Serenity > MCLIt was some shit whole you visited to get MCL to make levelling a bit more bearable...nothing more.
@soze -I think he explained it above. He only makes money from his various "shit" websites and therefore was too poor to own a second account![]()
Psych could write books on this guys issues, god complex, delusional, denial....
Honestly don't care if he was good or bad in DAOC Thid, means nothing. Do something real with your life and get some proper self respect. Bleating on about being half decent in in game no one has played for 5 years is quite pathetic.
Those who “can’t” criticize those who “can”
Psych could write books on this guys issues, god complex, delusional, denial.....
Link to your websites, please?Thugs could teach that guy a thing or 2 I bet. Never met anyone that could challenge him much intellectually.
Thugs could teach that guy a thing or 2 I bet. Never met anyone that could teach him much intellectually.
Link to your websites, please?
they still go on about him
I just want to have a look, see how your make your living, you spoke about them so it's only fair that you link them?Whyfor? You want to get me banned? Me this is mind and not Thugs.
You took a twinked char into a low level pvp area and beat people in RoG's, using pots, weapon swap lots of run through abuse. Gratz, it obviously makes you happy. To me it just indicates what a sad life you must lead for this to be your one and only contribution to these boards
/done here. Not going to waste another keystroke on this
dude, you go on about yourself. everyone else basically had moved on. small, but significant difference. so: shape up, try not to be a dick much and maybe I'll let you stay. currently you're more or less ruining any chance of that, and I am happy to oblige, trust me
I don't give a flying fuck if you let me stay or not. The likes of you ruined this bloody forum so many years ago by getting rid of the people who really mattered - the lifeblood of the forum. Damn thing is as stagnant and as lifeless as the people who now frequent this place.
I've never changed my attitude from day one and never will. You either believe in yourself or you end up believing in others as in being another sheep in a large flock.
So much power you wield don't you. Someone somewhere should have lessened it somewhat and let this forum live a little instead of being absolutely and irrevocably strangled by power crazed mods.
So there you go - ban time yet again.
Might drop in again in another 5 years or so.
It was probably me rather than TdC to be honest. You really are a cock though, aren't you?
What? And you ain't?
I tend to give as good as I get - or better. Treat me in the right manner and will respond in the right way. Simples.
I don't understand where you're coming from, you're clearly a sad old lonely man that 'makes' these forums, if you were the kind of people that makes this forum wouldn't you sort of post in other threads and stuff, rather than just attempting to pump your e-ego somewhat pathetically, go to postcount, they like that kinda stuff, here, no, we're part time nerds who talk about irl too, you remember that?
I'm all for you renewing yourself but you're disliked on this forum and I would've thought you'd grow up a little bit and done something about it cos you clearly miss it here otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back..
Websites pls