Oblivion :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
i like way game scales to match your lv, means its always a challenge for me:)
Read some ppl on other forums complaining about it tho and even some guy QQ he completed it to easy and fast...but he used a god mode hack cus thats how he likes to play games :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
supersaint, thats different from how i got it :).

just goes to show, the game is very far from linear.

So,how did you get the invite?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I haven't touched the main quest,having too much fun with my thief pickpocketing people and night time burglary :p.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
supersaint said:
So,how did you get the invite?

just going about my daily activies. a dark elf lady grabbed me. i didnt even know about the quest you mentioned when it happend.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
A great game, wish I had a xbox360 and better tv but works well on my 2year old computer :D

hi talivar!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Having trouble pickpocketing people ; [[ they always detect me!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I got some awesome items.

My helmit is the skull of some big beast, its huge.

I got a necklace of water walking, and a 2h sword that silances for 5 seconds per a hit, makes Mages very easy.

Just hit level 6, and starting to get some dwarven items now.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Ummm Help!

has anyone got to the Pillar mission in the Mages Guild im really stuck I managed to get the guy to translate what each of the magic pillars mean, but I don't know how to activate them I started off simple with my fireball spell nothing then I used an enchanted blade I had nothing then I read out the scrolls I found in the chest and nothing, driving me nuts.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Love this game. Spending far too much time on it as is usuall. Im playing as a thief and currently just 4th level. I need to buckle down and concentrate on the quests rather than just swanning arround looking at the landscapes.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Can spend a bit to much time looking at the landscapes, followed the path behind Chorrl on the fingers of the five mountains mission you get to a point where you are pretty much at the very height of the game world and when you look out you can get a bit lost looking at the details on a clear day.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Never knew good old Sean Bean voice acts a crucial character.. i really like Beany its that voice of his.. anyway goes well with the game :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
on the pc version, i notice a begger will have a scratchy voice then you ask a rumour and he talks like prince charles.

this the same on the 360?

its a pretty shit continuity problem if you ask me :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Me too the male beggers are the worst.

Go up and talk and they sound like a man.. give em a coin and they reply in a gay voice.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
gah...found a infinite money bug...decided not to take advantage tho as it would just spoil the game :)

Oh and the best thief fence doesnt allow me to trade my stolen goods with him :(

Very nice game, love the assassin quest line.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2004
good game, thought it might be a bit to watered down and user friendly but theyve kept most of the cool stuff from morrowind and improved on it. Playing as a rogue/assasin/thief type which is similar to how i played morrowind, started as an all out brute but prefered sneaking around so changed.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Mr.Bee said:
gah...found a infinite money bug...decided not to take advantage tho as it would just spoil the game :)

Oh and the best thief fence doesnt allow me to trade my stolen goods with him :(

Very nice game, love the assassin quest line.

i found that too but it seemed to be ok after i went back to him a few days later.

Yeah the Thief/asassin quests are the best imo the rest are kinda dull.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
on the pc version, i notice a begger will have a scratchy voice then you ask a rumour and he talks like prince charles.

this the same on the 360?

its a pretty continuity problem if you ask me :p

It isnt a continuity problem. If you listen carefully the beggars put on a croaky voice in the hope that you will take pity and give them a coin. Once you give them a coin they revert to their normal voice. Kind of like real life if youve ever given a homeless person a couple of quid you'll know what I mean


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Had my first proper OMG moment in Oblivion last night.
I love the game and have really enjoyed it but what happened last night really endeared me to the game.

I won't give away locations or anything so don't worry about spoilers...

Anyway, was chatting to a local in town and he told me about a dungeon outside the city. So I prepare my bags and wander off to have a look.

Seconds after I step inside I get attacked by two goblins. It's soon clear this is more than I can handle so I head for the exit just in case. I manage to take one down but my health is dwindling so I turn around and head out the door. I start to heal when all of a sudden the goblin follows me outside and starts twatting me. ARGH! I stand my ground and just manage to kill him off by the skin of my teeth.

I recover and head back in, surprised that they had dared to exit the dungeon. Surely this isn't gaming etiquette?

On re-entering I find a solo goblin and take him down no problems.
I find a door to another section of the dungeon and, not thinking there'd be much danger on the other side, head on through with v.low magick.

Another two bloody goblins are on the other side and charge at me. From previous experience I decide it's time to leg it backwards to the exit whilst fighting them the best I can, hoping I can get away once outside.

So I manage to get to the exit, still with both alive and after my blood. No problems I thought, once I get outside I'll be able to outrun them.

WRONG! I get outside and there's THREE more goblins standing outside the entrance. :( What to do?

Well a short distance away is an oblivion gate so that direction is out of the question.

In the distance I see a city guard on horse back so peg it over to him hoping he can draw agro from me. Thankfully he draws a couple off me but there's still three goblins hot on my tail.

Further in the distance I see another person who I hope can help me. I run as fast as I can towards him only for him to jump into my path and decalre "This is a hold up! Gimme your money!" Arse.

