How to get to 50.....

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Originally posted by galaha
Spanish: 1 Gunnerr Skiltvakten 3,077,074
3 Nukenin Pikon 1,553,520
5 Galaha Braveheart 1,455,885
1 Asel 2,044,735
1 Pitonisa 2,881,781
5 Metalwolf 1,363,357
2 Tahngarth Bokeron 1,844,381
4 Arcofirme Cuthalion 1,451,154
3 Killspanas 1,336,023
3 Ghaladriel IadyOflight
You: Seeaira Tempest Legion of Darkness 48 .60,308

Finally You Noobs.

hmm, maybe you wanna make a list of swedish, dutch, finnish rp earners etc and see how much the spanish own.


Originally posted by galaha
Spanish: 1 Gunnerr Skiltvakten 3,077,074
3 Nukenin Pikon 1,553,520
5 Galaha Braveheart 1,455,885
1 Asel 2,044,735
1 Pitonisa 2,881,781
5 Metalwolf 1,363,357
2 Tahngarth Bokeron 1,844,381
4 Arcofirme Cuthalion 1,451,154
3 Killspanas 1,336,023
3 Ghaladriel IadyOflight
You: Seeaira Tempest Legion of Darkness 48 .60,308

Finally You Noobs.

Great ! So with my RPS of around 300k I am speaking around 10% of Gunnerr his English ?!

Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but when I see a smite-cleric I see 'Caballeros WhoGivesAFlyingFuck' under his name. The other 90% peeps who are totally clueless are just English but I forget them. I will remind the 'Me heal xD'-dude, sorry. Especially when I lay facing the grass coz I got:

You are healed by xD for 39
You are healed by xD for 214
You are healed by xD for 79
You are healed by xD for 131
xD: OOM!


Originally posted by Amadon
at least u got heals :p

Yeah, with a variance which would scare my theurg with his baseline nuke (and 14 specced in that line)

But, yes, I was lucky. I lasted .3 seconds longer !


luckily all those that play daoc are not like vodkafairy,and an advice, learns Spanish who is one of the spoken languages but
in the world, and you do not hide back of a forum thinking that the Spaniards do
not read it because some we know a little ingles.

and I feel that you do not like the Spaniards because you are going to
have to hold to us enough, and as says in my town GARLIC and
WATER (usease ajo y agua)

P.D: you are a clown (in Spanish payaso)

Nasio Pamata Lvl 50 Champion-Excalibur-Hibernia


Dear Ms.Seeaira

Firstly I'm sorry, my english couldnt be so good for you, I understand you, we may be are foreigners or so for you, but we want to play this game, and Excalibur is the server where we are in. I have no complaints about you , about no one , neither spaniards nor english. I perfectly understand that you could be angry with one spanish but ..... with all, too? I dont know ....

Perhaps our English arent good, mmmm it's logical, Im 17 years old and lots of spanish players are under 17 or so, more or less, with this age we cant speak english very well, but you will understand us, maybe working hard, but you will understand.
Bad behaviour cant be justified by our language, if you had a problem with one specific spaniard, pls say : "PEPE is stupid, look what he did" and no problems mate, dont spread, if you do that you will be discualifying every spanish players.

Both spanish and english players have bad moments, we are humans and english people also get away with his drop.For example one guildmate mine had a similar problem with (i'll say only one noun, I wont spread) Buuromir Wardrumer [Justice], my mate`s name is Pcentella BLindguardian [caballeros del grial]. I dont hate all english because of one.......

I`was very anonnoyed when you and your mmm friends maybe?¿, laughed at my friend Depredador, he try to speak english as well as he can. On trying it, you laughed at him, well, and if I now Say to you:

Que pasa tio? que tal ese grupo de arboles que estabas preparando para subir experciencia? me puedo unir yo? si verdad, creo que necesitais un clerigo , puedo estar sobre mmmm 6 horas sin parar pero teneis que disculparme si me caigo porque tengo lag, que te parece? puedes ser lo suficientemente inteligente para comprender que no todo el mundo nacio ingles?o simplemente naciste al reves? ah tambien puede ser que fueras adoptado y tus padres fueran marsupiales reptantes con ocho brazos y cara de culo pero aun asi ... puedo entrar'??.

