Greatest Console Game?



I pity the fool that messes with my gun-hand!

The fact you needed to fight all the time just to have materia to fight bosses proves the games design fault.

Zelda vs. Final Fantasy

Imo- Link kicks its ass. Ocarina of Time was the best game ever on the N64 :p -be there or be square(soft).


Miyamoto ownz FF!!!

:upyours: GT3, same game better gfx. TH2, same game better gfx. Both money making cash-ins.

Zelda rules, FF is as dull as dishwater :sleeping:. Pish? Nah... whats Pish is FF's completely illegible storyline that just branches off into so many tangents that it becomes utter bollox. Oh and am I to think you speak Japanese and owned a Japanese copy of the game, cos lets face it the english translation was absoulute fucking crap.

Even if you could make sense of it there just was'nt a story- a poor case of Square thinking they could create a complex engaging story... who the fuck cares about some twat called cloud, or squall for that matter who looks like they were modelled by an 8-year old. And a really thick one at that!

Zelda has action and fun for all rpg elements, in terms of technical ability it beat any other n64 game and it wipes the floor with FF on every level. Graphics were quality and every dungeon and area of the map felt different and looked great.

Then theres FF's music, Square obviously stole that from an elevator. Christ the game was on fucking cd's could'nt they fit some real music on to FF's twenty-seven discs. If true rpgs are fighting the same monster everytime you move an inch and dull lifeless low resolution backdrops then true rpgs can piss off.

Final Fantasy=p00pY
Zelda OoT=N64's finest hour.

'Open the pod bay doors hal.'

Moving Target

Originally posted by ignus
So the whole materia thing meant nothing to you, if you'd played the game properly you'd know that you had to make sure yo didn't use the wrong magic on the wrong creature

Oh my god! So taxing :rolleyes:


Re: Miyamoto ownz FF!!!

Originally posted by -T0p*G>N-
:upyours: GT3, same game better gfx. TH2, same game better gfx. Both money making cash-ins.

Right you lame twat. You were saying Resident Evil 2 was the best console game of all time? Now what would you call the entire Res Evil series from 2 onwards? Each a new and innovative idea? Didn't think so.

And I stand by my statement that both Zelda games on the N64 were utter pish.


zelda Vs final fantasy

obviously ff.
You say thet the plot was crap and dull, ROFL well that just proves how immature you are, every ff game except 2 and 3 has had a complex plot that usually contains twists and sub plots, ff7 was the best example of it, you probably just didn't get it. And as for looking like models by 8 year old that had me laughing, I mean zelda, hahaha looks like an 8 year old. Never bothered playing it far coz I just got bored and I thought all the stupid swirly colours would give me a fit. Its the prime example of Nintendos cheesy cartoon graphics. LIke Mario 64 I suppose you wanked over that, I played the first level then gave up, it was utter shite and bored me stupid. Lylat wars was the best game on the N64 IMHO.
Seems that top cunt's and MT's opinions differ from the rest of the console world as FF7 beat the shite out of zelda in sales.

I also stand by Bohdi's statement about zelda games on the N64 being utter pish


I didn't like Zelda but my m8 who's played games for as long as I have loved it. It's a personal thing I guess :)


Hey Bodhi, Ignus, is it gonna be a ff themed wedding?

Thats cos Link is suppossed to look like an eight year old for most the game u dopey fool.

Gt3 and Th2 are just cash-ins you saps. Yes Re2 is obviously a sequel but its a different story with new characters. Plus you can understand its storyline, in terms of story-telling which is what Re is essentially best at it was a huge improvement. Gt3 is just same cars with pretty gfx and thats it. Its like the Fifa series which you probally think a work of art also. Its just the same old shit repackaged and put on sale- so dumasses like yourself buy and they make another one next year, and on and on and on....

Top cunt, right thats mature I imagine you had to think hard about that one... plus the only reason it sold so well, (like it has any bearing on the quality of a game you llamas!), is because divy shits like you bought it. Then you did'nt have any money left to buy a real game so you had to sit through that rubbish.

Did'nt get the plot? WHAT FUCKING PLOT! Only good thing about FF was the fmv and that were'nt much good either. So Anus and Bahti ( hahah cretins) go suck each others dicks and fantasise about getting butt-fucked by Mr.T and pretty boy Squall.



Re: Hey Bodhi, Ignus, is it gonna be a ff themed wedding?

Originally posted by -T0p*G>N-
go suck each others dicks

Ah shit they're on to us.

You are such an immature little fool, how old are you coz from the way you word your posts you're obviously still at school, tell me are you a slipknot/ wanker of the Korn/ skateboarder wannabe like so many school children are these days?
So what you're saying is that millions of people all over the world were influenced by advertising and an over hyped game, bought the game, played it to death and wrote thousands of raving reviews and still play it today yet they didn't enjoy the game and only played it coz they didn't have enough money to buy what you call a real game. (your argument is flawed) ff8 came along and wasn't as over hyped and quickly died off, the ff9 crept into the sales without hardly a review (Zelda as well if I remember correctly.)
Lets face it, the majority of the world loved ff7 because of its plot twists, how you can say it has no story is beyond me, it had more plot twists and sub plots than most films, I should know I'm a writer. Did you actually get to the part where you find out that cloud isn't actually the cloud he thought he was, and that he was cloned and he took on the character of Zack instead after Zack died.

