I've got a brand new combine harvestor



did a bit of rally driving up at Knockhill (pay your money and get to drive round the course.

As to the fastest car Ive been in - A.C. Cobra - 6liters if muscle - 134 mph in 3rd

Great for smoothing out the wrinklies.

And Im sure there are some lamers out there gonna flame the Cobra.


I competed in a local rally once we came about 50th out of 80 cars, in our Alfa Romeo GTV 2 litre, against a shit load of coswoths and subarus.


Went on a race track in my pulsar that was fun probably not quite as much as an AC cobra and definately with out the noise :)

It was a pulsar only day, about 70 showed up which was good, I managed to hold off the instructor for 3 laps which I was pleased with :D

curbed an alloy tho :(


Oh here we go :)

>>Novas always have been and always will be shit. They were generally reckoned to be shit when they came out, and time has done nothing to change that. Novas are shit.

LOL, ok m8, obviously you have different sources of info to other peeps then :) So, are chinkycento's (dunno how to spell it haha) not shit then? ;)

>>As for Novas being nippy. (/me tries hard not to start laughing). Novas are underpowered tanks. Compare a 1.4 nova (even an SR if you must) to a 1.4 205, citroen AX or Fiat Uno. All of a sudden the nova looks very slow and very very heavy.

Yes, they aren't french, so they don't fall to bits like all those mentioned above. FFS m8, u can literally BEND and FLEX a bootlid on an AX!!!!! Haha

>>I have driven many small cars. A Nova SR, me Cinquecento Sporting, standard Seicento, several Puntos (the new shape ones), a Fiat Uno 45, two or three Fiesta 1.1's and a 106 1.1. As far as nippiness goes, the Nova was just ahead of the Fiesta (barely). This was a "good example" of a Nova SR, as in it was an H-reg and had only been driven by my gran. The Italians and french had the nova beat as far as nippiness goes ( the cinque especially, christ thats an unbelievable car in first and second gear).

Erm, maybe she didn't run it in? I don't think old ladies cain cars around m8 :) Ok, go try my m8s 1.6 16v Nova (corsa gsi running gear) and say it's slow... only got 110-120BHP but does 60 in under 8 seconds easy and we've had it @ 135 (clock is obviously not accurate but its still quick)

I dare you to go that fast in a car like yours :)

>>No no no my simple friend you misunderstand. Millions of people buy novas for one reason. They are cheap. But then so is White Lightning cider. Draw your own conclusions.

Yea I know. Good innit :)


Originally posted by Bodhi
Nova GSi? LOL. To quote Stu "Nova GSI - Torque Steer, its not a choice, its a way of life".

Erm, 100BHP car, torque steer? Stu must be fucking weak then :)


Originally posted by TUG

Erm, maybe she didn't run it in? I don't think old ladies cain cars around m8 :) Ok, go try my m8s 1.6 16v Nova (corsa gsi running gear) and say it's slow... only got 110-120BHP but does 60 in under 8 seconds easy and we've had it @ 135 (clock is obviously not accurate but its still quick)

That's a crock. My pug 205 1.9 GTi (superchipped, ported polished & gas-flowed with a 4 branch performance exhaust manifold & system) racked up 145 top end. No way on earth a 1.6 engine (16v or not) is touching that. It also ate that 0-60 time alive ;) Best ever rolling road 0-60 was 6.1s IIRC.

Anyway, g-bw0y cars are bent. I learned the hard way. Had a Golf GTi 16v (they don't like hitting trees sideways at 75) and a Polo G40 (a bit classier than your average g-mobile, oh, and they don't like shunting sierras in snow) and although they were fun, in my wisened adult years I'd much rather go for a very subtle understated BMW

PS. There was not a SINGLE external mod to the car. Externally modding cars is quite possibly the most pathetic thing imaginable that you could do to a car. When I bought that 205 it had a factory fitted Rallye spoiler on the back - I payed around 500 quid to have it professionally removed and the area resprayed, cos even when I was a bit of a G-bwoy...I had some understanding of class and understatement


1) Rolling roads aren't real roads :)
2) How much power your pug got?
3) http://www.pngregion4.co.uk/page27.html

That's got the same engine as me m8s, but modded... 160 bhp and it aint exactly slow... I think it'd go up against ur pug m8 cuz it weighs a lot less :D

It even looks near std bar the gay bonnet vent but I spose it helps the engine in the long run seeing as it runs throttle boddies so needs nuff air.


