Most overpowered stealther poll:



Originally posted by donttouchpoopy

No - not necessarly. You have targets that are vuln, neutral and resistant. Thats balanced. Plate users in Albion face a realm where only one class uses thrust (the damage form they're resistant too), and virtually every class can use crush (vuln type). Mid Scale users face a vuln to the most common damage type in game. Realm balance, not class v class balance.

which realm you talking about as in midgard spear hunters and h2h savages uses thrust, allthough they both can use slash weapons aswell. In hibernia there are more classes that use pierce (bm/ns/ranger atleast).



If I had the same setup as on my ALb account - possibly. But then I play on Mid/pryd so it'd be more of the same.

This game doesn't work on 1v1 balance. Just look at the classes:

Wizard - less utility than a runemaster and enchanter
Armsman - weaker than both hero and warrior
Friar - well what do you compare a friar too? There is no comparable 1v1 class.

I don't really want to go through the full list of classes that are weaker than other classes on a 1v1 realm comparison. Or the realtive strengths and weaknesses of each realm - all have been done to death.

The essential point here is that balance comes on a realm, not a class level. Where we are with that is debatable. In essence SBs have had their damage normalised, and there is nothing there that makes them non-viable. The TL feedback report refers to this.


Driwen - sorry, forgot savages. Iw as thinking of hunters. Post refered specifically to Midgard, wheras I'm aware pierce is a widespread optio in Hib.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Driwen - sorry, forgot savages. Iw as thinking of hunters. Post refered specifically to Midgard, wheras I'm aware pierce is a widespread optio in Hib.

well a good hunter (certainly in 1.64) will use both slash and thrust and so will savages. So a paladin will rarely have the fortune of fighting vs mids using thrust (only when people are to slow to change, which still happens often ;)). About hammers in midgard I think there are just as many axes and swords around actually, but cant be to sure about that. Off course caster+seers use crush weapons, but I doubt a paladin or armsman are actually afraid of those 2 groups hitting them (casting on them is something else).

But sbs armour vulnerabilities are fine, they have a case though to get some other damagetype than slash though. All weaponspeccing classes can atleast choice between 2 different damagetype except SB's. Also every stealther can go for a str/dex weapon except SB's. But the last could have been balanced by giving their weapons more damage for less weaponskill.


Considering the last reply by Mythic to the TL report I say something needs to be done about the infiltrators. If I was to land a 9-sec stun style for every comeback I land I would be happy and others would be whining.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
This was on pierce/thrust spec, but did a comparison of 39 plus 11 ws on NS and 50 plus 11 ws on infil.

Difference was about 80 ws unbuffed.

Infils only spec 50 to get DF. If it wasn't at 50, they wouldn't go that high.

I d kill for 80 more WS. Buffed or unbuffed. Irl^^


Judging from what that decoy friar you jumped at amg did to you you need more than another 80 WS.

Come back to alb - you know you want to.


The decoy friar used IP while i had 2 scouts shooting my back. Yes i knew it was a decoy, but i hoped the line of sight would be less kind to the arrow mongers.



Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
For my next trick I will be producing an equally biased list for why infils are underpowered - its easy enough to do.

Where is the goddamn list!! ;)


Gimme a chance! I have a family, a job and a life too you know!


donttouchmyself got a imaginary life how pathetic come out so i can own your scrawny ass in RvR.

u walking RP cow


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Gimme a chance! I have a family, a job and a life too you know!

You got time to spam bw 24/7 now tell me how infils are underpowered.



yes humbopp - seeing as your main rl relationship is with your own right hand.

(24/7 - or the odd 10 minutes goofing off work? I think you'l find it is the latter)


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
You stopped playing DaoC 2 years ago and yet claim you know anything about it?
WTF are you smoking? You know it is illegal outside Denmark and Holland I hope?
Regards, Glottis

If you take a closer look it says 2 DAYS ago not 2 years ago, moron.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
I just haven't been arsed to reply to Hroft. its easy enough to create that kind of list for each assassin class claiming they're weak.

