Goa In Violation Of Their Own Rules

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Maybe you should start posting something usefull, then just some things that just seems to be all wrong? Still..
Unnable to open I_CARE.EXE

Teh Krypt

Re: Hmms...

Originally posted by elyand
Maybe you should start posting something usefull, then just some things that just seems to be all wrong? Still..
Unnable to open I_CARE.EXE
Shouldt open strange .exe files ^^


Originally posted by old.Meganuke
Kazyl - No names of towns, regions. apparently kazyl is some region/town in russia

Morphene - misspellt name of the drug morphine, i'm sure it violates some rules, if not i'll make a char named kokain.

Jawz - apparently he refers to the movie with that name, copyrighted stuff

Jakobi - found some german site http://www.autovermietung-jakobi.de/ too bad i don't understand german, but it can surely violate some rules.

Gorfig Kungen - kungen=the king,
- No references that degrade other players' characters or GOA personnel.
he claims to be king, which sortof would make all other look degraded.

Goku - as in Son goku, the main character of dragonball, probably copyrighted.

yodizor - yoda misspellt, copyrighted or something probably.
yodazor - same as above

rayne - http://www.rayne.org/index.htm town.

pucko - name of drink copyrighted prolly, also means idiot in swedish=degrading

pikabu - pikachu (that pokémon) copyrighted probably

Spesh LubHorniElphs - mispellt lastname of love horny elfs, sexual.

Soruzi- some czech word, found a link about czech prono and the word was in the description, but i didn't dare klick there and i didn't find it in the dictionary i got on my comp. is nasty for sure.

fons - http://www.fons.com/ copyright for sure

Asphyxiation LSD - http://www.expage.com/page/asphyxiation
explanation what asphyxiation means, and LSD = drug, propablly not allowed.

Agaton Sax - main char. in some books copyrighted or something.

Ball En - put that togheter and it becomes ballen, alternative word for penis in swedish.

Nolbypride - nolby is a region in sweden.

Daoc - dark age of camelot by mythic, copyrighted.

Zauron - bad dude from lotr probably copyrighted or something.

thats all that found by looking at the 5 first search results by searching on google. if i would like to spend more time i could surely find something offensive about every letter in ur name...

i DEMAND these dudes to be PERMBANNED because breaking of namerules!

/me starts to /appeal ppl

Thanks for your help in reporting those evil coc violators.

Permbanned is not the punishment though, but a namechange mayhapps? :)


Good God. Just because someone complained about your name and it got changed you throw your toys out of the cot. Way to go. Maturity at it's best.


Greetings everyone

I have to support Zargar here. It is easy to condemn a person or decision, when you do not know all facts.

All of you have seen the yougoslavian civil war on TV. But you don't know, and I don't know either, what crimes Slobodan Milosevic has commited. We simply don't know, how shocking and disturbing it must be for a yougoslavian player, to meet a character in a medieval roleplaying game, named after such a person. For you the name may be harmless. It's just a first name after all right ? But so is Adolf, so is Saddam, and so is Jesus. They're just first names. No copyright*. But we all know damn well, who to associate with these names.

(*= To all you hobby jurists out there. You can name your company Joe, Jack, Lawrence - whatever you want. But first names and common phrases cannot be copyrighted. And it's good this way. Just FYI.)

Personally, I don't care what Slobodan Milosevic has done or not done. I don't want to have to care, in a medieval roleplaying game. This is not the place for political debates, and this is not the place for sharing opinions about your real life attitudes and beliefs. This is the place for *leaving* reality, forgetting all that crap, diving into a fantasy world, and just having fun, relaxing, socializing, all that stuff.

I 100% agree with that name change.

Respectfully submitted,
Dark Knights.



Is this person a Swede? A reasonable question to ask would be: Why did he take the name Slobodan? Does he have a friend named Slobodan? Is he born in this area and has grown up with these names etc, and also following this countrys culture and development?

Or did he nick the Name from Slobodan Milosovic, just cause he thaught it was cool? I personally do not understand the point in taking a name like Slobodan, which is by most known for a susspected warcriminal like Slobodan Milosovic. Is this person totally politicaly ignorant and dindn't know about that the first person people refeer to with that kind of name is a suspected warcriminal?

I would not like to see the name Adolf ingame, to be honest.


tbh, its funny how i think ALL of the names initially suggested are from LoE or SoTL, GG picking on the big ones :rolleyes:


Pls do not change my BluntMaster chick: Double Trouble :D

Tesla Monkor

Wow. 11 pages already of this drivel. ;P Stop whining and move on.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by cougar-

Im arguing against this. Zargar starts with telling "Political references and names are not allowed." And ofcourse since slobodan isnt totaly retarded he understand the hint. So mister forum lourker, rethink that.

