

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Ethild said:
I don't know about where you live, but here in the good old UK, it doesn't become legal to smack someone in the face just because they said something offensive.

Having differing opinions does not equate to someone being offensive. And I can tell you that in UK law, if someone mouthed off to you when you had done nothing wrong and you turned round and smacked them it WOULD count in your defence as provocation. Anyways, it's irrelevant. I simply used that example to show that in the real world how you treat people can and does have consequences.

You will probably have read my last post so you know the score now. Keep your fg action within the milegates of Agramon. If you do come into other areas accept that people have every right in this game designed and sold as realm v realm to kill anything with a red name. Cut out the abuse and the general belittling of others and we will get along just fine. Continue to piss people off with the attitude and we'll respond in kind.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
You will probably have read my last post so you know the score now. Keep your fg action within the milegates of Agramon.

Damn I have to apologise to you Bracken... I thought only Mythic/Goa could make rules for this game, but I guess we all missed the Memo that you are declared worldwide leader of the Daoc-community (apologies again if I am wrong and it actually is the ENTIRE global gaming community and not only DaoC) and you are allowed to enforce new and improved rules to all of us.

Could you possibly E-mail them to all the people that don't read these boards so that we all know we're doing something wrong and while you are at it could you please also tell us mere mortals what the punishment will be if we break your 1 commandment oh holy one <bows head afraid to look devinity in the face>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Grimnna said:
Damn I have to apologise to you Bracken... I thought only Mythic/Goa could make rules for this game, but I guess we all missed the Memo that you are declared worldwide leader of the Daoc-community (apologies again if I am wrong and it actually is the ENTIRE global gaming community and not only DaoC) and you are allowed to enforce new and improved rules to all of us.

Could you possibly E-mail them to all the people that don't read these boards so that we all know we're doing something wrong and while you are at it could you please also tell us mere mortals what the punishment will be if we break your 1 commandment oh holy one <bows head afraid to look devinity in the face>

You really should check your emails and read the weekly news dude......


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Grimnna said:
Damn I have to apologise to you Bracken... I thought only Mythic/Goa could make rules for this game, but I guess we all missed the Memo that you are declared worldwide leader of the Daoc-community (apologies again if I am wrong and it actually is the ENTIRE global gaming community and not only DaoC) and you are allowed to enforce new and improved rules to all of us.

Could you possibly E-mail them to all the people that don't read these boards so that we all know we're doing something wrong and while you are at it could you please also tell us mere mortals what the punishment will be if we break your 1 commandment oh holy one <bows head afraid to look devinity in the face>
Funnily enough, making up rules and then trying to impose them on everyone else is exactly what the people who insist that it's ok to abuse someone for adding are doing.

Mr Pot, I have an urgent message for you from Mr Kettle. Apparently he says you are black....


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Ethild said:
Yes, I'm obviously retarded.

I don't know about where you live, but here in the good old UK, it doesn't become legal to smack someone in the face just because they said something offensive.

You just called me "fucking stupid". I would be hard pushed to use that as an excuse to turn up outside your house with a baseball bat. :rolleyes:

I didnt call you retarded (a word only used by fanbois), i called u stupid. Who said anything about the legalities of smacking someone? You keep on moving the goal posts. Now run along, i cba.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Golena said:
Actually I believe that if you see a scotsman in York you are required by law to shoot him with your bow and arrow (something like that anyway)... i'll have to try it one day!

Remind me to stay away from York in future.....:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Bracken said:
Having differing opinions does not equate to someone being offensive. And I can tell you that in UK law, if someone mouthed off to you when you had done nothing wrong and you turned round and smacked them it WOULD count in your defence as provocation. Anyways, it's irrelevant. I simply used that example to show that in the real world how you treat people can and does have consequences.

I can assure you that having different opinions most definitely can equate to being offensive. Take the recent example: Denmark (and most of Europe) is of the opinion that no religion is above satire, and published several comics to this effect. The Muslims of the world disagree. They claim they were deeply offended.

As for your UK law point. Provocation is a partial defence only to murder, of which the best outcome is a reduction in sentence to manslaughter. In the case of assault, provocation can be taken into consideration when sentencing (mitigation), but in no way exempts you from the conviction, i.e. it does not provide a defence.

