"Nuclear Emergency"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They aren't there to sell anything though, they are there to report the news.

That's what the TV license is for. It should be unbiased, non opinionated. It should be the facts and only the facts.

I am getting more an more peeved at having to pay a license for something that is utter shit most of the time.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
"Meltdown!" from the BBC, yet according to the IAEA (the guys who are on the ground helping the Japanese deal with this problem) website reactors 1, 2 and 3 have been brought below 100C degrees and are fully under control, they are still cooling reactor 4, there was a fire and some radioactive isotopes were released into atmosphere but they are short-lived and not harmful after about half an hour...

so no reason to panic or start the "i told ya so" yet Scouse ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
From Scouse's favourite excitable news outlet.

BBC News - Japan earthquake: Radiation levels fall at Fukushima

Hit by one of the biggest quakes ever recorded (top 5 isn't it?)
Hit by a dirty great big Tsunami
Hit by various explosions
Loss of cooling systems

And still they have got it under control and there is currently no real danger... BAN THEM NOW!


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
The worst part about this is that no matter how it'll turn out people will point at it and say nuclear power is dangerous and unsafe. Germany already has delayed the discussion on extending their nuclear power citing whats happening in Japan as the reason. Like fucking Germany is at any risk of an earthquake and tsunami.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
From Reuters. That OK? said:
17:28 - Radiation levels fall at the plant, the government says. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says the radiation level at the main gate of the Fukushima Daiichi complex is 596.4 microsieverts per hour as of 0630 GMT, down from 11,930 microsieverts at 0000 GMT.

17:31 - Japan has told the U.N. Agency radioactivity was being released "directly" into the atmosphere, the IAEA say

20:54 - Radiation levels at the No. 4 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power plant has become too high to conduct normal work from its control room

100mSv per year is a cancer causer. The lower figure works out at a years worth of exposure in about 10 mins. Of course the bulk of that will be gamma emissions.

Good job it's not the higher one - at it's height it would have worked out at about 100 million mSv / year, or a years worth of exposure every "fuck all" seconds. :|

But someone's gonna call that silly. Or something.

The rest of it (and I'd say it's the bigger problem, really, if I'm allowed to express an opinion) is the unmeasured shit that's blowing across the country. 10 times normal is indeed not a real health risk but Tokyo's 150 miles away. Wonder what it was like at, say, 1/5th that? Any guess is good here as it's practically impossible to measure and track until it lands somewhere....

Officials in Tokyo -- 240 km (150 miles) to the south of the plant -- said radiation in the capital was 10 times normal at one point but not a threat to human health in the sprawling high-tech city of 13 million people.

Toxicologist Lee Tin-lap at the Chinese University of Hong Kong said such a radiation level was not an immediate threat to people but the long-term consequences were unknown.

"You are still breathing this into your lungs, and there is passive absorption in the skin, eyes and mouth and we really do not know what long-term impact that would have," Lee told Reuters by telephone.

And, unfortunately, it's probably not over yet, according to the premier:

"The possibility of further radioactive leakage is heightening," a grim-faced Kan said in an address to the nation.

So. Nothing to worry about then. :(

Edit: Maths may be well out. Had a few jars. May be getting my micro's and milli's mixed up :)


Dec 26, 2003
The rest of it (and I'd say it's the bigger problem, really, if I'm allowed to express an opinion) is the unmeasured shit that's blowing across the country. 10 times normal is indeed not a real health risk but Tokyo's 150 miles away. Wonder what it was like at, say, 1/5th that? Any guess is good here as it's practically impossible to measure and track until it lands somewhere....

The winds been blowing it out over the pacific though and its a big ocean - it survived all those nuclear tests and these releases just arent on anything like that scale - it will get lost in the background noise.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
just been reading an interesting article about coal plants heres the link

How Coal Works | Union of Concerned Scientists

down near the bottom is the meat and gravy of the article.
a case study the side effects of a coal plant

how true it is i cant i say altho i do know about the particulates that are released.

after reading the bullet points i was a bit taken aback about how damaging these coal power plants are.

a quick comparison of nuclear shows that water gets pumped back into the system warmer than it was before it entered it which over a long period of time im sure would cause some ecological damage in the oceans. but both technologys do this so its a pretty mute point i suppose

radiation levels are generally quite low around nuclear power plants although i cannot say the damage caused by constant exposure to low lvls of radiation

to me it seems that people are afraid of a technology that has the "potential" to cause alot of dmg and probably never will. over 50 years there has been 1 lvl 7 alert and maybe a dozen overall instances over lvl 1 thats an incredible safety record imo wiki no doubt has a full list of all incidents.

yet we are quite happy to let coal plants do some nasty damage to our atmosphere and our water and our health on a 24/7 basis as they are always pumpin shit into the atmosphere and water supplies

ironically it seems that a by product from coal plants called fly ash concentrates the trace amounts of uranium and thorium up to 10 times the normal amount which could make it more radioactive than the background radiation of a nuclear powerplant.

this is how i see it people hear the word nuclear they think omfg huge mushroom cloud and a nice picture of the end of the world straight out of terminator 2

as always ignorance is the main issue the only way to deal with it is education

the one major down side of nuclear power is the storage of spent fuel thats my one gripe with it

shame the bbc doesnt report of dangers and health risks of coal plants instead of nuclear power but then again that wouldnt get the viewers glued to their screens

personally id be nervous living near a nuclear power plant but id take it over been next to a coal plant any day


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
"The radiation spiked up to 30 bananas a day (2 days ago) and then fell back down to 1 to 2 bananas per day."

