I am very angry with you

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One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Herjulf, I have to tell you that I am kind of a computer noob. Not like our mums/dads, but compared to most of those who play daoc or such. I cannot give you any details of the keylogger involved (simply because I don't know), all I know is that it was auto-removed by my virus program.

I can however say that I do not have my passwords written down on my computer, I have all my passwords in a tiny little book I keep next to my comp. I am not all that active on MSN either, and I only have around 15 ppl on my friends list there. So I would certainly not DL something from ppl I don't know, and in general I DL very little over MSN, maybe a file every second month or so.

So I know very little myself, but I still havent heard from MSN support regarding my question, so mb we'll know more soon.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Here is a classic instance of what happens when you ignore the rules and share your account. The rule about account sharing is not because we don't want you to help your friends out, it's precisely to stop episodes like this occuring.

With scamming reports we have to appraoch each one individually and deal with it on a case by case basis. Where it would help the person to give information about trades then we will. Where it won't help then we won't. The reasons for ths can be manyfold - the character traded with may have been deleted or it may have been an innocent third party. In any case we cannot give you the details of other people's accounts such as alts or who their trades for example. Believe it or not however the data protection laws are very strict here in France and the part about not even being able to give information where the identity is masked by a psuedonym or nick is true.

This isn't a policy to protect the scammer, it's a legal requirement and because I don't want to be responsible for someone being tarred a scammer and possibly being harrassed ingame when all he may have done is help a stranger with a trade.

Why don't we give items back? Well because in this case the person hasn't been hacked. He's given his details to someone else. When you do that you are in effect saying 'my account is your account. Treat all my characters, items and cash as your own.' What this means is that any trades done while your account is being played by someone else are treated exactly as if you'd made the trades yourself. Otherwise any trade is reversible by claiming that you've been hacked. In cases where the person has[ taken reasonable precautions to safeguard their account and has been hacked as a result (for example via a keylogger or similar) then we will return items and cash where we can however this isn't always possible. In this case giving your game logins to someone else via MSN is about as far as possible from the definition of reasonable precautions.

Ultimately ths entire episode would not have happened if the original poster had heeded the multile warnings we regularly post in the news and upheld the rules of conduct that he agrees to everytime he logs in. If he breaks our rules, it's unreasonable to expect support for breaking them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Requiel said:
Here is a classic instance of what happens when you ignore the rules and share your account. The rule about account sharing is not because we don't want you to help your friends out, it's precisely to stop episodes like this occuring.

With scamming reports we have to appraoch each one individually and deal with it on a case by case basis. Where it would help the person to give information about trades then we will. Where it won't help then we won't. The reasons for ths can be manyfold - the character traded with may have been deleted or it may have been an innocent third party. In any case we cannot give you the details of other people's accounts such as alts or who their trades for example. Believe it or not however the data protection laws are very strict here in France and the part about not even being able to give information where the identity is masked by a psuedonym or nick is true.

This isn't a policy to protect the scammer, it's a legal requirement and because I don't want to be responsible for someone being tarred a scammer and possibly being harrassed ingame when all he may have done is help a stranger with a trade.

Why don't we give items back? Well because in this case the person hasn't been hacked. He's given his details to someone else. When you do that you are in effect saying 'my account is your account. Treat all my characters, items and cash as your own.' What this means is that any trades done while your account is being played by someone else are treated exactly as if you'd made the trades yourself. Otherwise any trade is reversible by claiming that you've been hacked. In cases where the person has[ taken reasonable precautions to safeguard their account and has been hacked as a result (for example via a keylogger or similar) then we will return items and cash where we can however this isn't always possible. In this case giving your game logins to someone else via MSN is about as far as possible from the definition of reasonable precautions.

Ultimately ths entire episode would not have happened if the original poster had heeded the multile warnings we regularly post in the news and upheld the rules of conduct that he agrees to everytime he logs in. If he breaks our rules, it's unreasonable to expect support for breaking them.
Good day to you. I see some E&E have pointed you in direction of this.
If you had cared to read everything you would have know I never have claimed that I didnt give out my information and broken the CoC. What I feel really pissed about is the clueless GM who dealt with my case.

