Greatest Console Game?



Originally posted by Bodhi
Oh come on. Bunch of friends round, 4 controllers, Koopa Troopa Beach. Oh and some herbal toxicants :) Can't beat it.
The only good thing in that mix would be the toxicants, cos MK64 sucked donky balls, it was better on the SNES:m00:


No it wasn't.

Have you tried playing the SNES's split-screen-in-one-player-spack-o-thon lately? Mario Kart 64 is much better, as is Mario Kart Advance.

The ability to play four of your friends in the latter versions simply cannot be ignored.


The only time four-player Mario Kart 64 is shit, is when you're playing it by yourself.


Mario Kart on the 64 didn't impress me for a couple of reasons:
  • Too few levels - multiplayer only has 4 maps, 3 of which are utter shite. Only the circle tower map has playability but after having 30 odd rounds on that in 4 player mode, it gets very tired. Nintendo didn't even go to the effort of trying to make any of the original SNES multiplayer maps for the N64 version.
  • Little challange - I completed the single player in under 3 hrs on the day I bought my 64, suffice to say it was a boring couple of months before I bought my next game :(
  • The changing of the characters names so Princess finally became Peach (stupid I know but its annoying)
Basically imho nintendo focused on making everything 3D to show what the 64 was capable of as supposed to making what could have been one of the greatest sequal games ever, that sucks :(

btw nice post edit, shame you changed your original post into a personal attack, makes me think of you on the same level as peeps like Glynners now :(. Oh and for your reference I've played 4 player MK64 more times than I care to remember and just simply can't remember any times where I enjoyed it.


Diiiiiiiiiiiiddy Kong racccccccccccciiiiiiiiing!

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by -T0p*G>N-

The talking tree ownz yo ass mofo, hehehe.

and can we please keep this clean? i want this thread to remain open


and the tree is an arse flake :)


Originally posted by MYstIC G
Mario Kart on the 64 didn't impress me for a couple of reasons:
  • Too few levels - multiplayer only has 4 maps, 3 of which are utter shite. Only the circle tower map has playability but after having 30 odd rounds on that in 4 player mode, it gets very tired. Nintendo didn't even go to the effort of trying to make any of the original SNES multiplayer maps for the N64 version.
  • Little challange - I completed the single player in under 3 hrs on the day I bought my 64, suffice to say it was a boring couple of months before I bought my next game :(
  • The changing of the characters names so Princess finally became Peach (stupid I know but its annoying)
Basically imho nintendo focused on making everything 3D to show what the 64 was capable of as supposed to making what could have been one of the greatest sequal games ever, that sucks :(

btw nice post edit, shame you changed your original post into a personal attack, makes me think of you on the same level as peeps like Glynners now :(. Oh and for your reference I've played 4 player MK64 more times than I care to remember and just simply can't remember any times where I enjoyed it.
What personal attack?


Originally posted by Jayminator
The only time four-player Mario Kart 64 is shit, is when you're playing it by yourself.
Well I take your editing that post, from what was a nothing statement to what it is now above, as you implying that I can't find 3 other peeps to play Mario Kart with.


Originally posted by -T0p*G>N-
Originally posted by ignus

(the word you're looking for is colloquial).

Erm actually no its not, that has nothing to do with regional accents. And besides how many times have you or I or anyone ever used that word in a sentence? I said I'm a writer not a fucking English literature teacher, I write things how they are spoken by the general public. My claim to being a writer was because I obviously understand storylines, plots and sub plots better than you ever will not through my knowledge of the English launguage.
A pissing contest over who know the most "big words" seems to be the proof that you need.
UT is much better than crappy quake 3 not that I care, and agreed CS is full of cheating twats but its still fun to play.

BTW I was wrong, imperfections don't make things interesting just look at you, Mr far from interesting. You're arguements are backed up by the fact that you think you're above everyone else. Sign of a true geek. I have argued with so many people like you because quite frankly I enjoy it :)
So then Lord of the Nerds, you gonna take me up on my skateboarding challenge?


I imagine your only joy in life is to argue.

If your area affects your choice of words or how you word your sentences then its colloquial. Regional dialect = Colloquial language.

Plus it would be a matter for a language teacher, not literature. So there :p

I don't think I'm above everyone else, just you and others (like Bodhi) that swear at people for having their own opinion. Mine, Zelda is better than FF7, although they are both very different games and merely an opinion. You took this very personally for some reason?

