Have you ever cheated (varying degrees) in DAoC?

Cheated in DAoC?

  • Never Cheated (please dont select anything else with this)

    Votes: 329 57.3%
  • Speedhack

    Votes: 12 2.1%
  • Radar

    Votes: 34 5.9%
  • Macro (for crafting or any other purpose)

    Votes: 113 19.7%
  • Texture bug used in RvR

    Votes: 24 4.2%
  • Texture bug used in PvE

    Votes: 110 19.2%
  • Other bug / cheat (with minor effect/advantage)

    Votes: 75 13.1%
  • Other bug / cheat (with major effect/advantage)

    Votes: 15 2.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Loyal Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
Shooting tower doors from under water:eek6:

Scouse scout RR10
Epson cleric RR6


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
never have, never been tempted and never intend to.

nearest i have got to a cheat is rolling a warlock i guess :)


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
i've used bug spots for pve, macro crafted, and minor/major bugs, but all in pve. wouldn't ever do it in rvr. basically, never anything to give myself an advantage over other players, only to speed up the boring parts of the game. not really an 'excuse' i suppose, but whatever, no harm done ;)

oh, and, i've used speedhack... on a freeshard. it makes playing a stealther much easier :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Melachi said:
Ehh this might not be allowed, but anyway..

Have you ever cheated in DAoC? And by you, I mean you not your character or your account, have you ever cheated in DAoC, on either GOA/Mythic servers with any char/account.
By that I mean, radared, speedhacked, macro crafted, and other bug abuse?

missed window dragging...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Done some pl on the boxes in Malmo, and abused those bugged boats in HW for abit when they were there. :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 25, 2006
playing daoc without cheats is like eating soup with a fork !!!:)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Melachi said:
All talk like that will do, is make some people not vote honestly. I hope that isn't your goal and all it really is to show you moral high-ground.

At time of posting this, 43% of FH DAoC posters claim to have cheated in DAoC! :O

no but they COULD, so people may not be voting honestly :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
I would never cheat to be unfair against another player in Rvr etc. But i used a texture bugs in AC and CM to level my warlock on camlann lol, i don't think i would again, and i don't intend to use radar or speedhacking etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
only ever used PvE exploit on servers, the others (speedhack, radar, macro) I used on the freeshards, can't say I found em too good tbh, Speedhack was very laggy, Radar didnt help cos i fight any fight no matter the odds and well macro was good but i only used it when sitting by pc watching a film and resetting macto every 10 trys.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
andeh said:
playing daoc without cheats is like eating soup with a fork !!!:)
but why post RPs in your sig when they are meaningless, seeing as you didnt earn them honestly?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 7, 2004
Dukat said:
I take my gaming very seriously. I believe that your online avatar (be it forum presence, ingame character or whatever), is the moral representation of you on the internet, and so I try to act in the same way that I would act in real life. In my way of thinking, cheating ingame is on a similar level to stealing(or more accurately commiting fraud) IRL.

That's an interesting point, and one I adhere to myself. What you have to bare in mind is that a lot of people think completely the reverse, that the internet gives them immunity and they can behave in ways that they never would in RL. I'm sure this will change, but it is a phenomenon (sp) that will be with us for a little while yet.

No never cheated, never will - would make the game pointless in my opinion


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 25, 2006
Raven said:
but why post RPs in your sig when they are meaningless, seeing as you didnt earn them honestly?

to clarify, my response was sarcastic. However do you really believe that if someone used a macro program to get a lgm crafter, or abused bugs which the game developers failed to test properly makes everything done in the game meaningless?.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
window drag to avoid fall dmg, walk through, craft jump on camlann, cb to reset pvp immunity, majorrrrr strafe abuse

loads of others ive forgotten - but all are silly bugs that are mythics fault + everybody can use em :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'm still confused as to what constitutes lag-strafe abuse. Does it always happen as soon as you strafe, or do you have to do something else too? I have strafed (used Q/W keys) in combat, and hope i haven't been cheating then. :(


Blimey i cant remmber the names but in the old days some wizard or theurg that would perma be out of range and use the mouse window lag hax to magicaly dissapear 400 foot in the oposit direction as soon as you stuck on him ready to issue a serious beating.

THat guy was a complete fking cheater and botter, a prime example of a blatent cheating exploiting idiot with absoloultey no skill other than sick buffs, minstral bots and untagetable.... GG lol

Also Necro LOS bugs/ abuse jesus that was a bad month for midgard and especially me.

Did i cheat? hmm i macroed crafting and hinging, wish i dont consider cheating when its that much of a dull system.

And i once stood on a rock out of range of mobs in PVE and PBAEd about 20 purple++++ at once with an eldritch. SWEEEET XP lol

so if you want to Ban me Mythic knock your selves out.:flame:


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
i used to tell people i knew what i was doing in groups.

not sure if thats cheating or false advertising though... any way no one was silly enough to believe me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Efour said:
Blimey i cant remmber the names but in the old days some wizard or theurg that would perma be out of range and use the mouse window lag hax to magicaly dissapear 400 foot in the oposit direction as soon as you stuck on him ready to issue a serious beating.

