Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
- English - said:
I would like to see all zones made to the stats of TOA, its pointless adding new islands / lands and not making them fit in the TOA standard as people wont use them. Look at Llyn Barfog encounters now, noone ever goes up there as its pointless, its old and its not worth it.

I agree with this. There are a lot of mobs out there that are only worth killing for the novelty value as they drop little or nothing of use. Even bring the drops of these mobs on a par with their equivalents in SI (I'm thinking of the Tower Keeper/Guardian and other named lvl 50+ SI mobs) would be a big improvement over what they drop currently.

A general improvement to the classic drops of many mobs would be welcome.

In addition

Agree with - Bahumat on everything he's said about Paladins. While Mythic have thrown the double speccing issue back in our faces a few times now on the paladin forums, I think the other issues are something that really should be addressed. I appreciate that Mythic have said time and again that changing the Pri, Sec, Ter stats of Paladins (and other classes) is too complicated, but we're past all that now. NO MORE NEW STUFF MYTHIC. Instead tackle the complicated issues of fixing/improving the existing classes and content. The next expansion after Darkness Rising should be "we've fixed stuff" expansion. Please.

Crafting - Yes this needs a major overhaul in terms of the time it takes, how ingredients are gathered and available recipes.

New crafted helm recipes wouldn't hurt. Would it kill Mythic to put in new helm designs that match those found in the Catacombs of Cardova, i.e.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Maybe add some craftable armour/weapons with pre-set stats, think along the lines of legendary weapons, but not elemental. It would be nice to have craftable sets of armour with pre-set stats, from lvl 20 up or so, for levelling alts and such.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Pera said:
Changes to Stealth Wars

* If a solo stealther engages in a stealth war with another stealther class from the opposing realm, the two stealthers engage in a rule of Stealth War and become immune to all forms of attacks from other classes until 1 of the stealthers dies.

** Set the current detection rate of stealthers by other stealth classes directly related to the number of people in the group.

i.e solo stealther vs. solo stealther: 300 vs 300 range
solo stealther vs. 2 stealthers (that are grped): 350 vs 300 range
so forth...

*** The sole purpose of the stealther classes in the game is to be able to SOLO so make improvements to that in some way. There is nothing frustrated then have to grp with other stealthers and be a part of the lame stealth zergs.

sorry had to laugh at this if this is so make stealthers unable to attack a mage running to a mile gate then they are part of the game live with the pluses and minus of the game


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
- English - said:
agree with this, especially about the FZ timer, its basically useless, however what defence has a healer got versus a charge 3 tank?


what defence does a cleric have against 3 charge tanks ? RR5 of r0x to stun for 0.1 sec yes !

at least mids run around with 3 healers so u still have 2 ppl who can heal/instant heal the one getting trained....

edit: Phase Shift anyone btw ? ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I dunno if anyone said this before. I can't be arsed to read 15 pages of useless shit. It's all obvious what needs fixing and what dont.

Please fix thanes. =(


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Most Important Thing

Tell us feedback in regards to this, tell us whats not viable, (one guy said about ppl who dont play for as long a stint should get more xp/rp...thats unfair on the guy who spends all day on the game.

and whats viable...such as

dirtydiana said:
. Instance TOA so ALL artifacts are easily accesible and acheivable by guild groups IE 8 people. No camping, no silly prices on ME so casual players cant afford them and less TOA stress as i like to call it. For example player A. with a chanter, mana menta and buff/fopbot can farm anything thats up and camp it when it isnt, when geizer B. has only 1 or even 2AC's and doesnt have 24 hours in a day to play, with no family or/and work to camp it untill its up for their template or to sell it for extra platidge.

I would like you to cut away the unrealistic idea's, some of which have been posted, then provide us with information on what CAN be done. We always moan about issues with the game and usually receive NO answer's, we can help you make your game better...however you need to let us know what you CAN DO.

Help you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
atos said:
I dunno if anyone said this before. I can't be arsed to read 15 pages of useless shit. It's all obvious what needs fixing and what dont.

Please fix thanes. =(

they have been fixxed !

CB stun bladeturn
Grapple random gimp
Smite him down !
Slam whe grapple is over
Smite more
dead random gimp !


