

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Raven said:
people should do /rpfilter adding cnut (or whatever) to hail brother! i offer my thanks for helping thwart the evil enemy attack! that way they can carry on pretending they are "helping the realm" or whatever they do when they ruin other peoples fun

Oh get over yourself. Stop making out like you're some superior ****. Everyone adds at some point or other, not to "ruin other people's fun" but because they see a red name and pile in. As they are allowed to do in a Massive MultiPlayer Online RPG. If you can't accept that without getting your arse in your hands then leave...again.

Aoln said:
It's only words, don't be such a pussy ;)

Yeah let's try a little experiment. Next time you're out on the town, turn to the guy next to you at the bar and gob off at him like some of the twats in this game do. Then, when you're eating through a straw, come back and tell me they're only words. Guess they're "only words" when you're safely tucked behind your pc ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Bracken said:
Oh get over yourself. Stop making out like you're some superior ****. Everyone adds at some point or other, not to "ruin other people's fun" but because they see a red name and pile in. As they are allowed to do in a Massive MultiPlayer Online RPG. If you can't accept that without getting your arse in your hands then leave...again.
was a joke, get off your high horse


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
just incase anyone's worried about their rights to debate things in a sensible manner (well almost sensible I guess in jjuraa's case) he's banned at the moment but not for anything in this thread:

got him the ban.

How many more times is Jejorah going to be banned for this? He's already been banned 2 times previous to this for that EXACT post.

Edit: Seems to me its pretty fucking poor that you scroll back through 2005 threads to find something which is bannable, just because you dont like his side of the debate.


Bracken said:
Yeah let's try a little experiment. Next time you're out on the town, turn to the guy next to you at the bar and gob off at him like some of the twats in this game do. Then, when you're eating through a straw, come back and tell me they're only words. Guess they're "only words" when you're safely tucked behind your pc ;)
Yes exactly, it's a game > not real life. There is quite a difference, the words are meaningless, why should you give a shit?


Nov 28, 2004
Well maybe if he as been banned for same thread twice i'm sure they will lift it

people are only human they make mistakes:)

ask my mum she give birth to me:(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I went out with my scout and I tried to have a good honest fight with a healer....

Then all you stupid adding retards came and zerged the crap out of my 1v1 fight :( You then used some lame retarded excuse like "I was grouped with him" to justify this lame adding.

Why is pressing a "group invite" button in the game so different from pressing the "realm invite" button at the login screen?

Yes I understand the "we want 8v8 fights because that's the thing we find fun and challenging from the game" mentality.
I've said it before, when a gank group doesn't add on my fight, and I lose and pm them with a crap load of abuse about how they didn't help me out in the roleplaying spirit of the game, and I get a genuine appology out of them about how they are sorry for not respecing my gaming experience and that they will try and lay in and "help the realm war" next time. Then i'll sit back and respect their views that I shouldn't add on their 8v8 fight.
While you feel you have the ability to call people wankers without considering their views, then i'll happily continue to treat you like wankers as I feel under no obligation to respect yours.

The few people that have asked nicely if I wouldn't add on their fight and not acted like retards about it are much more likely to see me driving past than those that scream "ffs retards, must be french".


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
CstasY said:
How many more times is Jejorah going to be banned for this? He's already been banned 2 times previous to this for that EXACT post.

Edit: Seems to me its pretty fucking poor that you scroll back through 2005 threads to find something which is bannable, just because you dont like his side of the debate.

What i cant understand is why anyone would object to Jjorah being banned, hes been throwing insults at everyone, pretty fucking poor to defend this guy/boy IMO, and his side of the debate was to insult anyone who disagreed with him thats not a discussion or constructive debate, its just a nob-jockey getting what he deserves.

Good going Film, sept posts, other posts who the fuck cares.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Aoln said:
Yes exactly, it's a game > not real life. There is quite a difference, the words are meaningless, why should you give a shit?