DO you understand it? you dont, true? hehehe you arent spanish and i wont get angry with you. You are english, im spanish, may be i could understand you but im sure that you wont understand me, its simple. I have to play a english server, but, pls, you should recognize that we have been trying to "live" with your Language since 1 year ago.

I have to apologise for my bad english, but its all that i can do, more or less , to cominicate with you.Sorry

-HEY M8 can you BUFF!!! me?? could you?? plsss plssss (all players searching for one cleric, english)
-LOL LOL. (lots of laughts? ahaha muahahaha, almost all english)
-Since you have a lvl 50 cleric and I have an arsman lvl 21, i can borrow your account and ill lend you my char (Jolts, english).
-If you dont give me this (cleric) drop, ill throught out you (one stupid (sorry) english)-- I was the only cleric in that group.
-Only englsih players are allowed to join this group (One group of racist english, yeah only 7, finally they had to invite me (ahahha no more clerics avaliable jajaja)
-Fucking spaniards (common expresion used if something is getting wrong, always!)
-So on...

In spite of this, I dont hate english players. Only few people are so.

This post Isnt a bothering post, pls dont feel anonnoyed, isnt my intention.

Fanta LVL 50 cleric RR4 [GM of Caballeros Del Grial]. Kisses for all.

I hope not to be hated by a whole of enghis


Originally posted by galaha
Spanish: 1 Gunnerr Skiltvakten 3,077,074
3 Nukenin Pikon 1,553,520
5 Galaha Braveheart 1,455,885
1 Asel 2,044,735
1 Pitonisa 2,881,781
5 Metalwolf 1,363,357
2 Tahngarth Bokeron 1,844,381
4 Arcofirme Cuthalion 1,451,154
3 Killspanas 1,336,023
3 Ghaladriel IadyOflight
You: Seeaira Tempest Legion of Darkness 48 .60,308

Finally You Noobs.

1 Bernard Biggleswaite 396
3 Ernie Pudmaker 46
5 Elsa Narrowbut 3409
1 Billy Bagthorp 1039
5 Norma Hardnock 9,301
2 Stanley Grimwick 84
3 Willy Flatcap 995
3 Barny Whippetshagger 5,209

Pwned in Barnsley.


hehe i can see same stupids guys here and... all are englis?
Nas = Hi if you cant understand this then you have serious problems, you need go to see barrio sesamo ( arriba abajo).
yeah any spanish guys are stupids yeah but not all :/ . too any englis guys are stupids for exemple apathy( the racist) but not all.

/waves for all

Galaha [First Cohort]
Platha [First Cohort]


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
1 Bernard Biggleswaite 396
3 Ernie Pudmaker 46
5 Elsa Narrowbut 3409
1 Billy Bagthorp 1039
5 Norma Hardnock 9,301
2 Stanley Grimwick 84
3 Willy Flatcap 995
3 Barny Whippetshagger 5,209

Pwned in Barnsley.

u forgot Nora batty :)


Originally posted by seeaira
Now the whole Spanish community looks like an idiot!
In my eyes this is more one american teenage girl making a fool of herself.

Originally posted by seeaira
You think im racists? That's ok... lol But serious, If you cant speak or understand English then what the hell are you doing grouping with English speaking people who are just going to get annoyed?
This means i can assume you speak spanish since you've been grouped with him? if not, wtf are you doing grouping with spanish people who are just going to get annoyed?

Originally posted by seeaira "mybee she need to go to a psicologo because its obsesion is not normal" :ROFLMAO: what the hell is he saying here someone please translate! lol
I'm neither american nor spanish, and I dont have any problem understanding what he's trying to say here... i might even tend to agree :-/

Originally posted by seeaira The main point was this was a JOKE... but sorry to say its so true.
I know all the Spanish people hate me now... lol im sorrrrry but the truth sometimes hurts! :p

ummmm kindda speaks for itself doesn't it?