I agree with your point about how in the real world, the way you treat people can and does have consequences. No one is disputing that. The consequence in this case was a hurl of abuse (which I can assure you I don't think is a tolerable way to behave). However, deliberately going out to attempt to ruin other peoples games I still find laughable. If you don't want to listen to someone, ignore them. This mentality of "shout at me, I'll ruin your game" is both childish and pathetic. Congrats in your efforts to bring council estate behaviour to Camelot.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Ethild said:
. Congrats in your efforts to bring council estate behaviour to Camelot.

I think you will find 95% of the fg guilds brought that kind of behaviour to camelot, or was it kindergarten behaviour? Probably a mix of both.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
chretien said:
Funnily enough, making up rules and then trying to impose them on everyone else is exactly what the people who insist that it's ok to abuse someone for adding are doing.

Mr Pot, I have an urgent message for you from Mr Kettle. Apparently he says you are black....

You're quoting the wrong person then? Grimmna is agreeing with that point in the first place lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Grimnna said:
Damn I have to apologise to you Bracken... I thought only Mythic/Goa could make rules for this game, but I guess we all missed the Memo that you are declared worldwide leader of the Daoc-community (apologies again if I am wrong and it actually is the ENTIRE global gaming community and not only DaoC) and you are allowed to enforce new and improved rules to all of us.

Could you possibly E-mail them to all the people that don't read these boards so that we all know we're doing something wrong and while you are at it could you please also tell us mere mortals what the punishment will be if we break your 1 commandment oh holy one <bows head afraid to look devinity in the face>

Made me laugh out loud ... then I checked all my spamfilters to see if I hadn't missed any important memo's :(


Loyal Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Eruptix said:
never read that it was intended in the game that leechers show no respect and ruin my game experience?

the leecher IS the one harming me,harrasing me with his actions and showing lack of respect to ongoing battles.if he choose to do so,then I find it normal that the ppl who are affected by this get angry.its no reason to insult their mothers,but it happens when ppl get offended.

the leecher IS the one who is ruining the game experience..
so in the end,YOU ruin someone's game experience hence why you shouldnt be surprised to draw hate
Dont wanna experience adders? Then go play tetris, that is unspoiled fun 24/7! oooh yeah!


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Grimnna said:
Damn I have to apologise to you Bracken... I thought only Mythic/Goa could make rules for this game, but I guess we all missed the Memo that you are declared worldwide leader of the Daoc-community (apologies again if I am wrong and it actually is the ENTIRE global gaming community and not only DaoC) and you are allowed to enforce new and improved rules to all of us.

Could you possibly E-mail them to all the people that don't read these boards so that we all know we're doing something wrong and while you are at it could you please also tell us mere mortals what the punishment will be if we break your 1 commandment oh holy one <bows head afraid to look devinity in the face>

Hes right though on that point at least. Im pretty damn sure that all the "fg crowd" would be happy with Agramon being the non-adding zone, I know I would be.

Question then is, and shouldnt be to difficult - name the supposed "FGs" that do perma add in Agramon.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
So are you moaning about FG's adding on FG v FG fights ??????

So amongst your FG can't even get it right and then have the nerve to moan at everyone else????


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Grimnna said:
Damn I have to apologise to you Bracken... I thought only Mythic/Goa could make rules for this game, but I guess we all missed the Memo that you are declared worldwide leader of the Daoc-community (apologies again if I am wrong and it actually is the ENTIRE global gaming community and not only DaoC) and you are allowed to enforce new and improved rules to all of us.

Could you possibly E-mail them to all the people that don't read these boards so that we all know we're doing something wrong and while you are at it could you please also tell us mere mortals what the punishment will be if we break your 1 commandment oh holy one <bows head afraid to look devinity in the face>

What he's actually doing is asking the FG guilds to go to agrammon. And to stop whining about adds if they are outside that area.
You'll find that most fg guilds do actually read these boards, or at least have a member who does. You'll also find that most "soloers" or people who play for the kill anything with a red name tend not to venture inside the milegates of agrammon, probably cos they get farmed long before they reach them.