PS: Yeh I think I'd rather have a std lookin car, polished up to fuck tho, and some nice not hoooooge wheels and lowered enuff to help the handling than some mad kitted thing.

Even a Nova can look nice if polished up and more or less std looks.


volvos are fucking good cars you muppet

so shut it...

damn fine cars they are...

Anyhow. Nova is ideal for a fuckabout car.... nuff said... its not meant to be anything other than a small messabout car... If you want utter driving pleasure, enough power, and quality, get a beemer... like i am doing.


have to admit, I owned a F reg Nova 1.3 SR.

Fucking great car for the money.

Took off like shit off a shiney shovel.

Cornered on rails too.


Best ever rolling road 0-60 was 6.1s IIRC.
Hmmm :)

2 litre turbo'd cars have a job getting that kind of time. A Porsche 944 Turbo will do 0-60 in 5.9 seconds, a Subaru Impreza Turbo will do it in about 6 as well. A 1.9 8v naturally aspirated car doing 0-60 in 6.1? .... :rolleyes:
PS. There was not a SINGLE external mod to the car. Externally modding cars is quite possibly the most pathetic thing imaginable that you could do to a car.


PS. There was not a SINGLE external mod to the car. Externally modding cars is quite possibly the most pathetic thing imaginable that you could do to a car.

Sorry m8 but I put some clear indicators on my pulsar and they looked v.nice .

I guess it all has alot to do with your age tho and how much money you have .

I do see some nasty things done to people's cars tho so I do see his point to an extent .


filled and smoothed all my front and back bumpers, body colour coded them, as the wing mirror covers and rear spoiler. meshed the front grill, and devinyl-strip'd it

and it looks nice. goes well too...


Originally posted by Lazarus
have to admit, I owned a F reg Nova 1.3 SR.

Fucking great car for the money.

Took off like shit off a shiney shovel.

Cornered on rails too.

Haha, ownage :D

Oh yeah, forgot to say Bodhi, 1.4's don't rev anywhere near as freely as 1.3's, have 72BHP vs 70 from the 1.3 and weigh more. I aint been in a 1.4SR, only thing comparable I've been in was a 1.3SR which really was quick for a 1.3. And, it'd stuff your 55BHP beast ;) But all me m8s with Nova's now have powerful engines.

Frankeh, I think your car looked better as std... but thats me :) I think you're a dick for selling it, but I think you're a dick anyways ;)


Originally posted by TUG

Oh yeah, forgot to say Bodhi, 1.4's don't rev anywhere near as freely as 1.3's, have 72BHP vs 70 from the 1.3 and weigh more. I aint been in a 1.4SR, only thing comparable I've been in was a 1.3SR which really was quick for a 1.3. And, it'd stuff your 55BHP beast

Not likely. Novas have the power to weight ratio of the QE2.


it'd stuff your 55BHP beast

OMG and the RS turbo is lacking power rofl @ you Bodhi .

Still don't see why I should really care considering I have 300Bhp :cool:

Come on there must be some more turbo nutters out there ?



am i missing somming?

(shut it bodhi)

i mean, novas weigh 760 or less kilos... that aint "heavy"



as thought

fiat cinq = 735 Kg @ 55bhp

nova = 775 @ 70 bhp

me thinks you would lose... badly



Originally posted by frankie

as thought

fiat cinq = 735 Kg @ 55bhp

nova = 775 @ 70 bhp

me thinks you would lose... badly


er, that why I have raped every single Nova SR that has tried it on? Man either I have souped up my cinq (not likely), or you're wrong.