English is not my first language, so you'll have to excuse me seeaira. I dont think your first post was offending, but the crap i'm quoting here is ignorant. How many foreign languages do you speak dear? None?

Don't tell me you cant figure out the meaning of what was written. If you truely cannot, i'll have to ask if you're blonde or not... If you are indeed blonde, i'm sorry for you since its a well known fact that blonde females have crap for brains.

If you think what i've written in the paragraph above is stupid and wrong in a very generalising way, try to have a look at your own post.

Many love 5$

disclaimer: I don't think blondes etc etc


Some good posts, some bad posts, bout time this thread was locked methinks, and its not often you'll hear me say that.


Originally posted by seeaira
It seems like every group im getting in ends up dead.. its either me... or its them! Point is I will never get to 50 this way... SO..awhile back I wrote this and had it on my site... I think its safe to say it here... From now on I will....

AVOID Smite Clerics......
1. Smite clerics should delete there char, be exiled and shot at dawn. How many times have
you been in a grp /rvr with a smite cleric and your tanking away with low health and boom there
goes a smite, next second your dead what is that? :/ Could have chucked you a heal let you live
but no, the smiter is a egostatistical fool whos set on causing dmg forget everyone else. So if you find yourself in a group and the only healer is a smite cleric...tell them you have a guild hunt to run off to.

Remind Tanks of their job.....
2. Armsmen remember to 'protect' casters/healers.
Its bad enough you guys give me a bad name... but you dont have much to remeber here... hit hit hit and protect.

Tell the noobs about Agro Styles.....
3. If your low on health - STOP using skills that directly pull agro. This is the dumbest thing.. people are about to die yet they keep on bashing the mob and getting agro... HELLO, IS ANYONE HOME?
Some skills are designed to specifically do this.
It is better to spread the damage taken than let someone die.

Remind Paladins what we do in a group.....
4. Paladins should use their healing chant primarily to pull agro off healer or when hunting easy prey. We are the better side of the tanks..ahem.. and groups love us, well casters love us because our chants keep them alive.

And last but not leaset...Non Comprendes
5. Avoid the spanyards who speaks good english when he wants a drop, yet is completly non-english speaking when he gets a drop you want eg Scenario1: you get an uber drop that "Mr Spanish" needs Mr Spanish says: HI dear kind sir pls may i have that uber L33T drop you got it would make my char excel in many fields and provide better service to the realm. You say: sure mate here.
Scenario2: "Mr Spanish" gets uber drop you need: You say: hi Mr Spanish can i have that drop thats useless to you and only good for my char and im the only char of this type in the group.
Mr Spanish says: NON COMPRENDES
Mr Spanish says: sorry me not speak english.

And then....
6. IF ALL ELSE FAILS and I still cant seem to get to 50... Its ME and I need to be killed off! lol ( by the way this was all in fun none of it is being mean to you :) )
I missed this thread :p
Some corrections:
1) Pallys who only play heal chant pulling every damn mob on them, because they are conviced its the only thing that keeps them alive, and not the rejuv cleric standing besides them.
2) Pallys not playing heal chant because they dont want to get aggro and die.
3) 2h pallys who cant control the aggro. Yes i know they can do a fair bit of dmg, but i'd rather have a friar do the tanking sorry :p
4) Smiters who dont even have heal on their qb.
5) Trigger happy wizzies who think they can kill that mezzed purple mob before it reaches them.
6) Stick and afk mincers, theurgs.
7) Tanks who confuse guard with protect (or forget to use them anyway).
8) People totally ignorant about the mini bar.

The only experience i had with spanish was a shammie who kept casting cure poison on a zerker who was getting hit by a drakulv, forgot to heal in most occasions, and was afk half the time, but i cant really comment on that.


Re: Re: How to get to 50.....

