How to get to 50.....

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It seems like every group im getting in ends up dead.. its either me... or its them! Point is I will never get to 50 this way... SO..awhile back I wrote this and had it on my site... I think its safe to say it here... From now on I will....

AVOID Smite Clerics......
1. Smite clerics should delete there char, be exiled and shot at dawn. How many times have
you been in a grp /rvr with a smite cleric and your tanking away with low health and boom there
goes a smite, next second your dead what is that? :/ Could have chucked you a heal let you live
but no, the smiter is a egostatistical fool whos set on causing dmg forget everyone else. So if you find yourself in a group and the only healer is a smite cleric...tell them you have a guild hunt to run off to.

Remind Tanks of their job.....
2. Armsmen remember to 'protect' casters/healers.
Its bad enough you guys give me a bad name... but you dont have much to remeber here... hit hit hit and protect.

Tell the noobs about Agro Styles.....
3. If your low on health - STOP using skills that directly pull agro. This is the dumbest thing.. people are about to die yet they keep on bashing the mob and getting agro... HELLO, IS ANYONE HOME?
Some skills are designed to specifically do this.
It is better to spread the damage taken than let someone die.

Remind Paladins what we do in a group.....
4. Paladins should use their healing chant primarily to pull agro off healer or when hunting easy prey. We are the better side of the tanks..ahem.. and groups love us, well casters love us because our chants keep them alive.

And last but not leaset...Non Comprendes
5. Avoid the spanyards who speaks good english when he wants a drop, yet is completly non-english speaking when he gets a drop you want eg Scenario1: you get an uber drop that "Mr Spanish" needs Mr Spanish says: HI dear kind sir pls may i have that uber L33T drop you got it would make my char excel in many fields and provide better service to the realm. You say: sure mate here.
Scenario2: "Mr Spanish" gets uber drop you need: You say: hi Mr Spanish can i have that drop thats useless to you and only good for my char and im the only char of this type in the group.
Mr Spanish says: NON COMPRENDES
Mr Spanish says: sorry me not speak english.

And then....
6. IF ALL ELSE FAILS and I still cant seem to get to 50... Its ME and I need to be killed off! lol ( by the way this was all in fun none of it is being mean to you :) )


Originally posted by seeaira

And last but not leaset...Non Comprendes
5. Avoid the spanyards who speaks good english when he wants a drop, yet is completly non-english speaking when he gets a drop you want eg Scenario1: you get an uber drop that "Mr Spanish" needs Mr Spanish says: HI dear kind sir pls may i have that uber L33T drop you got it would make my char excel in many fields and provide better service to the realm. You say: sure mate here.
Scenario2: "Mr Spanish" gets uber drop you need: You say: hi Mr Spanish can i have that drop thats useless to you and only good for my char and im the only char of this type in the group.
Mr Spanish says: NON COMPRENDES
Mr Spanish says: sorry me not speak english.

erm thats racist :/


LoL no its not.. it happens to me ALLLLL the time! in fact.. I was in a group last week with some people and a spanish guy was there .. got a drop from the princess and ALL OF A SUDDEN what do you know... he doesnt speak english!! its true and it happens alot and anyways ... I did say at the end I was joking and all of it should be taken light hearted :cool:


T_T then call that guy a cunt and leave the rest of us out of it :(


Awww.... im sowwwwy. But hey that wouldnt be very lady like of me would it? And plus.. how do you think I get treated in Doac being one of the only American woman.. in fact I only know 2 other american woman who play... so im used to getting picked at .. no hard feelings hun... ;) I didnt mean it to you .. you seem to speak good english ... ahem.. so now when you are in a group make sure you dont pull this trick! hehe j/k


omg guys stop lol more then 4 people the other day were in a thread about americans sounding silly with accents and other "Rubbish" ( my new word) lol Its A JOKE! lol want me to delete it? lol


its true what she say, happend to me before when i was an alb


They are generalisations for a reason...




Originally posted by seeaira
It seems like every group im getting in ends up dead.. its either me... or its them! Point is I will never get to 50 this way... SO..awhile back I wrote this and had it on my site... I think its safe to say it here... From now on I will....

AVOID Smite Clerics......
1. Smite clerics should delete there char, be exiled and shot at dawn. How many times have
you been in a grp /rvr with a smite cleric and your tanking away with low health and boom there
goes a smite, next second your dead what is that? :/ Could have chucked you a heal let you live
but no, the smiter is a egostatistical fool whos set on causing dmg forget everyone else. So if you find yourself in a group and the only healer is a smite cleric...tell them you have a guild hunt to run off to.

Remind Tanks of their job.....
2. Armsmen remember to 'protect' casters/healers.
Its bad enough you guys give me a bad name... but you dont have much to remeber here... hit hit hit and protect.