THat guy was a complete fking cheater and botter, a prime example of a blatent cheating exploiting idiot with absoloultey no skill other than sick buffs, minstral bots and untagetable.... GG lol
Walker the Wizard ;d?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
macro hinged like 100000000000 metal bars :( I remember it was possible to make a hinge and sell macro in cear diogel iirc. tho i made my lgm crafter without macro, so i deserved some easy mode :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Levin said:
I'm still confused as to what constitutes lag-strafe abuse. Does it always happen as soon as you strafe, or do you have to do something else too? I have strafed (used Q/W keys) in combat, and hope i haven't been cheating then. :(

No it isn't
Strafing is not cheating, using 'drag window' and other means to artificially lag 'not in view' is cheating imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Dukat said:
While I know I am not as elite as some, I take my gaming very seriously. I believe that your online avatar (be it forum presence, ingame character or whatever), is the moral representation of you on the internet, and so I try to act in the same way that I would act in real life. In my way of thinking, cheating ingame is on a similar level to stealing(or more accurately commiting fraud) IRL.

Unfortunately people like you are the minority :(


Apr 5, 2004
Efour said:
Blimey i cant remmber the names but in the old days some wizard or theurg that would perma be out of range and use the mouse window lag hax to magicaly dissapear 400 foot in the oposit direction as soon as you stuck on him ready to issue a serious beating.

THat guy was a complete fking cheater and botter, a prime example of a blatent cheating exploiting idiot with absoloultey no skill other than sick buffs, minstral bots and untagetable.... GG lol


And you cant really pigeon-hole cheating imo (aside from putting it in the "stupid" pigeon-hole).

Different people do it for a lot of different reasons, such as boredom, frustration, plain old selfishness etc. I've known a lot of people that used cheats at one point or another for "PvE" purposes (using radar to find a roaming mob etc) and the usual excuse, the same one i use whenever asked, is "I wasnt hurting anyone else." But in the end, it comes down to whether you yourself are bothered by cheating, if your sense of fair play is offended by it, then youre likely to stop, wheras if you see it as an "equaliser" (like so many on the US servers did with radar) it probably means youll continue to use it without remorse.

Of course it also depends on whether youre stupid enough to get caught :p

Edit: looking at the results, theyre pretty much the expected ones though, id say the ratio of people who have never cheated to people who have tried cheats is probably 50:50. (taking into account that 10% of the people who voted "i have never cheated" are lieing ;))


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
tried radar in pve zones.. made me LD every minute.. so only used it for 2mins.. and never used it again (fun to see what level mobs are, never planned to use it in rvr tho.. bit pointless as a stealther i'd say :))
texture bug abuse.. to get out of AC (you know. behind the crates near the -normal- entrance...)
and crafting macro.. never done anything with macro's.. did use some autoclick program tho.. and watch movie in background so i didnt have to focus on the craft progress bar all the time ;))

and thats it :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I have used a crafting tool when hinging still sat at my pc chatting away but with a tool clicking the mouse for me every 8 seconds. Also used the bug to get out of barrows / ac befor :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004
Devilseye said:
tried radar in pve zones.. made me LD every minute.. so only used it for 2mins.. and never used it again (fun to see what level mobs are, never planned to use it in rvr tho.. bit pointless as a stealther i'd say :))
texture bug abuse.. to get out of AC (you know. behind the crates near the -normal- entrance...)
and crafting macro.. never done anything with macro's.. did use some autoclick program tho.. and watch movie in background so i didnt have to focus on the craft progress bar all the time ;))

and thats it :)

What about thieving from your fellow guildies ;) surely that can be classed as cheating too.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
The only occasion that could be considered "cheating" in my entire DAoC carreer was using the hole in the walls in barrows and AC to get out and port to the bindpoint.
ah yeah, voted no but now i remember :D


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I got maybe like 20-40p early in the game from a person (pre malmo), he was able to duplicate items.

Also used macro, and be on tent in varner svamp.

Oh and SS jump to be on top of milegate at AMG, dunno if killed any doing that tho.

And getting out from diffrent dungeeons fast to, some buggs like doing Jacinas Sash with gtaoe and all that to.

I think most "cheated / used a bug" just u dont think about it. Cause if u participate when others do a bugg abuse, u also are a bad boy/girl! :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Well I don't think strafing or walk through etc are cheats, also the "falling through the ground and ending up at your bind spot" I hardly find that a cheat also.
Bug and a Cheat are two completely different things, how can you know it's a bug? Well of course sometimes it's obvious but like the arti swapping and keeping the timer that could aswell be a feature (ended up being a bug but you could never know when it first was possible as Mythic/GoA have loads of "stealth" abilities, commands and actions they patch into DAoC which you won't know about but they post them like 3 patches later).

Also if you find a bug and thus have atleast "exploited" it once do you consider yourself a cheater then? or only if you keep using it?
Personally I find using PvE bugs (like exp exploit, falling through the ground etc etc) not really that bad but exploits that give you an advantage in RvR are imo the the only real cheats.

I forgot to add to my last post of which exploits you've done the water pot exploit, falling damage exploit, exp quest exploit, villa exploit, lag jump exploit, hiding in textures exploit, conc on buffbot exploit, group port to enemy relic exploit, RA spam exploit, bolting through walls exploit and probably tons more I've done which some people might find falling under the "cheat" section.
Never ever done Radar or Speedcheat or Macrocrafting and I will never download a program to get an advantage of anykind in a game though yes I abuse bugs and I abuse them as much as possible till they get fixed ;)
Also might add I've never been banned and never got a warning both in game and through right now or an e-mail so I am either really good at doing those exploits or GoA also doesn't care much about them and focus more on the real cheats.


Jan 22, 2005
My earlier post said I never cheated, but I remember I have once, if you can call it 'cheating'.

I used a bug in AC near Duelists where you would run inbetween these two meeting walls and you'd fall through the floor and back to your bindstone, was great fun xD but ofc I don't do it now

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