Is It Leagal To use a crafting macro as long as you are presant at the computer?

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One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Sugah said:
I have to agree that with goa on this one. I've spent the past few weeks leveling up a Spellcrafter. Hes at 976 skill as we speak and i can 100% say that i have been there and pressed every single key stroke myself. I've also ran the trade skill quest probably 20-30 times so people who macro craft really annoy me. Lets hope to see more macro crafters gone and i pray that goa gets the radar detection ASAP.

Macro crafting imo is a waste of time depending on the craft, need to buy /sell materials/makes still need to be in the vacinity of the kebo to refil etc, too much hassle imo.

Dual or Multi Pc crafting while RvRing is better, in between fights/waiting on pad etc


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Shike said:
And tbh, at least I rather see cheaters getting caught and then banned and kicked out from the game than given a second chanse tbh, once a cheater on purpose; always a cheater in my opinion. One day a macroer, next day a speedhacker, third day a radarer.

I dont think so, most ppl have morals. The consiquences of the end action ie radaring/speed hacking are pretty much a big enough threat for most normal ppl to not to want to risk their beloved Char(s)/Account.

Same as irl, many ppl that do minor crimes will never often even consider moving up a notch for fear of the punishments. Even little things as minor as speeding etc, its still a crime and punishable but the pro's out weigh the cons in some circumstances else ppl wouldnt take the risk.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Requiel >>> Juj :flame:

TBH, crafting almost made me an alcoholic...Yes, It's THAT boring :m00:

Crafting & chatting with the people in Hagall (pre housing) when I was drinking got me the majority of my crafting points.

Today I mostly sit in my house and craft when I do craft.
Crafting LGM weapons trying to live up to my name Krakatau CrazyCrafter sure is a money and time consuming thing to do..

I do put pride in all my crafters skill and the time spent to getting them where they are today...

All the crafting meant I couldn't do as much RvR/ML hunts/Artifact hunts as I wanted to do...

But if I'd used a 3d party program to craft while I was asleep/afk/feeding the kids/changing dipers/walking the dog yada yada , then I could have spent more time on actual playing/hunting instead.

You said it yourself, you downloaded the program and configured it to craft for you...

Now tell me, did you download it and installed it when your GF told you to dress your son ?!
Juj said:
I even explaind to GOA that the only reason I used this macro was becuase my GF insisted that i put my son in some clothes and got him ready for a daytrip, which ofcoarse i did while sitting at my computer table."

No, that's not what you said in the first place:
Juj said:
So what i did was create a macro that pressed a key corresponding a position in the Qbar every 3 seconds, to relieve me of some of the burdon of the running back and forth to merchant and forge and swapping the items out for orange con items


To me it's crystal clear, you decided to try get an advantage in the first place: "to relieve me of some of the burdon"..

Maybe the punishment was a bit harsh, but trying to get away by saying other wrongdoers (radarusers spring to mind) don't get banned/suspened is no excuse at all.

Hopefully they (GOA with the help from Mythic) will start to act against all the cheaters that destroy the fun for others

Oh, and I do know what I'm talking about:
1136 WC,1165 AC, 1165 Tailoring, 1085 Fletching, 1050 SC, 1045 Alc :flame:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
May not be related but the name Juju rings a bell, he got banned for speed hacks few months back.

Perhaps it is just a coinsidence that the FH name is oh so similar, perhaps not.


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2004
Krakatau said:

Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!

Your second quote is taken from my very first quote where I do not deem it nessasry to indulge all the details.. That i then elaborate later as to who what when and why is by no means Hypocritical.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Kreig said:
I dont think so, most ppl have morals. The consiquences of the end action ie radaring/speed hacking are pretty much a big enough threat for most normal ppl to not to want to risk their beloved Char(s)/Account.

Same as irl, many ppl that do minor crimes will never often even consider moving up a notch for fear of the punishments. Even little things as minor as speeding etc, its still a crime and punishable but the pro's out weigh the cons in some circumstances else ppl wouldnt take the risk.

