Legion Raids



If only lvl 50 rr5+ people are able to get drops on these raids, then you can count this healer out. .3 dps or 3 af isn't gonna make any difference, get over it. Damn greedy sobs. If a guild gets a weapon, they do as they choose to it, whether you like it or not. They can salvage it, sell it to a merchant, give it to a lvl 1 fighter to wear out in a couple days, and all you can do is bite your lip and rip your hair out. They get it, they decide what to do with it, and you have nothing to do with it, live with it.


from lvl 42-50 can be done in 14 days with ease, and i think the man who got the Soulsplitter has something to aim for now, and im pretty sure he wont use it before he gets to lvl 50.

the weapon can proc at lvl 50 and he can use the stats.

the thing ure whining about is the 0.3 dps (1.8 % more dmg) and its nothing.

u then say a rr5 say beat a rr1 everytime and ure prob right, but thats not the weapon makeing the difference there its the Realm abilities.

and konah saying its wasted when its not in hands of rr5 is purely mistaken, ure talking about 1.8 % dmg. WOW

its not 1.8 % from 1 weapon that makes the difference in this game.

instant mezz - group purge and many Realm abilities help there.

just be glad for Albion for every succesful Legion raid we make, the more organizers we get the more drops we get also.

and all will eventually get their drops.

if youre not satisfied with the lotto rules then arrange your own raid.

Best regards


I agree with tiarta entirely, at rr5, you don't NEED an extra 1.8% damage to kill something! That's like saying a lvl 50 needs a lvl 5 EB to kill someone. Big woop, you do 5 extra damage, omg, you're so incredibly uber. giving legion items to only rr5+ is stupid in all it's entirety.

edit: and good luck WF, lord knows you're gonna need a lot of help, knowing how you're gonna run things


As i understand legion "uber" drops are 100% qual, Other standard drops are 94% qual.

I have 94% qual hammer from df Effective dps is 15.2 short fall of .8 .9 dps ? Say i had a Legion hammer 100% qual. wouldn't my effective dps be maxxed ?

Just a thought :)

And as Arth put it Spellcraft is just round the corner anyway :)


Careful there bob - your showing far too much common sense for this whine/flame thread


Oops my bad, I'll delete it later i promise.


Well. Like I already said to a RL-friend of me just before the hunt started: "after the raid there will be some arguments about the items" and ofcourse... it did.

In an ideal point-of-view from my perspective the lotto should be organized in a 'need before greed' way where ALL participants can enter IF they fit the requirements for the drop. So a polearm doesn't go to a caster, a caster-robe doesn't go to an arms, etc. And the 100% quality / dps 16.5 / AF51/102 stuff should go to a LEVEL 50 (RR not important) and if no one can use it to a lvl 49, lvl 48 etcetera.

But: It's not possible to do it like that. Quick estimate gives around 100 peeps attended in some way to the raid. And to figure out if an arms can use a 1h-slashers while he's 2h-specced doesn't work. Not all people are that honest, you know.....

My guild (TRG) got an invite from Fixx (raid-leader) and we agreed on his terms to participate on the raid ---> full group = lotto, otherwise only XP-leeching (which is a lot I think if your group is OK) and seal/money-leeching (my group managed to farm around 50 diamonds I think = 500 gold).

My point-of-view on this raid: Most guys who attended knew about the rules and drops before they attended and could decide at forehand if they would participate or not. If you do at that time: Don't come later on 'whining' about the fact you didn't get the drop you wanted. And if you just 'followed the zerg' please don't even begin about drops. You got loads of safe, free XP on that trip (think I went from 50.01 to 50.02 so that's a lot I think) and probably some seals, and not everyone can get a drop.

My advice is: If you're organizing a raid like this: Make clear rules about the drops at forehand, so people can think about it if it's worthwhile for them to attend. And I think I would do it differently if I organized it, but I didn't so no need to argue about it.

Organize your own raid if you want to make sure the rules are the way they suit you.

