Legion Raids




I have to say seeing the items that dropped there were some really nice ones. I was in the lotto and all I felt at the end of the day was that I had had fun and enjoyed the event. The lotto was run as efficiently and effectively as it could be at the time and with hindsight several people suggested improvements which will hopefully work next tiem.

However, at the end of the day tehre is a lot of whining here which seems to overlook saying well done to Fixx and all other people in guilds who actually got people there and organised them moving through DF so that they ending up in the RIGHT place at the right time healing the right people.

Well done all and thanks for the fun.

Eoforwic Sanguis
Mercenary 50 rr6 (Yes the one with the 'gimpy spec' )


Well its great u had it watched while 200+ albs standing there defending i bet u PM:ed someone

<< Fc 1 : Ooh can i make another RR or do i really have to go?
<< Spirit of King Arthur: No fellow alb dont bother go here ,with legion items u ll still manage to win a few battles in emain w/o relic bonuses
<<Fc 1: ooh thx Mr Spirit i ll continue pleasing myself and farm a bit more rps and claim ITAHMZ cause i need em most.

Realise facts what would happened if not the 200 + albs stood there and watch, u think hippies would think like, .. nah Fc prolly have someone watching us we better save it for a better day.

Well this is a Flame against some of FC members cant say all cause i know there is still a few nice 1s. Cause it pisses me off with FC members posting here to not let everyone attending to hunt have a chance to take part of drops, and just give those with higher RR cause its 0000.1% more useful for em but still very good to others.

Wildfire saying that the endgame here is RvR and thats his "personal opinion". And cause of that RvR players which is all FC members shall get drops instead of others.

Dont get this wrong i aint saying only Fc players go RvR but with my english i mess it up sometimes.

Well wildfire dont think many ppls care really since i know alot of ppls who dont like RvR but like going hunts etc with friends and gather drops. But since u saying its only Uber Rpg deamon-orc-elf bla bla slayer stuffs u clearly dissing other ppls interests in this game.

Some like RVR- Some like Chess- Some like , i dont know but everyone doesnt think like you , incase you didnt know.

Few things i would like to say about FC. Whenever there is a rellic attack that looks like it has the potential to succeed we are there. We have been in the past and we will be in the future. Last time all the alb keeps were taken during "primetime" you did not see any FC taking back keeps, we tried to get beno back but got rear ended by hibs (as expected anyhow) so what did we do we camped the hib wall in Hadrians all evening so albs could take back keeps. Oh sure you say farming realm points and yes at times we did but we also had damn long and boring waits in between it but did we go, no we held the wall and all keeps were taken back without hib interference. Just because you don't see us running along with the pack most of the time doesnt mean we arent usefull to the realm.

Item farming: Alot of our members cant be arsed to go on itemhunts most of the time they join our guild to RvR if someone complains about not being able to join a guildgroup cause there is no interest, tough luck, joined the wrong guild for that. Occasionaly they do go on item hunts (God knows why since spellcrafting is just around the corner) and if we do we sign up for lottos just as anyone else if we get an item nice, if we dont, tough luck. We do not demand items or ask ppl to hand em over to us because we happen to RvR alot. Items go to guilds, guild decides what to do with em. Giving 100%qual 16.5 dps items to sub lvl 50s is taking the piss however and a waste even. Ppl who do should think twice about complaining that albion is nerfed because you are nerfing yourselves.

I'm not gonna discuss if RvR is the endgame in DaoC or not, its the only slightly variating thing in the game so I suppose for many players it is. After all there are only so many mobs to kill and so many places to XP and so many items to collect. If this is your game thats your fullest right and I won't judge you for that so I would wish you people stopped judging FC members for liking RvR.You said it yourself ... some ppl like Itemhunting some like chess but i don't necesarely dislike you for not liking it and thats the difference between us.

Have a pleasent and productive time next time you play and try to get along.


Need before Greed, eh? Ok. If you can get to high RR without all those fancy Legion drops, you don't need em then - you want, don't need, them. You're being greedy if only RR5+ people should be eligible for the Legion-only drops, nothing to do with need before greed.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
The drop lotto system in albion is seriously flawed in my opinion, compared to the other two realms.

Like it or not, RVR really is the end-game of DAoC, and priority for high-end items should be given to those that can use them properly. If I were in charge (haha, nightmare) the only people elligible for these 16.5dps weapons or known "uber" drops would be those that are RR5 or above. The soul splitter may be a good example, but imagine if <random non-rr5+ player here> had got the blade of power when it dropped?

Some will no doubt argue that RvR is not the only thing to do in DAoC. However, unless you're playing RvR, why the hell do you want a 16.5DPS weapon? Sure, some may say that they're "roleplaying the ultimate daemon-slaying orc-bashing elf-eviscerating bad-ass" but lets face it, this is just an excuse to claim the best kit.