Tell the noobs about Agro Styles.....
3. If your low on health - STOP using skills that directly pull agro. This is the dumbest thing.. people are about to die yet they keep on bashing the mob and getting agro... HELLO, IS ANYONE HOME?
Some skills are designed to specifically do this.
It is better to spread the damage taken than let someone die.

Remind Paladins what we do in a group.....
4. Paladins should use their healing chant primarily to pull agro off healer or when hunting easy prey. We are the better side of the tanks..ahem.. and groups love us, well casters love us because our chants keep them alive.

And last but not leaset...Non Comprendes
5. Avoid the spanyards who speaks good english when he wants a drop, yet is completly non-english speaking when he gets a drop you want eg Scenario1: you get an uber drop that "Mr Spanish" needs Mr Spanish says: HI dear kind sir pls may i have that uber L33T drop you got it would make my char excel in many fields and provide better service to the realm. You say: sure mate here.
Scenario2: "Mr Spanish" gets uber drop you need: You say: hi Mr Spanish can i have that drop thats useless to you and only good for my char and im the only char of this type in the group.
Mr Spanish says: NON COMPRENDES
Mr Spanish says: sorry me not speak english.

And then....
6. IF ALL ELSE FAILS and I still cant seem to get to 50... Its ME and I need to be killed off! lol ( by the way this was all in fun none of it is being mean to you :) )


this is SO true, its silly :D

if you need powerlvling, just say so, and ill do it np :)


best group for 49 is 4 pallys 1 cleric 1 wiz and 1 theurg 1 mincer

doing trees with no down time...

thats what i did... i got 1 bubb per hour at 49..

and it that fails..



Re: Re: How to get to 50.....

Originally posted by Arnor2

this is SO true, its silly :D

if you need powerlvling, just say so, and ill do it np :)

stop flurting with our trolls :)


Re: Re: Re: How to get to 50.....

Originally posted by Garnet
stop flurting with our trolls :)

but they are s00 cute&exotic ;)


build your own groups
ask some friends to help u
even if they are lvl 50


lol seeaira... so true :)

anyways... if u need a cleric... pm me ingame :)
was very fun the other day :)


Originally posted by Aadia
lol seeaira... so true :)

anyways... if u need a cleric... pm me ingame :)
was very fun the other day :)

Oooh Seeaira and Aadia in same group, two of my favourite cute support characters together :D must make a DF group tonight.


The part about spanish people is so true Seeaira, didn't know they were also in alb :p


Im sad to say your so right i evry point in your post...


Spain...~sigh~...I hope Saddam conquers the world and fixes all the problems with DAoC. :p




Originally posted by gunZ-
erm thats racist :/

Well then nerf you GunZ, i think we need a little racism then :D

This is SOOOOO true, and it was totaly INSANE on the pvp server in the start!

Not only the spaniards, also french people are extremes on this matter! Like: Hello dear sir, could you please help me level? i ding really soon and it would be soo nice of you....
Same person then ignore the question of how much xp he have tnl, i pl him a while, he level once....level twice...level three times (yeah, rather low level)...then leaves. I send him a tell asking why, and he say, in spanish, he dont understand what am trying to say.

Once they get what they want, they seen to forget english rather fast, and it IS anoying :D

Alot easier with you Americans that way, you speak one language and you speak it poorly, but its the same language the rest of us writes, so its at least rather hard for you to pretend =)


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
The part about spanish people is so true Seeaira, didn't know they were also in alb :p

we have'em in mid too ;/


Oh what's that spanish guy's name.. Conquer or something like that.. spanish armsman.. He's an ASS. He does exactly that :p.

Was also pestering me to group with him because he needed diamond seals for his low level alt.


"Plz join group"

me: "I'm soloing"


me: "no, I'm soloing"

"i need diamonds"

me: "k, I'm soloing"

"Armor for BG alt, plz"

me: "look, I'm soloing, go away"

"PLZ, u help me get diamonds"

me: "no"

"yes, u help get me diamonds"



seeaira racist ??

Hi guys, my name in Daoc is Depredador, im wizard lvl 50 and my guild is Guardia Dolorosa, of course... im spanish....

My england is low and mybee some ppl no can undestand me fine, sorry..

Itself not the motives that Seeaira have to say that of the Spaniards but if for her all equals the problem is its, mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal. I have grouped many times with French, German, Polish and good persons seem, from time to time have had badly behavior but are remote cases and itself should not be judged to all equally. Seeaira you are racists and know it and that you do not they do to you what do to the all.


first one to reply 'k' or 'stlong' gets a bitch-smack from me :p
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