Wildfire his point-of-view is very clear and while I disagree with him, he's free to organize his own raid and set his own rules. And if his rules suit my point-of-view I will attend. And if they don't: You don't hear me bitch about it: I will simply not attend.

My 2 cents...

P.S. This is not a guilds opinion, just my own.


i went to the legion raid and got an AF102 chain vest for my troubles.
i am only rr2l9.
am i not entitled to the drop?
did i heal the main tank? yes.
did i help kill adds? yes.
did i qualify for the raid by the parameters set by the organisers? yes.

Tyrn who got the acursed bloody pole did his part and spent his time to recieve an equal chance at quality drops.

as has been stated many times in this thread if it was for RvR junkies only it should have been specified beforehand.


Hmm, very funny whats going on here. If guilds or players win a drop by a lottery system they should keep it even if they are rr1, lvl 42 or hell whatever. But thats just my opinion.

If I take part on a lottery in real life and win a car but have no driving license, should I gift it to someone that has a driving license? No, of course not, so why should a lvl 42 who won an uber drop give it back?

But maybe I dont understand you guys at all.


Yep nice one Khalen, exactly!

A lotto is ...funnily enough a lotto :)

Adrianicus 50 sorcs


Thank you, but my name is Kralen not Khalen, if your post is according to my reply ;)


5 pages long ... impressive to say the least.

Isn't it time to close the case and move on. The people disagreeing with Legion drops going to 50RR5+ had their say as did the people defending it. Neither side will change it's opinion (ever) ... and this thread has been done before, and before, ...

Argueing on and on and on will only set bad blood between guilds/players making the game less enjoyable for others.
And in the end that's what it is ... a game. How can you bloody enjoy it if you get all fired up on a simple drop ? :)


Hi team.

I do a lot of legion raids on hib too.

I used this template which I think hibernia liked...

No preclaiming

all 40+ welcome...

1 lotto per person win or loose

lvl 45+ only can lotto for items (if none bids then ne1)
lvl 50+ for the 4 legion specific items, class specific no alt claiming
40+ for seals lotto at end providing lotto slot not used.

Stick to those rules and you wont get threads like this.....

Towards the end the rules started changing.... and now I dont really do legion to often... This rule set, maynot be the easiest one for a leader to do, but its pretty fair...

have fun


treniels right with what he says...

But as a wise old man once said

Shit Happens....

(especially in DAOC to)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Tiarta Warmaiden : Realm Rank Myrmidon (RR3)
Leorin TjoHoooo : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Jiggs Darklighter : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Wedge : Realm Rank Warder (RR2)
Magmatic : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Kagato Dragonheart : Realm Rank Myrmidon (RR3)
Cadwallon : Realm Rank Myrmidon (RR3)
Fingoniel McAlpine : Realm Rank Warder (RR2)
Bracken Woodman : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Belthazor Shadowfang : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)

What's this? A pattern?

Wtf... there I was making posts that see both sides of the argument, then you come with this bullshit. Always had plenty respect for you Wildfire, but losing it fast. Im 31 years old, cant play the game 24/7 and so yup, I only have 450k rp. So freaking what? Does that mean that some fucker has the right to come out with the bullshit that because Im not RR5 I can't comment? Sorry bud, but if we've got to the stage where you have to be a certain rank in a freaking game for people to actually listen to what's being said, then its a sad state of affairs. If you read my fucking posts you would see that I had commented on both sides of the coin. So get off your fucking high horse and start realising that your rank in a game doesn't mean shit when it comes to what sort of person you are. Right now, I think you need to take a step back and take a deep one.

EDIT: Sorry Starblade, I thought you put a nice post, but I saw the anal comment and had to respond.


those rules sound ok to me.

lev 50 is fair enough, i think we can put the RR5 baby to bed it just too finickity a point to argue over.

going to give it a shot i think on next raid.