most ppl have morals yep, altho, what I meant is: most ppl wouldnt even touch a craftingmacro, the one that does, is a player I dont want around me, the consequense of using any form of cheat should be severe, not just for radarusage but for every single kind of cheat where you use a program or somehow in some other way deliberately actively try to get an advantage over everyone else, simply put, imo a cheat is a cheat. Also, since its pretty hard to detect every kind of cheat, the punishment should be so hard that everyone refrain from using it even if it is a small one that is hard to detect in pure fear of the consequense if they one day is found out, there is no point in using a 3day ban for a macroer, next guy that crafts will know the standardpenalty is a 3day ban, why not risk it then since the punishment isnt something to speak of? I think you understand my point of view here. I'm not saying everyone think like this, but i'm pretty sure some do and if it is known that the penalty is severe, it will scare off at least a few. What causes problems is the fact that it is a game, you cant really draw parallells between RL and DAoC in this matter. The net tend to make ppl more careless and I can imagine there are alot of cases where morals and ones ordinary ways of life is turned off the second they logon to the net and they become a totally different person, just look at IRC and keep this in mind :p Its sick how some ppl behave just because they cant be seen and wont suffer much of a penalty for doing so either. Heck, i can be an ass on IRC and forums aswell, I tend to be a nice bloke IRL though :)

I want fair play on equal conditions when I play, I think I have a right to ask for that.

(all this written wasnt just for u Kreig, im just ranting as usual)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Kreig said:
May not be related but the name Juju rings a bell, he got banned for speed hacks few months back.

Perhaps it is just a coinsidence that the FH name is oh so similar, perhaps not.

That was Jjuura, and hes back ingame again


Dec 22, 2003
Is turning your volume up and using a wireless keyboard cheating? :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Shike said:
(all this written wasnt just for u Kreig, im just ranting as usual)

Gifv more discussions involving shike! :clap:

What about the ppl who use out of game chat software irc for example or teamtalk, RW etc
I know Mythic, GoA couldnt give a rats arse about these, but i feel that in some sense it is bordering on similar ground, the only difference is that one doesnt alter anything in the game state unlike a macro program. But there is only slight differences between chat and radar (if you have a good lot of ppl set up could be more or equally as good as any software radar).

I dont think it maters anymore tho, with 1.70 only round the corner most of these cheats will vanish.

Radar users hurt the majority.

Macro crafters hurt no one other than GoA/Mythics pocket $$$ (The user gets "free" time)

Im not for/agaisnt either really, ppl will always find new ways of cheating regardless of tne penalties. Its something which is almost inbreed in the industry. For the most part cheats in single player games were put in place by the devs for a bit of fun, who's to say that Mythic/GoA employees arent enjoying the same preferences pentalty free with uber twinked chars.

They probley are.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Shike said:
That was Jjuura, and hes back ingame again

Just proof in itself how fickle GoAs threats are. Guess it depends what side of the bed any particular RIGHTNOW staff got out of, and if there feeling a git or not. Shouldnt be like that after all it is our money which pays there wages, but this is how it seems.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I know Mythic, GoA couldnt give a rats arse about these, but i feel that in some sense it is bordering on similar ground, the only difference is that one doesnt alter anything in the game state unlike a macro program. But there is only slight differences between chat and radar (if you have a good lot of ppl set up could be more or equally as good as any software radar).
There's one huge difference between these, radar intercepts the packets going from DAOC client to server and vice versa, chat software does nothing to alter gameplay and doesn't touch the packets being sent from the game. Teamspeak is the same as picking up a phone :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
acei said:
There's one huge difference between these, radar intercepts the packets going from DAOC client to server and vice versa, chat software does nothing to alter gameplay and doesn't touch the packets being sent from the game. Teamspeak is the same as picking up a phone :)

Aye but when u play cards or any similar game were the "information of <Insert Game info needed>" could be used in a bias way via out of game sources to pervert in-game events.....

That is cheating plain and simple.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Kreig said:
Aye but when u play cards or any similar game were the "information of <Insert Game info needed>" could be used in a bias way via out of game sources to pervert in-game events.....

That is cheating plain and simple.

Following on that logic probley means 99% of all users are cheaters :p Nerf ringing irl m8's to tell them to log on because xxxx has spawned etc :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Juj said:
hmmmm I was still not afk.
I have been banned for being afk while using a macro that you convinently changed to the 3rd party thing after i pointed out to you i was not afk..

Frankly I think you have crossed the line on this one as do the majority of the people here..
I am still unsure of my leagal rights in this matter and they are being looked into.
If a case is possible it will be put forward and the people here will be informed of it's progress.

You lit the fire now you can burn in it...

so basicly ur gonna sue GOA for banning u because u cheated?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Juj said:
hmmmm I was still not afk.
I have been banned for being afk while using a macro that you convinently changed to the 3rd party thing after i pointed out to you i was not afk..

Frankly I think you have crossed the line on this one as do the majority of the people here..
I am still unsure of my leagal rights in this matter and they are being looked into.
If a case is possible it will be put forward and the people here will be informed of it's progress.