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
Dual Wield

DW rear positional chain lacks utility. Adding a snare or stun style on the second style in the chain

DW lacks a stun outside of the parry reactive. Without a stun in a positional chain, Mercenary's loses effectiveness when fighting opponents that do not fight back

Blademasters have both

Would like another Nearsighting Class to Albion.I asked before and it was denied because it gave Albion 2 nearsighting class's. Catacombs added nearsight classes to Midgard and Hibernia. I now resubmit this request.

Maybe a Theurg in Earth line?

The usual, Warlock / Bonedancer / Bainshee overpowered class's
Wheres the albs? Necro? :<

Nerf them


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Aye, Bainshees could seriously need a nerf.
I encountered a group with 2 Bainshees, assisting eachother, doing well over 1k damage/second. Having a spell doing 500-700 damage on an effective timer of hardly one second is just silly.

I agree to the Mercenary issues aswell as we don't have any way to slow enemies down when slash specced, other than prevent flight, but that got nerfed to hell and back, and is now fairly useless. Add a snare to the behind style, or make it a follow-up.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Gamah said:
Oh yes and add a "make all" option for crafting where you can autocraft untill your supplys run out.
Thats all I can think of for now.

Be also nice if you could drop an item from the crafting list onto an NPC who will ask you how many items you want to craft and then sell you the required amount of each ingredient at once :)

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
I find it cool with all the suggestions ( Yes I read them all hehe ) and I find people have mostly said what I wanted to say but I will add my list anyway =D

1. Add a command to BG's so you can a temperoray BG name. For example if you have a Rvr Bg for a certain zone you can name it : Bg for Hadrians wall defence.

2. Add the name of the controller to the pets name for classes who are pet classes and if possible also for classes who can charm pets. Its very confusing at the moment.

3. Implement a messaging system that you can use ingame to get a hold of people who are not online at the time.

4. Make a special bag that crafters can use that has extra slots for their items ( was mainly thinking for Spellcrafters and alchemists who usually have to make Bucket loads of itmes that can not be stacked)

5. Make alchemist potions stackable.( Power/heal/endurance pots)

6. Make it possible to drag and drop your Bagpack into a trade window and the contents is then tradable

7. Make it more visible if money is traded ( say make the money that is traded red or some other colour) in a tradewindow

8. make a LOCK on items in houses so you dont pick up stuff by mistake ( could be under the house menu "items locked" ..."items unlock". Im getting tired of running around with a shrubbery in my backpack LOL

9. When a character owns a house all the characters on that account should be able to port to that house under the "Personal house" port.

10. Make it possible for members of a guild to pay the guild house due with Personal bounty points.

11. Give crafters a Self str buff that drops after say 20 seconds ( should be able to get to a merchant or a vault in 20 seconds)


Thats the end of my " Wishlist"

I know they are not BIG changes but that should make them even easier to fix/change/implement *hint hint* =D

Oh forgot to put in : World Peace....sorry.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
SELF-BUFFS: Make self-buffs last longer and/or reduce the casting time & power cost. It's incovenient having to keep stopping to rebuff yourself especially when group members have to wait while you do it and they tend to take a sizeable chunk of power too.

Necros: Fix pet pathing or if necro pet gets too far out of range rather than dropping the necro back into physical form (severely weakened if pet has lost health) port back to necro's location (unless it is rooted, mezzed or stunned) with a 5-10 seconds of it being unable to move/do anything (unless it is attacked) or a health penalty.

PvE: Add new content to underused mainland and SI zones. More quests to take you to these places. A co-op PvE instance quest (limited up to a FG from each realm) where something is threatening all 3 realms and enemies have to put aside their differences - can't attack enemies (but can't talk either - depend on emotes instead)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
- Increase the amount of music tracks and background music tracks in the game, for example when entering the area of the ml bosses an operatic forboding score might be appropriate.
- Darkness falls used to be one fo the most exciting places to adventure within. Make darkness falls even more desirable with drops/quests (DR may do this but I am sceptically after seeing teh utility of the new legion drops). Rvr within DF used to be one of the highlights of this game !!!! Rushing around between the zone entrances while avoiding high level mobs and fighting the other realms was so much fun!
- Bounty point merchants - These should be completely revised. It should be possible to buy many more things like fancy dyes, weapon dyes (that work on any weapon) and other nice stuff and possibly even untradable weapons/items.
- No more new zones please, half the world is already empty. Revisit the drops on the existing zones and quests. Make quest rewards actualy usable in a rvr template. At the moment there are very few, if any for most classes that are usable. Possible the next expanision could be set in one of the existing zones and it could be completely redesigned.
- abalatives/procs. So much more could be done with these. There is no interest in the player base to run epic SI raids any more. Special procs could be introduced into darkspire/TOA boss mobs as rare drops.