Herbal Remedy

well wiffle try post shit about me im rr6 so that kinda spoils ya pattern

1st treniels a twat this does need to be pounted out

2nd hes rr5 cus he leeched and ffs he inactive semi active who gives a shit he doesnt rvr at all now anyway so that kinda fucks up youre whole point doesnt it?

3rd your a retarded mopron if u dont like organise your own fookin raids instead of being a whingey little bitch If albs took a look at hibs they kill legion every day more or less sometimes two times why the fuck cant albion do it? Becuase youd all rather sit back and bitch than grow some balls and organise your own. IT AINT HARD you need 5 or 6 fgs yellow con at 50 did it many a time with just 3 or 4 guilds involved.

4th u wiffle are big headed stuck up prick no rvr isnt the end game for some people and no rrs dont mean shit people play the game they want and who the fuck are you to dictate what people do in game, you didnt even lead the raid ffs. So a non rr5 arms got it boo fookin hoo cry me a river if u want a legion drop or dragon keep organising till either 1) people giuve u the drop u want or 2) you end up winning the drop in the lotto. Till then stfu and stop being a whiney little bitch kthxbye



a level 42 getting that uber polearm is just wrong tbh. i mean he would have got good xp all the way to legion + proly some seals, so he gained something. what did the level 50s gain?

in my experience if i go on a legion raid looking for a legion item then don't get it, i can accept it. if it went to a level 42 ?!?!? that would be insane. I think the 100% qual items should only be available to level 50+ peeps (regardless of RR- if they come on the raid and they're 50, they qualify).

Herbal Remedy

read rest of post nova lvl 50 got teh pole ^^


Originally posted by old.Wildfire

Sure, the people who aren't RR5 wont get the 16.5/102/51 drops. They will get drops that are suited to their level - as there are a selection of 16.2DPS weapons, armour, items and seals that they are all elligible for.

that they could just go and get 2grps and do all the princes for why should they go to a legion raid if they have o chance of getting the legion drops , you say the 16.2 yadda yadda but there just the same as what princes drop so whats the point?
thats what you fail to see
i see yeah ok so they cant use the drops and someone else will use drops more effectivly due to rr5 etc but ok but for example legion raid is taking place lod organizes 2fg to go no one in them grps is rr5 (example) they scratch there head and think
why are we going we have 2fgs we shold just go do princes as lod we get more drops for our guild no arguing as were nto rr5 we wont be getting legion drops so seems pointless us going .
as tiarta says yo want drops for rr5 only then serious organise the raids and gl but i reallly do not think you will get the numbers and also i agree with khalen.

ok so rr5 get the drops only you kill legion 10x the 10 rr5s that show up all get there drops they want and head off to emain. few days later someone asks them if they wanna help kill legion they scratch there head and think nah no point i already have all the drops i need from him.
and your saying trenial shouldve got the drop as hes someone who could make use of the drop far better well his sig says it all
Treniel The 50th Season Armsman [Not Active but not Semi active, good enough yet aussie?]
someone who is semi active

Another look on this post though , You go on holiday to some weird country where it is illegal to fart in public . while your on holiday your walking down the road and happen to let one rip . 30 seconds later and a trunchen around the back of your head your in prison for breaking the rules,you plead to the officer." but officer you can fart in public in my country" the police officer just points laughs and leaves you in the cell ....... point is you joined the raid knowing the rules , if you dont like them dont join the raids nuff said


heh, well i gotta agree with WF, ppl who play more would use the item more than those who havnt got time to play/or dont like to play as much - they wouldnt use it as much... and to get RR5 takes like 3 weeks of rvr.. (were else would you need high quality equipment if not in rvr? atm resists etc are bugged in rve so it doesnt do that much in rve)...


kk, apparently hardly anyone is reading about what actually happened with the lvl 42 getting the polearm.