Important note. Balanced does not mean the same. Balance may not be class to class, but is realm v realm. (For example Hero>Warrior>Armsman - not balanced class v class, but arguably balanced realm v realm)

OK - bit by bit:

Originally posted by Hroft[BC]

1. Infi and NS have the choice between str and str/dex. SBs do NOT have one.

This is by realm design not oversight. Balanced does not mean the same.

2. Read carefully! Axe/Sword (Mid) are both Slash, Blades/Pierce (Hib) are Slash/Thrust, Slashing/Thrusting (ALb) are Slash/Thrust. Not equal.

Yes equal - 2 weapon lines plus CS. No-one said the weapon lines for all assassins should be the same. Different realms, different abilities but balanced here.

4. I know about the bug, but at least some Infis get Vanish while i know that zero Sbs got Shadowrun, even including US servers.

Agreed - but is a functional RA that is underutilised better than a non functional one that is purchased?

5. I am talking about Assasin balance here, not about realm balance. And in the Assasin world Dragonfang>Diamondback>Frosty Gaze. I doubt that Infis and NSs would be content with their stun removed from 50 Thrust/25 Pierce and set to 18-->39 Dual Wield / Celtic Dual.

You're making the mistake of class v class comparisons. Balanced does not mean the same. You have an effective stun available at 400 and odd less spec points tha an infil. This is a realm game, and as as much as people want to turn it into a soloists duelling arena thats not the design.

6. Ok, good. But recent polls on Midgard and Hibernia Rogue Boards indicate that both SBs and NSs would trade their unique abilities for Infiltrator one (0.3 spec pts). Thus, my point remains intact.

Yes - and if you take polls as any indicator every class in the game would be fighting with toothpicks and look identical. Of cours the grass is always greener, and greedy powergamers want more rather than utilising what they have.

a. RTFM. There are zero classes in Albion who are vuln to slash, and only scale users are vuln to slash in Hibernia - and they shouldn't me our primary targets anyway except maybe Druids.
b. I repeat, i am talking about Assasin balance here. If my enemy can spec slash which i am vlun too - i should be able to do same thing.

No - not necessarly. You have targets that are vuln, neutral and resistant. Thats balanced. Plate users in Albion face a realm where only one class uses thrust (the damage form they're resistant too), and virtually every class can use crush (vuln type). Mid Scale users face a vuln to the most common damage type in game. Realm balance, not class v class balance.

a. My dagger hits for approx 35 dmg on even con oppenents.
b. I agree, this point is a minor one. But it is a disadvantage anyway.

The cost I would concur on, but 20 points of damage is moot.

9. Yes! And i will continue to do so until all assasins will be going RvR without buffbots.

And I agree with you o buffbots - they are an imbalancing exploit that I'd like to see the back of.

a. It is not here. In this case there would be equal amount of assasins of each realm, and this is not an issue.
b. Now stop being a little rude FOTM infiltrator - there are plenty of u already and according to biology u will start eating each other soon.

Now you know thats not true.

Do we have the same number of players in each realm? Do we have the same number of classes in each realm?

Its a facile point to claim that if there was balance numbers would be equal - that simply doesn't hold water.

For my next trick I will be producing an equally biased list for why infils are underpowered - its easy enough to do.

Come on. you can do better then that.
It's always easy to reply but not to reply that makes sense. Your's doesn't.
Ofc we dont count asassins in realm balance. How often do you see those in fg vs fg combat? or maybe albs have them in there group since they're "too strong"
And ur answer to the weapon issue is still the same stupid reply that he answered too.
there is no ide to keep argue with you since I can say how much fact as I want and still you can come up with something.


Any tank-group with an infiltrator instead of a merc/arms/pala is going to...

die horribly.



Don't be stupid.

In realm v realm balance you consider all that realms classes and abilities. Not just the ones you like.