Me? Rethink? ...tsk.

Your friend Slobodan takes the hint rather quickly which proves he's not ignorant of Slobodan M. and the attrocities associated with him(although he feigns ignorance later in the conversation: "If this man is as terrible as you say, which I do not know about, isn't it good to remind people about him?").

However, I'm more interested in quotes like these:

"and really, I cannot change this name, noway, this IS slobodan, impossible to change".

"Well, I tell you, would be impossible to find a more suitable name for a bald lurikeen with red hair"

"bah, you should see my char, he IS slobodan;<"

All this in between pretending not to know Slobodan M. and at the same time knowing all about him. Now tell me again that Slobodan the Luri, was not built to represent Slobodan M. You would be a fool to deny it.

For the ignorant masses out there who're treating Slobodan like a victim of political correctness: /laugh

IF Slobodan did roll his Luri without thinking of the Slobodan M. then this would have been an over-reaction from GOA. But having read the conversation with Zargar, it's obvious Slobodan knew exatcly what he was doing and is guilty of breaking the CoC. Perhaps if he spared a thought for the amount of people who were murdered, tortured, raped, mutilated and scared for life by the actions of Slobodan M... and considering this happend less the a decade ago with many victims still alive... he would have thought twice about bringing such bitter memories into an online game.

The ignorance people show in these matters is almost laughable. If someone had the name Osama or Saddam, GOA would take action and any thread like this would be filled with support for GOA. Why?

"Because those are 'evil' people who killed americans and that's a sin beyond reckoning.

But someone like Slobodan M. who's behind more deaths then Osama, isn't seen to be as 'evil' because he killed some east europeans in villages and towns without internet access and no one gave a shit about them anyway... even CNN didn't tell us much so it's small news."


Id be more interested to hear about the opinions of people of people who actually live in Eastern Europe rather than those who have an opinion but in reality dont give a shit because they are far away from the troubles and can afford to have a right-on opinion.

I think youll find that most folk who live in dodgy countries with unstable political environments would prefer to make light of the situation.

Im not saying lets have a laugh at the horrors committed under Slobodans reign, instead keep it in perspective and dont be so oversensitive that you prevent sensible debate on the subject and IMO a gamer in a small game like DAoC with the name Slobodan ranks pretty fucking low on the discussion agenda


Originally posted by old.Lawrence
Greetings everyone

I have to support Zargar here. It is easy to condemn a person or decision, when you do not know all facts.

All of you have seen the yougoslavian civil war on TV. But you don't know, and I don't know either, what crimes Slobodan Milosevic has commited. We simply don't know, how shocking and disturbing it must be for a yougoslavian player, to meet a character in a medieval roleplaying game, named after such a person. For you the name may be harmless. It's just a first name after all right ? But so is Adolf, so is Saddam, and so is Jesus. They're just first names. No copyright*. But we all know damn well, who to associate with these names.

(*= To all you hobby jurists out there. You can name your company Joe, Jack, Lawrence - whatever you want. But first names and common phrases cannot be copyrighted. And it's good this way. Just FYI.)

Personally, I don't care what Slobodan Milosevic has done or not done. I don't want to have to care, in a medieval roleplaying game. This is not the place for political debates, and this is not the place for sharing opinions about your real life attitudes and beliefs. This is the place for *leaving* reality, forgetting all that crap, diving into a fantasy world, and just having fun, relaxing, socializing, all that stuff.

I 100% agree with that name change.

Respectfully submitted,
Dark Knights.

Then i suggest you change your name at once.
Maybe you heard of T.E. Lawrence, more videly known as Lawrence of Arabia.
Made famous to the general public in the 1962 movie Lawrence of Arabia starring Peter O´Toole.

To normal europeans hes mostly known from this movie.
But i dont think the Turks have forgotten atrocities like the massacre at Tafas where he ordered the slaughter of 2000 retreating Turkish troops.

So maybe it would be in order for a namechange here too?

Or, am i just being silly now?
Maybe i am, but if thats the case. So is Zargar.

In the media when they talk about Mr. Milosevic they always call him "Slobodan Milosevic" or just "Milosevic". Why?
Maybe since thats his name. Slobodan is a name lika any other and not "his".

