 5-6fg does it?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
10th feb 19.30 hours

alliance chat

i think name was bloodymessi
help odins 2-3fg albs camping hmg we cannot get through

10th feb 21.00 hours

5fg hibbies 2gg and 3 random assemble in hpk.

Such is life my friends we all zerg at times, be it odins or emain it happens you must live with it. :wub:

I can add that yes some guild groups run in 1fg but please do not expect random low realm rank ppl to move as 1fg.
Sorry but any good guild groups will 90% of the time beat a random pick group. Even more so when rr6+ groups.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Gordonax said:
It's kind of what the thread is about :)

For me this thread seems to be another lets blame hibs with lowest population for starting the zerging.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Laalaa said:
For me this thread seems to be another lets blame hibs with lowest population for starting the zerging.

Probably a good idea to read the first post then :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Squalion said:
im not even going to abbreviate this for you.

shut the fuck up.

why go emain if the ever 1337 warder zerg is there.

if anyone is like cockroaches its you fucking albs.

can throw an entire nuclear arsenal at you guys and you keep coming back and multiplying.

You know what makes me laugh is dip wads like this guy.
I can just see him in his chair getting all hot and bothered by this post ..
such anger, such violence.
I think you need to seek some professional help there son.

Let me make this clear to you and maybe you can comprehend.
I do not represent everyone in Alb.. I represent myself. I have never run in a zerg.. EVER nor do I want to. I think its lame and it take the fun out of the game.
I have run in 1 fg and I think its pathetic when 1fg runs over 1 person, I am always the one to complain and I never join in.

Now say what you like about 10 fg in emain, I never go to emain. Two years ago I started going to odins cause I wanted to avoid the zerg and now its in Odins. Can I do anything about it? Absolutely not, but I use this forum sometimes to vent to release frustration and that's my prerogative.
Its also your prerogative to be an immature window licker and attack me personally. Im a grow woman and Ive had to deal with more then a few prepubescent boys in my time so whatever.

VF is right, there will always be zergs out to subjugate, and there will always be whines, but id like to think there are people out there who might read someones opinion and think twice before adding to these zergs camping a choke point all night and ruining it for the rest of us. At least if one person saw that.. then im happy.
The rest of you guys just want to throw around diatribe, well then so be it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Laalaa said:
Yep it says hibs are zerg camping.

LOL. So tell me: what does you being the least populous realm have to do with it? You're saying that because you're the least populous realm, it's somehow not lame for you to camp a milegate for hours with 5-6fg? Weird logic there.

Fact is this is nothing new: Hibs have been camping AMG Odins like this off and on for weeks. I stopped soloing in the Mid frontier a couple of weeks ago, as it was pointless trying to get through AMG because of the numbers of Hibs there on a regular basis.

So now I kill XPers in the Hib frontiers instead. Nice work Hibs! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Its a weird logic too start killing xpers in hib frontiers.

So because there is too many enemies for you, you go killing lower level than you. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I got the logic, they pissed him off, so now he pisses them off :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Vodkafairy said:

If tb with sos, moc, and everything they had gets owned in under 2 sec by shrooms (beno :D) I'm sure a mincer / rogue duo will die before they go thru the gate.

Hib campers + shrooms = :eek7:
at amg?
no they won't
albs are stupid tho and don't realize this after 2 years
I can't think of a time when we tried that and didn't get through. One time we had a problem cause someone didn't sprint.

Why the hell would you use moc? You get as close to the mg as you can, start running, pop sos, sprint through the mg and don't stop til sos runs out. Done it loads of times, shrooms or no shrooms.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Asha said:
at amg?
no they won't
albs are stupid tho and don't realize this after 2 years
I can't think of a time when we tried that and didn't get through. One time we had a problem cause someone didn't sprint.

Why the hell would you use moc? You get as close to the mg as you can, start running, pop sos, sprint through the mg and don't stop til sos runs out. Done it loads of times, shrooms or no shrooms.

I have to say im on your side here :: shock:: lol
I cant count the times myself and Mirax ( a minst ) are standing there looking at amg with 5 or 6 fg's and shrooms up the wazoo, we pop sos and sprint and we make it everytime. I often give them a wave as we run through and they try following lol

BUT.. only thing here is sos takes too long to pop and so you sit around waiting for sos getting more and more pissed at the campers lol
But yeah.. it works.. shrooms or no shrooms


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Night said:
I got the logic, they pissed him off, so now he pisses them off :D

Exactly. Hibs are camping AMG either because it's easy realm points, or to piss off Albs. I'm happy to go kill XPers because it's easy realm points, and it pisses off Hibs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Seeaira_Tempest said:
BUT.. only thing here is sos takes too long to pop and so you sit around waiting for sos getting more and more pissed at the campers lol
But yeah.. it works.. shrooms or no shrooms

Problem at AMG Odins (at least solo) is that there's also likely to be half a dozen rangers sticking arrows in you way before you get near to AMG. Thus, you end up hitting SoS too early to get you through AMG with mushies (without mushies it's still easy).


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
such a circle
Hibs get frustrated at alb zerg in emain so decide to camp amg odins in retaliation..... ironically the albs they are preventing from entering odins are the albs who actually don't like to zerg and prefer to run either solo/duo or in 1fgs, hence they're in odins at all....
Now the hibs are blocking the way into odins so the albs go emain instead and actually INCREASE the alb numbers there - meanwhile, the hibs in emain will whine more about "zerging albs" and "being outnumbered" due to half their rvr population sitting in odins for 3 hours doing nothing.
This is logic?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Laalaa said:
Its a weird logic too start killing xpers in hib frontiers.

