Goodbye Forever


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
This is a rather weak troll. Too obvious, no effort in it outside "ban me if you want!". I wonder how good this guy can be in any games if his trolling levels are this low.

2/10, would not rage.


Jun 10, 2014
This is a rather weak troll. Too obvious, no effort in it outside "ban me if you want!". I wonder how good this guy can be in any games if his trolling levels are this low.

2/10, would not rage.

Dead right. Half hearted trolling attempt for sure. I would go so far as to say tongue in cheek. Still it doesn't harm to go over old ground now and then. Nostalgia is a powerful emotion but I can't say I suffer from it much but seeing the name of 'Thugs' in posts does bring back a memory to 2 at times: wild wild times where I would get hammered on whisky and play until the early hours before collapsing. Thoroughly enjoyed it but thank god I don't behave like it anymore, in fact I would probably be dead by now if I had carried on. If yah going to do something take it to extremes is my motto. Moderation is for wimps.

As for how good in any games? Pathetic I should think as I haven't played any for years and years, on top of that Uthgard is no more what I can see of it.

Websites pls.

Eh nope. I have nearly a 100 websites on my servers and I live off the proceeds so I will be keeping their whereabouts a secret.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Dead right. Half hearted trolling attempt for sure. I would go so far as to say tongue in cheek.

Ah the old "tongue in cheek" defense, when you fail so hard at trolling that you have no option other then go "Oh i was jus kidding guyz!". I thought you were bad at it, but i didn't know you were -this- bad.

Ridicilous really.


Jun 10, 2014
Ah the old "tongue in cheek" defense, when you fail so hard at trolling that you have no option other then go "Oh i was jus kidding guyz!". I thought you were bad at it, but i didn't know you were -this- bad.

Ridicilous really.

Dead right it is. A 57 year old guy behaving like it. What is the world coming to? Still I had me a little chuckle so it hasn't been a total waste of time.

It is all about ego at the end of the day. The phrase 'no such thing as bad publicity' springs to mind and as long as someone somewhere is paying attention all is well.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't give a flying fuck if you let me stay or not.
Funny, nobody gives a fuck if you stay or not and further nobody gives a fuck about you at all. If the highlight of your life is how good you were at a defunkt game then I pity your existence. Please, continue to post as it will serve as a reminder to everyone else that no matter how bad things get, they will never be as pathetic as you.



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Dead right it is. A 57 year old guy behaving like it. What is the world coming to? Still I had me a little chuckle so it hasn't been a total waste of time.

It is all about ego at the end of the day. The phrase 'no such thing as bad publicity' springs to mind and as long as someone somewhere is paying attention all is well.

Well, it kind of is, If you're trolling then you're doing it badly, it's like going to take a sh*t yet you take out the trash instead -while- sh*tting your pants.

Ergo, waste of time. Not to mention you're only wasting -your- time, while others here post just out of boredom or while waiting for something. They get more entertainment out of it as well, so even in that regard you failed in your troll.

Agreeing with my critique of your troll doesn't devaluate the fact that it is still something that is at the level of youtube comment insults as far as trolls go.


Jun 10, 2014
Funny, nobody gives a fuck if you stay or not and further nobody gives a fuck about you at all. If the highlight of your life is how good you were at a defunkt game then I pity your existence. Please, continue to post as it will serve as a reminder to everyone else that no matter how bad things get, they will never be as pathetic as you.


Now stop being silly for goodness sake. Ain't you matured at all since the last time I visited?

Well, it kind of is, If you're trolling then you're doing it badly, it's like going to take a sh*t yet you take out the trash instead -while- sh*tting your pants.

Ergo, waste of time. Not to mention you're only wasting -your- time, while others here post just out of boredom or while waiting for something. They get more entertainment out of it as well, so even in that regard you failed in your troll.

Agreeing with my critique of your troll doesn't devaluate the fact that it is still something that is at the level of youtube comment insults as far as trolls go.

Well it could be that I'm bored a little too don't you think?

Am in the process of migrating server databases and whatnot and it is very tiring so this is just great for a little light entertainment when I have to rest my weary eyes.

Thing is about us Trolls is we don't really care whether anyone likes us or not - that ain't anything to do with it - just that we get some response, and the fact that peeps are responding in some way or other is good enough. Also I'm multi-tasking and upsetting others on another forum simultaneously. Tis, as I mentioned, good fun.

Oh, but on another forum I'm not considered a Troll but a WUM - Wind Up Merchant. There is a difference for sure.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Thing is about us Trolls is we don't really care whether anyone likes us or not - that ain't anything to do with it - just that we get some response, and the fact that peeps are responding in some way or other is good enough. Also I'm multi-tasking and upsetting others on another forum simultaneously. Tis, as I mentioned, good fun.

Wannab troll that is.

You know the concept and have zero idea how to make it happen. Everything gets a response, saying "i like pie" gets a response, what a good troll looks for is a reaction. Not knowing the difference is why you are not a troll.

I don't know what you call the lot that thinks an insult is a "cool troll", but that's the new age garbage trolling you're peddling.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Ah the old "tongue in cheek" defense, when you fail so hard at trolling that you have no option other then go "Oh i was jus kidding guyz!". I thought you were bad at it, but i didn't know you were -this- bad.

Ridicilous really.
POT. KETTLE. You have done this *so* many times!!1


Jun 10, 2014
Wannab troll that is.

You know the concept and have zero idea how to make it happen. Everything gets a response, saying "i like pie" gets a response, what a good troll looks for is a reaction. Not knowing the difference is why you are not a troll.

I don't know what you call the lot that thinks an insult is a "cool troll", but that's the new age garbage trolling you're peddling.

Does it matter?


Jun 10, 2014
You lads are the pits. Created a nice little clique forum all for your little old selves. Lol. Downright creepy I call it.

Hell, I can't wait to get banned cos I feel unclean.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
You think I come here seeking company?

Bye then! Srsly though: according to you another forum holds you in fairly low esteem. this one doesn't particularly hold you close to it's heart either. Perhaps it's time to consider the linking pin in these events? (hint: it's not forums, evil moderators or the internets). Tbh you can believe in yourself till you're blue in the face but that doesn't mean you'll never mess up, do things incorrectly or rub people up the wrong way now and again. Learn from your experiences and move on.

Tbh you remind me a bit of a dude I recently met in a game I play online (a shooter, you mmorpg heads wouldn't like it). Anyway, the dude was trying to impress a bunch of people in the server with how many posts he had in said game's offical forums and raged out when it turned out nobody cared about his shit and just wanted to play the game.

You want reaction, you want to be banned, whellp some dude said to give the public what they want so here it is. Naturally I am an evil fascist, so make sure to tell yourself that this happening was not your own doing in the slightest. See you in another 5 years chumlar.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
in before fascist mod, etc


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
nasty mods around these parts tbh

I googled "nasty mod" and got this. wtf is it?



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
well if the google starts delivering themed adverts to me I'll be sure to clue you in :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Ages ago there was a webcam video of a boy (I know that sounds dodgy as fuck but please bear with me) doing the rounds who was talking on the phone to his friend about being kicked from some IRC channel or other and he was saying one of the ops was an op-nazi! This thread made me think of that, it must've been the best part of 15 years ago. Jesus. :\


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I confess most of the terrible things in the world are indeed my fault. Ebola, kids dropping their ice creams, fat girls in see-through white leggings, slow mobile data....all me man. I did that stuff!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
But this boy was practically in tears. Are you happy with yourself? :(


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Fuck you @TdC - I wanted to do it! :D

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