He's not making up new rules for the game, he's just asking that in the interest of stopping the petty squables we try to find an alternative that lets both camps go about their business happily. I'm sorry this concept offends you so mightily, and i'm sure that there's going to be people on both sides that don't abide by it..
Lets not bother to try and prevent murders. Someone will get hold of a gun and shoot someone at some point. Since this is bound to happen, trying to do something to to stop the other 99.99% of the population from blowing each others brains out is obviously an entirely stupid thing to try and do.. right?

Grimnna said:
tell us mere mortals what the punishment will be if we break your 1 commandment oh holy one

I imagine someone will shout "don't add ffs retard" at you, if your in one camp.
Or report you for abusive language if your in the other.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
I give up...
Seems to be to hard to try and make people understand that the rules for the game are set by Mythic/GOA and all the rest is bullshit...

Go and pwn in Agramon and if you gonna whine here about people adding do me 1 favour ok? Please spell the names right... Grimnna is with 2 n's and 1 m... I like seeing my name spelled right in all the future whine threads, because when I grow up, I'll go to Agamon too... and you can bet your sweet ass that I WILL drive our group into every enemy I see... Solo or fighting or higher RR or lower RR or even if they'd have a damn picknic...

G R I M N N A ..... remember it :)



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Grimnna said:
I give up...
Seems to be to hard to try and make people understand that the rules for the game are set by Mythic/GOA and all the rest is bullshit...

I give up... seems to be impossible to make you understand how a simple concept works.

How people treat you in game (and on this forum) will be based on how you act to them, much like in real life.
If you show them zero respect, expect to have the same level of respect shown to you. You like to see your name spelt right, well other people like stuff as well, and you don't seem to give a crap about that, so franky why should they give a crap if you dislike the way they spell your name.

It's a game.. yeah they don't make the rules but there's room for both types of people if some of them (i.e. you) don't go out of your way to destroy what the other people find fun. There's nothing stopping you of course, same as there's nothing stopping you walking into a pub and calling everyone a bunch of wankers. But after doing it you might well find that people arn't really that happy to talk to you.. DAoC is a much nicer place to be if you don't have half the people you play with hating your guts.

But like I said, it's your choice, and I don't see anyone holding a gun to your head when they make the request..


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
I was in fact trying to make a point by saying the exact opposit of what I ment... Well... kinda... (good to see you used the "me wanting to have my name spelled right"... I didn't say it twice for nothing :) )

Actually the people in our group would probably kill me if I would go and add on everything I could find... We will be in Agramon at a certain point to compete with the other set groups (not to far from now hopefully) and we WILL enjoy the 100% pure 8vs8 fights without any adds whatsoever, BUT the only thing I wanted to point out (again, I know) is that you cannot expect people to NOT add... people will do it... Hell, I am willing to bet that if it could not be done by gamecode, people would still try and find ways just to do it anyway. In that case it would be bugabusing and the GM's would handle it. Unfortunately it's not that way so you'll just have to live with the fact that people will add on fights anywhere they can (want to).

I'll just give it a rest now...


Loyal Freddie
Aug 19, 2005
eggy said:
I have a different theory involving Scott Tracy and fishfingers.

But I'd prefer not to talk about that right now.


dunno if this has been said before or not eggy but that characters from captain scarlet and not thunderbirds...

btw not critising(sp) your google skills, i find most of the pix you post funny


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
guys, adding happens, not all the people who play read these boards, it's gonna happen no matter how much debating goes on amongst us few.

FG's - Mowing down soloers is lame, please consider how much of a threat that person really is to you, or how few RP's you will get for stomping on them like a teeny flower.

Soloers - don't whine if you get mown down, you're an easy target and it maybe gets some frustration out of the troll/firby that charged your arse and he/she can go on and have a better day for it.

We all wubbed up now? awesome - lets all get back to the game, keep the pop up ;)

lock it!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
So just stay away from Agramon if you dont like the "rules" of fg fights, otherwise do as you please outside Agramon, pretty simple.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Eleasias said:
So just stay away from Agramon if you dont like the "rules" of fg fights, otherwise do as you please outside Agramon, pretty simple.

You missed a tiny tiny bit of the point: don't whine at people for adding outside agramon ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Rediknight said:
guys, adding happens, not all the people who play read these boards, it's gonna happen no matter how much debating goes on amongst us few.

It's not about stopping the adding, or stopping the whining.