Balance issues - Overall for FG fights the game is very balanced at the moment but there are a few things that should be changed if only to make the game more fun for all classes;
- Dual wield should not half the chance to block, you are getting extra attacks that should be enough compensation.
- Cast speed for nukes should have a higher cap speed cap, in my humble opinion sub 1.5 second casts shouldnt be possible in the game.
- Make Ml9 pets a pve only ability
- SM pet should not block so many attacks
- Paladin end chant should be 2000 range, all other end chants are...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Stealther Wars

Pick one of two:
1) Accept there is a stealther war that is a subgame of Dark Age of Camelot.
Then rebalance the stealthers accordingly:
- Address Albions overpowered utility stealther, the Minstrel
- Balance assassins (remove remedy, upgrade shadowblades (see TL report), etc
- Balance archers


2) Rebalance stealthers vs. visible characters.
This to give stealthers an active role again and a better way to perform vs. visibles and in group situations.

Crowd Control
Drop the notion to have "same, but different" in this area of the game. Equalize crown control across the board:
- Aproximately 300 dex + ToA + Aug Dex on the main CC'er
- Same level armour
- 1500 range / 350 radius
- 10min recast on low radius insta's

Trials of Atlantis
- Heavily increase scroll drop rate
- Make artifacts instance dungeons
- Remove solo/group steps
- Remove ML-exp requirements
- Remove artifact leveling -or- heavily decrease artifact exp needed


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003

* Make starting up endurance-song uninterruptable, and preferably make bards have 60% effect when wielding sword/shield to give bards a more active roll in especially PVE.
* Give bards a 2nd form of AE-Crowdcontrol, root or snare (NOT on same immunity timer as root)

* Upon 32 Nature spec give druids a bluecon pet.
* Normalize the shears across the realm. Druids dont want 'more' damage on shears, especially since it breaks root. Make *ALL* shears 1500 range, 3.0 sec cast-time and do either no damage, or damage but no root-break.

* Either more melee-damage OR a more complete Regrowth-line.
* Fix the Self HP-regen buff to actually be useful. eg. make it work like the Vampiir HoT.

* Make the debuffs either AE or lower the recast timer on the current ones to 5 seconds.
* Put the snare on a seperate immunity timer. Shouldnt share with roots and melee-snares.
* Give champions a 2nd DD or alternatively up the current DD in damage. Incase of a 2nd DD, put the range to 1000.

* Make light and enchantment worth speccing for. Light could use AE root and some nifty debuffs (acuity debuff for example)

* Make Mentalism worth speccing instead, its entirely useless as is. Add a DD179 snare nuke, AE mezz instead of ST mezz, a befriend/bewilder spell as in Bainshee list, something fluff.

* Up the castable DD to like.. well doing 125-150 damage on 26% resists. Instead of the current 35-40. Nightshades dont get access to the Celt-race, fix that.

* Make speccing bow more attractive. Add more to it (special bow styles). Goes for all archer classes, excellent suggestions on Trueshot-forums.

* Give animists a level 50 lifetap, DD179 like sorcs and caba's.
* Make MoA work on Verdant PBAE
* Give access to Wild Minion
* The controllable pet should be able to move, with the animist.

* Give a level 50 lifetap, but keep the delve and powercost same as current level 45 one.
* Make the haste stack with druid-haste, in otherwords, make it Celerity.
* Make the Offensive proc a multi-effect, eg. disease+minor DoT/bleed
* Double the damage on the Flaming Scythe proc.

