So Sadiq has joined in on the attack on Corben, which is first shot over the bows for his next move.
The thought of that fucking slimeball becoming labour leader, jesus christ, were is this country going.
Pretty well everytime he opens his mouth, he's like a schoolboy version of Blair.Tell me @Job what has Sadiq Khan done so far as Mayor of London for you to come to these conclusions about him being a 'slimeball'?
Khans comments are a clever intervention, says fellow muslim.
How Sadiq Khan positioned himself as future Labour leader
So you would prefer a group who has its belief in a real god then......which would be?
Amun-Re of course!What?
As Raven said they all believe in 'sky faires'. job Is concerned about Khans fake gods, well aren't they all, so does it matter?What?
Charasmatic????I think that Khan would be an excellent candidate for Prime Minister in comparison to what's currently on offer, he's charismatic and he doesn't have that whiff of public school boy about him.
The only argument that Job has is that he's A. Muslim, B. Muslim and C. Anti-Brexit.
Which makes Job narrow minded.
Little bit of advice - if someone sets up a trap for you, and then you manage to skirt around it, don't fall backwards into it, very silly.
As Raven said they all believe in 'sky faires'. job Is concerned about Khans fake gods, well aren't they all, so does it matter?
I find it a bit sinister the way they feel obliged to talk about how much they love the party. It's all a bit cultish. What's wrong with joining a party that you agree with on its current policies being the best you see for the good of the country. They come across like they'd still love the party if its current policy was to gas jews.
Too tribal by far.
Corbyn Youth. Been tried before iirc.