Originally posted by Tasans
1) Pallys who only play heal chant pulling every damn mob on them, because they are conviced its the only thing that keeps them alive, and not the rejuv cleric standing besides them.

that must be me :D
but i gets the aggro even without heal chant,... coz i have to safe the clerics, the wizards, the mincers that got a bad day mezzing, the scout getting getting the first aggro and now is about to die,... cleric got the aggro back for healing scout, must safe cleric !!


Taunting is good, getting aggro from all the mobs and dying in under 3 sec is bad :p


I don't use (enrage) taunt,... it has a bad defense and it rarely hits,... i do the paladin taunt shout if needed...


Gahh some people......

Fanta.ESP ........

The fact that you took the time to write me this is a bit pathetic as I feel like we are beating a dead horse here. What is there left for me to say that I haven't already made a point to say? My point is proven here in a way, you guys cant even understand English humor. You sit there and spout off a bunch of Spanish words as if you are trying to insult me because I cant read them. Maybe you forgot something... Im not on a Spanish server trying to associate with them knowing I know feck all Spanish. That gets to me it does.. I never said I was fluent in Spanish and I never said I don't like Spanish people... I was having a hard day at lvling and I came to the board and brought some light humor that you cannot understand. I did not say ALL Spanish people.. but lets put it this way. 90% of the Spanish people I have grouped with seem to pull this trick. So don't go trying to insult me.
I could care less that you cant type or speak good English, as you stated in your post. I do however think that the fact you are 17 has a lot to do with the fact you just don't "get my post"
Everyday people take a stab at different cultures, races, political parties and so forth in the attempt at a joke. If you didn't laugh.. sorry. What can I say to you? Anyway ... Im tired of trying my best to explain what I ment by the post so I give up.. so go on and label me a racist. lol

neutrino In my eyes this is more one american teenage girl making a fool of herself.

Maybe you were meaning to say "In my eyes this is ONE more American...."
My dear.. Let me just cut to the chase. Im far from being an adolescent child making a fool of myself. And if in fact you are an adult, then you are seriously challenged arnt you? To just shoot some statement like that in the air about me being some "American kid" is pathetic. So you are telling me an adult cant joke around about something? And what does me being an American have to do with this. Look who is talking ... lol you are calling me racist yet what are you implying by adding the fact im an American in there?

This means I can assume you speak spanish since you've been grouped with him? if not, wtf are you doing grouping with spanish people who are just going to get annoyed?

No moron, I said in the post i ASKED the Group Leader to not allow him in the group... and Let me remind you .. You play on an ENGLISH server.. so ask yourself wtf are you doing here... not me.

I'm neither American nor spanish, and I dont have any problem understanding what he's trying to say here... i might even tend to agree :-/

:sigh: :bore: Here is another example that you guys cannot understand humor. Do you really think I could not understand what he was saying? my point was it made absolutely no sense what so ever because the whole thing looked like it was written by a 10 year old on

I'll have to ask if you're blonde or not... If you are indeed blonde, i'm sorry for you since its a well known fact that blonde females have crap for brains.

LMAO So... aren't you generalizing here amigo? Implying that blondes have crap for brains.. no excuse me, you didn't imply you blatantly said it. That is one of the most uneducated absurd comment you can make seeing how there are many many woman in high ranking positions who are indeed blonde, not to mention your statement is not factual. Its just crap.:puke:
And by the way I am blonde.. and im not ashamed.

Kagato Some good posts, some bad posts, bout time this thread was locked methinks, and its not often you'll hear me say that.

Kagato... it is ok for people to voice there opinion about whatever they like on here. It doesn't bother me. I am capable of holding my own, :p

... After this short "book" I have just written im done with the whole thing. Joke, fact, lie, racist, funny, humorous ... it doesn't matter what you thought about it. I practiced my right of freedom of speech and said what I thought was funny.. in no way was it ment to be offensive or degrading so if you are offended im sorry. I have said that more then once now. End of story.