So because there is too many enemies for you, you go killing lower level than you. :m00:

Care to answer my question, btw?

"LOL. So tell me: what does you being the least populous realm have to do with it? You're saying that because you're the least populous realm, it's somehow not lame for you to camp a milegate for hours with 5-6fg? Weird logic there."


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Duze said:
such a circle
Hibs get frustrated at alb zerg in emain so decide to camp amg odins in retaliation..... ironically the albs they are preventing from entering odins are the albs who actually don't like to zerg and prefer to run either solo/duo or in 1fgs, hence they're in odins at all....
Now the hibs are blocking the way into odins so the albs go emain instead and actually INCREASE the alb numbers there - meanwhile, the hibs in emain will whine more about "zerging albs" and "being outnumbered" due to half their rvr population sitting in odins for 3 hours doing nothing.
This is logic?




Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
sweetleaf said:
10th feb 19.30 hours

alliance chat

i think name was bloodymessi
help odins 2-3fg albs camping hmg we cannot get through

10th feb 21.00 hours

5fg hibbies 2gg and 3 random assemble in hpk.

Such is life my friends we all zerg at times, be it odins or emain it happens you must live with it. :wub:

I can add that yes some guild groups run in 1fg but please do not expect random low realm rank ppl to move as 1fg.
Sorry but any good guild groups will 90% of the time beat a random pick group. Even more so when rr6+ groups.

LOL well the albzerg was well gone at 21.00 when those 5fgh moved out. Still they camped amg until at least 01.00 CET. When there was ONLY alb fgs out trying to have some fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Usually we manage to pop SoS, just as we reach the gates(doors). Luckily enough, shrooms are often slow to react so we make it through(slower then Hib zerg), doing /wave.

But just as Seeaira said, just sitting there at the hill looking down upon the Hibs camping AMG is not fun, waiting and waiting for the 30min to go so that we can use SoS again, just to get through a simple door.

We have always made it through using SoS, and the more people we can get to follow us as we blast through AMG the better, aslong as they dont stand and camp at AMG.

So please, chase us as we run through, you Hibs might need the exercise.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
um, if Albs in odins hate zerging, then how come they have zerged me so much there? Is it a special concession? They have camped the Milegate and the TK too, loads.

This thread, like the million before with the same topic <insert realm> is a pile of shite. All realms zerg, all realms camp milegates and TK's, all realms add, and all realms start these stupid fucking threads.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Treon said:
aye agree with u, and its mostly the low RR hibs that does it. Why dont u hibs take your little pretty zerg and fight the albzerg in emain instead of ruin the RvR in odins..... ive have never seen the point with killing 1fg with 4fg but i guess some ppl think its fun, feel sad for em though. :twak:


From tonight in odins and this zerg was camping amg for like 2 hours, sooo sad.

Haha is this the "zerg" this post is about? It's the kinda number we meet every 5minutes in emain when albion dont got DF/raids going on, before bumping in a size 4x larger. Maybe that answers your questions why the Brehons are not in emain. It is not uncommon with 50+ total hibs in odins nowadays, but do a /who emain at 8pm tincans.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
fiontan said:
Haha is this the "zerg" this post is about? It's the kinda number we meet every 5minutes in emain when albion dont got DF/raids going on, before bumping in a size 4x larger. Maybe that answers your questions why the Brehons are not in emain. It is not uncommon with 50+ total hibs in odins nowadays, but do a /who emain at 8pm tincans.

no thats about half of it, we tried to pull them down from amg (hoping for 1fg at a time) as u can see in pics, but 4-5fg charged right down, zerged the albs fleeing to apk, then when done, wander back to amg and repeat process for x hours.

at 1 point i had 6 diff rangers shooting me at same time.

i think u should read Duze's post, or does the truth hurt?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
nol said:
Get Glotis to take some screenies and caption them imo...actually no, get someone with a sense of humour to do it :D

If you promise to stop posting "funny" pictures.
Talking about a sense of humor.
Regards, Glottis

PS. You are defending Hib actions the same way Albs have defended their zerg reasons... once more the hyprocrites from Hibernia and Midgard strike.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Treon said:
aye agree with u, and its mostly the low RR hibs that does it. Why dont u hibs take your little pretty zerg and fight the albzerg in emain instead of ruin the RvR in odins..... ive have never seen the point with killing 1fg with 4fg but i guess some ppl think its fun, feel sad for em though. :twak:


From tonight in odins and this zerg was camping amg for like 2 hours, sooo sad.

Ooh managed to spot myself :)

Was uber fun last in odins at amg.

Alb zerg inc!! - kill 3fgs
Mid zerg inc!! - kill 3fgs
Alb zerg inc!! - kill 3fgs
Mid zerg inc!! - kill 3fgs
Alb zerg inc!! - kill 3fgs
Mid zerg inc!! - Alb zerg inc!! - killed by 6fgs

Gave me 4L4 and mucho rps ta :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Glottis said:
If you promise to stop posting "funny" pictures.
Talking about a sense of humor.
Everyone else except you thought it was funny and you wanna start a debate about sense of humor?

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