In the same way society having the approach killing someone is wrong stops many people from committing murders, establishing a don't add in aggramon, add everywhere else policy might stop some people from adding in aggramon and some people from whining outside it.

Yeah sure not everyone reads the boards, or even gives a crap. But if it reduces occurences of it by only 50%, then that's 50% less people getting offended, or 50% less people having their fights "ruined". It's not perfect, no, nothing in life ever is, but it's a damn sight better than nothing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Eleasias said:
So just stay away from Agramon if you dont like the "rules" of fg fights, otherwise do as you please outside Agramon, pretty simple.

Nice one, bit hard for people who don't read FH to have any idea about this 'rule'. As I posted a few pages ago, Agramon was created by Mythic for more RvR and not for FG action, so please don't try to police what goes on in there.

How about:

Eleasias said:
So just stay away from DAoC if you dont like the "rules" of RvR fights, otherwise do as you please outside DAoC, like in another game.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Should never insult someone as a result of how they choose to play, there are no "set" rules, and even though adding is annoying, untill you pay his subs you have no right to impose any rules over players!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Golena said:
It's not about stopping the adding, or stopping the whining.

In the same way society having the approach killing someone is wrong stops many people from committing murders, establishing a don't add in aggramon, add everywhere else policy might stop some people from adding in aggramon and some people from whining outside it.

It may do, but its not a fair analogy. Society in the real world is rather different to a closed world with defined parameters which you choose to join or not.

DAoC is a 'world' where you read the 'rules' before entering the world, and can choose to RvR or not. If you choose to RvR then you are fair game for the other two realms. It says that in the rules- RTFM, you pay your subs to play by it. Anyone who tries to alter that fundamental part of the game is trying to alter the rules/ social set-up we all chose to join. Sure, some of you may want DAoC to be FG V FG, and for others to respect your FG v FG action, but that's not part of the social set-up we joined or agreed to, and its not our fault if your re-interpretaion of the social contract doesn't get accepted. Agramon is no different to any other part of NF, it has the same rules. If you get your nice FG v FG fight, great, that's nice for you all, I'm glad you had fun. But if you get zerged in the middle or an archer mucks up your tactics then please remember that that is the game you signed up to.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
You missed a tiny tiny bit of the point: don't whine at people for adding outside agramon ;)
I thought that went without saying (I still havent seen anyone actually whine ingame about adds more than a couple times the last half a year)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tractartus said:
Nice one, bit hard for people who don't read FH to have any idea about this 'rule'. As I posted a few pages ago, Agramon was created by Mythic for more RvR and not for FG action, so please don't try to police what goes on in there.
Why are you trying to argue/disagree, its pretty simple really. 2 opposing sides finally came to an agreement and someone still wants to whine. Stuff like this goes around the gaming community pretty fast and even now that's how it has been pretty much lately. There's no roleplay/realm value in Agramon and it was actually created to satisfy the need for one zone for groups to roam, the thing that most fg's wanted the most in the first place. You like the keeps, you like the zergs, why would you want to come to Agramon? Both sides get what they want, we can have our fg fights, you can have your keep battles and zergs outside Agramon.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
No, no, no, no!! You're all missing the point!!!!!!

It's not
So just stay away from Agramon if you dont like the "rules" of fg fights, otherwise do as you please outside Agramon, pretty simple.
Is there anywhere it says Agramon has "rules" to the area? Is there anywhere that says that you must not solo there? No. Again, people are assuming that this board is the be all and end all of the community - it's not. You cannot make up a rule for anywhere in this game, unless you're a programmer and you make it so, so stop kidding yourselves like there will be any new "rules" made, just cos enough people shout about it on a forum. I'm not being harsh, thats just the reality of the situation.

There isn't any form of solo only BG, where FG's are forbidden, and vice-versa - it's the most pointless thing to get pissy about cos it's just the way it is.

If you want this, play GW or CS - it's been said a lot, but thats what you are basically asking for - limited group -v- group combat.

This is getting so repetative now, and it's just one group whining at another, and them whining back.

If you don't like the fact that RvR is completely open and can't accept that a FG will tractor over you at some point, and you will get adds at some point then you're playing the wrong game! No ammount of whining, no amount of time played will give you the right to just decide that one particular zone will run by any one particular persons rules, other than the ones set by the nature of the game.


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