How to get to 50.....

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its a joke, J-O-K-E, she has had problems lvling in the later stages of the game as i am sure most of us had and is lightening her mood for the last push to 50 with a joke, a joke and once more for the hard of reading what i type a JOKE.

It may be based on truth and it may seem racist but it was only aimed at a small portion of the people out there, a lot of the spaniards i have grouped with are very nice people.

Just take it with a pinch of salt and smile, and if you can't smile just don't post. :D


Re: seeaira racist ??

Originally posted by depredador

Itself not the motives that Seeaira have to say that of the Spaniards but if for her all equals the problem is its, mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal. I have grouped many times with French, German, Polish and good persons seem, from time to time have had badly behavior but are remote cases and itself should not be judged to all equally. Seeaira you are racists and know it and that you do not they do to you what do to the all.

i m sorry , i tried to not laugh , but i did
does that make me a racist ? or a man with a sense of humour ?


heh :D

well there is alot of cool spanish people, but they got their n00bs like all other countries ;)


It is NOT racist. It is simply a truism.

If this is racist, then so must be saying that black people have darker skin and that Asian Orientals are more susceptible to certain types of cancer. But there ARE those black people with very white skin and there are plenty Chinese who don't have cancer.

A lot of Spanish players play paladins. Badly.

A lot of Spanish players play smite clerics. (I don't think it is possible to play one of those well.)

A lot of Spanish players are uncommunicative and cause problems in group through a mix of that, ignorance and occasionally greed.

It is a phenomenon widely recognised across the game and those who would decry it as racism and untrue are simply fooling themselves.


"WTF...we said DON'T FUCKING PULL!!"




Re: seeaira racist ??

Originally posted by depredador
Hi guys, my name in Daoc is Depredador, im wizard lvl 50 and my guild is Guardia Dolorosa, of course... im spanish....

My england is low and mybee some ppl no can undestand me fine, sorry..

Itself not the motives that Seeaira have to say that of the Spaniards but if for her all equals the problem is its, mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal. I have grouped many times with French, German, Polish and good persons seem, from time to time have had badly behavior but are remote cases and itself should not be judged to all equally. Seeaira you are racists and know it and that you do not they do to you what do to the all.


amigo!!! como estass!!!! naass xDD


Originally posted by depredador
Itself not the motives that Seeaira have to say that of the Spaniards but if for her all equals the problem is its, mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal. I have grouped many times with French, German, Polish and good persons seem, from time to time have had badly behavior but are remote cases and itself should not be judged to all equally. Seeaira you are racists and know it and that you do not they do to you what do to the all.

:doh: Now why did this guy have to go and do this? Now the whole Spanish community looks like an idiot! LOL I laughed so hard when I read this. This is one of the VERY men who did this!!!!! LOL and back in barrows when I would see him.. I would be like .. oh frig.. don't invite him, no please not him.. nooo

You think im racists? That's ok... lol But serious, If you cant speak or understand English then what the hell are you doing grouping with English speaking people who are just going to get annoyed?

"mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal" :ROFLMAO: what the hell is he saying here someone please translate! lol

The main point was this was a JOKE... but sorry to say its so true.
I know all the Spanish people hate me now... lol im sorrrrry but the truth sometimes hurts! :p


And next weeks overly sensitive topic she'll be mercilessly tearing open folks shall be guys who play female characters...enjoy.


Notice how as soon as a joke gets made about spanish people the word racist gets mentioned.

Yet generalisations against americans pass unnoticed - dumb americans etc etc...


Originally posted by stormriderx
Notice how as soon as a joke gets made about spanish people the word racist gets mentioned.

Yet generalisations against americans pass unnoticed - dumb americans etc etc...

by deffinition, racism is descrimination of colour, language, religion or culture (I think).

Yanks are the same as us....

bet if I was to go outside and shout that everyone from Liverpool are arseholes, would I be a racist?

ok, maybe they have slightly different language and culture, but thats besides the point



So discrimination of a nation doesnt count then :rolleyes:


give it up, it was a joke.. i know i laughed :p

and btw... american accent > english accent


Originally posted by seeaira
:doh: Now why did this guy have to go and do this? Now the whole Spanish community looks like an idiot! LOL I laughed so hard when I read this. This is one of the VERY men who did this!!!!! LOL and back in barrows when I would see him.. I would be like .. oh frig.. don't invite him, no please not him.. nooo

You think im racists? That's ok... lol But serious, If you cant speak or understand English then what the hell are you doing grouping with English speaking people who are just going to get annoyed?

"mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal" :ROFLMAO: what the hell is he saying here someone please translate! lol

The main point was this was a JOKE... but sorry to say its so true.
I know all the Spanish people hate me now... lol im sorrrrry but the truth sometimes hurts! :p

I think most of us have seen this at one point or another, I've had spaniards in the same guild, who had worse english than the offenders pming me to apologise for their friends behaviour, the ability to speak english is not directly related to poor behaviour.