Originally posted by seeaira
I like you too Vodka.. lets run away together and.. wait.. youre a woman NM! lol hehee

And I was gone for 3 months off the game or else im SURE i would have been 50 by now... now everyone is playing frickin SI and I dont have it cause im in America :( Although... My birthday is coming up guys ... Wink Wink lol

Vodka.. come play in Alb I have another account you can play.. :)

Get a english SI shipped to you. Kyra (minstrel / prydwen) had the same problem but now has SI and is in america.


Galaha, you really need to learn a new adjective other than "racist". I can't believe that is the extent of your English. (Oh wait, I can!)

I have many Spanish friends in Real Life. I have been to Spain, both on normal holidays and to visit friends there. It is ONLY in this game that I have issues with Spanish players. The inept ones outnumber the good ones and communication is VERY important in this game.

To save you the enormous strain of typing out an English reply, I shall do it for you -

aparthy you be racist of racism against us Spanishs :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/

Have a nice day. Have some fucking paella and cheer up.



Originally posted by Apathy
Galaha is VERY uptight about being Spanish, I think. As a child his mother would say to him "Galaha, which would you rather have? A nice serving of tapas or some Yorkshire pudding?" and if he asked for the Yorkshire, he would have his hands shoved in a burning hot fire.

Quite why he felt it neccessary to mention RPs when this all about PvE, I do not know.


oi im from yorkshire o shit say no more :rolleyes:


new adjective = RETARDS
All fucking RETARDS = seeaira, Apathy Vodka.

And now fuck off and forget spaniards pple.


Originally posted by tdmm_kamosh
new adjetive = RETARDS
All fucking RETARDS = seeaira, Apathy Vodka.

And now fuck off and forget spaniards pple.

Whats a adjetive? :lol:
And seriously i think none of them are RETARDS.
But making a little lame comment like urs deserves a RETARD-mark on ur forehead im afraid. :/


Hold on..."retards" (If not used as plural.) could be a verb. Still not an adjective.

Seriously...what the hell IS Spanish if it translates into English so badly? Ten thousand words for ITAMZ and sixty million ways of saying "PLZ PULL FASTR"?



Raymond DecKarD

Originally posted by Apathy
Hold on..."retards" (If not used as plural.) could be a verb. Still not an adjective.

I think RETARDED is the right word (in Spanish --> SUBNORMAL)

:p :p :p

RaymonD lvl 50 hero
Socket lvl 38 Lury LIGHT ench :p
Machango lvl 40 Druid
Champu lvl 40 Champ
Tronko lvl 30 Valewalker
<LoS ELeGiDoS> GuilDMaster


Hi, im a spanish player, my english is not enough good tbh, im not gonna write a book, so i dont care. My english is kinda bad, but i can speak with english, americans and almost every player of daoc.

My english is enough 2 say u how idiot u r, spanish players that plays in excalibur r there coz they DONT have spanish servers, u got loads of servers in ur country. I play in USA servers (After played 1 year in EU ones), i got a lot of servers here, i played with several spanish, americans, etc etc.

They got lvl 50's, but u, with ur uber english (so hard, where r u from, gurl ?)r only lvl 49, with a V group friendly char.

U r a idiot that thinks that every cleric is in game for heal ur gimp char, sorry idiot but smite clerics r nukers, not r "ur-personal-healer". If u dont want smiters, dont team them.

Prolly u ll not understand it, my english is so bad for u, i only wanted 2 get some items for u, and some powerlevel too....

Cry more lil gurl, u r in the perfect realm for ur char, in the perfect server too.

As i said in other thread, if u r no 50 u r a fucking noob, sorry if is a spanish who opens ur eyes.


If u dont like spanish or other non-english country that dont speak to well english in pve dont join them, is that so hard to understand? Coming here whining about its so fuk#!"# lame...

and btw seeaira,

Remind Tanks of their job.....
2. Armsmen remember to 'protect' casters/healers.
Its bad enough you guys give me a bad name...

Sorry to give u a bad name my Queen
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