Oblivion :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
What I find in the game bit annoying is the charges in weapons that they're used once if you hit the mob (each hit with the weapon looses one charge in it). And the recharging of the items costs plenty of gold. I am member of a mages guild, but I don't got but only one recommendation - so I don't know does the recharge costs come any cheaper when one can enter to arcane university?


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Doesn't really come down that much, I tend to use up every charge I have for all my items then find a varla stone and it recharges everything I have, they are hard to come by in my experince, but if you find them keep hold of them.


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Petty & Common Soul gems aren't that good for making items, so I use them for recharging. Alternatively get yourself Azura's star and its a piece of piss to keep everything charged.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Oh, man. So after discovering this, I think I'm going to have to restart for the third time. That looks like it addresses almost all of my major grievances with the game. Oh well.

Edit - buh. Website's a bit fucked. Alternative.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
that is a bit overkillish for me Louster. let me know how you get on though!

btw: Oblivion freaked me out yesterday: I installed BTmod after backing the $INSTALL\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data directory (4.5GB :eek: ) and then Oblivion refused to start! I was like duh, deinstall the BTmod and all will be well, only after doing that, and even rebooting it still refused :/ After putting back the backup it still refused to start!
I was starting to sweat a bit at this point thinking that 55+hrs of gametime would be lost, but then realised that you have the saves in $INSTALLDIR\Documents and Settings\$USER\My Games\Oblivion\Saves so I copied that to a safe place and reinstalled Oblivion. Well, it [highlight]still[/highlight] refused to start up, making me wonder if I'd had a dodgy windows update or some other thing taht was pissing the Oblivion install off, but as far as I could discover nothing had changed.

Something strange and mysterious prompted me to start "OblivionLauncher.exe" and check the "Data Files" option, and then I got the message "Your Oblivion install is corrupt, no data files present" or somesuch: aparantly the main oblivion.esp file had become corrupted for some odd reason. So I went and installed the game for a second time in a row and lo and behold all was well now.

So being pleased
I went and the the arena, spoke to the Grey Prince did his quest and got iirc +3Blade and +3Block for my trouble. yay. then I worked my way all the way up to the fight to become Champion (which is a bit of a bitch btw, me being lvl21 and all, you have to fight the YellowTeam Champ and a mage+archer, and me having nothing in the range of healing/poisons to aid me because I had initially thought it would have been as much a dwadle as the other fights. This one wasn't tbh. Anyhoo, I got the mage and the archer and went to work on the other Champ but she killed me :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Guys,i just bought a house from a guy in Anvil i think it was,was only 5000 G so i thought what the hell and i need somewhere to store my stolen loot.But after i bought it i find out it's not in the best of condition windows cracked,cobwebs,dark and dingy inside with boken furniture.I have to use my nighteye spell in some places just to see:(.Anyone know if i can smarten it up a bit?Or have i been ripped off :eek:.

Also,in the basement there's a closed door with a red emblem on it.It says i should be able to activate the door but nothing happens when i try,anyone bought this house and know what to do?It's called B****** Manor or something.On the east side of Anvil.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
theres a quest to clearing up that house, when its finished its very nice.

spend a night there, u will be jumped by ghosts, go downstairs and look for a fallen pot and pick up the letter and the hand. then go try and talk to the guy you bought the house from in the inn but he won't be there so ask around to see where he has gone, hopefully that will put you on the right track, without spoiling the quest for you. hope that helps.

I really am a godlike guy now hardly anything can touch me, and I can go invisable for 2minutes that and the detect life spell makes stealing alot easier.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
TdC said:
that is a bit overkillish for me Louster. let me know how you get on though!
I got into it for a while (and I really prefer the way it works) but having got pretty far with my second character, I couldn't make myself play through all that again, and so I'm just carrying on with my breton.
TdC said:
So being pleased
I went and the the arena, spoke to the Grey Prince did his quest and got iirc +3Blade and +3Block for my trouble. yay. then I worked my way all the way up to the fight to become Champion (which is a bit of a bitch btw, me being lvl21 and all, you have to fight the YellowTeam Champ and a mage+archer, and me having nothing in the range of healing/poisons to aid me because I had initially thought it would have been as much a dwadle as the other fights. This one wasn't tbh. Anyhoo, I got the mage and the archer and went to work on the other Champ but she killed me :eek:
Also, +3 athletics I believe.
Has anyone else noticed that killing the Gray Prince after you've done his quest is counted as murder? It seems a bit strange, given he begs you to, and it's in the arena and stuff - and you basically have to anyway to be able to leave the arena after the fight's begun (I believe).