That said, if you have the balls to grp with some of the more manic it's a lot of fun, it's mostly a cultural difference thing, greed is universal and I don't think it needs anymore highlighting than it already has been :)


Seeira is mistaken

on the point that she is the slowest leveler in the whole of albion. I met you while I was leveling an alt in Lyonesse,... cute... great attitude and lovely red hair...hmpf. Point is my main is just 48.... so you are clearly mistaken !!! :)))))

Asup 48 Arms
(aka Audun 43 cleric,... yes still hun :)... )


Originally posted by old.Lethul
give it up, it was a joke.. i know i laughed :p

and btw... american accent > english accent

Never, an english accent goes down very well in the states (well in some parts anyway) although I met a girl once from new orleans and that was one cool accent :)


Spanish: 1 Gunnerr Skiltvakten 3,077,074
3 Nukenin Pikon 1,553,520
5 Galaha Braveheart 1,455,885
1 Asel 2,044,735
1 Pitonisa 2,881,781
5 Metalwolf 1,363,357
2 Tahngarth Bokeron 1,844,381
4 Arcofirme Cuthalion 1,451,154
3 Killspanas 1,336,023
3 Ghaladriel IadyOflight
You: Seeaira Tempest Legion of Darkness 48 .60,308

Finally You Noobs.


Originally posted by galaha
Spanish: 1 Gunnerr Skiltvakten 3,077,074
3 Nukenin Pikon 1,553,520
5 Galaha Braveheart 1,455,885
1 Asel 2,044,735
1 Pitonisa 2,881,781
5 Metalwolf 1,363,357
2 Tahngarth Bokeron 1,844,381
4 Arcofirme Cuthalion 1,451,154
3 Killspanas 1,336,023
3 Ghaladriel IadyOflight
You: Seeaira Tempest Legion of Darkness 48 .60,308

Finally You Noobs.

lol and whats rps got to do with it?


Originally posted by seeaira
:doh: Now why did this guy have to go and do this? Now the whole Spanish community looks like an idiot! LOL I laughed so hard when I read this. This is one of the VERY men who did this!!!!! LOL and back in barrows when I would see him.. I would be like .. oh frig.. don't invite him, no please not him.. nooo

You think im racists? That's ok... lol But serious, If you cant speak or understand English then what the hell are you doing grouping with English speaking people who are just going to get annoyed?

"mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal" :ROFLMAO: what the hell is he saying here someone please translate! lol

The main point was this was a JOKE... but sorry to say its so true.
I know all the Spanish people hate me now... lol im sorrrrry but the truth sometimes hurts! :p

Hahah I'm starting to like you alot Seeaira :D That's kind of exactely my thoughts :D


Galaha is VERY uptight about being Spanish, I think. As a child his mother would say to him "Galaha, which would you rather have? A nice serving of tapas or some Yorkshire pudding?" and if he asked for the Yorkshire, he would have his hands shoved in a burning hot fire.

Quite why he felt it neccessary to mention RPs when this all about PvE, I do not know.



Originally posted by Apathy
Uptight narrowminded xenophobe. :p


You can go too far A, jeeze.

Or I missed a joke somewhere :p


I like you too Vodka.. lets run away together and.. wait.. youre a woman NM! lol hehee

And I was gone for 3 months off the game or else im SURE i would have been 50 by now... now everyone is playing frickin SI and I dont have it cause im in America :( Although... My birthday is coming up guys ... Wink Wink lol

Vodka.. come play in Alb I have another account you can play.. :)


Originally posted by galaha
Spanish: 1 Gunnerr Skiltvakten 3,077,074
3 Nukenin Pikon 1,553,520
5 Galaha Braveheart 1,455,885
1 Asel 2,044,735
1 Pitonisa 2,881,781
5 Metalwolf 1,363,357
2 Tahngarth Bokeron 1,844,381
4 Arcofirme Cuthalion 1,451,154
3 Killspanas 1,336,023
3 Ghaladriel IadyOflight
You: Seeaira Tempest Legion of Darkness 48 .60,308

Finally You Noobs.

and... your a cock? why dont we then look at english pple and their RP's.... im sure lots of english pple have more RP than the top spanish aswell. tbh.. your a cock... Seeaira doesnt claim to be uber elite in rvr etc.... you probably do... and ... your not.... tbh..

game aint all about RP's and shit....

comprendes??? amigo?? NAS XDDD


Originally posted by seeaira
I like you too Vodka.. lets run away together and.. wait.. youre a woman NM! lol hehee

And I was gone for 3 months off the game or else im SURE i would have been 50 by now... now everyone is playing frickin SI and I dont have it cause im in America :( Although... My birthday is coming up guys ... Wink Wink lol

Vodka.. come play in Alb I have another account you can play.. :)

Pffft hands off our hibbies kthx - come play in hib instead :)


Originally posted by seeaira
I like you too Vodka.. lets run away together and.. wait.. youre a woman NM! lol hehee

And I was gone for 3 months off the game or else im SURE i would have been 50 by now... now everyone is playing frickin SI and I dont have it cause im in America :( Although... My birthday is coming up guys ... Wink Wink lol

Vodka.. come play in Alb I have another account you can play.. :)

Nooo! dont make her join the dark side!!!!!!


The light is your frieeeeend... come to the light Vodka!:D
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