In future please, don't give any 16.5dps weapons to anyone that isn't RR5 or above - it's just plain wrong k. The same goes for AF 102/51 legion/dragon drops.


edit #1: rr2/3/whatever players should still join raids because the rest of the kit on offer is just as effective for them as the uber items. The only people who are capable of getting any additional use from them are those of a higher realm rank.

edit #2: anyone who doesnt even apply to the RR scale (non 50's) will benefeit from the large amounts of exp on the raid as well, plus seal drops, so "stfu whining" seems to apply quite nicely - subtle or not.

Read this, and read it again, and I still can't quite work out whether Wildfire is being serious. If he is then he is suffering from a major 'superiority' complex.

RR means the square root of jack. My skald made RR5 in 2 weeks, purely because I had some time on my hands and went emain alot (and grouped with some aoe dotters/pbaoe's). Your RR is an indication of time spent in Emain and nothing else.

Perhaps I am mistaken though. Perhaps when you get RR5 you start paying more for the game. I will definetly have to check my credit card bill to see how much it went up by. If RR5 do pay more for the game then I agree they do have more right to drops than others.

I personally believe that if you contribute to the raid then you are eligible for anything that drops that your class can use. I have also seen drops given to players who spent hours repairing relic keep doors/ferrying wood/spending cash for the realm, and I have no problem with that.

To live in Emain and then claim the drops purely because you have more time than others...<edited>


You're not reading what I'm writing.

The LEVEL 51 ITEMS - that is the 16.5DPS WEAPONS, AF 102 and AF 51 ARMOUR should only be lotto'd to people who are RR5+

How many other items drop on legion raids? Plenty. Will these items provide any less performance for someone who is 4L9 or below? No. There is therefore plenty of incentive and reason for people not 5L0+ to go on raids, as there is stacks and stacks of kit available to them.

As with everything in life, a hard line has to be drawn. No offence to you wedge, but I'd say that "nearly" being 5L0 isn't good enough. It's like nightclubs and their 18/21 limits. You can go along their on the day before your 18th/21st birthday and be turned away, because that's the rule. There should be no fuzzy lines, no "maybe"'s. There are lots of 5L0+ wizards who I know for a fact are after that staff as well, but hey, it's not a 16.5dps weapon (like it matters), or even a legion drop, so they will queue for it like anyone else.

edit: With regards to the relic raid thing (hadn't spotted that part of the post) I'm going to be extremely blunt and say "go and f**k yourselves". Yes, at one point there were 19 people in emain, and 17 of them were FC (under my leadership at the time). Yes, we were farming RPs while everyone else was sat on their arses at excal. No, I don't care. We had several members on alts at excal, several people from HB also at excal, plus various minstrels running around our frontier. I'd put money up front and say that we knew as well if not better than anyone else what the hibs/mids (cant remember which now) were up to. When there are 100 albs sat at excal and you have that kind of surveillance, how can you possibly justify bitching like this at FC when we could have been there within 5 minutes IF ANYONE HAD EVER TURNED UP. Which by the way, they didn't.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
You're not reading what I'm writing.

The LEVEL 51 ITEMS - that is the 16.5DPS WEAPONS, AF 102 and AF 51 ARMOUR should only be lotto'd to people who are RR5+


As I alluded to earlier, do RR5 pay more for the game?



Do you have any comprehension of what being RR5 means with respect to weapon DPS or AF?


Need before Greed

Yes, the one kind of ppl I dispise in this game are the lvl 50s who claim items for their lvl 30 alts because they will be able to use em int the coming 1-3-5-7 months. If you join a raid without lets say ... an infil in the group and you kill lets say hmm a prince and a saers impalor drops would you be one of the ppl that goes: "Oooooh but i want it I have a lvl xx infil and he really needs it ..." or would you give it to the guy who has a guildmate that has been after it for some while (some honesty is needed ofcourse) I would wratehr give the item to any random lvl 50 thrust user who tells me he needs it then to give it to the guy who sais his lowbie alt needs it. If you get an item you can use lucky you if not tough luck. Last time we raided the 3 princes we went with one full group and got 20+ items and none of em were usable by me so i took none, shit happens live with it.


Originally posted by alithiel50
It seems a bit unfair that someone has gone on raids twice, and the one drop they've been interested in has gone to another guild and been handed on to an alt or lower level character who wasn't even on the raid.

Just need to clarify couple of things.

1) The raid rule was that all drops would be lottod. The rules were set by the organiser. LoD won the drop in the lotto having attended the raid (as the guild has done on numerous occasions.). Therefore its a LoD decision what to do with the item.

