Leaving "home" behind....


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So. I'm pissed. Had a great bike ride, surprising beer festival and then return home to an impromptu (yet well over-stocked) barbecue this evening. :)

In the first house I've ever bought. Not for long tho. This is prolly the last night I'll sleep here as I'm moving over to the birds house (she's been living with me here for the last 6 years or so) 'cause its a little bigger (tho sans garage) and I'll get a better income from mine (once I've plumbed in a new kitchen, painted and wanged a few new carpets down).

Listening to A Night At The Opera (which is following on from the more critically acclaimed Dark Side Of The Moon - and IMO doesn't pale in comparison one bit).

My cat (25 years old, the zombie bitch) is asleep on the settee next to me. Bird upstairs. Pint of Timothy Tailors Landlord next to me (and a cup of tea, a glass of sparkling wine and soon to be a bit of port).

I didn't think I'd feel emotional leaving the place but I'm sat on my settee, feet pointing towards the garden with the patio doors open, spiky bastard bushes flowering like they do for 3 weeks of every year with a gorgeous white flower that absolutely carpets over their sneaky green pain, thinking, well, I'm not sure...... but lots of things

Well, one thing I'm sure of is that I don't like my cats arse in my face. WTF is it with the cunts?

Anyway. I think I'm gonna miss this place. Surprising. Got the stability of FH as a real home tho I guess.

Weird how a sequence of ones and zeros in a place I know not where can be as comforting as a real place with real fittings and furnishings, isn't it? What a wierd and wonderful time we live in...

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I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Nice post, I do feel a feeling of loss when ever fh is unavailable.

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