need help


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I doubt you'd find a guy with 16 comps just to run fake 8v8 fights vs himself just to farm RP's though?

A "real" fight is something completely different. You can't begin to compare that to someone logging a char on a different realm and then bashing that a few times just to gain RP's.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 7, 2006
Cadelin said:
2) Lets assume the valk wasn't involved. Now it makes a more interesting case as to why it had its rp removed. Shivhae also has a rr10+ healer which wasn't(?) affected and probably some other chars with decent realm rank. If you think it was fine to removed the rp from one char why is it not correct to remove all of them? Who decides what a fitting punishment is and is it right for that decision to be arbitrary?

People have been banned for less, sounds fitting. She should be thankful that she still has the rr10 untouched on her account.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
For obvious reasons I can't and won't comment on the specifics of this case.
To answer some questions and clear up some misconceptions I'll make the following points.
  • There is no appeal beyond the GMs. My team are answerable to me and I have the final say on what is fair or not.

    We never take action against a character that was not involved in an incident of wrongdoing. Only accounts and characters that were directly involved are punished.

    We also only take action when faced with direct evidence. Nothing happens based on guesswork or assumptions. We are not obliged to share this evidence with you as we reserve the right not to make public the ways in which we catch cheats.

    I've looked through the various RightNow histories for this incident and I can't see anything from our side that could be construed as us admitting one of the affected characters wasn't involved.

You may now continue with the popcorn.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
You cheated - you got owned. Unfortunate that you lost such a great deal of time and effort on Shivhae but IMO if you break the rules then you're incredibly lucky not to be banned - I would've banned you :fluffle: .

Just read Requiel's post - you also lied about the Valk not being involved? LoL! Don't come crawling for sympathy on FH if you're just going to lie about it.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 7, 2006
im gonna miss my free group purge on inc :<


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 11, 2006
Requiel said:
I've looked through the various RightNow histories for this incident and I can't see anything from our side that could be construed as us admitting one of the affected characters wasn't involved.[/list]

You may now continue with the popcorn.

i got an reply on a post in rightnow and that there they say this line what the hell means it ? :

"The findings of our investigation contradict the statement that that character was not involved"

i read not involved i got that back as awnser. and i wanna know what this means ??

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Ilovetonuke said:
i got an reply on a post in rightnow and that there they say this line what the hell means it ? :

"The findings of our investigation contradict the statement that that character was not involved"

i read not involved i got that back as awnser. and i wanna know what this means ??

What they say is that you said you weren't involved, but that they investigated and found that you WERE involved, and thus your claim to not be involved was not true.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Thanks for clearing thigns up Requiel - sadly its as i thought it was :(

/passes Req a bag of extra caramel popcorn :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
I heard myself in the ventrilo room when Fieldsurgeon brought the news from freddyshouse to Shivhae, that her berserker apparently had been involved in a screenshot of /stats that looked like "naughty rp farming" for 20mins, how surprised she was that her berserker even had been logged on as she hadn't played it herself in ages. This lead me to think that someone on purpose have managed to log in shiv's account and arranged this "rp farming" for it to be reported to Goa. (He is the one who should be punished, not Shivhae!) I'm not the only witness to this, as most of my pug was in ventrilo at that time.

Not only her berserker and valkyrie have been stripped, also the hunter since it made 600 rp's last Monday. In other words the 3 chars who had earned rp's last week. (Just she don't care about the hunter or any other chars, she only care about the valkyrie and it's her only reason to play the game.) Those who brought popcorn for this, I hope you choke on it. Would make the world a better place.

Goa's system is flawed, don't forget that! No system is flawless, although I'm glad Goa won't have anything to do with Age of Conan.

Side note off topic, just wondering: If I have my brother visiting with his laptop and he should decide to play Hib on his account upstairs (his main's are mids) at the same time as I was playing Midgard on my account down in the basement, and we'd be having the same IP gateway etc. Would that automatically be considered xrealming and/or against the CoC? If so, then why the hell do we even get allowed to have Midgard/Excalibur AND Hibernia/Prydwen chars, aren't we just better off being restricted to 1 realm then to avoid us self-pwning ourselves without even knowing about it?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
So you cheated and got caught?

