Most overpowered stealther poll:



what skill u mean the uber purge skill thats on 30min timer.

cause i cant see what skill will prevent me from being Dragonfanged if the inf evades but i guess u got everything figured out glottis since u are the master of uberness.

and i still play this game the way i want and the way that amuse me that is with my rl mates and i aint gonna say to them no we cant group cause we are stealthers and glottis will get mad on us pfff.

see it from a lighter perspectiv atleast we gave u a new meaning with your life since it must have gotten abit dull now that u cant whine about LA nerf.

glottis motto in life "I whine there for i am"


I love to see the change in donttouchmyboyfriend's attitude.

First insults and threats to uber zerg us cuz we PwN him so much.

then he most likely get it that we don't give a flyings rats ass if they zerg us back or that we die, so now he is , albeit failing bad at it trying to turn it over to that he is amused by it and are having fun.


You my friend are being PwN'd in game and on here.

Your fun can never be compared to our fun, as for one we got some self distance and can laugh at ourselves.

Secondly....You got Glottis in your tinky toon realm.


I some strange manner I like the situation at the moment, sometimes when I camp the road between amg/atk, I am.. actually alone.

I remember pre 1.62, when there could be like 8-12 sbs(not kidding) below atk.

In the end, I dont think sbs need love, nerf the rest instead so the number of stealthers decrease.

Or put range on buffbots(but that would hurt sbs also, so if that was done, sbs would need tweaking), but if that was done, Mythic would lose 20-30% of their income, lol, at least in the beginning. But after a couple of months casual players would actually find the game interesting an their income would start to rise again.


If all none stelh char owners had all stealthers faith in their hands they would not be able to take out a caster.

The ONLY change that needs to be done is to make shure stelthers are forced to use the stealthiness part of the char more, and force assasains to as they said on a earlier shadowblade nerf pre 1.62 nerf even.
use their crit/backstab cababilities.

And then uptune that part of them.

For example i am not a full crit on my shadowblade but i am still far far above 50 in skill on critical strike.
Yet a NS and INfil can outdamage my PA with 1-h weapons.
SOmething needs to be done about that.

And clarify i have MP 2-h as slow a sword i could get crafted, 35% bonus.
I usually CAN on a good and fortunate PA do a 909 PA on a caster.
on one freak occasion i did 946 + 400+ crit, but that is one single time.

NSes do pretty stable damage on around 800dmg on my SKALD who wears chain and have straight over 20%+ resists on all melee types.

Infils do slightly less but pretty close, i cannot tell u how much they do on a cloth wearer due to me not having a RVR ready cloth wearer to get it tried out on.

But as comparison on a minstrel i do 480 DMG with my PA with a 2-h sword.


Originally posted by Karlo
Ok DF is overpowered, imo reduce it to a 5 second stun.

However, its nice to see how now that SB's aren't having an easy time of it the whining starts :rolleyes:

agree :)


Not too bright are you grimster?

I think I've been fairly consistent, but to summarise:

1. I find you guys amusing. Absolutely dreadful stealth team, but amusing to watch, and gank.

2. We like you. The only way you could make it easier would be to sit down nekkid in front of amg.

3. Please keep it up - free rps for Albs whilst pissing of your realm mates at the same time. We ll done that guild!


Originally posted by Zoldot
haha at the votes on SB. It's probably some crying/angry/mad albs/infils who has voted on sb.
And if they actually were serious that they think SB is most overpowered then they never ever seen a sb fighting after patch.

noone has seen a SB sience the patch they all rerolled to savages


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Not too bright are you grimster?

I think I've been fairly consistent, but to summarise:

1. I find you guys amusing. Absolutely dreadful stealth team, but amusing to watch, and gank.

2. We like you. The only way you could make it easier would be to sit down nekkid in front of amg.

3. Please keep it up - free rps for Albs whilst pissing of your realm mates at the same time. We ll done that guild!

You are the 1337

Eh who are you?


Originally posted by grimster

You my friend are being PwN'd in game and on here.

Your fun can never be compared to our fun, as for one we got some self distance and can laugh at ourselves.

I really don't see the fun in zerging


Funny - after a couple of nights of repeatedly having their asses whupped Pain seem to be absent from emain.

(And do you normally express fun by crying and whining on irc?)


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
(And do you normally express fun by crying and whining on irc?)

It's a lvl5 ability for SBs ;)


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
I think Assassins need some work in general:

* Don't give access to higher Envenoms if you get +skill, just make the envenom hurt more. So you have to spec Envenom to get Lifebane and the highest enervating. It is silly you can go 35+15 envenom at RR5 and get all poisons. If you want Lifebane (or Enervating) spec for it. Make it so the DoT on 50+15 hurts more / tick then on 50+0

* Rework stealth so you cannot dissapear in front of me. That's silly. Make it so you 'fade into' stealth. Higher stealth-spec is faster 'fade'. Make it that really specced stealth is twice as effective as stealth from +skill (or a suitable multiplier)

As a result you need to sacrifice something to get 50 thrust. Which would be fine. You want Dragonfang? OK, but your poisons and stealth gonna suck now.

nice post here puppet, been thinkin bout the same fixes myself.




Re: Re: Most overpowered stealther poll:

Originally posted by Aybabtu
prolly bitter old SB's that can't 3hit with anytime style anymore who's voted for infils

Of that there is little doubt..


