need help


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 25, 2006
i got a question.
a while back i was in DF on my warrior on the midstairs albs had DF 3-4 fgs where down there knowing i couldn't kill any of them i rushed down bashed the first one i met right in the face and got nuked to bits. BB hidden on the stairs ressed me and cured ress ill buffed up and i went down again, i died 250 times that night and made 250 resses worth 150 rps per ress.

Question: IS THAT RP FARMING ? if so then i had 3-4 fg's of albs who where involved will they all be stripped as well ?

imo it is, they willingly alowed me to ress with bot none of them ever tried to hit BB.

(don't care about ban/stripping of charcs as long as they also take all albs there with me)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
BlackrazoR said:
I did try reading the ridiculous number of posts which the 6 active Mids left on cluster have posted :p . :fluffle: Team Conclave! Less arguing and more rp-PLing yourselves on us! Then I can report you and beat you as a RR1 Group :p .
lol <3 :fluffle:


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Bluesky said:
Going from Requiels post its very clear as he states that "We never take action against a character that was not involved in an incident of wrongdoing. Only accounts and characters that were directly involved are punished." So then i take from that combined with Shivhae's first post that MULTIPLE characters were used to break the CoC. She openly admits to accepting the punishment given to one character. After GOA's investigations the only conclusion can be that the rr11 valk was used in either the same or additional actions to warrant the punishment of stripped rp's

Blue, your initial post was BEFORE Requiel posted. At that time you did not know what had happened. If I had know what Requiel was going to say I wouldn't have needed to post. The only reason I posted was to try and help Shivhae find out what was happening, despite breaking some rules she still deserves to be told what her other chars were punished for.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
Not really, they will just make you pay for that fruit in your pocket. "Are you gonna pay for that apple in your pocket? Oh yes, sorry forgot." I don't know what country you live in though. Stripping her main char for all her 14 million rp's is exactly the same as deleting the character, or banning her account. The result is exactly the same - her quitting the game. Way to harsh for something she didn't even do.
Wheres the proof she didnt do it? If it was done over a long period of time, whos to say? Sorry, I just dont believe she didnt. Stealing is stealing, you cant do the time, dont do the crime.
If someone should suddenly hate you, for example if you had a girlfriend who played DAOC and for something she think you've done or something, I'm sure she would be able to find a way to log into your account and arrange something like this and get it reported to Goa. I'm also sure you would find it unfair and that you would hate the person who did it to you. Also I'm sure you'd want a better explanation from Goa, when you don't even know who did it.
Not really, the explansion is in the EULA and COC as well as being common sense, and GOA warn about this constantly.

You see the flaw, don't you?
Nope, I see the evidence, the realms see your deathspam constantly and GOA do too, the rest is down to server side logs that you are taking the piss.

Still I don't think you would sit there and say the same if it happened to you, or one of your friends.
An old pal got done for burgulary on a school, I call him a twat, and tbh hes got the balls to stand up now and say he was one too, he learnt a lesson that now people dont see him in the same light, and certainly dont trust him.

Even for that, the punishment was way too harsh. Also in my country it's normal to get a warning for any first offence minor crime instead of a terrible punishment (like jail or decapitation), maybe a small fine for example. Unless we're talking about rape or murder, wich we aren't. This system works fine, Norway are one of the countries in the world with lowest crime rates. Compare this with the crime rates of for example USA, wich has if not the highest, one of the highest. As you also know they have terrible terrible punishments, and people there would rather kill someone to try avoid those punishments if they get accused for something.
Sorry, again you seem to think this is a lesser crime, in game it isnt, it goes against all the principles of competative gaming, realm ranks make a huge difference to a toons ability to wipe another toon out, if you cant see that you are blind. She may have worked hard on that toon, but others work hard too and do it without cheating or easymode.
In Norway you might actually have a chance taking GOA to court for something like this since we have very strong consumer laws here.
Very very wrong, GOA/Mythic remain the owners of all material in game, they reserve the right to enforce their policies as laid out in the EULA, and by her own admission, the EULA has been broken by a) letting someone else play her account and b) cheating by RP farming deliberatly to gain an unfair advantage, also against the SotG. You sign a waver every time you log into that game agreeing to these rules, thats GOAs contract, you cant argue afterward because you agreed to adhere to it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Cadelin said:
despite breaking some rules she still deserves to be told what her other chars were punished for.
And now the truth is out, so it didnt really help her credibility did it? Now the entire server knows that 2 of her chars gained RPs in an improper manner.