You are shooting your own toe by posting this honest. Let me quote about.
"With scamming reports we have to appraoch each one individually and deal with it on a case by case basis. Where it would help the person to give information about trades then we will. Where it won't help then we wont.
This particular case it would be very helpful to give out names of the scammer since it is obvious to us all but you that we are dealing with a hacker that is a danger to the community. How many times havent you hidden behind the "We can at any time terminate an account if we feel that the person is a threat to the community" when banning people? LOADS! Besides that you hide this "particular" case behind some law we havent got the slighest clue about (will be checking up on that myself).
I asked so many times directly: What is the difference in the law from having ones email hacked to giving out information? And each time I just get filled with the same auto-bullshit you are writing atm -> Its your own fault, you have noone to......zZzZzz.

In many other MMOs you can simply ask for your own tradelog and they will hand it to you. Ofc they might not be based in France.

As for the part you write about giving items back. Is it so hard to check IPs? I mean, if the IP on scam account match the IP logging the trade account I dont see the big deal about that either.

I may ask dumb and it might seem abit logical. But where exactly does it say that when giving out password you also give out full rights of your account to the person? Nowhere I could find atleast. The real laws covers every thinkable situations.

"If he breaks our rules, it's unreasonable to expect support for breaking them.". I see. When did the Cops start to beat and shoot the criminals they caught? I mean, come on. Almost everyone breaks the Code of Conduct now and then. Yet we still deserve some proper customer support.

I do not know why I care to write this and ask all these questions, because once again GOA will reply with some bullshit going like
This entire situation is entirely a result of your own actions in sharing youraccount. We repeatedly warn our customers of the dangers of sharing accounts in the Friday News, as even when you share with people you trust, you are reducing the security of your account and making it easier for episodes like this to happen. Your account security is entirely your own responsibility. You clearly don't feel that your account is worth protecting otherwise you would not have shared it, in violation of the rules you agreed to and in complete disregard to our repeated warnings. You can be angry at our customer service policies if you wish but frankly, the only person to blame here is yourself. Getting an answer you do not like is not the same thing as getting no support. I can understand that you are unhappy with the answer you have recieved but there is nothing else that we can say, we are bound by privacy and data protection laws and not just internal policy here.
You guys are like damn Politicians. Avoiding all directly questions by talking bullshit. Not many comparisons to a real customer supporter.

By the way. Feel free to PM me if you want any hints on proper customer service.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Why is it, that u never write this when u want an answer from Rightnow ?
i mean its detailed and most people understand it,
however i never got more then 5 lines from you guys on rightnow, and 2 of them was sincerely regards.

But i still think overall you guys should have some kind humanity to forgive persons, in this case, i would and im pretty sure others would also.

most time ive talked with you guys uve been so
coldhearthed and strickt - why is this?
are u running tired of answering questions, playing and maintaining it ?
if thats so shouldent u be hireing more people, or generaly new ones ?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2005
Klonk, what sort of antivirus proggy do you have? In various games I've been attacked by a handful of diffrent viruses/trojans/keyloggers, and 99% are caught immedietly by the "auto-protect" function, which most antivir-programs feature, not just when you scan. The rest might be a bit more stealthy, but are then usally caught by firewalls once they try to send the data.

I sincerely doubt you've been attacked by some sort of MSN flaw, even though they exist most likely, "msn hacks" are generally fake and are caught quite early by MS, atleast if the general public starts using it like this.

I can't see this guy who stole Heallers stuff as the l33thaxx0r who can hack any MSN and decides to steal your account, instead of just taking Heallers right away, along with XX other players. Also, doesn't your antivir proggy keep logs of each scan that you might be able to check? And possibly it just sent the keylogger to a quarantine, not removing it, where you can also find out its name. The best bet I'd say is that you accepted a file or someone just put it physically on your computer.


Jan 22, 2005
cemi0 said:
Good day to you. I see some E&E have pointed you in direction of this.
If you had cared to read everything you would have know I never have claimed that I didnt give out my information and broken the CoC. What I feel really pissed about is the clueless GM who dealt with my case.

