need help

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
I heard myself in the ventrilo room when Fieldsurgeon brought the news from freddyshouse to Shivhae, that her berserker apparently had been involved in a screenshot of /stats that looked like "naughty rp farming" for 20mins, how surprised she was that her berserker even had been logged on as she hadn't played it herself in ages. This lead me to think that someone on purpose have managed to log in shiv's account and arranged this "rp farming" for it to be reported to Goa. (He is the one who should be punished, not Shivhae!) I'm not the only witness to this, as most of my pug was in ventrilo at that time.

Not only her berserker and valkyrie have been stripped, also the hunter since it made 600 rp's last Monday. In other words the 3 chars who had earned rp's last week. (Just she don't care about the hunter or any other chars, she only care about the valkyrie and it's her only reason to play the game.) Those who brought popcorn for this, I hope you choke on it. Would make the world a better place.

Goa's system is flawed, don't forget that! No system is flawless, although I'm glad Goa won't have anything to do with Age of Conan.

There's only one person responsible for what happens to an account, and that's the accountowner. Should he or she decide to share the account with someone, and this someone does a big no-no with the account, the owner is still responsible and thus reprimandes will be taken. The "wasn't me" card cannot be played.

Kaburn said:
ive macro'd and exploited alot ofshit and never got caught. i 2 b u ;(
hmmmm..... Can I report him for general pityness? :/


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
1 less fucktard playing that cluster then.

oh well im sure we all give a shit, your a moody cow anyway.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
this can probably be closed now,

In summary;

useless player cant make RPs fairly
Useless player farms an alt
useless player gets caught
useless player gets banned
useless player cries in public about it
useless player gets owned

The end


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Raven said:
this can probably be closed now,

In summary;

useless player cant make RPs fairly
Useless player farms an alt
useless player gets caught
useless player gets banned
useless player cries in public about it
useless player gets owned

The end



Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Incredible how just you of everyone decide to RP farm, brings a whole new meaning to RP-whore :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Think I'll use radar on my /level 20 char, and when my account gets banned I'll just say it aint fair that they denied access to my other chars because I didn't do it with all my other chars just with my /level 20 guy :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 10, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
Side note off topic, just wondering: If I have my brother visiting with his laptop and he should decide to play Hib on his account upstairs (his main's are mids) at the same time as I was playing Midgard on my account down in the basement, and we'd be having the same IP gateway etc. Would that automatically be considered xrealming and/or against the CoC? If so, then why the hell do we even get allowed to have Midgard/Excalibur AND Hibernia/Prydwen chars, aren't we just better off being restricted to 1 realm then to avoid us self-pwning ourselves without even knowing about it?

hmm let me try to ans this ( requiel feel free to correct me)

i have mid/exc and hib/pryd, and so does my gf ..
and sometimes we play on diff realms .. we come from came ip etc ..
i once had a small talk with one of the GM's about this , and they said no problem. they dont ban people for that , they have diff kind of systems and routies that pick up irregular behavor , so yes i am free to PA my gf if i play the other realm ( and i prob get slapped for it irl , and it prob would effect my sexlife for some weeks ) , but doing it as farming and agreement is not allowed, and prob will be picked up, play safe and by the rules and u will be fine ... we lived togheter now for a year , and there has not been any problems


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Bigbrother said:
hmm let me try to ans this ( requiel feel free to correct me)

i have mid/exc and hib/pryd, and so does my gf ..
and sometimes we play on diff realms .. we come from came ip etc ..
i once had a small talk with one of the GM's about this , and they said no problem. they dont ban people for that , they have diff kind of systems and routies that pick up irregular behavor , so yes i am free to PA my gf if i play the other realm ( and i prob get slapped for it irl , and it prob would effect my sexlife for some weeks ) , but doing it as farming and agreement is not allowed, and prob will be picked up, play safe and by the rules and u will be fine ... we lived togheter now for a year , and there has not been any problems

Well then it's only one thing for you to do, Spank yer monkey again. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2006
I see a lot of peaple reffering to the CoC.

When was the last time you read the CoC?
Because the current EU CoC, is close to silly imho.

Lets take a look at the part about good conduct, wich is the only part i see as could be used in this case

Rules of good conduct
sers are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game. Harassment of another person, insults or remarks intended to hurt another person will not be tolerated.

Of course, we expect our members to express themselves using correct language. Similarly, racist, xenophobic or revisionist remarks, or remarks displaying intolerance of a religious, ideological, philosophical or similar nature will not be accepted.

"Flooding" (the rapid systematic repetition of one phrase, which interferes with communication between users) is forbidden, as is all abuse of the means of communication that can be accessed on the site.

It is forbidden to pretend to be a volunteer, a Community Manager or a member of the GOA team.