Something tells me some now think this should have been laid to rest after the first post...


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Cadelin said:
Blue, your initial post was BEFORE Requiel posted. At that time you did not know what had happened. If I had know what Requiel was going to say I wouldn't have needed to post. The only reason I posted was to try and help Shivhae find out what was happening, despite breaking some rules she still deserves to be told what her other chars were punished for.

Excuse me if im wrong here.

She has openly admitted to breaking the CoC with one char.

"Now, using my extremely vivd imagination........perchance its the same offence ?

example :

Shiv is logging on a new PLd level 50, no one has seen this char before. She logs on her other account, and allows the new char to kill her say rr5 spiritmaster. This SM has seen some realm point farm deaths I can tell you !. Within an hour or so of RP Pl , the new char is rr3, gaining nicely.

"Shivs mum calls, and tells her to come round at 7pm. Crap ! that leaves an hour...grr and i really want to get to rr 4 :/"

Hey i remember.... !! a new char gets a shit load of RPs off a high rr char ! Woot, I'll log on my RR11, and my new char can farm her !" I know its risky.....but hey ive been doing this for ages and noone is any the wiser !

Hour later...."!yay, did it !" and only 5 mins late for mums too :)

I mean come on, if you are intent on cheating in this way - how tempting must it be to use your juicy, succulent realm point pig of a rr11 char.

ps.. ask Max Clifford about this one. If the cat is out the bag, and all hell so to speak is about to break loose on you - tis best to try and break the news yourself, before the tabloids do - which in this case is Freddyshouse Forums. As the well known word is, shiv is putting "spin" on this whole thing to make her look better - to do this she has to lie and cheat.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Hawkwind said:
Imagine the population right now if they did. They can detect it easily by checking names, address and CC details. But they won't because they would loose too much revenue.

I'm not expecting GOA to start banning accounts based on the fact they have been traded anytime soon, like you say they would lose too much profit.

However using the argument "it may not be the original owner playing it, it might be one of their mates" to try and get out of a punishment isn't going to work, since letting your mate use the account was actually wrong in the first place.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
well goa have said in the past it doesnt matter who is playing the account at the time, its the account that gets banned. blame your mysterious friend not goa.


Loyal Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
" all actions have a re action" (damn cant remeber who said that one) Either way I think GOA reacted in the rigth way here, I mean they can easely get all the info they need about all your chars with a few strokes on a keyboard and simply if they find that you are breaking the COC in some way they should reakt.
Then well it is possibel to argue how harsh this punnishment was but I do not think goa blindly picks 2 other chars then the invold one and resents their rps either , I think there was something more behind their actions.

either way I shall bugger off and wait in my corner for warhammer, have fun out there every one


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Zede said:
"Now, using my extremely vivd imagination........perchance its the same offence ?

There was a very good chance it was true. Nobody doubted that. However Shivhae wanted GOA to confirm this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Cadelin said:
There was a very good chance it was true. Nobody doubted that. However Shivhae wanted GOA to confirm this.
ok now this is getting silly... how could she NOT know or is she going to now claim her account info was hacked too? imo let this drop. She brought this on herself and is paying the price and i think she is lucky to still have her account. I really do think that is the end of it.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Bluesky said:
ok now this is getting silly... how could she NOT know or is she going to now claim her account info was hacked too? imo let this drop. She brought this on herself and is paying the price and i think she is lucky to still have her account. I really do think that is the end of it.

The reason why she is asking doesn't matter. Why shouldn't she be able to ask why her account got punished?


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004

It's fuckin simple.

x broke CoC, x got punished, Requiel pwned any defenders of x

Move on!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
old.Whoodoo said:
Wheres the proof she didnt do it? If it was done over a long period of time, whos to say? Sorry, I just dont believe she didnt. Stealing is stealing, you cant do the time, dont do the crime.
Not really, the explansion is in the EULA and COC as well as being common sense, and GOA warn about this constantly.