* Put the Fumble-debuff on a 1-2 minute timer instead of 15 seconds, being able to keep an enemy chain-fumbled is not fun for the enemy.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Make Bonedancers/Warlocks unable of choosing the Banelord path, or give it to certain other casters in Albion/Hibernia aswell. It's a real pain to have a Bonedancer or Warlock using ml8, as they both have instant lifedrains, which most the other Banelord classes do not have, making them somewhat immune to the negative effects of the spell, the loss of hits.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Straef said:
Aye, Bainshees could seriously need a nerf.
I encountered a group with 2 Bainshees, assisting eachother, doing well over 1k damage/second. Having a spell doing 500-700 damage on an effective timer of hardly one second is just silly..

Not to be biased and defend bainshees, but sms and sorc/caba duos do just the same damage in the same amount of time.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Naffets said:
Not to be biased and defend bainshees, but sms and sorc/caba duos do just the same damage in the same amount of time.

Main difference is. all banshees get the ability due to baseline nuke, others need to spec for a decent nuke that gets near it in damage as well as have very little varience..

Personally i think .... Banshee baseline nuke should be lower delve.
Stick the same delve nuke in one the spec lines (Phantasmal wail.)

And as i not written up review of hib classes..

Baseline stun needs to be changed to Root on hib casters.
Baseline stun should then be given to bards as their second form off CC (else give to druids and move root of them to bards)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2005
Wizards need some more utililty, they cant do much besides than nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke..... give them speed or smth

And cleric RR5 :puke: it reaaallllyy need to be redone


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Mithiel said:
Wizards need some more utililty, they cant do much besides than nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke..... give them speed or smth

And cleric RR5 :puke: it reaaallllyy need to be redone

Cleric RR5 is amazine oO i know most high RR clerics wouldnt wanna give it up :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Corran said:
Cleric RR5 is amazine oO i know most high RR clerics wouldnt wanna give it up :p

really? who? i would give it up in a flash. it helps nothing. give clerics something more useful imo. selfress > 2sec stunn procc on det tanks

and give wizzys some utility


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Naffets said:
Not to be biased and defend bainshees, but sms and sorc/caba duos do just the same damage in the same amount of time.
Caba's need to debuff for sorcs to get that kind of damage tho, which takes some more time/effort at least. Sm's do slightly less dmg, and their dd delve is ~40 points lower than that of a bainshee, which is quite a lot. The only problem I see on spiritmasters is the combination of lifedrain and an intercept pet which intercepts way too much.

Also, make it possible to port to Mesothelassa (sp?).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
<haven't read the whole post yet>

Make Archers... Umm Archers again
Sure let the mele spec do there thing but...

50 bow spec = crit shot X
pops bt and avoids brittle guards
combine rapid fire and sure shot

so what if archers can kill casters 1v1 big fooking deal
as it stands atm we have to be 15 rr above our foe

Change soujouner 3, 4, 5, and 7 into useful abilities
3 and 4 remained stealthed
5 sells healing, endu, power and water pots (the good ones)
7 not sure here, maybe resistant to stun or warbollox insta death

oh and plz get rid of the ridiculous proc on Fools Bow
if I wanted to be seen by everyone in the zone I wouldn't have rolled a stealther

Thanks alot for listening


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Straef said:
Make Bonedancers/Warlocks unable of choosing the Banelord path, or give it to certain other casters in Albion/Hibernia aswell. It's a real pain to have a Bonedancer or Warlock using ml8, as they both have instant lifedrains, which most the other Banelord classes do not have, making them somewhat immune to the negative effects of the spell, the loss of hits.

Banelord BD's is just taking the piss


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
[Cinderella] said:
really? who? i would give it up in a flash. it helps nothing. give clerics something more useful imo. selfress > 2sec stunn procc on det tanks

and give wizzys some utility

Well andrilyn and most the high RR clerics i run with like it.. the stun is unaffected by det and leaves no immunity so i seen bm's stunned everytime they hit the cleric ... that is alot of dmg that is missed out in them few seconds.

In competive rvr the self rezz is beyond pointless. the only time you would use it is if you in Pve, Camping PoC or Camping a tower.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2005
Suggestion: Add a way to check how many enemies there is in battlegrounds.