You are shooting your own toe by posting this honest. Let me quote about.
"With scamming reports we have to appraoch each one individually and deal with it on a case by case basis. Where it would help the person to give information about trades then we will. Where it won't help then we wont.
This particular case it would be very helpful to give out names of the scammer since it is obvious to us all but you that we are dealing with a hacker that is a danger to the community. How many times havent you hidden behind the "We can at any time terminate an account if we feel that the person is a threat to the community" when banning people? LOADS! Besides that you hide this "particular" case behind some law we havent got the slighest clue about (will be checking up on that myself).
I asked so many times directly: What is the difference in the law from having ones email hacked to giving out information? And each time I just get filled with the same auto-bullshit you are writing atm -> Its your own fault, you have noone to......zZzZzz.

In many other MMOs you can simply ask for your own tradelog and they will hand it to you. Ofc they might not be based in France.

As for the part you write about giving items back. Is it so hard to check IPs? I mean, if the IP on scam account match the IP logging the trade account I dont see the big deal about that either.

I may ask dumb and it might seem abit logical. But where exactly does it say that when giving out password you also give out full rights of your account to the person? Nowhere I could find atleast. The real laws covers every thinkable situations.

"If he breaks our rules, it's unreasonable to expect support for breaking them.". I see. When did the Cops start to beat and shoot the criminals they caught? I mean, come on. Almost everyone breaks the Code of Conduct now and then. Yet we still deserve some proper customer support.

I do not know why I care to write this and ask all these questions, because once again GOA will reply with some bullshit going like

You guys are like damn Politicians. Avoiding all directly questions by talking bullshit. Not many comparisons to a real customer supporter.

By the way. Feel free to PM me if you want any hints on proper customer service.
Just let it go and move on its your own damn fault you gave your details to someone over msn and shared it befor hand. I don't know about GoA not giveing you the char logs Ive seen other people get the logs befor in cases like this. But just move on and let it go your not going to get anything out of it you still have your chars and artis? you can still carry on loads of people allready said they help you.

I know how it feels to lose everything I lost completely everything but I managed to get some money off my account when I got banned and trying to start again. I knows its a pain in the ass when youve played since beta and lose everything but its your fault as it was mine. You can't blame anyone but your self ofc the scammer is a pice of shit and a arsehole or what ever.

The most common msn hack is guessing your "secret question" it probbly wasn't a key logger probbly just guessed your secret question which alot of idiots have stupid ones I.E Whats the e-mail address for my msn account?

Trojans / key loggers etc can only be on your system if YOU excuted them i.e runeing screenshot105.exe or .scr no other way.

Good Luck to you :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
GimmlyTheDorf said:
Just let it go and move on its your own damn fault you gave your details to someone over msn and shared it befor hand. I don't know about GoA not giveing you the char logs Ive seen other people get the logs befor in cases like this. But just move on and let it go your not going to get anything out of it you still have your chars and artis? you can still carry on loads of people allready said they help you.

I know how it feels to lose everything I lost completely everything but I managed to get some money off my account when I got banned and trying to start again. I knows its a pain in the ass when youve played since beta and lose everything but its your fault as it was mine. You can't blame anyone but your self ofc the scammer is a pice of shit and a arsehole or what ever.

The most common msn hack is guessing your "secret question" it probbly wasn't a key logger probbly just guessed your secret question which alot of idiots have stupid ones I.E Whats the e-mail address for my msn account?

Trojans / key loggers etc can only be on your system if YOU excuted them i.e runeing screenshot105.exe or .scr no other way.

Good Luck to you :cheers:

If u had readed what cemi0 wrote, u would know that he knows, its hes own fault, what cemi0, and I (and alot of other poeple) is pissed about is their service, wich is just plain bs.


Jan 22, 2005
[CE]Hjendug said:
If u had readed what cemi0 wrote, u would know that he knows, its hes own fault, what cemi0, and I (and alot of other poeple) is pissed about is their service, wich is just plain bs.
I know ive readed it aswell. The service is not bs theyve allways been harsh over this sort of stuff as theyve told ppl befor any account shareing you aint geting shit back and won't bother to help you. Im just telling Cemi to get over it its kinda harsh but he needs to do hes not goting to get his stuff back or the trade logs or apology off GoA for the way they have treated him.

And GoA are bound to privacy laws and all that shit you wouldn't know about as its not the same here its french laws and europen laws. You would have to look into it befor shouting about it being bs.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
GimmlyTheDorf said:
I know ive readed it aswell. The service is not bs theyve allways been harsh over this sort of stuff as theyve told ppl befor any account shareing you aint geting shit back and won't bother to help you. Im just telling Cemi to get over it its kinda harsh but he needs to do hes not goting to get his stuff back or the trade logs or apology off GoA for the way they have treated him.