Nope, I see the evidence, the realms see your deathspam constantly and GOA do too, the rest is down to server side logs that you are taking the piss.

An old pal got done for burgulary on a school, I call him a twat, and tbh hes got the balls to stand up now and say he was one too, he learnt a lesson that now people dont see him in the same light, and certainly dont trust him.

Sorry, again you seem to think this is a lesser crime, in game it isnt, it goes against all the principles of competative gaming, realm ranks make a huge difference to a toons ability to wipe another toon out, if you cant see that you are blind. She may have worked hard on that toon, but others work hard too and do it without cheating or easymode.
Very very wrong, GOA/Mythic remain the owners of all material in game, they reserve the right to enforce their policies as laid out in the EULA, and by her own admission, the EULA has been broken by a) letting someone else play her account and b) cheating by RP farming deliberatly to gain an unfair advantage, also against the SotG. You sign a waver every time you log into that game agreeing to these rules, thats GOAs contract, you cant argue afterward because you agreed to adhere to it.
Well we just have to agree to disagree then.

I atleast can't understand how Goa see this. If Goa really think she were so stupid and did this on purpose, then that just proves how stupid Goa are.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
Well we just have to agree to disagree then.

I atleast can't understand how Goa see this. If Goa really think she were so stupid and did this on purpose, then that just proves how stupid Goa are.
Except she admitted she did it on purpose in the very first post of this thread...

Still, you know best eh?


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
Not really, they will just make you pay for that fruit in your pocket. "Are you gonna pay for that apple in your pocket? Oh yes, sorry forgot." I don't know what country you live in though.
i live in Denmark and have worked in a store 4 3 years and everytime some1 stole something (if they forgot an apple its not a big deal, but then again the person useing shiva's acc knew it was wrong so it is a big deal) the cops would be called and they would get banned from the store. Infact i do not know any country this wouldnt be the senario (arab country's a diff story but ye...)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
Well we just have to agree to disagree then.

I atleast can't understand how Goa see this. If Goa really think she were so stupid and did this on purpose, then that just proves how stupid Goa are.

Man you're thicker then a friggin whale. Just give up!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Bluesky said:
The very important point tho Sigwyen is there is a difference and that was precisely my point. Some people have understood the difference and some don't or won't accept it. GOA do see the difference though and imo thats the most important thing.

He heh well the reason why i dont think of it as cheating is due to the outcome of the fight is unknown ... The fight itself is still aranged though just as any solo fight in a zone, setup the same way would be aranged ..

the only way those fights wouldn't be, was if nobody wrote on FH IRC or communicated on any form :)

I dont care about arranging fights in RvR it saves time and increases the fun for those involved.

I mean if nobody knows where any 1 is then the frontiers with this population are a mighty large area ... and running around for 1 hour without a fight is not fun we all agree on that i'm sure :)

But technically those fights are still arranged, what makes them legit is the outcome is unknown ..atleast as i see it :)



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
SkarIronfist said:
But Sig there is a huge difference, the outcome of the fight is not predetermined. When you fight another group or zerg. The outcome cannot predictated. The points could go to anyone.

RP farming is where the outcome is not in issue, the points are going to a specific character in a specific account.

I am sure you can appreciate this rather large difference.

This is where solo's fighting is not rp farming. Though an rr1 vs rr11 could be classed as one sided. But at least the rr1 is trying to win.

Skar im not saying anything like that m8 i'm quite aware that the outcome is unkown and there for not like rp farming in any way ..

my point is merely that: Stating "arranging fights between fg's in agramon tonight" or writing "Our group is running in agramon tonight" is both to arrange fights with other fg's in that zone tonight ...ofc with unkown outcomes of the fights

the reason i disagreed with blue on this subject is that he distinquist claimed that this is 2 totally different things and in my opinion that is exactly the same just said with different words..



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If 1 fg sat so the other fg could kill them over and over then id agree. However, they dont, they do there best to win. In the case of Shivhae they allowed 1 char to kill another over and over for RP gain? If that was the case you should be on button moon with Mr Spoon if you think they are the same thing.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I think the difference here is a little more subtle than people are willing to voice. It's more likely that everyone understands the distinction just fine, but the people who do not have the ability to join the FG fights are a little envious of the results of those fights (fun and rps), and thus attack the institution.