When they talk about other infamous world leaders like Saddam Hussein they normally use "Saddam Hussein" or just "Saddam". Why?
I would say its because Hussein is a very popular name down there. And other leaders are named Hussein.

So, whats my point in all this?

1. I dont disagree with changing names of chars called Slobodan Milosevic, Adolf Hitler, George Bush, Chang Kai-Shek or other murderers.

But Slobodan, Adolf, George and Chang should be ok.
Its not the name of a killer, its the name of thousands.

Well, thats what i think. And thats why i made the post initially.

To show that i can easily find coc violations in almost every name.

Someone else said that we only used names from LoE and Sotl.
Thats because the one getting the names used the herald and started from above. And since it was so easy we didnt need more :) Did report myself and 2 other NP:s though.



Originally posted by Generic Poster

However, I'm more interested in quotes like these:

"and really, I cannot change this name, noway, this IS slobodan, impossible to change".

"Well, I tell you, would be impossible to find a more suitable name for a bald lurikeen with red hair"

"bah, you should see my char, he IS slobodan;<"

All this in between pretending not to know Slobodan M. and at the same time knowing all about him. Now tell me again that Slobodan the Luri, was not built to represent Slobodan M. You would be a fool to deny it.

But its the truth.
He really IS Slobodan.
It has been a gimmick for some time now.
Not pretending to be Slobodan Milosevic but just being Slobodan.
Its hard to explain since you are not rvr:ing with us.
But i assure you, it has NOTHING to do with Mr. Milosevic.


isnt there some dude called slobodan in the swedish radio comedy thingy "rally"? or something else.. dont remember... but thats who i think about when i hear slobodan... not some dude over in jugoslavia or whatever.. have no clue what hes done and nor do i care.


Just call us all numbers. This'll fix it. Dibs on number 13.


cba reading all the posts, but just to add some petrol to the embers.....
Opercoli, gel e soluzione

Some registered product name :p nice example to set ?

If he had called himself Milosovic (sp ? :p ) I could understand it, but without that surname, theres nothing wrong with the first name.

edit: yes, Im sad. Im bored, fox arent showing the next ep of 24 until march 25th so Im p'd off and have nothing better to do than abuse google :)


69 for me please :):sex:

Oh and both my names break the CoC i guess

Gimly = Gimli Lords of teh Rings

Speeedy Gonzales (have changed this) = Cartoon.. ondaly ondaly yeehaaa..


Haha, the community is going to hell ..... how lovely

DAoC is teh shit anyway, not enough oldschoolers left, all these twats screwed up the game.

Anyways ...

Commie is right, etc.

And for the rest:


GOA follow your own rules and change the 3404385 names.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
However, I'm more interested in quotes like these:

"and really, I cannot change this name, noway, this IS slobodan, impossible to change".

"Well, I tell you, would be impossible to find a more suitable name for a bald lurikeen with red hair"

"bah, you should see my char, he IS slobodan;<"

All this in between pretending not to know Slobodan M. and at the same time knowing all about him. Now tell me again that Slobodan the Luri, was not built to represent Slobodan M. You would be a fool to deny it.

For the ignorant masses out there who're treating Slobodan like a victim of political correctness: /laugh

IF Slobodan did roll his Luri without thinking of the Slobodan M. then this would have been an over-reaction from GOA. But having read the conversation with Zargar, it's obvious Slobodan knew exatcly what he was doing and is guilty of breaking the CoC. Perhaps if he spared a thought for the amount of people who were murdered, tortured, raped, mutilated and scared for life by the actions of Slobodan M... and considering this happend less the a decade ago with many victims still alive... he would have thought twice about bringing such bitter memories into an online game.
I think you are missing the point. Slobodan Milosevic is not a short bald headed man with red hair. Had he actually designed his character to look as much like Milosevic as possible and then named him accordingly there would be justicfication to argue that he is trying to impersonate him, therefore a name change or possibly a ban would be in order. But this is not the case.

I believe what Slobodan was trying to get across in the logs you quoted is the fact that he has built an in-game reputation for himself and by changing the name, part of that reputation is lost. Peoples in-game names have impact on others within the game, for example a DM by Tankster is taken a lot more seriously than a DM by some random hibbie because Tankster has a reputation of being a good player and running with a more than competent group, change her name and that impact is lost, at least for a time.

As for the argument that he seemed prepared in his answers, I wouldn't be surprised if people have queried him in-game about it before and possibly indicated a potential breach of the naming policy, hence he probably formed some justification prior to this happening.

