I've got a brand new combine harvestor



I've just been quoted 4 grand for a Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo. Have to wait a year or two I think :)


Join the club - I got quoted £1200 for a C reg Golf GTi - the car was only worth £300.:(


If your not already you should try a policy with either your parents or g/f as the main driver and you as a second its far cheaper but you don't get any no claims bonus


Originally posted by Durzel
Welcome to the world of hot hatches..


Hey! Many thanks for that, Durzel!

I was looking for a cheap insurance quote to start on Sunday and had checked out loads of sites. After you posted your letter I tried Swinton, came up with the cheapest so far and I'm now covered.

That's possibly the most worthwhile post you've ever um... posted.

Thank yer :D

(If your interested, cover for my MG Montego 2.0 EFi :( was only £466 :))


Originally posted by 1Moon
If your not already you should try a policy with either your parents or g/f as the main driver and you as a second its far cheaper but you don't get any no claims bonus
Already doing that :)

The enquiry with Swinton was to see how much it would cost to insure myself (and me alone) on my car fully comp, rather than do it on my Dads as it is currently. Sooner or later I need to build up some NCB :)

Unfortunately - as I suspected - the quote was a lot higher than I was anticipating (£3000 not including the mods). Ah well. :(





I hardly recognise you with that new look Stu - can I get a shot in the Jag?


Buy some clippers to keep that newly shorn head in check, and the money you save can help pay for the insurance.
Now, a few more cut backs (no new clothes, no new shoes, no new food) and you'll soon be driving the car...:D

Seriously, car insurance for under 25 men is shocking. Just because statistically we cause most of the roads accidents.


I clippered it myself anyway :D

Just had a look at some quotes for some other cars, none of which are that ridiculous (ie Alfa Spider, Elise), and they all come in at about 3K. The lack of NCB seems to be the problem, so will probs just get the Jag anyway and get it insured in my dad's name.


Gotta be careful with that one - sometimes they get all narky about secondary driver being the main user, and refuse to pay out.
Worth the risk for an E-type, though. Better than my shitty Saxo anyway.


ignore what tug says about me nova

hes only seen some shitty blurry pics

i did bumpers and stuff body colour caus the plastic had the tendancy to oxidise to a nice horrible flaky white finish every 3 days... and it had become addicted to back to black bumper stuff

so yeah

its nicer now... but i agree about the colour, tis shite


Stu - what length did you shave it - I do a 4 myself, but I'm a ska boy at heart:cool:


IIRC he did it withou a guide (hence 0.5). That's what I usually do but recently i'm up to a grade1. I feel like a long haired hippy


lol grade 4? hardly worth bothering surely?

aye, I did it without a guard, and with the blades set all the way forward on the clippers (for maximum shortness)


Any 1 ever noticed how much this lot cross post, this could have been disgused in a another thread or in your irc channel rather than here which is suppose to be aimed at discussing cars .

I'm sorry but next time you tell someone else off for this think back to now .


Originally posted by 1Moon
Any 1 ever noticed how much this lot cross post, this could have been disgused in a another thread or in your irc channel rather than here which is aimed at discussing cars

Why don't you contract ebola and fucking die


Also, you need to learn what the term 'cross-posting' means. It's patently obvious you don't


Either way what your doing here is wrong and you seem to think you can do it where as no others can, as I have said before you don't own this forum so let others use it with out your childish abuse as I personaly couldn't give a flying fuk about you and your opinion, all my reply's are aimed to readers and nothing I say has the intension of making me the subject at hand now cars was it

thank you ;)


Bloody hell, 1Moon! Have you ever seen a thread here that's stayed on-topic? To be honest that's why a lot of us keep comin back - conversation goes off at a tangent and then gets interesting (though not everyone will agree with that:))

Nobody has ever had a go at you for going off-topic. They have had a go at you for encouraging da flame.

So, cars then...


Gotta be careful with that one - sometimes they get all narky about secondary driver being the main user, and refuse to pay out.
Indeed. As it is insurance companies already quote based on the youngest driver on a policy and - as you rightly state - they can be nasty if it turns out the "named driver" is actually the main driver, as in my case (and stus, when he gets the Jag).

Mr B

all my reply's are aimed to readers and nothing I say has the intension of making me the subject at hand

Apart from that one, naturally.

Any 1 ever noticed how much this lot cross post, this could have been disgused in a another thread or in your irc channel rather than here which is suppose to be aimed at discussing cars .

Oh...and that one...

If your not already you should try a policy with either your parents or g/f as the main driver and you as a second its far cheaper but you don't get any no claims bonus

...and that is a very good idea as long as you don't get caught out...

Me...I've paid my own insurance since I started to drive - and now pay £250 for my modded Renault Megane, £50 for my Xsara Picasso and £150 for my bike.

If people think that premiums come down when you get older, be prepared for shock...the only way to make insurance affordable is to bite the bullet and pay the price early on to get a decent (protected) no-claims.

People who use their parents to get cheap insurance on cars that they blatantly couldn't afford to get insured on anyway make me sick and it's the 20 somethings driving stupidly powerful cars (who can't handle the power and/or treat the road like a race track) who drive the insurance premiums up for us middle-aged folk!