2) The guy who was given the drop was on the raid with a level 50 armsman that he has access to. As that character isn't his personal one, he was given the option to keep the item for his main - who is currently a level 42 armsman. Again, this is a LoD decision. It was discussed with the guy about trading the item, but the final decision was his as he was the only guild armsman on the raid and it is an armsman item. He chose to keep it. As he had taken the trouble to attend the raid, this was accepted by the guild.

To be honest, we didnt set the rules, we just turned up and did as we were asked. Its just the way the cookie crumbled. If the rules had been different we would have happily done differently. Its no good people spitting their dummies out because they didnt get their own way.

As for FC as a guild, people should give them a break. I've never had a problem with them and find them decent enough people, which is all that matters. They pay their subs and can play the game how they like.


Most certainly.

But so what?

So what if it sits in a guys vault, on his back, in his pack or he uses it. If he/she contributed to getting the item and it fits their spec then they have equal chance of getting it. Everyone pays the same subs, not everyone has the same amount of time to play.


hmmm this thread shows you everything that makes albion crap

ffs guys SHUT UP

look at other realms, just kill the bloody thing 500 times and every freakin body can get whatever godam items they need.

but why do we only bother to kill it once in a blue moon??

well just scroll through this thread and you will see.

fixx organised a sweet raid, which went great, but tbh if this is the kind of crap u have to deal with WHY BOTHER?

we could kill him 2-3 times a week EASY, he isnt that hard ffs.

to the RR5s: if you put as much emphasis into this Legion hunt as you did emain rpz then you would have your pole/bp/whatever in a few weeks.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire

Do you have any comprehension of what being RR5 means with respect to weapon DPS or AF?

Pretty much nothing actually. Very slight increase in damage (~1.8%) and a very slight decrease in damage taken (~2%).


every little counts : those few percent will add up to a lot over time


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
every little counts : those few percent will add up to a lot over time

They mean nothing if the person "using" the item is only zerging though - like most Albs are, doing the usual AMG->Mill->DC->MMG and back route in Emain...


I don't get it either he says he doesn't want the items but he does moan in this thread that they are allowed only to be lottoed amongst those who are RR5. (Hence Treniel wants the pole bad)

And people like who say things like Ialkarn is a better player then Khalen are pathetic. If you can't argue like a man then don't start. Always remember when you say that the people who think they know it all still make mistakes... I'm glad I'm quiting this game because living in the same realm with you is worse enough.

(PS. Special for Wildfire - Fairness is achieved by giving EVERYONE who came (and helped killing the mobs) a chance on the drops. We even changed the rule to do it guildwise so guilds would ALWAYS get some drops and not like old days get 0 for their work)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
:sleeping: fuckit, this is like talking to a brick wall.

edit: look at this list, and point out the active people who don't know how to play their class well. SERIOUSLY.


Then tell me these people wouldn't use a 16.5/102/51 item to its potential.

Relax :D The whole argument is a circle that can't be squared - either you think that only those who can benefit from an item at the time it drops should get it or you go along the lotto route (i.e. its then up to whichever guild wins it to decide what to do with it). Personally I don't give a toss either way - I understand well the RR5 thing and can see both sides of the coin. What I do know is that on this occasion the organiser used lotto rules, so end of story (or atleast it should have been...) ;)


OK khalen, just for you we're going to go back to basics. Lets go back to the beginning before people had alts, and all this other crap that determines who gets items.

You're level 20, you're in keltoi. An item drops. Who gets it? Lets say it's a short sword with +2 evade +2 dual wield and +5 strength (random numbers). There's a mercenary and an armsman in the group. Both are of equal level and are currently using the same (less powerful) sword. Both want the sword, so who should (if given fairly as you so kindly put it) get the drop?


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
OK khalen, just for you we're going to go back to basics. Lets go back to the beginning before people had alts, and all this other crap that determines who gets items.

You're level 20, you're in keltoi. An item drops. Who gets it? Lets say it's a short sword with +2 evade +2 dual wield and +5 strength (random numbers). There's a mercenary and an armsman in the group. Both are of equal level and are currently using the same (less powerful) sword. Both want the sword, so who should (if given fairly as you so kindly put it) get the drop?

Good point. One flaw.In legion raids the chances of having only one person who can benefit from an item are greatly reduced - odds are that there will be more than one. If there is only one person of the necessary level then great. I'd agree in those circumstances they get it. If more than one, then lotto between those involved I guess. Also, what if one person is eligible for more than one item? Would it be fair that one person ends up with say 2 or 3 items and other guilds who attended get none? That would be another sticky one to solve.


