Oblivion :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
tris- said:
what i will do is model my self on blade. be a vampire my self, and hunt them down :D

if you *don't* feed, you will turn into the baddest badarse of them all, pwning everything that moves. downside of this is that you will start to look more and more like death walking, and people will shun you. also the sun will hurt/kill you if you've not fed in a couple of days. oh, and you die. heh.

I advise not feeding before doing a quest/dungeon. The cure vampirism quest is very long and very very hard (imo), so beware. Don't go to sleep if you have the vamp sickness (you get it if they touch or bite you). Ofc you can *want* to become one, either via the formentioned or through the Dark Brotherhood. Erk! that's all I can remember right now :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Absolutely loving this :) Went for the Conjuration route for my guy & have it maxed at level 12. Other skills are suffering so gonna have to get a sword out soon.

This means:

I can summon a lich (most expensive monster I've found to summon on magic point cost so was hoping for impressive things), but the bugger just floats about a bit and rarely attacks. My pet Daedroth is far more fun, he manages to give out some serious batterings.

More entertaining though is having a full set of Daedric armour spell that I put together :) costs 2/3rds of my magicka but lasts for 2 mins (max poss length)



Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
have yet to be owned in the game so far, as with Morrowind I am lvling with points in strength, willpower and endurance so I can survive anything the game has thrown at me, even when 5 deadra come to play smack down on me, my Umbra sword and my Enchanted Ebony Armour keeps me alive with ring of health regneration, reflect spells for my amulet boots I have a fortify strength spell and shield with feather abilities so I can carry all my loot out of the dungeons, list goes on but I am practcially a god in this game, jus have to work on my conjuration skills been specialising in destruction and Blade, it will be just like in Morrowind where I could summon an army of beings to fight for me well 6.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
anyone know where to get decent weapons? i have full dwarven armour, but im still using a shitty steel claymore. ive never yet seen anything better.

TdC said:
if you *don't* feed, you will turn into the baddest badarse of them all, pwning everything that moves. downside of this is that you will start to look more and more like death walking, and people will shun you. also the sun will hurt/kill you if you've not fed in a couple of days. oh, and you die. heh.

I advise not feeding before doing a quest/dungeon. The cure vampirism quest is very long and very very hard (imo), so beware. Don't go to sleep if you have the vamp sickness (you get it if they touch or bite you). Ofc you can *want* to become one, either via the formentioned or through the Dark Brotherhood. Erk! that's all I can remember right now :)

i know this. sadly i dont know anywhere to buy vials of blood otherwise i wouldnt feed :( but im about as close to blade as possible within the boundaries of the game. even use a 2h sword


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
tris- said:
anyone know where to get decent weapons? i have full dwarven armour, but im still using a shitty steel claymore. ive never yet seen anything better.

i know this. sadly i dont know anywhere to buy vials of blood otherwise i wouldnt feed :( but im about as close to blade as possible within the boundaries of the game. even use a 2h sword

I don't know if you can use vials of blood to feed.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Are vampires able to wield silver weapons?

PS, I wanna see your screenies of Blade ala Oblivion. :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
what specifically do you want to see?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
bah...just completed the arena by using sneak and 3 arrows to kill each challenger. Then it wouldnt acknowledge that i killed the grand champion because i killed him too quick...DOH!

P.S. Even tho I seem to be pointing out faults all the time with the gameplay i still love it ;p


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
can anyone tell me yet where to get better than steel weapons :p


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
im level 10 or 11 at the minute. although i complain, its better than morrowind i suppose. in morrwind i had this robe i looted from a cave in the middle of the ocean. had levitate and hp regen. i was level 2 when i got that and wore it all the way through the game, thats how good it was.


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
tris-, I'm level 13 and am regularly fighting bad types with glass weapons. There are a few set items but only a few, get your level up a couple and you should be getting nicer stuff. Personally, I'm using a summoned Daedric dagger, weighs nothing and requires 0 maintenance :).

I find the more you use a skill the quicker it goes up (yes it says that in the manual), so for me a dagger is better than a two-handed sword (faster attack speed). At least till my skill is high!



Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
tris- said:
im level 10 or 11 at the minute. although i complain, its better than morrowind i suppose. in morrwind i had this robe i looted from a cave in the middle of the ocean. had levitate and hp regen. i was level 2 when i got that and wore it all the way through the game, thats how good it was.

Heres tip lvl some and then you start getting the l33t gear :)

Oblivion is 10x better then morrowind and i played that for nearly half a year.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
level up Tris matey! I've got a glass mace, a glass longsword and a glass longbow. also half ebon and half dwarven armor. I am coolness incarnate tbh :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
HORSE ARMOUR is out :) 200 points but well worth it.. looks great.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Aada said:
I don't know if you can use vials of blood to feed.

sleeping peeps necks ;) all I know of.

also another thing that I only just discovered: silver weaps can harm ghosts, wraiths and other (un)dead incorporial beasties. yesh, I'm a slow arse mofo :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Yeh TDC, it's silver & better for those etheral feckers. What annoys me is when using hand to hand with Daedric gauntlets it says u can't hit 'em. Yet with any Daedric weapon it's fine!


oh, and you can get 4 vials of blood off of the Dark Brotherhood vampire guy, not sure what they do as not been a vamp yet though.