You lit the fire now you can burn in it...
Basically you have no legal leg to stand on. Recall from the email you received from GOA quoting their general conditions:

- and more generally in the event of behaviour that GOA, at its entire discretion, judges harmful to its interests or to those of DAOC users.

In the event of the suspension of your Player Account or in the event of termination of the account by GOA for one of the reasons stated above, you lose the right to access your Player Account and the data contained in it and you will not be entitled to any reimbursement, in whole or in part.

Basically, if GOA feel it is warranted they can ban you for almost any reason. Obviously they do feel it is warranted as you are banned. And since they have banned you, their conditions specifically exempt them from reimbursing you. You agreed to these conditions when you activated your account, now you have to deal with the consequences.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Hansa said:
And they are not the same person.

gotta be same account though? coz of same name surely?

unless the name is spelt slightly different?

and if so....howcome its been unbanned?

especially if they had the evidence to ban it in the 1st place....doesnt make sense to me


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Juj said:
Acctually no...

As mentioned before although a macro was in use I was at no time afk.
Meaning that I use as much time and infact at times more time due to the fact that the key is depressed at regular intarvals and not at the time of the "ding".

However all this said and done.. I'm quite happy with the advantage that is gained by myself using this macro as was mentioned a little higher up. When i say happy, I mean that I agree it does give me an unfair advantage compaired to other crafters in the same situation.

How can you fail to see it?
Perhaps more of the ingame time is spent on crafting/hinging BUT by using a third part program in a way like that gives you time for other things, in your case your son iirc from earlier pages. Let's say you crafted/spent time with your son for 1 hour. If crafter that presses every key with his finger did the same things it'd take him a total of 1+1 = 2 (!) IRL hours... any questions?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Tbh I don't know why there's so much bitching around over this. You people are crying like babies just because you have to sit at your computer to play... well pfff did you think you eventually could macro rvr? Wtf..

One day I bet you wanna have a computer to play the games for you too!

Get over it and do your crafting manually.. like it was supposed to be, instead of trying to find loop-holes, because that's just a stupid desperate act to keep a program that makes you lazy! :kissit:


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
LOL, having read all 12 pages I have yet to see any reason why you should not be banned. You cheated pure and simple.

Macro crafting is as lame as radar abuse. Why should you use a macro and make it to LGM status, earn money, buy l33t items etc etc. You moan and whinge that GOA have overstepped the mark. They are spot on, bye bye.

To all those that say he only cheated a bit....ROFL.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Juj said:
GOA should remember one thing...
Make one man happy and he will tell another.
Make one man mad and he will tell 100's.
Juj: "I used to play this game Dark Age of Camelot, and I was using a macro to help me craft, which was cheating so they banned me."
100 peeps: "Aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Teh funny! Pwnd!"


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Juj said:
I even explaind to GOA that the only reason I used this macro was becuase my GF insisted that i put my son in some clothes and got him ready for a daytrip, which ofcoarse i did while sitting at my computer table.

But they seem very cold and insensitive about this matter.


I don't want to sound harsh, but you were afk at that moment.

Just sitting on the computer chair doesn't mean you are paying attention(like the CoC or EULA stated).

If i fell asleep at my computer, i would be afk aswell.

Maybe harsh to do complete bans, like a days suspension would've been enough but, that's how they operate. And with the radar hunting that's been going on, it's a bit marshall law at the moment.

EDIT: Though the real point is, you should've asked the topic question before doing it...would've saved you alot of wushwash.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Requiel said:
I will not tolerate any cheating on my servers.
does that mean that radar users will get insta banned as well (Mythic just gives them a few days suspension to start with) and will afk XP'ers (see Albion thread) also get banned? or will they get away with a slap on the wrist and no cookies?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 21, 2004
Thundercat said:
That would depend... No one has reported him so it's unlikely that GOA will investigate?

According to last post , he was reported and the person also stated he was still online in game , even though Right-Now representive E-mailed em. So im very curious why Juj gets banned and he doesnt seeing he was afk for 5 hours and Juj wasn´t even AFK.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Miff said:
According to last post , he was reported and the person also stated he was still online in game , even though Right-Now representive E-mailed em. So im very curious why Juj gets banned and he doesnt seeing he was afk for 5 hours and Juj wasn´t even AFK.

That's something I don't know. Must have something to do with the "macro" part...

Do I think it's fair? No. Both should have some sort of punishment. Just like in the cases before these.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
NeonBlue said:
gotta be same account though? coz of same name surely?

unless the name is spelt slightly different?

and if so....howcome its been unbanned?

especially if they had the evidence to ban it in the 1st place....doesnt make sense to me

Juj is a real life friend of mine,and he is NOT back in game
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