It is forbidden to indulge in hacking (pirating) activities and to encourage others to indulge in them. It is also forbidden to distribute software enabling such activities to be practised, or viruses and other programs or scripts that may harm other users.

The role of volunteers is to help other players (often sacrificing some of their own playing time in the process). We will react particularly strongly to any persecution of or threats made to volunteers, as we will to any such behaviour directed at GOA and the people working for it.

Players undertake not to make use of any bugs, nor to use any undocumented functions, nor to exploit any possible design faults. Players also undertake to notify GOA personnel of the presence of any bugs, undocumented functions or design faults that they may discover as soon as possible.

GOA accommodates servers in five different languages (English, French, German, italian and spanish). You can connect to a server using a foreign language, but if you communicate on the main channels, please use the language of the server.


This is what peaple have agree to follow, when they play the game.

I read this quite a few times, and no matter how much i try. I can't get x-realming/rp farming to be a breach of the CoC, unless it done by "bugs, undocumented functions or design faults".

Wich isn't the case in this perticular matter Or in the TT degrading keep case.

And before anyone say is against the SoTG, players on EU never agree to play within the SoTG, only US players are under that restiction. (if you go with the CoC anyway, the only part where peaple are to follow SoTG is when creating player names)

I actuly confronted GOA with these things, and there response was/is weak at the moment, so far the only thing the responded with, is they following the EU CoC, wich i find rather sad, because is totaly outdated imo.
Making a copy of the US one would solve the issue, becuase there nothing to discuss when rules are made out clear, and not lying on some GOA person personal feeling about the subject.

What i found sad about all this. GOA make the rules, but they are the ones not following them. Wonder how many players we lost do to wrong CoC issues, where players thought the could do something and GOA desided they couldn't.

Last note:
I dont agree with the action shivhae did because.
is against my view of fair play, but then again many things are, to name a few.
DI bot on stick.
nuking through walls.

The penalty enforced in this case seem more like a humiliation. Removing 200
days worth of play, and not deleting the char. If the matter is so
extreme, hand out a permanent ban.
for comparing with the US CoC:

Cross-realm teaming or spying.
Suspension or Banishment can be used to resolve these issues.This is dependant upon the severity of the issue and any previous violations.

wich would probely be a 1 day ban if first time offense.

ohh well this post is getting way to long, was only planning on a small one :)


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
You were looking in the wrong place, it's covered here:

EULA said:
You acknowledge expressly that all characters created and all objects acquired and developed during the game are an integral part of the Software and the Game and its Expansions’ pack and strictly remain the property of The Publisher.

We are not in a position to check User Content in advance and We are not responsible for User Content under civil or criminal law. Nevertheless, We reserve the right to remove any User Content at any time if such Content violates the terms of this EULA or if We deem it to be potentially dangerous or contrary to or incompatible with the spirit of the game or if it is manifestly revealed to be contrary to public order, good moral standards or the laws currently in force.

BY CLICKING THE "I ACCEPT" BUTTON AND PROVIDING US WITH A CREDIT CARD NUMBER, YOU DECLARE YOURSELF TO BE OF LEGAL AGE AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE TERMS OF THIS EULA EITHER ON YOUR OWN BEHALF OR ON BEHALF OF YOUR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18. You may not transfer or share your Account with anyone, unless, as a parent or legal guardian, you allow your child to use it. You are responsible for the use of your Account, and parents or legal guardians are responsible for their children's actions. No artificial person or commercial company may establish an Account, unless this is by express Agreement with The Publisher of the Game and its Expansions Pack.

When your Account is set up, you are allocated a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of said password and for all impairment, damages and losses (in particular, deleted characters) that may result from the disclosure of your password or from the use of your password by another person to access your Account.

The possession of an Account authorises you to transfer data ("User Content") to our servers in various forms, particularly in the chat rooms and all other sites where direct exchanges take place between players. You are expressly reminded that this User Content must not: (a) infringe any third-party intellectual property rights and any property rights or rights to privacy; (b) violate any laws or regulations currently in force; (c) be of a nature that is slanderous, discriminatory, obscene, paedophiliac, harmful to minors and generally contrary to public order and good moral standards; (d) contain any type of virus, Trojan horse, worm, time bomb, robot or any other computer routine intended to damage or interfere with the normal operation of the Game and its Expansions or to secretly intercept or expropriate any data, systems or personal information.

We may terminate this Agreement (including your License Agreement and your Account) immediately, without prior notice and with immediate effect, especially if We establish that you are violating the terms of this EULA, infringing the intellectual property rights of any third party, manifestly endangering public order or good moral standards, or if We are unable to verify or authenticate any information about you that you supply during the game, in the chat room or during any other activity connected to the Game and its Expansions and that We deem inappropriate and/or in breach of the spirit of the Game and its Expansions as defined in the charter, which can be obtained from



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Similarly, racist, xenophobic or revisionist remarks, or remarks displaying intolerance of a religious, ideological, philosophical or similar nature will not be accepted.