Double Edit: when you kill him!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
after the first oblivion gate, cant say im too impressed with it. think i will stick to the other random quests you can find knocking about for a week or so. also, happend to stumble across a dwarven longsword at a certain merchant. now i can kill flame atriatches in under 5 minutes at last.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Prehaps you gimped your character.


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Characters can be gimps too?! Is there no end to the possibilities of this game :D





Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Well i was reading something about if your stats are red then that aint good. 10mins to kill a flame dude sounds abit far fetched to me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Found out why I could not raise my Hand 2 Hand skill.

If you watch the two guys fighting outside the arena you get +4 to Hand 2 Hand, but then your hand 2 hand skill won't raise anymore.

Nasty bug so avoid getting the free skill up for now.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Haha, so mods are coming to the 360 version.
I read you can buy armour for your horse but to get the mod you have to pay $2.50??

So you already pay £40-50 for the game and now you have to pay for mods too? I was actually tempted to get a 360 until I hear things like this.

Ok so its just like £1 but start adding up all those pounds over multiple games!

I havent bothered with any mods yet but there seems to be hundreds of them already on the PC.

The game rocks by the way :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Don't know about anyone else but i won't notice a £1, thats like saying every day when i buy a can of coke at lunch time it will add up.

Sure it will if you think like that, if your like me who won't give a thought to anything up to £5 then its nothing.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
anyone gone as far as to buy a house and actually put stuff in it? like furniture?


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Moo said:
tbh i dont really get what's so great about oblivion, just looks like a standard rpg to me. The graphics look good but nothing that special compared to latest games - watched a bit of gamestop's live coverage event thing today - just looks boring tbh.

Matter of personal preference tbh. I think the graphics of the game looks especially good - I'd say the best graphics in games in PC what I've seen thus far. I got asus EAX1800 XL PCI-e graphics card and using athlon 64 with 2 GB RAM, game runs smootly without hickups.

The physics in the game rocks - if you cast powerful damage type of spell to a monster like a wolf, its been thrown to air and slammed to the ground - if you kill a monster in slope, it fells down.

The face anatomy in NPC's is perfectly sync'ed to the speech they say, also the eye graphics look very good.

I've enjoyed every bit of the game thus far - I'm tho bit disappointed in two issues - one is I'm afraid there is not enough areas to play, I mean the world isn't that big as its in Morrowind. Also I've experienced few crashes to desktop, but I'm not sure is it just driver issue or whatnot.

I highly recommend the game to every morrowind fans tho - or fans of similar rpg type.


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2005
Chainmail armour looks silly on my tiny woodelf :( I've got a couple of bits of magic fur armour though -

Something slightly annoying at the moment is that i've kept my stealth/bow skills really high, along with light armour actually (Yeah i get hit alot :p) but my magic skills aside from illusion are all very low -

I keep bumping into ghosts and "will-o-wisps" ? - Damn annoying i can't seem to kill them quick enough! The only damage spell i have is a 6point fire spell which is SO slow. Perhaps i need to purchase some new spells too -

When i started the game a friend said how important magic was, i didn't listen :p *Fires arrows at ghosts*


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Ixoth said:
I've enjoyed every bit of the game thus far - I'm tho bit disappointed in two issues - one is I'm afraid there is not enough areas to play, I mean the world isn't that big as its in Morrowind. Also I've experienced few crashes to desktop, but I'm not sure is it just driver issue or whatnot.

I don't entirely agree with your findings on the world sizing. Imo it's pretty big, and tbh there are quest and non-quest related dungeons nearly under every stone you trip over. You are right when you say Morrowind was bigger, but when we're talking dungeon density Oblivion rocks, especially when the gates open.

I too have instability with the game, from the "An error has occured" reporting pop-ups to actual BSODs. XP seems to blame it on USB or the video drivers, alternating between them. I'm not pleased, because this has *never* happened before to me in this doze install. The only thing I can currently think of is the nVidia drivers which I did upgrade to the new release recently. I may give it a go dropping back to the previous one.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
get some sliver arrows then the ghost, spectares and will o wisps will go down very easily.

never had a problem with any enemy yet even took care of two minotaurs and one bear at the same time in the arena and they bearly touched me, one minotaur managed to get a good swipe on me that knocked me to the ground but thats it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
TdC said:
I don't entirely agree with your findings on the world sizing. Imo it's pretty big, and tbh there are quest and non-quest related dungeons nearly under every stone you trip over. You are right when you say Morrowind was bigger, but when we're talking dungeon density Oblivion rocks, especially when the gates open.

I too have instability with the game, from the "An error has occured" reporting pop-ups to actual BSODs. XP seems to blame it on USB or the video drivers, alternating between them. I'm not pleased, because this has *never* happened before to me in this doze install. The only thing I can currently think of is the nVidia drivers which I did upgrade to the new release recently. I may give it a go dropping back to the previous one.

Yes, there are many dungeons in the game - I noticed this as well. I am wondering does the difficulty in them scale with the character level? My char is already lvl 4 in the game, and I'm worried if there is enough challenge for my melee caster hybrid :), which is kitted with legion stuff (heavy armor, shield), katana, can cast spells (dmg and healing ones), and do alchemy.

PS: Using latest ati catalyst drivers v6.3, and no BSoDs but Crashes to desktop only.

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