And GoA are bound to privacy laws and all that shit you wouldn't know about as its not the same here its french laws and europen laws. You would have to look into it befor shouting about it being bs.


It is bullshit as you said it yourself. They given logs out in situations like these before.

Did GOA remove the ban on one of your two banned accounts since you are this GOA friendly? Or is that what your hoping for?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
GimmlyTheDorf said:
I know ive readed it aswell. The service is not bs theyve allways been harsh over this sort of stuff as theyve told ppl befor any account shareing you aint geting shit back and won't bother to help you. Im just telling Cemi to get over it its kinda harsh but he needs to do hes not goting to get his stuff back or the trade logs or apology off GoA for the way they have treated him.

And GoA are bound to privacy laws and all that shit you wouldn't know about as its not the same here its french laws and europen laws. You would have to look into it befor shouting about it being bs.

I post what i know and sofar its bs, and im pretty sure u dont know what they have done to me either....


Jan 22, 2005
[CE]Hjendug said:
I post what i know and sofar its bs, and im pretty sure u dont know what they have done to me either....
And you don't know what they have done to me. And trust me a few of the things are absolute ballshit.



Jan 22, 2005
cemi0 said:
It is bullshit as you said it yourself. They given logs out in situations like these before.

Did GOA remove the ban on one of your two banned accounts since you are this GOA friendly? Or is that what your hoping for?
One account and no they haven't banned is permanent you can do all the arse kissing in the world and still not get unbanned or your stuff back. You need to stop acting like a childish bitch and get over it.


Jan 22, 2005
[CE]Hjendug said:
Being banned for 2 weeks for swearing at an E&E member, on irc ofc.
Is that it? I got suspended twice for 15 days one was for "interfering with SoM" which it was a load of bs I'd admit. How can you get banned for 2 weeks for swearing at an E&E on irc?? thats like inpossable as it was out of game and they have no evidance at all unless they ran the quakenet servers lol. You sure it wasn't for something else? because im pretty sure they can't do that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
GimmlyTheDorf said:
Is that it? I got suspended twice for 15 days one was for "interfering with SoM" which it was a load of bs I'd admit. How can you get banned for 2 weeks for swearing at an E&E on irc?? thats like inpossable as it was out of game and they have no evidance at all unless they ran the quakenet servers lol. You sure it wasn't for something else? because im pretty sure they can't do that.

I told u so, but u can ask an gm why i got banned


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GimmlyTheDorf said:
Is that it? I got suspended twice for 15 days one was for "interfering with SoM" which it was a load of bs I'd admit. How can you get banned for 2 weeks for swearing at an E&E on irc?? thats like inpossable as it was out of game and they have no evidance at all unless they ran the quakenet servers lol. You sure it wasn't for something else? because im pretty sure they can't do that.

My rl m8 got his account banned because it was traded, he rightnowed something small like a stuck character or something, but he rightnowed the problem with his first account with a problem on the second traded account. Goa asked him was the account traded, he figured he would be honest and admit it, and they just banned the account straight away.

For Cemi0, what happened to you sucks m8, but alot of people will tell you from their own experiences with GoA, and their "case by case" methods are more similar to a "depends what mood im in". I bet these GM's are left to fly free in work tbh, have no supervision so they just do what they feel like.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
cemi0 said:
Good day to you. I see some E&E have pointed you in direction of this.
If you had cared to read everything you would have know I never have claimed that I didnt give out my information and broken the CoC. What I feel really pissed about is the clueless GM who dealt with my case.
I read and post to FH routinely and I have read every post in this thread. Also I was the GM who dealt with your case.

cemi0 said:
You are shooting your own toe by posting this honest. Let me quote about.
"With scamming reports we have to appraoch each one individually and deal with it on a case by case basis. Where it would help the person to give information about trades then we will. Where it won't help then we wont.
This particular case it would be very helpful to give out names of the scammer since it is obvious to us all but you that we are dealing with a hacker that is a danger to the community.
No we are dealing with someone who voluntarily gave his account details to another person against our repeated advice and our published rules.