Oops. I can be banned for saying 'Plato was a prat', or 'I can't stand Communism'. Can anyone tell me what a 'revisonist remark' might be, so I can avoid making one?



FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
mercury said:
Oops. I can be banned for saying 'Plato was a prat', or 'I can't stand Communism'. Can anyone tell me what a 'revisonist remark' might be, so I can avoid making one?


Theres quite some interesting stuff in there, I wonder if they do still cover a lot of these things though tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2006
Nate you have a very valid point regarding the spirit of the game, Funny part is I actuly had read through it, but choose the wrong one, since i have 2 :)

but breaking the EULA is quite clear, termination of the license/account to play the game.
So cant be that they hit her with :)

My personal appinion this would be a CoC issue and not a EULA issue.


Sep 20, 2006
Response (CM_EN) - 12/06/2006 10:10 AM
Thank you for the report. We will investigate the incident using the server side logs, and based on what we find, will take actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.
If you have more information regarding the incident, feel free to update this rightnow report as it may make investigation easier and faster.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer () - 12/06/2006 07:36 AM

The charecter Shivha-Excalibur from the guild Golden Age on mid had 6 death blows and quite a lot of RPs considering there was nobody else out only the charecter Worldbuffer-Prydwen also from the Golden Age guild on hib with 4 deaths, when i PMed shivha, they were anon and didnt respond then quickly logged. So i think very suspicious and your logs should definatly show this person is RP farming the druid(Worldbuffer-Prydwen) and somthing should be done as seeing the amount this person plays i would say this isnt the first time they have done this.

Screenshot attached

BTW: Gramx had nothing to do with this i spoke to him and he was doing Realm Missions, other charecter being farmed did not show up due to only being killed.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
noblok said:

Thanks for those links. I think what GoA were getting at is that players should not deny the Holocaust (as if..). Spent a coupla hours finding out about the many and varied forms of torture that humans use on one another (never thought of using a pan-scrubber in quite that way before) and found a uber name for a toon.

PS : the European cow may have alot of money spent ON it (as distinct from BY it) but still ends up being eaten. That doesn't happen in India.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
mercury said:
PS : the European cow may have alot of money spent ON it (as distinct from BY it) but still ends up being eaten. That doesn't happen in India.
The point of the signature is that we spend lots of money on artificially raising the cost of our meat, while it could be spent on saving millions of lives instead.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 25, 2006
cmr said:
Response (CM_EN) - 12/06/2006 10:10 AM
Thank you for the report. We will investigate the incident using the server side logs, and based on what we find, will take actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.
If you have more information regarding the incident, feel free to update this rightnow report as it may make investigation easier and faster.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer () - 12/06/2006 07:36 AM

The charecter Shivha-Excalibur from the guild Golden Age on mid had 6 death blows and quite a lot of RPs considering there was nobody else out only the charecter Worldbuffer-Prydwen also from the Golden Age guild on hib with 4 deaths, when i PMed shivha, they were anon and didnt respond then quickly logged. So i think very suspicious and your logs should definatly show this person is RP farming the druid(Worldbuffer-Prydwen) and somthing should be done as seeing the amount this person plays i would say this isnt the first time they have done this.

Screenshot attached

BTW: Gramx had nothing to do with this i spoke to him and he was doing Realm Missions, other charecter being farmed did not show up due to only being killed.

thats all you have ?
my shaman made 25k in about 45 minutes, and he never even made a DB, all he did was ressing dead mids at the DF stairs, even my hunter had a score like that onces after killing a few scouts and rangers, imo that screen shot doesn't prove much other then shivha managed to kill a few enemies fast.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Kittybear said:
thats all you have ?
my shaman made 25k in about 45 minutes, and he never even made a DB, all he did was ressing dead mids at the DF stairs, even my hunter had a score like that onces after killing a few scouts and rangers, imo that screen shot doesn't prove much other then shivha managed to kill a few enemies fast.

At 6 in the morning your not gonna find 25k worth of active players to res for rp, so obviously this looks like it's against the eula. Fact of the matter is, this ss led to GOA investigating. Which in turn proven shiv to be breaking the rules.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 29, 2003
Kittybear said:
i got a question.
a while back i was in DF on my warrior on the midstairs albs had DF 3-4 fgs where down there knowing i couldn't kill any of them i rushed down bashed the first one i met right in the face and got nuked to bits. BB hidden on the stairs ressed me and cured ress ill buffed up and i went down again, i died 250 times that night and made 250 resses worth 150 rps per ress.