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
I think Assassins need some work in general:

* Don't give access to higher Envenoms if you get +skill, just make the envenom hurt more. So you have to spec Envenom to get Lifebane and the highest enervating. It is silly you can go 35+15 envenom at RR5 and get all poisons. If you want Lifebane (or Enervating) spec for it. Make it so the DoT on 50+15 hurts more / tick then on 50+0

* Rework stealth so you cannot dissapear in front of me. That's silly. Make it so you 'fade into' stealth. Higher stealth-spec is faster 'fade'. Make it that really specced stealth is twice as effective as stealth from +skill (or a suitable multiplier)

As a result you need to sacrifice something to get 50 thrust. Which would be fine. You want Dragonfang? OK, but your poisons and stealth gonna suck now.

Tell ya what, when they actually fix stealth how about we look at pretty little things like fading.

When I use vanish I expect to disappear instantly after all I paid 10 points for it, I dont expect to be cast upon or have a pet hunt me down, likewise when I leg it from killing somebody I expect to be realativly safe when I stealth not to have some LOS abusing chanter pet hunt me down through walls and the like.

When they fix this little things then I'd be happy to discuss changes to it..


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Agree, tho by making it in a chain or reducing it to 6sec you'd have a lvl 25 Pierce style which is better so nerf that too.......

oh and give us somthing in thrust line that is something worth then, only reason to go thrust is DF.

Aii, DF is the only reason to go Thrust, therefore I can see lots of infils going slash to counter any changes to DF, I wonder who would be weak against slash?



Originally posted by loxleyhood

Rangers are far better than scouts. As a melee archer u just can't beat them, look at Alderian.

Bu do ranger hit you with a feckin spear for 400+ dmg? :)


Originally posted by old.Nol
A 9 second stun on any assassin class is rediculous, nerf it.

Oouu we should prolly nerf all 9sec anytime stuns too.


Two things.

1. You really don't want +envenom working like +weapon or+caster items. Why? Well consider lifebane - delves 54/tick (I think), and consider a lower level poison at say 35/tick. Plus envenom adds, say 2 points tick. 11 with items and rr5 - the 35/tick delve is now65/tick. Lifebane is now 84/tick. in fact I'd love this idea - would make poisons even nastier and more effective for less spec points.

2. Why should an assassin not have a nine sec stun as a reactioner 50 style? its illogical making that stement without justification. If an assassin 'shouldn't' then why should a healer class have ae stun, or ranged baseline stun? Why should every shield speccing class get a stun? Why should caster classes get ranged stun?


Originally posted by Zoldot
oh SO a High RR SB vs low rr infil the SB wins if it has purge up?
U cant count on that the SB has purge. if so then I suggest all fucking whiner to STFU about healers, since u have purge!
if SB hasnt purge the sb loose. if sb has purge and is high rr it CAN win? ok.

What are you whining for anyway defending SB's? Being a thane you should put your whining efforts in an entirely different direction.

Originally posted by Zoldot
lol look at the retarded moron.
So your'e saying a SB has 50/50 chance now against infils lool.
Look ont he poll wich has most votes on it?
Sure come here and tell me stupid things.
Like I would say that savage/merc are equal when infact savage are overpowered and need to fix something on it. (no not nerf like they did with SB's but maybe make quad etc not as high % and make the buffs not as good)

Glottis might not always say things eloquently but in this case he's very right...

Now until you show you have some experience playing an asassin class i think you should stop trying to look smart here, cos it aint working.


I don't see anything wrong with SB's. Infact, Aada owned my ass today near dcx, I got in Amy followed by Diamond before she responded, and I guess thanks to the shaman buffbot she borrowed from Salam she owned me with 40% hp left...

Please, tell me again what is wrong with SB's?
Was straight melee, 1 vs 1...
No PA to purge, only debuffs used on either side.
Regards, Glottis


Theres nothing at all wrong with SBs.

They're sulking because they lost their overpowered LA mechanics and are now having to learn to fight like assassins.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I don't see anything wrong with SB's. Infact, Aada owned my ass today near dcx, I got in Amy followed by Diamond before she responded, and I guess thanks to the shaman buffbot she borrowed from Salam she owned me with 40% hp left...

Please, tell me again what is wrong with SB's?
Was straight melee, 1 vs 1...
No PA to purge, only debuffs used on either side.
Regards, Glottis

There is nothing wrong with sb doing good against every class exept thrust infils.

The problem is df and the str/con debuff that hurt sb more then thrust infil, but im sure it will get "fixed"



The last thing SBs want is for infils to spec out of thrust. DF excepted its the worst weapon spec line in the 3 realms.

So no DF, no reason to spec thrust. So infils turn to slash.

Instead of a 10%(?) resistance to thrust, SBs face a 10& (?) vulnerability to slash. You'll get hit 20% harder by a slash infil than a thrust one.

trust me - you want infils to spec thrust.


well dare to specc slash then be a man like the slash infs but i bet u are a thrust inf like 99,9% of the rest.
sure slash infs hurt more but its actually fun meeting them being able to atleast hit em all the fight instead of just standing there.
i never whined about LA getting nerfed think it was needed in some degree.

but to say we are on pair with other assasins well i just dont think so.

INF 2.5 specc points, DF, Vanish, con/str debuff, AF buff from buffbots equal to some AOP ability to specc thrust/slash.

NS con/str debuff, specc either slash/pierce, two insane RA's viper and AOP.

SB same dmg as the others and none of the above oh right forgott we got shadowrun and 2-handed weapons.


Nope i prefer fighting slash infils tbh.

Well not when i got purge up but thats another thing.

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