Your right, the directors should be contacted immediately to resolve this!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ilovetonuke said:
i got an reply on a post in rightnow and that there they say this line what the hell means it ? :

"The findings of our investigation contradict the statement that that character was not involved"

i read not involved i got that back as awnser. and i wanna know what this means ??

What that means is, they investigated and found the statement that the character was not involved was false.

i.e the character was indeed involved.

Or to put it more bluntly, they/you/whoever said the character was not involved but their investigation contradicts that, it was involved.

Perhaps you just read their reply wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
Side note off topic, just wondering: If I have my brother visiting with his laptop and he should decide to play Hib on his account upstairs (his main's are mids) at the same time as I was playing Midgard on my account down in the basement, and we'd be having the same IP gateway etc. Would that automatically be considered xrealming and/or against the CoC? If so, then why the hell do we even get allowed to have Midgard/Excalibur AND Hibernia/Prydwen chars, aren't we just better off being restricted to 1 realm then to avoid us self-pwning ourselves without even knowing about it?

I'd imagine you'd be absolutely fine, unless you just happened to end up in a remote part of snowdonia at the same time every 2 minutes with one of you sat down during the killing.
I'm fairly sure there's slightly more investigation that your claiming here that goes on before 140 hours of "work" are removed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The findings of our investigation contradict the statement that that character was not involved

In plain english, GoAs findings are the opposite of what you said about the character not being involed.

Cheat and get caught, dont whine about it, youll only get more trouble for it. :twak:

edit: wow that took forever to post!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
well at least your RR suits your ability now xDDDD

brings a whole new meaning to the term powerowned :)


Mar 13, 2006
ive macro'd and exploited alot ofshit and never got caught. i 2 b u ;(


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
GA got owned..... haha goa my faith in you is getting restored :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
I heard myself in the ventrilo room when Fieldsurgeon brought the news from freddyshouse to Shivhae, that her berserker apparently had been involved in a screenshot of /stats that looked like "naughty rp farming" for 20mins, how surprised she was that her berserker even had been logged on as she hadn't played it herself in ages. This lead me to think that someone on purpose have managed to log in shiv's account and arranged this "rp farming" for it to be reported to Goa. (He is the one who should be punished, not Shivhae!) I'm not the only witness to this, as most of my pug was in ventrilo at that time.
IF she didnt do this herself then its pretty much irrelevant as she is responsible for her own account and if other people use it to their own ends then its still her responsibility and saying the person who used it (if it isnt Shivhae) should be punished is ludicrous. She or someone using her account used several of her chars including a rr11 valk then cheated, got cought and then punished - its really THAT simple.

Dr_Evil said:
Not only her berserker and valkyrie have been stripped, also the hunter since it made 600 rp's last Monday. In other words the 3 chars who had earned rp's last week. (Just she don't care about the hunter or any other chars, she only care about the valkyrie and it's her only reason to play the game.) Those who brought popcorn for this, I hope you choke on it. Would make the world a better place.
According to Requiel only chars involved with breaking the CoC would be penalised which yet again suggests this was not a single incident but somethign done on multiple characters.

Oh and to say "I hope you choke on it. Would make the world a better place" implies to me you would like for me to choke and die. I hope this somehow isnt what you meant.

Dr_Evil said:
Side note off topic, just wondering: If I have my brother visiting with his laptop and he should decide to play Hib on his account upstairs (his main's are mids) at the same time as I was playing Midgard on my account down in the basement, and we'd be having the same IP gateway etc. Would that automatically be considered xrealming and/or against the CoC? If so, then why the hell do we even get allowed to have Midgard/Excalibur AND Hibernia/Prydwen chars, aren't we just better off being restricted to 1 realm then to avoid us self-pwning ourselves without even knowing about it?
Why would this be considered cross realming ? unless ofc as Golena says you were in the same place at the same time taking part in actions which are against the CoC.

Yet again you are someone who seems to take thigns to extremes and i fail to see why so lets reiterate:

One or more characters on Shivhae's account (which she is responsible for) was used to take actions against he CoC and were penalised accordingly. Thats it. Plain and simple. Its nothign to do with FG fights, my (insert random relative) playing behind the same router as me or anything else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Cadelin said:
Now I reckon that from an 8 man group 1 player could comfortably "allow" his team to lose vs certain opponents. Picking bad targets, breaking mess, failing to heal etc etc. That would also be effectively impossible to prevent/detect. Similarly with 1v1 you can "forget" you have purge up etc.