cemi0 said:
How many times havent you hidden behind the "We can at any time terminate an account if we feel that the person is a threat to the community" when banning people? LOADS! Besides that you hide this "particular" case behind some law we havent got the slighest clue about (will be checking up on that myself).
I asked so many times directly: What is the difference in the law from having ones email hacked to giving out information? And each time I just get filled with the same auto-bullshit you are writing atm -> Its your own fault, you have noone to......zZzZzz.
If there's only one answer we can give you, asking the same question multiple times will not help.

cemi0 said:
As for the part you write about giving items back. Is it so hard to check IPs? I mean, if the IP on scam account match the IP logging the trade account I dont see the big deal about that either.
This is the bit that you don't seem to understand. You haven't been scammed. The person who took your items did so entirely legitimately and that is why we won't return your items. It's not a case of seeing who took them or where they went. The person had permission to use your account. You gave him permission to do so.

cemi0 said:
I may ask dumb and it might seem abit logical. But where exactly does it say that when giving out password you also give out full rights of your account to the person? Nowhere I could find atleast. The real laws covers every thinkable situations.
There is no 'reallaw' involved here. There is only the CoC, which states that you are not allowed to trade or share your account and that you are responsible for all actions that are performed with your account. This includes cheating, trading, harrassment etc. I really don't see how that can be clearer.

cemi0 said:
"If he breaks our rules, it's unreasonable to expect support for breaking them.". I see. When did the Cops start to beat and shoot the criminals they caught? I mean, come on. Almost everyone breaks the Code of Conduct now and then. Yet we still deserve some proper customer support.
You aren't being punished for breaking hte code of conduct so I'm not sure what you analogy with the police is about. We simply aren't going to help you out of a situation that occurred as a direct result of breaking our rules. You are getting proper customer support. Your initial report was investigated and you receieved replies to all your questions in a timely manner. For the reasons already described we can't do anything else. I always get intensely irritated by people who claim they got no support when in fact they got an answer they didn't like in repsonse to an outrageous request. Not getting your way is not the same thng as not getting support.

cemi0 said:
I do not know why I care to write this and ask all these questions, because once again GOA will reply with some bullshit going like

You guys are like damn Politicians. Avoiding all directly questions by talking bullshit. Not many comparisons to a real customer supporter.
I have answered every single question you have asked me with truth and clarity. In many cases I have answered the same question repeatedly.
I will say it again as you seemto have problems comprehending this simle concept. You gave your account informaton and control of your account to someone else. If they abused it then the fault is yours for letting them do so. No-one else has done anything wrong here, if we were to punish anyone for this episode it would be you for violating the terms of service.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
'This is the bit that you don't seem to understand. You haven't been scammed. The person who took your items did so entirely legitimately and that is why we won't return your items. It's not a case of seeing who took them or where they went. The person had permission to use your account. You gave him permission to do so'

he didnt give them to the scammer did he

you dont know thats how he got onto his account

your using that as an answer you dont knows true as you cba to find out as you lot are lazy (imo), and maybe instead of reading FH, u answer some of my right now emails :p

p/s ban my acc if u want as its inactive anyway!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
- English - said:
he didnt give them to the scammer did he

you dont know thats how he got onto his account

your using that as an answer you dont knows true as you cba to find out as you lot are lazy (imo), and maybe instead of reading FH, u answer some of my right now emails :p

sadly he did - he just didn't know that at the time.

This does actually sound like something owner of hacked msn should report to police - since someone stole his identity (if they count your msn-addy as a part of you identity, or something.. err.. sleepy)

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
didnt healler say that the person who he gave it to got hacked? Havent reead all of it :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Requiel, once again you are avoiding my direct questions with bullshit.
I have faced the reality that I made a mistake and moved on with my life. Im not discussing witheither I should get my items back or not. Im saying that GOA should invest in a customer course for all their GMs including you.

If you had given a proper respond to me from start this discussing wouldnt even be going on.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
marx said:
Klonk, what sort of antivirus proggy do you have? In various games I've been attacked by a handful of diffrent viruses/trojans/keyloggers, and 99% are caught immedietly by the "auto-protect" function, which most antivir-programs feature, not just when you scan. The rest might be a bit more stealthy, but are then usally caught by firewalls once they try to send the data.