I don't skate (which you basically said was crap in a previous post, nice and consistent I see). I'm not really intrested in your life, writing, boarding etc etc, so if you bother to argue another post out of this then try and keep it concise.

*The tree is'nt an arse flake frizz, should'nt speak ill of the dead.
Tree guy... *sniff* gone to that big orchard in the sky, rest in piece tree d00d


out of interest, what do you write? reason for asking is because for a writer your basic grammar structure and spelling are fucked up more than me and Wij.


Originally posted by -T0p*G>N-
I don't think I'm above everyone else, just you and others (like Bodhi) that swear at people for having their own opinion.

You are a piece of rancid curry shit, floating in the toilet bowl of life. Please end your life now, and ease everyone else's suffering.


I see where you're coming from but the word colloquial doesn't specifically mean regional dialect does it? As I said you are just trying to prove yourself better than everyone with your knowledge of bigger words.
BTW if you read my post you'll find that I didn't insult the world of skateboarding I insulted the world of fake skateboarding. You see us real boarders with our scarred boards really dislike the generation of slipknot freaks that go around in baggy jeans a slipknot/ Korn hoodie and usually a chain hanging from their waste and carry a unused skateboard using the image to look good (although I don't think they do) and I assumed that you are one of these.
Its nice to see you guys been checkin up on me grammer structure and spellin, been running it through a grammer checker have we? I won't repeat myself again as to why I don't talk proper like wot u do.

anyway enough of arguing with this fool, it was fun but the whole point of the argument has been lost and its just descended into slagging match between me and the geek who seems to think he is better than everyone.

Second best console game of all time, flashback.


3 classics from the last generation.

You don't even read my posts, you just wait for your chance to speak... Jack and Marla would'nt like you :p

*Top console games (IMHO):

1.Resident Evil 2
PROS- Good story with excellent ambience. Twice as long as the original, some great Romero inspired set pieces that made you wonder what becomes of Leon and Claire.
CONS- Still too short, control system will always feel obselete.

2.Metal Gear Solid
PROS- Technically superb. Cool movie style approach to furthering the story, very polished graphics. Seemingly no glitches or bugs.
CONS- Too short, even getting all the 'easter eggs' took no time at all, far far too easy. Storyline gets lost towards the end.

3.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
PROS- Not full-on r.p.g and not total action/adventure. Graphics were not only the best the n64 could handle without fogging up (or need for the stupid exp. pack) but showed off Miyamotos artistic flair with a very stylised look.
CONS- Story had been done to death in hundreds of other games.
Came along too late for the n64 losing its killer-app status. Bosses were stupidly easy to beat. No proper sub-quests or side story, just item collecting.



I think you'll find that the whole line was me taking the piss, you'll find it has several mistakes in spelling and grammar, obviously not as clever as you are pretending to be.


Originally posted by ignus
baggy jeans a slipknot/ Korn hoodie and usually a chain hanging from their waste and carry a unused skateboard using the image to look good (although I don't think they do) and I assumed that you are one of these. :-Your assumption is wrong.

Its nice to see you guys been checkin up on me grammer structure and spellin, been running it through a grammer checker have we? :-No it's called being literate.

the whole point of the argument has been lost and its just descended into slagging match between me and the geek who seems to think he is better than everyone. :-Refer to my '3 classics' post. Yeah, a slagging match you began. I don't think I'm better than everyone, I know I'm better than you :)



Originally posted by ignus

I think you'll find that the whole line was me taking the piss, you'll find it has several mistakes in spelling and grammar, obviously not as clever as you are pretending to be.

Wow, you must take the piss in the general forums for absolutely no reason a lot too.


Heehee, who could believe so much shit could fly in response to the little subject of 'best console game ever'.

Anyways, you're all wrong.

TETRIS is surely the daddy :cool:


Goldeneye - The amount of fucking brilliant allnighters I had with mates :>
All Zeldas - I'm an RPG fag
Mario World on SNES :/


it's a lot harder to pick when u own a few different consoles, cos the range is tooo big but

i'd say Goldeneye tho, cos the 4player matches of that are my most memorable. And the single player mode wern't too bad either.


GE just plain rocks, PD not bad but was too hard on the eyes I thought compaired to GE.


4 player
3 mates
slappers only
license to kill
crouching only


You forgot to add "beer" into that equasion. It's far more funny when pissed.

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