In the end, a message stating 'My group is running in Agramon tonight' is nothing more than an invitation to EVERYONE to come and try to kill them. Noone is excluded, quite the opposite. I suspect that the proverbial carrot-dangling (RP-dangling?), and their ineffectiveness in catching the carrot clouds their judgement. Perhaps on a subconscious level.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
In the end, a message stating 'My group is running in Agramon tonight' is nothing more than an invitation to EVERYONE to come and try to kill them.

Well it can be an invitaion sure but i have read severel posts on FH saying. we are running in agramon tonight. who else is comming ? .. that is not an invitaion but arranging fights ....

Still not saying its wrong i like those fights .. but this has turned in to a battle over words i reckon and how 1 would choose them...

I really can't understand why u can't admit ur arranging fights. Cuz like this it shouldn't be against the coc aslong as ur not arranging the outcome aswell...

If u disagree i dont care :)



FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
These groups could just as easily post "We are running tonight" with no mention of agramon, which in a nutshell any fg with a bit of history would know that means we are running in agramon. As this is the only place to have the playstyle these groups look for (8v8's without adds for a perfectly balanced fight, after that it comes down to a game of wits, skill and ability).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
Not really, they will just make you pay for that fruit in your pocket. "Are you gonna pay for that apple in your pocket? Oh yes, sorry forgot." I don't know what country you live in though. Stripping her main char for all her 14 million rp's is exactly the same as deleting the character, or banning her account.

she can still play her acc tho even tho the char is rr 1?, maybe by then she realise that rr dosnt matter... but imo if she did this cheating she or he wat ever should be happy that she could still play the game imo... sounds fair 2 me, nice way 2 eat my breakfast


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
Phule_Gubben said:
Man you're thicker then a friggin whale. Just give up!
lol mate, didnt he just say 'lets agree to disagree'? :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2004
i was running with GA grp's a while and made a lot of freind's in their guild and personaly i don;t think Shivh was able to do that.. and untill se get's a response or at least a chance to defend herself and goa to listen the part of her story i will quit rvr a while .. i know is nothing and i know it dosen't make any difference with a savage extra or minus in rvr but this is a way to show my solidarity with woot i think is a good player of the realm. many of u will not even givf a a flying "brownie" that i stop playing rvr but as i said.. i goa will at least listen to GA part of story.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
ogmonda said:
i was running with GA grp's a while and made a lot of freind's in their guild and personaly i don;t think Shivh was able to do that.. and untill se get's a response or at least a chance to defend herself and goa to listen the part of her story i will quit rvr a while .. i know is nothing and i know it dosen't make any difference with a savage extra or minus in rvr but this is a way to show my solidarity with woot i think is a good player of the realm. many of u will not even givf a a flying "brownie" that i stop playing rvr but as i said.. i goa will at least listen to GA part of story.
thing is she can say whatever she wants rly, but it will not change the outcome, as the rules r stated extreemly clear, if ur account is involved in cheating u will pay the price. In this case she lost rps and she is lucky she still have the acc. if she wanna say what she did FH is prob the only place ppl will actualy care...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
ogmonda said:
i was running with GA grp's a while and made a lot of freind's in their guild and personaly i don;t think Shivh was able to do that.. and untill se get's a response or at least a chance to defend herself and goa to listen the part of her story i will quit rvr a while .. i know is nothing and i know it dosen't make any difference with a savage extra or minus in rvr but this is a way to show my solidarity with woot i think is a good player of the realm. many of u will not even givf a a flying "brownie" that i stop playing rvr but as i said.. i goa will at least listen to GA part of story.

She can take it up the Gary for all GOA care, she broke ze rulz!


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Req has replied in this thread, and I'm very sure GOA have spoken with her on why do you think she still hasn't got an answer or a chance to defend herself? A gm coming on to an unofficial board to give some input to shiv isn't enough? What exactly is it you think is missing from GOA that they haven't said/covered already?

Shiv obviously just doesn't like the answer GOA has given, and will continue to not like it until they give her back the rp's..which won't happen.

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