Oblivion :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
yeah mate, I think the dungeons do scale to fit the player's level. I'm 15 or 16 now and I seem to be up against multiple trolls, ogers, minotaurs and whatnot depending on the dungeon. Also lots of undead, necromancers and yesterday some conjurors who had me fighting summoned daedra :/

hmm I get a BSOD or lockup about every 10 games or so, but every time I shut the game down I get the "An error has occured, do you want to tell Microsoft about it?" dialogue. Oh well. it's either me somehow, or Bethesda will be releasing a patch sometime soon :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I do prefer the morrowind landscape come to think of it it was a lot more varied and some of the underground areas had huge carvans that went on for ages, they say Oblivion is bigger but I can't really see it I know morrowind had the red mountain in the middle obstructing your view and fogging that was 20ft in front of you, but maybe thats why I think oblivion is smaller as I can see everywhere.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i remember finding her in game. i was shocked and then thought maybe necrophilia has another meaning i dont know about


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Words cannot express how much I want this game but my wee lappy won't run it and I don't have a 360 ... yet. :)

Will it be coming out on the PS3 by any chance? I'd much rather own one of those when they come out but I guess I could settle for a 360 if I have to.

Want...want...want...want...want!!! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i got it on 360, it poons.

sisi, £250 for 360 core + oblivion, thats a lot cheaper than upgrading pc / buying new pc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2004
Ixoth said:
I am wondering does the difficulty in them scale with the character level? My char is already lvl 4 in the game, and I'm worried if there is enough challenge for my melee caster hybrid :), which is kitted with legion stuff (heavy armor, shield), katana, can cast spells (dmg and healing ones), and do alchemy.

yes the dungeons do scale but i hav heard problems where friendly npc's dont scale so some quests become very hard because your meant to have 3 or 4 npc's as backup, but instead they get killed instantly because they are crap. Dunno if this is true or not but u might want to keep it in mind if you plan doing everything else in game before main quest line.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
I bought the armored horse addon for the game - I read from somewhere that horse can cost easily many thousand of gold pieces, and and have had few incidents when my horse was about to die. I just wanted to make sure it won't die so easily.

Anyone else bought the official plugins? 2 bucks isn't that much.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I haven't done the dreamworld quest how do you get to that.

U get get a horse for 500 somewhere can't remember which city, I got the armour plugin nice new Elvin armour for my bay horse, the first one is free.

Don't know about you but whenever my horse dies I have to restart from an earlier save the way those horses die is dreadful I may be going insane but I have developed an emotional attachment to my horse, plus the fact that the death animation is quite awful to look at the lifelessness in the horses eyes, makes me go 'oh my god'

I don't use Fast travel very often so my horse gets me everywhere rideing across country or on the roads.


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Haven't used a horse much, would prefer a donkey with my feet dragging on the ground for comedy value :)

The dreamworld quest is a nice change from the others I've done so far.

It's the Bruma part of the Mages' guild recommendation for the Arcane Uni if I remember right


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
taB - your spoiler is incorrect mate.

Also, wonder if anyone has found...

Pale Pass? :) Great quest line.

As for dreamworld, your location is right - Mages Guild, Bruma - but its an optional quest, not part of the recommendation. Speak to her about the recommendation first, then she will ask for help re: her friend which is the dreamworld quest. Great quest!


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Can't find Edit option!

Ignore me, Xtro has it spot on. Cheers :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2005
CurryKnight said:
anyone done the Dreamworld quest from Bravil yet? an awsome quest.
Yep did that

Pity they didn't let me keep the nice armour at the end though! Still, i have a full set of Mithril now. Has anyone done the Cropford quest?

Xtro - I started on pale pass..
But because my magic skills are very low i had to turn back :( I couldn't defeat one of the magical monsters along the way.. can't wait to be able to go back and finish it.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Sissyfoo said:
Words cannot express how much I want this game but my wee lappy won't run it and I don't have a 360 ... yet. :)

Will it be coming out on the PS3 by any chance? I'd much rather own one of those when they come out but I guess I could settle for a 360 if I have to.

Want...want...want...want...want!!! :(

Nope sorry Xbox/PC only.. they have confirmed even making new content for xbox live it was on gamespot.. quests and such.

And no doubt they will be making an expansion.

No room for PS3 ;/


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i do appear to be getting stronger now, although i thought the monsters scaled so you could never be stronger than them.

did some of the main quest which appears harmless enough.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
just got to lvl 15 and am at godlike status, nothing can touch me with my wizards fury spell/umbra, ebony shield combo. started to conjur creatures now means I can let them fight it out then mop up the mess afterwards.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
decided now after a week, i will go back into a gate. so i goto one i spotted ages ago. im trawling through and stumble upon another gate while im in oblivion! i leave that and came out half way across the map. well i took the sigil, except its only the 2nd gate closed. the other gate is still open.

is any of this normal behaviour?


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
I have to admit, I first time cheated in the game - I turned to this freaking vampire, and I hated it so much, that I dl'ed a mod to get a potion to cure it. Now the vampirism is gone, and can proceed the game.

I really wonder why they added such irritating thing as vampirism to the game.. oh well.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ixoth said:
I have to admit, I first time cheated in the game - I turned to this freaking vampire, and I hated it so much, that I dl'ed a mod to get a potion to cure it. Now the vampirism is gone, and can proceed the game.

I really wonder why they added such irritating thing as vampirism to the game.. oh well.

general quest info below, might be spoilers for some

There is a quest where you can get a cure for Vampirism. I got it too, by accident and managed to cure it with the quest. It was very annoying though as I was fast travelling as a vampire, and unable to rest because the quest ladies house is marked as being trespassed if you enter at night, but of course if you fast travel during daytime, you die from sunlight exposure. I had to leg it to a nearby dungeon, and eventually managed to get cured.