Ok, the polearm was lottoed, and a LEVEL 50 won it. From here on out, no matter how much you whine, it doesn't make a lick of difference, it's up to that person what he wants to do with it. He (the level 50) gave it to a guild mate (level 42). The level 42 didn't lotto and win it, the level 50 did. And you can cry and moan about how wrong it is for a lvl 42 to have that polearm that you pissed your pants to get but it doesn't matter, you gambled, you lost, get over it.


yep /cry nerf national lottery i played for years but never win /cry /cry /whinge
some rich guy wins lottery should they take his money away because he does not need it ? wildfire theory says they should


Ah forget it. Next time the Enscorcelled Blade of Power drops and goes to some random non-RR5+ person, ill just laugh and think "lol, there goes another one".


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Ah forget it. Next time the Enscorcelled Blade of Power drops and goes to some random non-RR5+ person, ill just laugh and think "lol, there goes another one".

you do that :)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Tiarta Warmaiden : Realm Rank Myrmidon (RR3)
Leorin TjoHoooo : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Jiggs Darklighter : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Wedge : Realm Rank Warder (RR2)
Magmatic : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Kagato Dragonheart : Realm Rank Myrmidon (RR3)
Cadwallon : Realm Rank Myrmidon (RR3)
Fingoniel McAlpine : Realm Rank Warder (RR2)
Bracken Woodman : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Belthazor Shadowfang : Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)

What's this? A pattern?

Sorry, you forgot to add:
Kirennia : Realm Rank Eagle Knight (RR5)
and now add
Herbal Remedy : Realm Rank summit or another (RR6)

it aint just cause of their rr's they r stating stuff.

Very good post Vireb, Very good post Censi...i especially like the rules you wrote up, may use em in organising my own raids :D

Please read Tren's threads, he was stating bout lvl 42 mainly, not gotta b rr5 etc, don't think he meant all bad from it all...the lvl 42 argument bit does sorta have an argument behind it...I will admit that, even tho it was kind of my decision what happened to it in guild <I was LoD rep at lotto>. rr5 thing...plain obsurd...

after once or twice at legion it gets almost as far as to say 'samey' in comparison to princes in most peoples opinions <from what i've heard>but after once or twice at princes, its prob more fun then Legion cause theres more to do. prince = roughly same experience for the 50-, more seals and more lvl 50 and below drops in comparison to Legion raid if gone by the rules of rr5+ only for uber drops. Bear that in mind then ask why the hell would people continue going after first 1 or 2 visits to Legion? I personally still find it fun but many others dont. If you need those below rr5 to do it then they should get dib's in on drops. If not, say so and the raid WILL fail due to lack of numbers.

p.s.2nd raid today <monday> LoD only got 1 drop...doesn't mean we will pull out tho cause the system is about as fair as it can get.

Regards etc :cool:


i play a class that doesnt do much damage, when i hit rr5 i was so glad for that extra 1.8, makes a hel alot of difference in close situations, and on casters its it amplified. I agree with WF, not that it matters you should be all out getting your 100% crafted weps and armour :)


Nice to see i can expect to face the same kind of situations ingame as before. Since ive been gone 5 months and planning to return late this month, I can't help but notice the very same problem from DM raids :). Long gone history ? :p

I'd say communism is a very good idea. but works terribly in practise.. same goes for elitism during theese hunts. Lotto is just a lesser evil than excluding lower members, you obviously find good enough to heal u, to buff u even take a hit or two. I personally don't like the lotto system, but sadly enough we need it since not all of us are lvl 50 and can find the joy in a guy getting what he really really wanted (maybe has 3 in the vault ?). In my days... we ended up playing 1 group with regulars sharing blindly on need basis....sometimes it hurt like hell... sometimes it felt like a tremendous joy....

Happy hunting ! :)

Asup, Lvl 2 Fighter

Ps ! Any1 know where my trainer is ?? I just leveled :)


If it wasn't for those lvl 42s and RR1 ppl even you almighty and bigmouth Wilddork wouldn't even make it to the room let alone kill it, so be a pal and crawl back unter that rock you came from...

Having a RR5 weapon on stock really is good motivation to get to that RR5 lvl...

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