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Louster said:
Also, +3 athletics I believe.
Has anyone else noticed that killing the Gray Prince after you've done his quest is counted as murder? It seems a bit strange, given he begs you to, and it's in the arena and stuff - and you basically have to anyway to be able to leave the arena after the fight's begun (I believe).

yeah mate, tbh I wasn't pleased with having to deal with that. imo they sould have built a "gentleman's way" into that bit allowing you to perhaps let him escape. 'specially since he seemed an allright sort and all.

though on the other hand I was quite pleased with the blade you get from the dark brotherhood speaker. it's ace at killing those bloody will 'o the wisps :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I was looking around a mine yesterday, and I came across a dead goblin sitting on a barrel holding a beer.



Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I'm thinking about trading oblivion in now actually ive got all the acheivments ive completed most of the sidequests i could find.

The expansion downloads seem abit lame tbh i was looking at that new download that came out yesterday.. isn't it just like a new spell and 1 quest? i'll skip it i think.

Get the full trade in value before people start trading in their copies.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
just D/L the Orrey plugin for the 360 version of Oblivion, glad it was so cheap that quest didn't last two seconds there was no challenge to it whatso ever. The bandits protecting the Dwenmer artifacts died with one hit from my sword.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
PLightstar said:
just D/L the Orrey plugin for the 360 version of Oblivion, glad it was so cheap that quest didn't last two seconds there was no challenge to it whatso ever. The bandits protecting the Dwenmer artifacts died with one hit from my sword.

Exactly, i read about it before i dld it glad i did as it seems like a waste of money even though its not that much.


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Gonna wait for a full expansion pack meself. Tribunal was great for Morrowind, never really got into Bloodmoon though, as had found gainful employment by then.

Shame packing a god into Azura's star won't have the same effect in this game :) .


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Game now crashes for me roughly every 5 minutes.

After browsing user forums it seems Im far from alone.

Fuck it, put back on shelf and waiting for a patch *ignores s******s about chance of bugs being patched up* :$


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Xtro said:
Game now crashes for me roughly every 5 minutes.

After browsing user forums it seems Im far from alone.

Fuck it, put back on shelf and waiting for a patch *ignores s******s about chance of bugs being patched up* :$

That the pc version? if so glad i hardly bother with PC gaming anymore.. much more fun sat on a sofa and chilling out instead of being sat 2inches away from the PC screen and fucking my eyes up :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Heh, mine only crashes when I turn it off :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
mine only crashed twice in 25 hours play. i guess you guys just suck :p


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
more playing. heh. it's already had 60+hrs of my life :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
bah :)

aye its the PC version, wanted to get my hands on mods and all kinds of stuff (same as I did for Morrowind).

V annoyed now, was really enjoying the game too ;/


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Mine is crashing a fair bit too - pain in the arse when you haven't saved for a bit.

Last save game is corrupt, so I have to backtrack a fair bit.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
PLightstar said:
theres a quest to clearing up that house, when its finished its very nice.

spend a night there, u will be jumped by ghosts, go downstairs and look for a fallen pot and pick up the letter and the hand. then go try and talk to the guy you bought the house from in the inn but he won't be there so ask around to see where he has gone, hopefully that will put you on the right track, without spoiling the quest for you. hope that helps.

I really am a godlike guy now hardly anything can touch me, and I can go invisable for 2minutes that and the detect life spell makes stealing alot easier.

Just got round to playing Oblivion again,thanks for info.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
anyone still playing this?

i put it down 3 weeks ago and never botherd again :/


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
I would be, if my copy wasn't sitting in a computer 500 miles away.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Stil working my way through the Fighters Guild, no longer using Fast travel to make it last longer, and not travelling at night. Got the last Deadric quest and the jumbo potato quest left then thats it.

Bit sad really took me nearly 6 months to discover the MQ in morrowind and never completed the theives and Fighters guild.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I picked up the main quest again after becoming FG master. Walked through my first Oblivion gate two days ago. Tbh it's too easy: I'm lvl 26, kitted out in high level magic heavy armor n stuff. I just slay everything that comes against me, even groups. In the first gate I attacked a storm atronach, then some Dremora Xivilai joined in and they called their mates the Kynmarcher who promptly summoned their clannfear pets etc. etc. but I pwned them all.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
This is why I was interested in that mod I mentioned. The scaling is all out of whack. For a while, I found the game INSANELY hard at medium difficulty, and then a couple of levels later with a bunch of sword training it became pitiful again. It's kind of stupid, and at least fixed-ish level encounters mean you're going to find some stuff hard and some stuff easy.

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