BTW does that 775kg include the dodgy fibreglass bodykit which falls off on the motorway?


I've just looked on the MaxPower site at some deeply amusing modded Novas. Even the 90 brake ones do 0-60 in 11 seconds. I've timed mine at 10.2. So you're wrong.



max power... you donky

half their figures in the back are fucked up

for one they think a 1.4 sri goes slower than a 1.2

which it doesnt

also mr. Cinq, most car manufacturers have half the vehicle carrying weight in the car, so if it can have 5 people in it, or 4, then they have 2 people in it... so book figures are always slower than when you rag it down a timed strip on ya own and with a small load of petrol...

the power to weight in bhp/tonne for the two cars...

Nova, 1.3sr - std = 70 / 0.775 = 90.3 bhp per tonne

Cinq sporting - std = 55 / 0.735 = 74.8 bhp per tonne

with a few mods and a decent tune up, the SR would push out 83 bhp easy (as mine is)

out of the 1.3 engine you could prolly get about 110 bhp easy

the SRs you apparantly raced must of been ragged, or were not really trying. but really, if they were, you would prolly of been a better driver, and in the end, it comes down to that if the cars are closely matched... but around corners your car would beat a std nova...


btw, you cant "time" yourself

it needs to be done properly with speed gates


Actually frankie you're wrong there, when they test a car they usually test it to the limit, demolition tsting some call it, so when they do the old 0-60 test its usually ragged to fuck with as little weight as possible in the car and usually by pro drivers, my exs dad used to demolition test for ford.
Ok why don't you just agree that when you're young and you don't have a rich mummy and daddy and you have to buy and insure the car yourself a nova or a fiesta is ideal but when you're a big boy you want a big car am I right or am I right?


The chances of you two ever achieving such 0-60 figures is unlikely :p


Originally posted by Bodhi

I've just looked on the MaxPower site at some deeply amusing modded Novas. Even the 90 brake ones do 0-60 in 11 seconds. I've timed mine at 10.2. So you're wrong.


Are you dense m8? Or don't you know that using a stopwatch and your speedo is the most inaccurate way of measuring 0-60's ever????? Hahahahahaha... EVERYONE will back me up on this. We did it in me m8s 1.3SR and that came out as 9 seconds. We thought... heh, cool if true, but we know it aint. So carried on driving around.

What Car did a 0-60 using proper timing gear on a Cinq Sporting and it did 60 in about 14.1 seconds.

Oooooooooooooooooh, fast yes?? lol :)

Face it m8, ur car is slow, it has 55BHP. It might feel nippy sure, but it's still never ever gonna be a *fast* car. Neither is a Nova 1.3 or some shit but at least use a decent argument rather than 'it's shit' :)

PS: How aerodynamic are Cinq's? Are they based on Bedford Rascals? :) Yea this one was a bit low but thats what you've been doing m8 :)


PS: Any Nova's that get into the worst car mag in the UK (max power, utter tosh) are obviously shit, no doubt!!!!!! Jeezuz, I could get a brown 950cc fiesta in there if I stuck a big 'jap style' bodykit on with blue tac.

Awful magazine now... Shame, as in 1993/94 it was mint, technical and nice cars. Oh well, they're sell outs, they want money - fair play, thats how business works :)


Are you dense m8? Or don't you know that using a stopwatch and your speedo is the most inaccurate way of measuring 0-60's ever????? Hahahahahaha... EVERYONE will back me up on this. We did it in me m8s 1.3SR and that came out as 9 seconds. We thought... heh, cool if true, but we know it aint. So carried on driving around.

That's cos stokies cant count past 9 ;)

What Car did a 0-60 using proper timing gear on a Cinq Sporting and it did 60 in about 14.1 seconds.

Funny that. Fiat timed it at 12.7, and another mag timed it at 10.7. Dont ask me to explain the 4 second difference cos I dont understand that one either.

I have suddenly realised how boring this argument is. Japanese techno monster cars are shit. BMW M3's arent.

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