Words aren't meaningless (they affect the human beings you are playing with), pixels are. Either you grasp this or you don't - and it basically seems to boil down to those who have an understanding of real life and how it works do, while the jumped up kids who are living out some fantasy that what they do in a computer game matters don't. Basic idea is if you wouldn't say it to someone's face then don't say it from behind your pc.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Coldbeard said:
It is a friggin video game and not a damn war? Cant even be compared.

The theme of both examples is war whether its real or not, the idea of war is usually to overcome your enemy, not "ok kill all the enemies but dont add or it will upset your friends, yeah let them get killed before you kill the enemies".


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Heck I think everyone should play crossbow spec armsmen in RvR but omg! noone does! don't see me whining on FH every day

actually only last week you were whining about this :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Eeben said:
in denmark you can get something called visa electron , works like a normal visa it just cant go to minus an you dont have to be 18 to have it :)
i had it, it didnt work to pay daoc with, i tried :p

oh and add whiners is fun, i dont mind adding nor do i mind adds, its a part of the game, it will allways be there, it dont realy help annything by yelling "OMFG! ADDZ! l34ve us al0ne! w3 ar3 teh 1337!" to annyone, they will still add, get over it, the adding is here to stay.! :fluffle:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Coldbeard said:
A post from september got him banned now while arguing with you ?
What is this all about?

Turns out he has already been banned for that post as well

someone reported it yesterday - hence banning - have just unbanned him (cheers for the PMs ;)) and will be sending harsh words to the person reporting it.

Plus cleaning my glasses so I can see the dates.

Sorry about that jjuraa (though york does have a point ;) unfortunately can't really punish someone twice for the same piece of shit post)


Jan 22, 2005
Aoln said:
Yes exactly, it's a game > not real life. There is quite a difference, the words are meaningless, why should you give a shit?

Don't wanna sound like I'm flaming but thats the words of someone whos a little immature imo. Just because you're protected by your PC, doesn't mean the words won't get to someone, you never know whos at the recieving end when you make comments like that.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
If you're whining that people aren't dumping their ML raids, aren't rezzing you in the frontier, are adding on you, etc, remember that you're actually saying "my game experience is more important than yours". Then think what you feel about others saying that to you.

Best thing I ever read on this subject!!!


Dorimor1 said:
Don't wanna sound like I'm flaming but thats the words of someone whos a little immature imo. Just because you're protected by your PC, doesn't mean the words won't get to someone, you never know whos at the recieving end when you make comments like that.
If he feels offended by it he needs to get a thicker skin and wear a flame suit.
getting all emotional and worked about because someone insulted you over the internet is just lolz


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Eruptix said:
If he feels offended by it he needs to get a thicker skin and wear a flame suit.
getting all emotional and worked about because someone insulted you over the internet is just lolz

But it's ok to get all emotional and worked up because someone *adds* on your pixels? F*cking ironic that...

Incidentally, it's not even about someone just gobbing off. It's the fact they do it from the anonymity of behind their pc screen. If someone does it in the street then it's not an issue as you can just twat them. But some gobby kid doing it from their own bedroom over a computer game when there is no comeback is pitiful. Only people who live in their own little world and have no grasp of how real life works would see it as acceptable.


'ok' cause we all noticed only your opinion is valuable and all other ppl who feel differently about it are people locked up in their basement who have no grasp about real life..



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Eruptix said:
'ok' cause we all noticed only your opinion is valuable and all other ppl who feel differently about it are people locked up in their basement who have no grasp about real life..


Their words clearly demonstrate they have no grasp of real life. That's not an's how it is. I mean really, if you think that it's ok to gob off at someone then do the little experiment I suggested earlier. Go down your local and try it on the bloke stood next to you at the bar (that's real life bar, not the pub in camelot on your pc screen). See if he just stands there and say "oh that's ok mate, they're just words"...

Post a pic of your face when you've completed the experiment. Then tell me why you think it's any more acceptable to do it sat in your own bedroom as opposed to on the street...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Eruptix said:
If he feels offended by it he needs to get a thicker skin and wear a flame suit.
getting all emotional and worked about because someone insulted you over the internet is just lolz

Some people who play this game are more sensitive than others - personally I have on a number of occasions been reduced to tears by things said in game, similarly you can forge strong friendships from the words spoken on-line.