Who's stupid?
How can you say that? every assasin in all realm do the same things. scout, kill other assasins, archers,minstrel etc.
god damnit, Tell me one reason why they should be worse then infil? So your'e infact saying that savages is overpowered in mid then SB should be underpowered. So it get "realm balance" Come on!! you sir are a joke!



So you are comparing class with class then?

In which case why does Mid get a hybrid capable of 1000 plus damage/round?

Or are you comparing realm v realm, but just ignoring the bits you don't like.

Really, your point was so facile and poorly made it requires no refuting.


omg. you really are a retard.
Can't you see what I'm saying?
yes you cannot compare class v class except asassin/archer since they arent a normal char in group vs group etc.
Why should they be count in realm balance? and there is different between assasin balance and other class balance. asassins are pretty much alike, same styles in cs line, all have envenom,stealth etc. that is not the case with other chars.
If you dont understand this now you really really are sad and I feel sry for you for being such an dumbass.

End of story.


I misread that vnboard poll @ first. I thought 73% of ppl thought that Rangers were overpowered ;)



Now either you're really thick, or trying really hard.

All classes can be grouped. Because you chose not to does not invalidate this. choosing to compare realm balance on the basis of one class is frankly stupid. Choosing to ignore classes is moronic. Your logic is flawed and your argument invalid.


Ah - just saw the 50 thane in the sig.

Definitely thick then.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy

Now either you're really thick, or trying really hard.

All classes can be grouped. Because you chose not to does not invalidate this. choosing to compare realm balance on the basis of one class is frankly stupid. Choosing to ignore classes is moronic. Your logic is flawed and your argument invalid.

YOU idiot idiotic retarded moron! you just can't admit that ur wrong. ofc all classes can be grouped but assassins never gets normal rvr groups. and dont come here and say some stupid thing like yes they do I was in a group once. in 99% of the ordinary groups there are no assassins. and 99% of asassins go solo/with other assassins/witharchers etc and kill other stealthers/solos/duos etc. so ofc we count that they dont group.
so its all about realm balance in ur opinion. so ur like saying savage is overpowered sb should be underpowered? mm very smart. and as I said before assassins are very alike as a char. all have envenom,stealth,same cs styles, leather armor,evade7, etc. so yes they should be compared class v class..
now STFU and dont come with other stupid comments that doesnt make sense if you look on my reply. just to get the last word. now fuck off!


No Zoldot. You really don't get it do you?

Its nothing to do with savages or SBs individually. Its about realm (all classes all abilities) v realm.

But you are obviously a retard, theres no other explanation.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
No Zoldot. You really don't get it do you?

Its nothing to do with savages or SBs individually. Its about realm (all classes all abilities) v realm.

But you are obviously a retard, theres no other explanation.

The thing with savages and sb was just an example how u think things are and now u stated that is how u think. so all realms are balanced now or they should be? so then u think sb should be less good then infil so mid realm is not better ? come one this posts like this is the same I talked about in previous post. stupid make no sense if you look at mine over urs. ur so stupid u have to explain EVERY little detail to you in ONE post. or you dont undertsand what I'm saying. the post you just made was totally unessesary. still dont you see ITS NOT ABOUT THE REALM BALANCE in an assassin question. now u are the most stupid retarded person.. Even worse then glottis ;)
now stfu and dont come with more posts. they dont show jack shit. except that ur idiotic and want last word and say same thing over and over again. we can go this posts to 1000 sides and we only copy our posts so I post one post, u post one post, i post same post again u post same post again. so it isnt only about savages? ofc it isnt.. should i say healers then? since u think healers is overpowered then sb should be underpowered? you aint understanding what I'm saying here.

come on dont post anymore idiotic post about its "realm balance" YOU CANT COUNT ASSASSINS IN REALM BALANCE!!!
read my previous post why you cant.. they got same stuff/styles/abilitys ETC.
now fuck off moron!

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