Reason/functions: Lets admit it - battlegrounds are for players to have fun in while taking a break from leveling. It's not fun to go to a battleground and see them dead all the time - it's either Thidranki or Leirwik only where there's action. Do so that /who Wilton for example will show the amount of enemy players... don't have to show classes and levels etc, just amount. That way you can go there and people will use /who wilton and see that there's someone willing to fight. Perhaps even make a /who battleground and it report number of enemy players in all battlegrounds.

Seriously, the class necromancer has been around since game start and it's still bugged in many areas with the pathing. And please let the necro be able to use boats with the pet.

Realm balance:

Sometimes I wonder if you balance the realms by numbers playing each realm..? Would be better if you put limits on how many can play one realm instead of giving an underpopulated bonus - because that won't make people switch realm. Instead make a restriction so that if albion have too many players than the other, you can only go hib or mid.

Midgard: Shaman buff shears should be on same cast as hib/alb... though I rather see you remove these shears as it creates a very huge imbalance... either you let players have their buffs or just remove ALL buffs, but you won't do that because buffbots is a huge profit, so remove the shears! Shamans in FG-fights got perm sprint and buff shears and ae disease, and end conc buff for group. It also got chain armor, when the two other realms got disease classes with cloth! Healers shouldn't be the ones with main cc - this also creates an imbalance. Why? Because mids get main cc class wearing chain with healing and another di3 and other very good defensive buffs. They got all cc in instants and castable, ae and single. Plus you give them access to stupid stuff like phase shift and zephyr - this is just plain silly because it makes them unkillable pretty much. Alb got the rr5 on sorc now, it was a needed change and I am sure this has to do a little with it. Bard got a bit stronger armor and perm sprint, and instant amnesia to win over sorc mezz most of the time. Remove the COMBAT interrupt on ae amnesia from bard, this makes it more OP than instant amnesia already is. So, back to mid again. They are the only ones with casters that either got free moc (warlocks), instant lifedrain (warlock, bd) or pets that intercept together with a strong lifetap (spiritmasters). This gives them an edge that the others do not - they can actually be hit in melee without being interrupted or without having any problem interrupting or killing others. Nerf spiritmasters intercept pet - they're a superb class even without this. Remove AT LEAST free moc from warlocks, they still got instants that kill any caster instantly, even with resist buff up. And bonedancers... why did you give them twf and banelord? Weren't they powerful enough? I would like to see their instant bodydebuff taken away so it becomes a 2 sec castable instead. It's not fair that they nuke with their instant against 0% resist with 10% pierce in template. That's a free 25% reduction against their instant. This is why the mid realm is overpowered - unbeatable support and cc and diseasers/interrupters wearing chain, and uninterruptable casters pretty much.

Hib: I have played hib a lot and got two casters on 6l3 and 5l0, and can honestly say that baseline stun is OP against other classes that don't have charge or determination 5. Change it to baseline root instead like all other casters. This would make them much better against tanks, as all hib casters got very low duration on their mezz and stun - so a determination tank would have a harder time vs them. So it would actually balance the classes towards others! Easier vs tanks, less overpowered vs casters and non-det classes. The combat interrupt on ae amnesia, as stated above, makes it too hard to win mezz. Give druids castable stun instead of the baseline root, to replace with casters. Give mentalist or eldritch speed, many hib groups have a hard time doing small groups because they lack speed. Only do this if you replace baseline stun with a 60-70 second baseline root.

Albion: I would like to see albion get instant mezz on sorc, so that albion can begin to compete. And make it another damage type so you can cast main mezz after like on hib. Of course remove the 1875 range mezz then (it's useless as most fights don't begin on 1875 range, it's surprise attacks and changing terrain that leaves enemyes out of view until they're closer than that). And the 2300 range amnesia makes a good bard win mezz pretty much every time. Give clerics heat, matter and cold instead of friars, this would make it much easier for us to do good group setups. This would be the most important change to albion if you did. Of course, friars will be left out more than they already are - but it's for the good of the whole realm. Sorry friars, but you got to admit. Your use is only bodyguard and resists, and single target heals... nothing else. With resists on cleric, paladin would have a spot in groups again, with end regen... at the moment many alb groups chose to use end regen pots instead, which is sad. Give paladin end regen on 1500 radius also.