Just stop arguing (refer to Bodhi's sig) because you are wrong, final fantasy 7 was much more appreciated by the public than zelda, the only thing you're right about is the fact that you like it and don't like ff7.
Oh and Resi 2 sucked compared to 1.


Ignus said:

"Just stop arguing (refer to Bodhi's sig) because you are wrong, final fantasy 7 was much more appreciated by the public than zelda." - so basically stop this argument because you say so... no, fuck off. Bodhi can stick his sig. up the same hole he talks out of.

Yeah I'm sure you're a writer, if you indeed are then you should be ashamed of your weak syntax (go and get a dictionary).
I was'nt the one that started swearing at others because their view was different to mine you dope, Top cunt? Then you tell me I am immature, you're a hypocrite...and a liar it would seem Mr. 'I'm a writer'. You're certainly something beginning with W.
The reference to not having any money left to buy a decent game only applys to 'you', you just took it out of its context. Simply stated because anyone with some common sense would have gone out and bought something mildly entertaining.
If you remembered correctly you'd recall Famistu giving it full marks, that happens once every blue moon.
Sub-plots and twists don't make a good film or a good story for that matter. Being able to relate to the characters is what draws an audience in, for the number of people that bought FF7 I doubt a third bothered getting anywhere near the end. All in all a very tedius game.

I can't believe a wally like you could appreciate a film like Fight Club :p

'self improvement is masturbation, now self destruction...'

Moving Target

Re: Re: Hey Bodhi, Ignus, is it gonna be a ff themed wedding?

Originally posted by ignus
Lets face it, the majority of the world loved ff7

But isn't the majority of the world (who have access to FF7) brainless American's?

old.Nicky D

for me id have to say the legend of zelda on the N64 cos no other game has kept me so interested. I rate the ISS series as being the best games 2.


I will admit to not getting to the end of FF7, but that was because I bought Wipeout 2097, and well, that was the end of that.

Top Gun, you're a shit cunt, please fuck off and die.

The best game on the N64 was Mario Kart 64.

Zelda games are by and large, utter pish.


Lol @ Bodhi.

A shit cunt... Hahhah ahhah ahhhahhahHHH.

Bodhi you could'nt argue your way out of a paper bag. Pathetic, made me laugh though.

I'm shit?????????????????????????????????????????, do you play q3 Bodhi? Want a game? Play me Bodhi, play me at quake c'mon osp mode or ra3 or even vanilla tourney you pick!!! You can use a wallhack and bot if you want, Lol.

Or let me guess q3 is pish? That would be convenient for you would'nt it.

The talking tree ownz yo ass mofo, hehehe.

Bodhi:wub:Ignus, awwww...



oh my fucking god. you want to settle this with a game of Quake 3? You're a fucking geek.


Originally posted by Bodhi

The best game on the N64 was Mario Kart 64.

Erm. I think this proves that Bodhi is a bad judge of games.:rolleyes:


Oh come on. Bunch of friends round, 4 controllers, Koopa Troopa Beach. Oh and some herbal toxicants :) Can't beat it.



Yeah you would'nt believe it :m00: -vin' target
but TopGun was already taken. doh!


Whats the point in posting if the moderator just alters it because hes thick, this is called censorship you little nazi.


Topgun if your going to argue, argue rationally without childish insults.


Don't mind Bodhi. He insults eveyone. We have tried desiplining (sp?) him but it's a lost case. Just shut up and accept it. We all have.


...but but but BUT HE STARTED IT!



*disciplin/ing??? Whatever nobody here seems capable of forming proper sentences or an adult arguement so what does it matter.

Wazzerphuk what you on about?


thats because you stupid little inbred fuckwit this is the internet, a forum, how many fucking forums/ chatrooms / text messages of any kind have you seen written in proper English, there's also a little thing called regional dialect, we all come from different areas and in some cases countries therefore we're all bound to speak differently. In LN's case it was more likely to be a typo.
Come to think of it how many books these days are written in "proper" English. The best books aren't, inperfections are what make things interesting. Maybe you'll learn that as you grow old.

I also agree again with Bodhi you are a sad internet geek if you want a show down on quake 3 (another terrible game pissed on by CS and UT) But I tell you what you and me go head to head on a halfpipe, I'll use my crappy old worn out mongoose board you can use my pro element feather light board that is practically new (damn winter) and we'll see who can do the most tricks. Except your fragile pale skin would probably shrivel in the sunlight and bake your insides until they were crisp and charred.....which would be fun.

and for your information Bodhi and me have been more like this :twak: until you came along, you should feel good that you brought us together.


Originally posted by ignus
, inperfections are what make things interesting.

Yeah... I guess you hear those words of reassurance a lot.

"you should be glad you brought us together."

'Oh thas alright chuck, I hope yer have a lora lora laffs then cum bak next week and tell us all what ya got up to'.

Is that enough 'regional dialect' for you (the word you're looking for is colloquial). I took his question mark to mean he would like to know how its spelt, sorry for being literate by the way.

Lol, for anyone not in the know CS stands for Cheater-Strike.

Not the UTourney is better than Q3 argument, don't you know?
Sensible people left it for others to choose which they liked best. A concept you seem unfamiliar with. :sleeping: now...

v need an engineerZZzzzzZZdankeZzzzZzschnellZZzIZ zloytnent...

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