People should recognise that not everyone playing this game fits the male 18-25 demographic and show rather more consideration in the way they interact.


Bracken said:
Their words clearly demonstrate they have no grasp of real life. That's not an's how it is. I mean really, if you think that it's ok to gob off at someone then do the little experiment I suggested earlier. Go down your local and try it on the bloke stood next to you at the bar (that's real life bar, not the pub in camelot on your pc screen). See if he just stands there and say "oh that's ok mate, they're just words"...

Post a pic of your face when you've completed the experiment. Then tell me why you think it's any more acceptable to do it sat in your own bedroom as opposed to on the street...
words have less to few meaning for most people when spoken over internet.
Its not like going over to someone and insulting him straight in the face,its different (not trying to talk it straight,just stating the facts:its different)

or are you calling anyone who insults someone over internet to have no grasp of real life?
and maybe,just maybe the person who insulted you would have done the same if not worse when he saw you in real life.
maybe your the one who gets away lucky with some simple harmless insults over internet,if you had done something wrong to him irl it might have ended up differently..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
If I get angry with a person irl I let him know that aswell

Your kid brother breaking your tonka truck doesn't count I'm afraid ;)


Bracken said:
Your kid brother breaking your tonka truck doesn't count I'm afraid ;)
get off your high horse like your superior IRL to people like xxmaniacxx..
having a though time irl and venting your frustration over internet by trying to elevate your mightyness/act like your so superior?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bracken said:
Your kid brother breaking your tonka truck doesn't count I'm afraid ;)

Who´s acting "all that" over the i-net now?

If I have a problem with a person IRL I face that person with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Eruptix said:
words have less to few meaning for most people when spoken over internet.
Its not like going over to someone and insulting him straight in the face,its different (not trying to talk it straight,just stating the facts:its different)..

No it isn't. As Javai said above, the effect can be just as damaging to the person on the receiving end.

The rest of your post made no sense to me.


Bracken said:
No it isn't. As Javai said above, the effect can be just as damaging to the person on the receiving end.

The rest of your post made no sense to me.
maybe the person who got insulted need to realize he is doing something to piss that other person of then?and maybe he should get a grasp and stop doing things that piss of others ppl?

just like you wouldnt continue pissing of ppl irl when they start insulting you unless your want to start a fight?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Eruptix said:
maybe the person who got insulted need to realize he is doing something to piss that other person of then?and maybe he should get a grasp and stop doing things that piss of others ppl?

just like you wouldnt continue pissing of ppl irl when they start insulting you unless your want to start a fight?

There you go again making assumptions about the type of people playing the game.

Now let's suppose you are out in a busy pub/club an a man around your own age bumps into you by accident you may say something a little harsh though probably you'd keep quiet. But I am quite sure if it was a woman who did it you would not mouth off at her and think that wsa acceptable behaviour.

As I said in my earlier post not everyone who plays the game is male aged 18-25 yet people react as if they are.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Majority of the ppl playing are indeed a he so why shouldnt he type that? Or you think we all should start typing he/she/it everytime?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Film and all the other pro-adders have completely missed the point here.

Ask yourself, what is it that makes DaoC so special ?

Of course it the RvR/PvP. This concept is alive and well in lots of other games as we all know. On pryd when servents of the lake split, and the various factions appeared ( TLW/PE etc) the game came into its own, fg rvr was born.

This game would have faded away a long time ago had it not been for the fg vs fg action. Mindless zergs become boring, you only have to look at other games attempts at rvr/pvp to see this. In most games its a secondary issue, a side line, a little thought about add-on.

I have no quarrel what-so-ever with anyone adding on anyone in the normal RvR zones - but please, pretty please just leave Agramon to the full groups.

The RvR zones really are big enough, and have lots of keeps to let a good percentage of the games population compete in rvr. The 3 realms can fight each other here as is mythics intention - for large scale warfare.

Im pretty sure mythic listened to the whine from the rvr groups and created Agramon for the purpose of fg vs fg action - this part of the game is what makes DaoC unique, dont spoil it for others just because you can.

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