Remove lifetap on all casters except necromancer and replace with a single heal instead. MoC + lifedrain is too much. To make it balanced vs tanks, you should remove det5 from light tanks that got charge avaliable. Zone of unmana and charge is enough. Charge 3 is enough as casters are dead most of the time before it ends. Give heavy tanks charge ability.

It feels like if you don't care about realm vs realm balance sometimes. For example when releasing classes like warlock with a dot that kill people with 2500 hp or more on CLIP RANGE. And then you realize it's too powerful and nerf it several months later - so they get free rr10. And the state that it's still in really proves that you don't seem to play all the realms actively at all in optimal fg setups. Albion has the hardest time into putting a fg up to be able to compete with hib and mid.

Interrupt system:
Playing 100% casters, I know how hard it is to even fire a single nuke in group fights. You have 3-4 banelords in most opted group setups and there's like 4 instant interrupts on sick radius in banelord. Remove all interrupts in banelord - 50% slower cast with zone of unmana is reeeally enough, and all other debuffs in there keeps you interrupted for about 15 seconds before you can begin to cast. Remove all interrupt on everything that does not damage. Also remove interrupt when tanks miss a hit (how can you be interrupted by a miss?).

Collision coding:
One time I MoC'ed lifedrain on my sorc and a skald used walkrthough on me so that I didn't hit with lifedrain a single time. Not a single nuke hit. Please add collision coding - or make spells hit even if target is behind you - add a radius where you don't need target to be in view. 250 radius would probably be enough. It would be fun to see collision coding in action in fights really - where tanks can block others from getting near their weaker targets. This would make fights a bit more lasting I think and make it quite fun.


Please give us the ability to /quit charname to switch between characters. This way it would take less time to switch. Also handle lds better please. When you port to an area with a lot of players you often LD. If you'd just exit to character screen it would be more ok, so you can do more connection retries. Now you have to wait for the client(s) to close, which takes around 5 minutes sometimes if you have a bad day. Don't know why they often take a lot of time to close, this should be fixed too. But please don't make the mistake on letting people jump on top of eachother to reach places they should not ;)

I have to congratulate you on doing many mls easier and thus more fun. But some still needs a change. I would like to see group steps removed, because it's extremely hard for the casual player to complete some of them. If he got a class that is not wanted on the group steps it makes it even harder. Also remove artifact leveling please, it's enough camping artifact and getting scrolls 2 weeks for each artifact.


If you walk right while porting from druim ligen to druim cain, you can port directly outside scathaig t4... I am sure this can be used in similiar ways on other realms. On albion you get ported a little offside the destination, but I am sure you could try out different ways and end up places where you're not supposed to be. Doesn't work 100% of the times but keep doing it and it will work.

There's two places to either walk through wall out of behn or into behn... could be abused. Hard to explain where but there's cracks in the wall where the walls come together.. if you walk so you get stuck in the crack and walk the same direction as the wall, and jump, you can jump inside the keep. Don't need to jump to get out, the one you can go out through is near the backdoor.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Increase group size options to 10 and prohibit more than 2 of each class, ie not 3 druids.

Allow a class once every so many game hours to be able to morph to another class, ie warden can become druid for 4 game hours if activates morph, can be deactivated in combat and usable every xx minutes, maybe 30. This will make groups undependent of certain classes with a player ability limatation.

Reduce secondary value damage to targets, for example player A does 300 damage per round, player B assisting player A does 200, player C does 100, ie shortening the value of /assist. Any additional damage is converted at 75% to heals. That should lengthen fights.

Improve the targetting system.

F8 targetting should receive a penalty to damage.

Remove grapple

Give bodyguards access to master level ability melee snare, ie provide some skill. Make that snare unbreakable for 5 seconds and have an immunity timer of 25 seconds.

Increase guard value on target type, ie on casters guard value gets a bonus of +25%.

Remove bodyguard in its current form or make it that the bodyguard cant move but can only attack. No strafing bodyguards. See below for strafe penalties.

Allow groups to choose additonal realm abilities upon payment of some form.