Slobodan is a common first name in the former Yugoslavian countries and among the many refugees that left the region in the past decade, the difference is it currently well known for the acts of a certain individual. As stated by Zargar, it wasnt an issue of the acts of Milosevic, it was purely that it was the of a name of a political or religous figure that was the issue. By Zargar's own argument any name used for a DAoC character that is a political or religous figure's name should be changed, his own included, failing to do so just makes GOA look hypocritical.

Finally, about the argument against publically airing this. If GOA or its representatives wont consider your justification in private (as demonstrated in the logs of what Zargar said) then the only choice you have left is to publically air your disatisfaction with the way it was handled.


Originally posted by Spamb0t
isnt there some dude called slobodan in the swedish radio comedy thingy "rally"? or something else.. dont remember... but thats who i think about when i hear slobodan... not some dude over in jugoslavia or whatever.. have no clue what hes done and nor do i care.

He took the name from a character in the movie "Torsk i Tallin" that most swedes have seen.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

Me? Rethink? ...tsk.

Your friend Slobodan takes the hint rather quickly which proves he's not ignorant of Slobodan M. and the attrocities associated with him(although he feigns ignorance later in the conversation: "If this man is as terrible as you say, which I do not know about, isn't it good to remind people about him?").

However, I'm more interested in quotes like these:

"and really, I cannot change this name, noway, this IS slobodan, impossible to change".

"Well, I tell you, would be impossible to find a more suitable name for a bald lurikeen with red hair"

"bah, you should see my char, he IS slobodan;<"

All this in between pretending not to know Slobodan M. and at the same time knowing all about him. Now tell me again that Slobodan the Luri, was not built to represent Slobodan M. You would be a fool to deny it.

For the ignorant masses out there who're treating Slobodan like a victim of political correctness: /laugh

IF Slobodan did roll his Luri without thinking of the Slobodan M. then this would have been an over-reaction from GOA. But having read the conversation with Zargar, it's obvious Slobodan knew exatcly what he was doing and is guilty of breaking the CoC. Perhaps if he spared a thought for the amount of people who were murdered, tortured, raped, mutilated and scared for life by the actions of Slobodan M... and considering this happend less the a decade ago with many victims still alive... he would have thought twice about bringing such bitter memories into an online game.

The ignorance people show in these matters is almost laughable. If someone had the name Osama or Saddam, GOA would take action and any thread like this would be filled with support for GOA. Why?

"Because those are 'evil' people who killed americans and that's a sin beyond reckoning.

But someone like Slobodan M. who's behind more deaths then Osama, isn't seen to be as 'evil' because he killed some east europeans in villages and towns without internet access and no one gave a shit about them anyway... even CNN didn't tell us much so it's small news."

read above.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
The ignorance people show in these matters is almost laughable. If someone had the name Osama or Saddam, GOA would take action and any thread like this would be filled with support for GOA. Why?

"Because those are 'evil' people who killed americans and that's a sin beyond reckoning.

But someone like Slobodan M. who's behind more deaths then Osama, isn't seen to be as 'evil' because he killed some east europeans in villages and towns without internet access and no one gave a shit about them anyway... even CNN didn't tell us much so it's small news."

ehm no? could it perhaps be that when the news are referring to Saddam Hussein OR Osama Bin-Laden, they are either using full names OR first names (in osama's case I have yet to hear a newsreporter that didn´t use his full name)

if you see a report in the news about iraq, most people will refer to saddam as saddam, they aren´t adding the last name because it is obvious who they are talking about.

on the other hand during the attrocities (sp?) in the former jugoslavia every news reporter used Slobodan Milosovic, OR just Milosovic, I have NEVER heard a reporter just use Slobodan to refer to this guy.

furthermore they have already told all of you where the name is from, that movie called "torsk in tallinn"

[edit]sorry cougar ;)[/edit]


Originally posted by Addlcove

Originally posted by cougar-
The ignorance people show in these matters is almost laughable. If someone had the name Osama or Saddam, GOA would take action and any thread like this would be filled with support for GOA. Why?

wtf you cant cheat with quotes! i never said that, show me where i posted that.

Tyrant I

That is disgusting.. to change his name like that sucks :(
Sounds like some jealous peep was gettin pwned to much and complained...

Sorry Slob you have a right to be psssd and everyone else should watch out now.
Jeez that stinks.. no doubt my name willl go for being a generalistion of what Sloba was? Better not......


Once upon a time long ago, I got kicked in the nuts by a naughty boy named Stan. Therefore, I demand that everyone named Stan is forced to change their name immediately.
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