Question: IS THAT RP FARMING ? if so then i had 3-4 fg's of albs who where involved will they all be stripped as well ?

imo it is, they willingly alowed me to ress with bot none of them ever tried to hit BB.

(don't care about ban/stripping of charcs as long as they also take all albs there with me)

wasnt ur bot a bubble runie :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
So 2 rr11 toons farming each other for 5k rps/hr or wtf? Actually it's so stupid can't help wondering if it's a setup. But then can never overestimate peeps ability to be stupid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Similarly, racist, xenophobic or revisionist remarks, or remarks displaying intolerance of a religious, ideological, philosophical or similar nature will not be accepted.

Heretic_X to cleric_Y : Be gone with you and your foul God, don't you know only Arawn can set ye free ????

Cleric_Y : My Lord, ye have shaken the very foundations of my believes, I have lost my ability to heal.

Cleric_Y : /report Heretic_X


Just Kidding, couldn't resist that one :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
cmr said:
Response (CM_EN) - 12/06/2006 10:10 AM
Thank you for the report. We will investigate the incident using the server side logs, and based on what we find, will take actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.
If you have more information regarding the incident, feel free to update this rightnow report as it may make investigation easier and faster.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer () - 12/06/2006 07:36 AM

The charecter Shivha-Excalibur from the guild Golden Age on mid had 6 death blows and quite a lot of RPs considering there was nobody else out only the charecter Worldbuffer-Prydwen also from the Golden Age guild on hib with 4 deaths, when i PMed shivha, they were anon and didnt respond then quickly logged. So i think very suspicious and your logs should definatly show this person is RP farming the druid(Worldbuffer-Prydwen) and somthing should be done as seeing the amount this person plays i would say this isnt the first time they have done this.

Screenshot attached

BTW: Gramx had nothing to do with this i spoke to him and he was doing Realm Missions, other charecter being farmed did not show up due to only being killed.

With the looks of the screenshot, there aint many RR11L1 BD's on the server, i take it you are Brite.

And for the record Brite, you have been cought a few times with you pants down fighting in the middle of noware with people from Hib, and when your deathspam came on the screen again and again you told people you were testing somthing.

Its a good job the lads could not be bothered to GoA you at the time.

But on a side note, Shiv you aint got a leg to stand on, RP farming is Cheating, i would have stripped all RP's from all toons, just to make sure.

I tend to lose faith in cheats, so do others.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Well after reading lots on the thread and replies (not all of them since i got bit tired) i have to say a couple of things. I also have to state from the beginning that i am respecting shivhae as a person for as long as i know her.

1st thing of the story. If shivhae Broke COC knowingly then the consequences are fair. Now it is up to the Judge (goa) to decide upon them. It could have been 1 day ban or perma ban (then we wouldnt even discuss about the Rps). We all know the options they have, and have pressed the agree button so we all comply to the rules.

2nd There is a lot of whining and an overall coverage of every section of the game (Rp PL, Duels, Fg arrangements etc). This could be endless if we also add Arti camps, Powerleveling, TG item farming, Old DF PL etc etc. So we all have to agree in One thing. We have all willingly or not break the COC some time during our play time. So pls do not try to prove your great holyness in this thread.

3rd and final argument. Shivhae is Just asking for your help. Try to stick to that and either Help or dont. I personally think the punisment is very severe but i am not willing to help on that simply cause we all know the rules of the game and have agreed to play.

Happy new year To us All with health and Happiness.

Arquest Lvl 50 Skald.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2005

Arquest said:
Well after reading lots on the thread and replies (not all of them since i got bit tired) i have to say a couple of things. I also have to state from the beginning that i am respecting shivhae as a person for as long as i know her.

1st thing of the story. If shivhae Broke COC knowingly then the consequences are fair. Now it is up to the Judge (goa) to decide upon them. It could have been 1 day ban or perma ban (then we wouldnt even discuss about the Rps). We all know the options they have, and have pressed the agree button so we all comply to the rules.

2nd There is a lot of whining and an overall coverage of every section of the game (Rp PL, Duels, Fg arrangements etc). This could be endless if we also add Arti camps, Powerleveling, TG item farming, Old DF PL etc etc. So we all have to agree in One thing. We have all willingly or not break the COC some time during our play time. So pls do not try to prove your great holyness in this thread.

3rd and final argument. Shivhae is Just asking for your help. Try to stick to that and either Help or dont. I personally think the punisment is very severe but i am not willing to help on that simply cause we all know the rules of the game and have agreed to play.

Happy new year To us All with health and Happiness.

Arquest Lvl 50 Skald.

Finaly commen sence arrived .
THX arquest couldn't agree more .

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