I decline his kind offer to furnish him with 100g and decide instead to tell him where to go. He relishes my offer and draws his sword. Things just get better eh?

I carry on running, with my health slowly leaking from the arrow holes in my back. 10 seconds later it's obvious I won't get away and things really aren't going well. I stop and make a last stand, which lasted just moments. As I slumped to the ground my only solice was seeing the goblins, who now are at a bit of a loose end, decide to kick the crap out of my would-be robber.

Class. :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
WPKenny said:
Had my first proper OMG moment in Oblivion last night.
I love the game and have really enjoyed it but what happened last night really endeared me to the game.

I won't give away locations or anything so don't worry about spoilers...

Anyway, was chatting to a local in town and he told me about a dungeon outside the city. So I prepare my bags and wander off to have a look.

Seconds after I step inside I get attacked by two goblins. It's soon clear this is more than I can handle so I head for the exit just in case. I manage to take one down but my health is dwindling so I turn around and head out the door. I start to heal when all of a sudden the goblin follows me outside and starts twatting me. ARGH! I stand my ground and just manage to kill him off by the skin of my teeth.

I recover and head back in, surprised that they had dared to exit the dungeon. Surely this isn't gaming etiquette?

On re-entering I find a solo goblin and take him down no problems.
I find a door to another section of the dungeon and, not thinking there'd be much danger on the other side, head on through with v.low magick.

Another two bloody goblins are on the other side and charge at me. From previous experience I decide it's time to leg it backwards to the exit whilst fighting them the best I can, hoping I can get away once outside.

So I manage to get to the exit, still with both alive and after my blood. No problems I thought, once I get outside I'll be able to outrun them.

WRONG! I get outside and there's THREE more goblins standing outside the entrance. :( What to do?

Well a short distance away is an oblivion gate so that direction is out of the question.

In the distance I see a city guard on horse back so peg it over to him hoping he can draw agro from me. Thankfully he draws a couple off me but there's still three goblins hot on my tail.

Further in the distance I see another person who I hope can help me. I run as fast as I can towards him only for him to jump into my path and decalre "This is a hold up! Gimme your money!" Arse.

I decline his kind offer to furnish him with 100g and decide instead to tell him where to go. He relishes my offer and draws his sword. Things just get better eh?

I carry on running, with my health slowly leaking from the arrow holes in my back. 10 seconds later it's obvious I won't get away and things really aren't going well. I stop and make a last stand, which lasted just moments. As I slumped to the ground my only solice was seeing the goblins, who now are at a bit of a loose end, decide to kick the crap out of my would-be robber.

Class. :)

Yeah i learned my lesson of trying to run out of a dungeon for a cheap health boost :) they follow you and beat you down.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
ive joined a group of vampire hunters now.
i can trade them vampire ash for 250g, after doing a quest.

but sadly in the process i also turned into a vampire. what i will do is model my self on blade. be a vampire my self, and hunt them down :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Finally finished main quest today and all i can say is game was best ive played in years.Had 92 hours on my save at end and im pretty sure is a good bit ive missed..like the vampire hunter guild i never even knew u could join lol:)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Got a refund on my Oblivion... found myself yawning too often while playing - it was quite boring ; [


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I dunno how long you played it for Latency but it took me about 2 hours or so to get into the story line and figure out the basics.

I've been playing for about 20 hours now and I'm still learning. I guess it's just not for some people.

I have spent the whole evening in a single dungeon fighting the undead. LOADS of cool moments and a sweet staff at the end of it all that disintegrates people weapons making them drop them and go hand to hand. They're still full value when you've killed the mob and looted the weapons tho so unless you want to use the drop you can still get full price when you sell it.



Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Completed the MQ myself last night at around 35hrs still tons to do now, while weighting for my personnal armour to be made im guna get tons of money in the arena and get to the top of the mages guild aswell as buy a house in Skingrad with my own servant.

Just so good.


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2005
Just reached level 11 (Or maybe 12.. i forget). Great so far :D

I've avoided the main quest line mostly.

I did do the first part to get the supplies from the monks, including the horse, unfortionately the horse was killed by goblins i believe though, as they chased it off into the forrest during the night. I did try and save it, killing both goblins, but unfortionately i never found the horse! lol

Loads of fun. Currently playing a Sneaky/Archer/Thief type class. Also a member of the Vampire Hunting Order. (I forget the name). Bought myself a house too.. just had too much stuff to carry around and didn't like the idea of leaving it for other people to pinch :p I'm not sure if thieves can steal items from your house? I heard they may have removed this?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Aada said:
Well you weren't wrong im lvl 15 and getting my ass handed to me.. maybe its coz i don't have enough potions... but its not like they are freaking cheap either!

too right. I'm 14, with dwarf armor and elvan weaps and the nasties still trounce me if I let them. I'm a spellsword though, so I hang back and mash the evil baddies with 20hp fire and frost balls before coming in for a sword kill. Nastiest thing I've yet encountered is a wraith of some sort. Took ages to spell the bugger to death, as regular (ie unmagicked) weaps had no effect on it :/

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