Ie xx amount of hours can choose as your group from a few types of abilities. For example area FZ, force all enemies in 1k radius away, make them only receive damage at say 25% in that time, but allow it to be a trump card maybe once or twice an entire night. Make those abilities available irrespective of realm rank. Make those abilities only available as full group. Make them unusable if more than xx amount of friendlies in area.

Remove Speedwarp in its current guise. Make it only usable in combat and have a unmodified cast time of 10 seconds plus. Allow it once casted to become a cc barrier, rather than a speed barrier. Ie provide more skill. Make it useless if target runs out of a certain range and make it unusable in any other circumstance, ie make it only work when a member of a group receives damage, not plant one and go.

Remove traps and have static type fields, ie as above but make it castable. For example a melee static field which can reduce melee damage by xx % but make the static field be able to be destroyed. Static magic field deflects or absorbs damage. Therefore make target selection more of a skill. Shall we take down the static field or try the player?

Remove all instant cast spells. Remove all lifetap components. Remove all pets. The pets are screwed up totally. Rework the classes to compensate. Remove all casting when in movement, if attempt to strafe the player receives a penalty similar to drowning ie looses health at 50% every 2 secs and if continues dies. It cant be removed or healed. Either that or just remove it.

Same with run through if you run through a target, get immobilised.

The current game mechanics therefore need adjusting.

Remove any type of hindering spell that is duration based when taking damage, ie baseline stun, make it unsable as a form of cc, not as a method of killing, once hit breaks like root.

Heavy Tanks

Make them as cumbersome as now but make them have more resistance to damage than other classes. Simply not right that you can hit a cloth caster for 300 with best weapon in the game and then be hit for 400 by a light tank or 600 by a nuke.

Therefore raise heavy tanks ABS (effective vs all attacks) to 60% and above so that they still struggle with slow weapons, no dual wield, but make them have to take a battering to be killed. Again improve skill, not those who have the most damage wins. Last players alive as they should be. No nukes should do more than 150 damage and no melee the same.

Equalise them across the realms. Remove testudo or share it between all 3 heavy tanks. Allow Armsmen to receive what warriors and heros get. Equalise weaponskill and allow mooselike morph to all 3 giving heals but make that after 20 seconds make the target very much more receptive to damage, ala malice but unpurgable.

Remove slash weak scale armour on Hib scale.

Remove dual wield penalty on shields.

Remove charge


Make all 3 primary healing classes have access to 2 forms of cc maximum.

Identify secondary healing classes and give them one form of ability greater than primary healing classes.


Make end song uninteruptible. Givf weak secondary CC, a weak cone snare uninteruptible by melee maybe.


Increase range ala bards on endurance.


Remove disease in its current form and apply some skill to its use, Make there be a long immunity timer and make it simliar in form to bard new secondary cc. Make it drop when struck by damage.


Improve this class, give it some more durability and improve its healing ability.


Re-design this class. Options below.

Remove access to TWF give to thanes. Keep banelord line, but have backfire penalties. For example banelord line fails and spells effect self.

Remove stun immunity and tendril spamming. Increase delve on damage


Make chambers have a backfire penalty, let them still do same damage, but let backfire take 50% of their health at a random chance to backfire and make them stunned until hit. Make backfire take down brittles and bladeturn. Remove banelord or make it also suffer backfire.

Allow certain classes access to confuse spells that improve chances to backfire. Allow Friar/warden and thane access to fumblelike confuse forcing players to trip up or similar.

Remove stealthers from certain areas of the game, ie in towers penalise them for camping, introduce unhealable failure/backfire and port them to their target. Make the port drop buffs.

Make bridges collapse for stealthers if more than xxx stealthers in area.

Remove dirty tricks/blade barrier and frenzy in current guise and make there be a better way to penalise its use in some, similar to backfire method.

There should be a penalty to everything in some way and a means to beat anything in another. Nothing should give impunity and that's the first thing they need address.

Lots of other thoughts, but another time. Improve warden damage, make that class have at least one thing thats better than anything else in the realm, like other classes. Suggestions re maybe all damage caused or negated by chants be converted to group pool as health buffer. Make bladeturn turn the damage to enemies at treble the rate perhaps. Ie zerker 400 hit hits enemy group all for 400 damage. It then if grapple is kept the same, makes grapple more of a penalty as no damage turn chant active.
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