This IS an unavoidable problem when you have zones where the players try and regulate the game play and why "strictly speaking" it is against the CoC (although GoA have said they won't ban people for arranging agramon monday etc).
I was convinced you actually played DAoC on your healer (Fieldsurgeon) but after reading that I can only assume your playing a different game/server to me if thats how you think FG fights happen.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Team/Player A vs Team/Player B
In one night they fight 5 times and A wins every time. Some fights are close but the end result is that A gets all the realm points. With a decent realm rank group thats 15k-20k RP(total) per fight or 75k-100k for the evening which is the equivalent of alot of bridge zerg farming.

Now I reckon that from an 8 man group 1 player could comfortably "allow" his team to lose vs certain opponents. Picking bad targets, breaking mess, failing to heal etc etc. That would also be effectively impossible to prevent/detect. Similarly with 1v1 you can "forget" you have purge up etc.

This IS an unavoidable problem when you have zones where the players try and regulate the game play and why "strictly speaking" it is against the CoC (although GoA have said they won't ban people for arranging agramon monday etc).

That has to be one of the most bizarre things I've read here.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
In the end...

In the end, Shivae is a very nice person, playing for fun, and doing alot for the realm. But she made a bad call here, either by borrowing her account to someone else, or breaking the rules. Unfortunatly the only one to punish is the one that owns the offending account.

So to Shiv if she is reading this: Its unfortuante, but chin up, hope you see it as a new challenge to keep playing even though its a bad blow. I for one would hate to see you leave the game!:)

With my best regards



Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Bluesky said:
I was convinced you actually played DAoC on your healer (Fieldsurgeon) but after reading that I can only assume your playing a different game/server to me if thats how you think FG fights happen.

I will try and explain to you what I mean one more time because I don't think you are purposefully misunderstanding me.

I wanted to point out that we need a fair system for dealing with these kind (RP pling, Xrealming etc) of offences.
I tried to give examples of how certain players could either break the rules intentionally and not be caught or unintentionally break the rules and look like CoC violations. I didn't say thiose examples were happening, or that you were responsible for anything in particular*.

In this particular case Shivhae claimed to have been unfairly treated. Thanks to the whine this caused Requiel resolved the situation by posting GOA's opinions.

* I did point out that you had organised "agramon nights" which is true and could be considered against the CoC. That was in an attempt to highlight the fact that although you wouldn't consider anything you do as cheating, neither did TT when they dropped a keep to lvl 1(for exapmle!). Would you have thought it was ok if they got perma banned for that? I assume not but it shows the need for FAIR punishments when people break the rules.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Cadelin said:
* I did point out that you had organised "agramon nights" which is true and could be considered against the CoC. That was in an attempt to highlight the fact that although you wouldn't consider anything you do as cheating, neither did TT when they dropped a keep to lvl 1(for exapmle!). Would you have thought it was ok if they got perma banned for that? I assume not but it shows the need for FAIR punishments when people break the rules.

But you have to agree there is a difference in the understandablity of the offence?

The TT action had a history of beeing ok, by not beeing punished. Meaning it wasnt even a a precidence, since the precidence was set by AoD when not getting punished for it. So basically TT was acting in confidence and still got punished. (which is just rediculous and anfair by GoA)

While having a friend, or logging on several accounts, and killing them over and over is pretty easily understandable as an offence towards the rules of the game.

Dont you agree ?



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
lollers, grasping for straws cadelin? xd noob got owned eod.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 7, 2006
Eleasias said:
lollers, grasping for straws cadelin? xd noob got owned eod.

he's trying to explain that agramon.rvr is a form of rp farming or x realming

shut up


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Ati said:
he's trying to explain that agramon.rvr is a form of rp farming or x realming
shut up

Now I dont agree with his end conclusions, but you cant just dismiss his point all together mate!

IT IS against the CoC to communicate with other realms players, but its just extremly hard to prove with ingame options. And thats why its not beeing implemented by GoA.

Thats the answere to both sides in this specific part of the argument, it is wrong according to GoA to set up fights in anyway, but its just not possible to prove ingame, meaning its not implementable. The situation with Shivae is!:/


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