The banana meter tells the truth.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
so your saying they are not financially viable?

i dont see the relevance of the article which is overall impact of energy sources other than a economical one

if thats the road you wish to travel then lets examine it

coal plants are dirt cheap to run and fuel cant refute that

nuclear power is not cheap to run or to fuel getting the fuel is very expensive i believe.

but my question to you whats more important

economy or ecology?

coal belongs to a bygone era it should be phased out gas and oil probably wont be around in 100 years renewable sources just arent advanced enough to be a viable alternative. atm nuclear is the only viable source to see us through the next century or 2


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
100mSv per year is a cancer causer. The lower figure works out at a years worth of exposure in about 10 mins. Of course the bulk of that will be gamma emissions.

Good job it's not the higher one - at it's height it would have worked out at about 100 million mSv / year, or a years worth of exposure every "fuck all" seconds. :|

But someone's gonna call that silly. Or something.

The rest of it (and I'd say it's the bigger problem, really, if I'm allowed to express an opinion) is the unmeasured shit that's blowing across the country. 10 times normal is indeed not a real health risk but Tokyo's 150 miles away. Wonder what it was like at, say, 1/5th that? Any guess is good here as it's practically impossible to measure and track until it lands somewhere....

And, unfortunately, it's probably not over yet, according to the premier:

So. Nothing to worry about then. :(

Edit: Maths may be well out. Had a few jars. May be getting my micro's and milli's mixed up :)

Fuck me, but isn't walking around London with all its diesel and petrol fumes (ie smog) just as bad?

I am far more likely to contract cancer in London right now than Japan due to the amount of carciogens in the air?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
What we really need to worry about is if nuclear fallout combines with the smoke from burning buildings, and produces nucleacidic rain!!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
What we really need to worry about is if nuclear fallout combines with the smoke from burning buildings, and produces nucleacidic rain!!!!

's alright, you can stand under my umbrella.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The Daily Mash - Nuclear disasters not just caused by communism

I think this part sums it up quite well.

Martin Bishop, Professor of Well, What Do You Know at Reading University, said: "Before anyone says anything about climate change, shut the fuck up.

"For the moment let's stick to what used to be known universally as 'the facts' until it was decided that everything was just an opinion.

"Fact one. Fossil fuels are running out and as they do so they will get more and more expensive resulting in violent conflicts. You will not believe how true that sentence is going to continue to be.

"Fact two. Nuclear power stations explode. They do, I just saw one.

"That leaves us with either renewable energy or stuff that hasn't been invented yet and it's really difficult to charge your stupid fucking phone with stuff that hasn't been invented yet.

"Go on. Try."


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I've been called pedantic lately, so here goes :p

Fossil fuels getting expensive doesn't equal violent conflicts. It might, but not a fact.

Parts of nuclear power plant exploded, not the whole thing, part. As a whole, the station is relatively fine compared to the amount it took.

That leaves us also with the option of; not being a pussy and not go by remote possibilities.

Everything CAN go tits up, doesn't mean we should avoid it.

If we lived our lives with what CAN happen, well f*ck, you CAN die by sneezing wrong, but you CAN die if you don't sneeze.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I didn't write it. Its a UK satirical news website. The saviour of the lunch break.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Oh i didn't mean you did, just wanted to poke at that information(or mis there of) a bit :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
I have a perspective on radiation that is based on reality and personal first hand experience. It's been more than 10 years since I worked for them so I don't think I'm going to divulge anything commercially sensitive.

I used to work for a manufacturer of medical diagnostic kits for blood and urine tests. I worked in one side of the QC dept. The "other side" of the QC dept used made and calibrated RIA tests (radioimmunometric assays). These use Iodine 125 (I-125) attached to specific antibodies for what is being tested for. I-125 is a gamma radiation emitter with a half-life of approx 60 days and results are obtained by passing the completed test in front of a gamma detector for a fixed period of time and recording the count of gamma photons.

I frequently had to run tests side by side to ensure that they confirmed with the control samples and with each other. I was never ever worried or concerned for my health and wellbeing because a gamma emitting radionuclide is inherently safer than other radioactive sources. Gamma radiation is high energy photons... light. Very penetrating and can only be stopped by dense material like concrete or lead. This penetration ironically means it's also the least damaging radiation to living tissue because it mostly passes through you... just like an x-ray.

I've seen reports on Fukushima quoting 12,000 uSv/hr which is just scaremongering because that's 12mSv... about the same as being in a CT scanner.
That said, I've noticed all the news agencies now are getting their units mixed up and aren't reporting figures any more. They quote multiples of annual exposure or other comparative measures... not actual reported data. Apparently the control room for Fukushima reactor 4 is now too "hot" for normal work which is a bad sign indeed.
TIMELINE-Japan's unfolding nuclear crisis | Reuters


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
So what you're saying is "Media in "making shit they don't understand up" SHOCKER!"?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If it doesn't effect A: The wow/minecraft servers. 2: availability of bacon&cheese&jelly babies III: The wanking material online.

I'm fine :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
If it doesn't effect A: The wow/minecraft servers. 2: availability of bacon&cheese&jelly babies III: The wanking material online.

I'm fine :p

Japanese girls in schoolgirl-milkers pr0n will be mutating to have 3.14 tits :/

...and 2 demon-cocks :O


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You're saying it like it's a bad thing.

I for one am already wetting my trousers for some doubledemon pi-tit schoolgirl porn.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Japanese girls in schoolgirl-milkers pr0n will be mutating to have 3.14 tits :/

...and 2 demon-cocks :O

So what you are saying is that nuclear accidents have a real upside then? :D


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I've been called pedantic lately, so here goes :p

Fossil fuels getting expensive doesn't equal violent conflicts. It might, but not a fact.

That's already happening mate, so right off the bat you are wrong. :)

Example: USA would never have cared what happened in Kuwait or Iraq if there weren't oil there.

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