It does go down slightly when you hit 21 then again when you hit 25. But the no claims bonuses are what you need, I started driving a 1.1 fiesta x (old) reg and that cost me something like £400 3rd party and the car wasn't worth anything near that. Now I've got a big car and its about the same as the fiesta was all them years ago.


Originally posted by Mr B
People who use their parents to get cheap insurance on cars that they blatantly couldn't afford to get insured on anyway make me sick and it's the 20 somethings driving stupidly powerful cars (who can't handle the power and/or treat the road like a race track) who drive the insurance premiums up for us middle-aged folk!

Sorry, have to disagree with you there. If someone wants to drive like a cock they will do so regardless of how powerful their car is (just look for the Nova GTEs or the Fiesta XR2is, hardly beasts but almost always driven by complete wankers).

I've never made a claim, never had any points on my license, but I don't have an NCB because I was always on my sister's insurance (who is two years older than me, and who I shared a car with). The fact that I've been driving for 6 years and never made a claim is irrelevant to the insurance companies, so I don't really have many options. Whatever car I drive isn't going to change the way in which I drive - I've driven everything from my first car, a breathless old Fiesta 1.1, to an Alpina B3, and currently a Seat Cupra Sport, exactly the same.

What I'm considering doing is just buying a numberplate (ie a car which has been written off), getting the cheapest insurance policy I can find on a 10 month accelerator, and building up the NCB that way. But until then, it's prohibitively expensive for me to get pretty much ANY car with myself as the main driver, regardless of whether I can "handle the power" or not.


i agree with the above.

People who drive nova etc are mostly twats, they think they are cool doing what they are doing, but they are not.

ok, go fast WHERE you can, not through town doing 80, or in the supermarket car park or on a residential estate where little kids could be

I may have done this sorta thing a year ago, but i quickly learned its sad. People like this drive up premiums for people who want nice looking cars, that happen to have a large engine...

The only way to do this is to have the insurance in someone elses name until you reach an age to where the insurers feel you are more capable of driving the said car.

Also, on the note of power and cars... Cars that tend to have higher powers such as BMW, subarus, and other "sportish" cars also tend to have UPRATED everything. Brakes, wheels, tires, suspension, the works. a 1 litre nova going round town hammering it at 80 miles an hour wont stop, handle or do ANYTHING nearly as good as a beemer with wide alloys/tires, disk brakes all round, and sports suspension at the same speed, so if a kid was to walk out in front of these 2 cars at that speed, im betting the BMW is gonna be the one to avoid an accident, and this applys to most situations, fast cars also tend to be SAFER.

End of.


I was lucky in that I had parents who were willing to pay for fully comp insurance on my first car (admittedly they did buy it and Fiat paid for the first year's insurance), so I've built up a healthly NCB, to a state where I can insure a Golf GTi for 800 quid (in 2 years time anyway, large accidents non withstanding), so if you can afford it its worth biting the bullet and getting insured in your own name from an early age.


Very true frankie :)

Certain cars (like mine) are doomed forever to be classified as "desirable hot hatches" (desirable to thieves, before anyone chips in with a glib comment) and therefore, irrespective of how old you are, you will always end up paying a fortune for it.

Without doubt age is the single more influencial factor in calculating insurance. Let's face it, you can go 80mph in a Fiesta 1.1 if you get a big enough run up, and you can be just as reckless as you could be in a 2.0 car. In this respect, if you are 17 or 18 years old and male, pretty much any vehicle with 4 wheels that travels more than 30mph is going to cost the Earth to insure simply because - statistically speaking - it's you lot that have all the crashes (it's a proven fact that 17 year olds take at least 2 seconds longer to recognise dangers on the road).

A lot of it boils down to the car you are trying to insure really. I have got quotes in the past for a Subaru Impreza Turbo and a Honda NSX - both incredibly fast (fast enough to shite on my car from a great height) cars worth £30k+ and the quotes I got back were close to if not less than my current car. The reason for this is purely down to what reputation vehicles have - Astras and Novas (for example) are probably up there in the Top 5 of joyrider Christmas lists. And if you're <25 years old driving a car like that, it's pretty much accepted that you will drive like a maniac. The fact that you personally don't is irrelevant. If the national average does, then you do as well.

Stating the obvious I know, but I was bored. :)

Also, on the note of power and cars... Cars that tend to have higher powers such as BMW, subarus, and other "sportish" cars also tend to have UPRATED everything. Brakes, wheels, tires, suspension, the works. a 1 litre nova going round town hammering it at 80 miles an hour wont stop, handle or do ANYTHING nearly as good as a beemer with wide alloys/tires, disk brakes all round, and sports suspension at the same speed
Again true. However when you're young you take risks relative to the speed of the car and what you think it's capable of. Anyone who says that if you took a boy racer used to driving in a Nova SR and put them in a BMW M3 would be "safer" is talking shite - all that will happen is said boy racer will take risks where he would not otherwise have stood a chance in his Nova, take corners faster, leave less time to brake. It's all relative.

And ultimately every car has a breaking point. If you try taking a 20mph roundabout at 80 - you're going to crash in any car whether it be a lowly Nova SR with pot brakes, or a Lancer Evo VI with massive disc brakes.

Therefore a reckless driver would still be as reckless in either a Fiesta 1.1 or a Lamborghini Diablo - the only difference would be the speeds involved.

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