I sincerely doubt you've been attacked by some sort of MSN flaw, even though they exist most likely, "msn hacks" are generally fake and are caught quite early by MS, atleast if the general public starts using it like this.

I can't see this guy who stole Heallers stuff as the l33thaxx0r who can hack any MSN and decides to steal your account, instead of just taking Heallers right away, along with XX other players. Also, doesn't your antivir proggy keep logs of each scan that you might be able to check? And possibly it just sent the keylogger to a quarantine, not removing it, where you can also find out its name. The best bet I'd say is that you accepted a file or someone just put it physically on your computer.

As I said, I am no computer wizzie. I recently moved, and by doing that I lost a "free" subs to Norton that came with my ISP. Since I moved I have just leeched on my dads broadband, and havent bought a new anti-virus program yet. I have only used the free online checks that you can get from the major providers. That's why it wasn't noticed until I did a manual search.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
cemi0 said:
Requiel, once again you are avoiding my direct questions with bullshit.
I have faced the reality that I made a mistake and moved on with my life. Im not discussing witheither I should get my items back or not. Im saying that GOA should invest in a customer course for all their GMs including you.

If you had given a proper respond to me from start this discussing wouldnt even be going on.
I answered all of your questions. Repeatedly in some cases. You also got a proper response initially. I apologise for the typos but the answer would have been exactly the same if I had proof read it a dozen times. My typing sucks, mostly I manage to catch my typos before sending stuff out or hitting 'submit', sometimes I don't, that's irrelevant to the issue though. You're entitled to your view of our support but I am honestly struggling to think of any support model that would reward people for breaking rules. Regardless of hw carefully spellchecked or phrased the initial response was we would still be having this discussion as - contrary to your repeated claims otherwise - it is about the items you gave away for you. The only answer you would have been satisfied with is the return of your items, and that is something we cannot do.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
can u not show cemi0 trade logs to see what char items from her account were traded to? and i doubt (yes even over there in france) that thats against the ''law''


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Really sad to hear...

But to all the whiners on goas service... jesus christ stop playing the game if you dont like it, dunno the english word ffor it but on swedish its called something like: BOJKOTT FÖR HELVETE!!!!.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
statued said:
can u not show cemi0 trade logs to see what char items from her account were traded to? and i doubt (yes even over there in france) that thats against the ''law''

yes they can...and they have done in the past, though i am not sure (As requiel said) if they do it in a case like this, when the account info has been shared. Goa should really re-think their account sharing rules (not trading) it happens a lot, everyone knows it does and there is nothing really wrong with it, logging on a friends alt to help with something etc (imo)

My brother inlaw has access to my account and has a char on it, nothing sinister, but i guess because of that i dont have anything to fall back on if something goes wrong with my account now?


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Requiel if you dont mind me saying, all you are writing is what you would write on RightNow, if the guy cemi0 was hacked by used a keylogger etc to obtain passwords why aren't you giving him more information to who destroyed his hardwork in the space of say 1 hour.

You are basically letting him get away with it, and we all know you are, people can go on about account sharing being wrong, and he knows that. What you are doing just basically isn't fair, you aren't really helping to the cause and DOING YOUR JOB. For christ sake dude, tell the company to pull their finger out and start actually helping their customers, or you will find you will be having to work alot harder soon with all the people's complaints you will have to deal with.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Himse said:
Requiel if you dont mind me saying, all you are writing is what you would write on RightNow, if the guy cemi0 was hacked by used a keylogger etc to obtain passwords why aren't you giving him more information to who destroyed his hardwork in the space of say 1 hour.

If you read the thread you would have noticed that it wasn't cemi0 that got "hacked". It was his friends MSN that someone else had access to. And when cemi0 gave his new login/pass to his friend on MSN.. someone else had logged in on it. By his actions he broke the CoC, and because of that someone else got access to his account. Noone hacked cemi0, he gave away his login/pass, and it was his choice. He couldn't have known that it wasn't his friend on MSN ofc.. but he still broke the CoC.

I think it would have been a completly different matter if cemi0s computer got hacked or something.

It sucks that someone else cleaned out the account and deleted some of his characters etc. And ofc I would like to see GOA helping this guy out, but I understand why they won't do it.
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