Tris I've done a few gates, but never seen that before. The Oblivion gates suck a bit imo, they're to samey. If you've got good athletics/acrobatics/whatever you can find some good loot on dungeons in the lava. I've managed to avoid towers, by just jumping around the closed gates before.

I've completed all the guilds, the arena, and basically done the main quest. I'm gonna do the Daedra quests and finish the last couple random quests soon. :) Its so much fun. Theres just to much to do. :) I love the physics. I dropped all my loot on a mountain, and it rolled off into the wilderness, in big grass. I couldn't find my rings! I'm playing as a Wood Elf Archer/thief type.

I get really annoyed having to constantly repair items though. I'm trying to raise my armorour skills by picking up npcs armour, wearing it for a bit then repairing it. I wish I picked it as a major skill though.

I spent alot of money on my Skingrad house. I bought every possible upgrade. Its fairly pointless, but its a nice bit of fluff and you get glass cabinets to show off your wares in (plus a maid who tidies up and makes you shepards pie and mead! ;) )

Does anyone know a way to destroy items? I picked up that arrow of extrication after shooting it during the thieves guild quest, and now I can't drop it from my inventory. Same with Grey Fox's notes, and also some ring that must've been part of my quest. Its not a big deal, I just like having my inventory all tidy, and they are fucking it up! I can't drop it, or sell it, or deposit it in a chest :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Mobius said:
general quest info below, might be spoilers for some

There is a quest where you can get a cure for Vampirism. I got it too, by accident and managed to cure it with the quest. It was very annoying though as I was fast travelling as a vampire, and unable to rest because the quest ladies house is marked as being trespassed if you enter at night, but of course if you fast travel during daytime, you die from sunlight exposure. I had to leg it to a nearby dungeon, and eventually managed to get cured.

Tris I've done a few gates, but never seen that before. The Oblivion gates suck a bit imo, they're to samey. If you've got good athletics/acrobatics/whatever you can find some good loot on dungeons in the lava. I've managed to avoid towers, by just jumping around the closed gates before.

I've completed all the guilds, the arena, and basically done the main quest. I'm gonna do the Daedra quests and finish the last couple random quests soon. :) Its so much fun. Theres just to much to do. :) I love the physics. I dropped all my loot on a mountain, and it rolled off into the wilderness, in big grass. I couldn't find my rings! I'm playing as a Wood Elf Archer/thief type.

I get really annoyed having to constantly repair items though. I'm trying to raise my armorour skills by picking up npcs armour, wearing it for a bit then repairing it. I wish I picked it as a major skill though.

I spent alot of money on my Skingrad house. I bought every possible upgrade. Its fairly pointless, but its a nice bit of fluff and you get glass cabinets to show off your wares in (plus a maid who tidies up and makes you shepards pie and mead! ;) )

Does anyone know a way to destroy items? I picked up that arrow of extrication after shooting it during the thieves guild quest, and now I can't drop it from my inventory. Same with Grey Fox's notes, and also some ring that must've been part of my quest. Its not a big deal, I just like having my inventory all tidy, and they are fucking it up! I can't drop it, or sell it, or deposit it in a chest :(

Yeah I heard about this quest. But the vampirism was so badly affected to my char, that venturing in daytime outside was so painful experience that it affected to the gameplay so much, that I chose to not to even start the quest.

About own personal house, where do I find one? how much it cost?

I have gained quite a lot pretty ok weapons, which are quite a load on my char and would be great to dump them to somewhere safe.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
there are houses for sale in nearly every town. check them out and talk to the local authority (ie the count or his deputy) to see if you can buy one. also, the rumor mill will tell you that so-and-so may be willing to sell his house.

there are different houses you can purchase scaling up to mansions.

on a similar note, I've recently become a knight after completing a certain quest. once done, you get a key allowing you to enter your specific knight's lodge, where there's a bed you can also sleep in. said lodges are close to towns but not in them, so you can avoid people if you feel like it. iirc you can leave things in the lodges too.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
That quest was a huge pain, I was more of a danger to the counts son than the monsters were, as in combat he kept getting in the bloody way.

Sadly I had to start again, as my 360 broke yesterday but I exchanged it at Dixons for a new one.

Am just glad I could recover my account.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
aha: there are different knight quests then it seems: I did one that made me a "Knight of the White Stallion". There is another that gets you a "Knight of the Thorn somethingsomething" iirc. which one did you do?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2004
managed to break my oblivion disk because i walked to close to my 360 while it was in the vertical position (WTF) so im without it while i wait for a new one to be delivered.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
rofl currynight, the wonders of technology eh.

btw, there is ways around vampirism to live a normal life....

if you class sucking peoples blood as normal, you are sorted. i know tdc does this on a regular basis

does anyone know if the gates completly close when the main quest is done? now ive uberd up a bit i dont find them so bad. usualy get 1-2 levels per gate. also the
sigils you get come in handy. im saving mine for when all the gates are shut and i can get deadra armour and weapons. then i can imbue for pure pwnage


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
TdC said:
aha: there are different knight quests then it seems: I did one that made me a "Knight of the White Stallion". There is another that gets you a "Knight of the Thorn somethingsomething" iirc. which one did you do?

Knights of the Thorn, Very annoying quest I really want to beat the little brat up.

Where about is the quest for Knights of the White Stallion?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
talk to people in and about Leyawiin. they will tell you about the local count being troubled by a she-orc calling herself a knight.

it's one of the sub-faction quests, the Knights of teh Thorn one being more related to the actual story line.

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