The likelihood of there being no RR5+ people to use any given item dropped by legion/dragon on a raid are very slim - I would put money behind betting that it's never happened. What's even less likely is that no guild will be present who have no members (present or not) who are RR5+ and can use the item.

As always in a lotto, fair is fair - you bid for the item you want, and then if you get it you're out. In the modern, high population of high level players, it's likely that on any legion raid there will be several people who will be elligible for any given item.


The solution is simple.

The raid organiser decides the level range for the raid.

If there is a restriction that only RR5 are eligible for certain drops then don't invite those who are not RR5.

If the level range is 45+ then I would say everyone who is 45+ is eligible.



Hi guys :)

been a bit idle organizing Legion raids recently :p

been levelling my alt Gobo which i really enjoy in rvr :)

i will start Legion raids up again but it will be in smaller scale with not so many guilds involved a couple of times a week, i cant understand the whine, First Cohort should be very thankful they even are invited to the raid they dont know the pressure and irritation it causes to the organizers, Give the organizer some credit for his organization. :clap:

the problem arises coz Treniel didnt get his Pole (hes using Xbow anyway and as i know Legion doesnt drop any 16.5 dps X-bow :p )

Legion is a pushover ffs, its easy to do him 2-3 times a week, but please stop the bullshit about him not having the drop, he was at the raid and now he has a very good item with a Awesome proc, and the proc indeed works for lvl 50, not only for rr5+ (the l33t guys) ill guarantee you he will lvl his ass off get his epic gear within 14 days and wear that pole and make whole Albion proud.

the proc can make a difference in rvr, it procs 70-90 dmg lifesteal to attacker and at the same time also deals the same dmg to the victim, so the weapon is a BIG advantage for the user.

stop the whining and im sure Fixx, me and some others will arrange more raids, do Legion enuff times and even Treniel will have the 'common' Soul splitter.

just one last word - First Cohort if youre not satisfied with the lotto rules set by the organizers, then organize ur own with rr5 + ppl.

coz i cant be arsed to arrange such a event

best regards


Fairness in lottos so long as a certain person wins it eh?



Thats all you can say really to most of this thread and alot of the opinions expressed here :rolleyes:

I don't see the harm in a level 50 using a level 51 item if he isn't RR5, and yes i know about the dps before you start. So to him its 16.2 instead of 16.5, he'll get to RR5 sooner or later, maybe a very tiny bit sooner with this item.

It is a bit much that the item goes to anyone under 50, though, that is a shame I admit, but everyone deserves the chance if they were on the raid. but bringing RR into it between level 50ies is just going way over the top on elitism.


When will people learn that level 50 isn't the highest level in the game... realm ranks and abilities are there for a reason y'know...


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
When will people learn that level 50 isn't the highest level in the game... realm ranks and abilities are there for a reason y'know...

so u can brag about it ?

best regards


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
When will people learn that level 50 isn't the highest level in the game... realm ranks and abilities are there for a reason y'know...

Please enclose a screenie of your char sheet that says 'Lvl 51'

Mine doesn't...still says '50'


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
When will people learn that level 50 isn't the highest level in the game... realm ranks and abilities are there for a reason y'know...

planning on doing some tanking soon to take advantage of that extra .3dps?



Originally posted by Arthwyr
for once i have to agree with treniel as im a fan of the "Need before greed" policy and giving a legion weapon to a 42 really is taking the piss. Even at LvL 50 you wont be able to use it to its full potential unless you are RR5 or upwards.
For those of you who dont know it the effective dps of your weapon goes up with your level however this does not stop at lvl 50 but then carries on in RR's

Example: my 99 qual guarded rapier (16.4 crafted dps) had an effective dps of 16.0 at lvl 50 RR3, 16.1at RR4 16.2at RR5 and 16.3at RR6. So giving a 100 qual pole of 16.5(?) dps (crafted) is utterly stupid.

HG won a legion drop polearm about a month ago...
it went to our level 43 polearmsman who came on the raid. He made level 50 a matter of weeks later - he's a casual player, not a 24/7, so that's pretty snappy.

I told him he wasn't allowed to use his flashy new polearm till he got to level 50 and wouldn't dent it :)

Methinks the level 42's need should go above Treniel's greed.

edit: just noticed Jiggs pointed this out.. .btw Gloec was only level 43 back then :) the new polearm sure put the wind in his sails level-wise.


Originally posted by alithiel50
It seems a bit unfair that someone has gone on raids twice, and the one drop they've been interested in has gone to another guild and been handed on to an alt or lower level character who wasn't even on the raid.

The armsman who got this drop _was_ on the raid (both times this has happened)

Why should Treniel have any more right to a drop than any other armsman in Albion?

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