Goa In Violation Of Their Own Rules

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Originally posted by Fex
Thing is the main difference between Kemors name meaning arse grape cream and Slobodan being a mass murderer seems to have been missed by one or two people.

If you cant spot it then I suggest you call a psychiatrist and get some help.

The name isn't defined by one person. It doesn't solely belong to him, and if people take offence from a forename they need psychiatric help.


Originally posted by Animus_SC
I'm with Commie on this one.

I was never a war victim, but still know what Slobodan Milosevic did. _Had_ his name been Slobodan Milosevic, sure ban the fecker. But a "normal" name like Slobodan... Come on..

I sorta agree, although there will be more than 1 person with any name in the world, if you're name happened to be born adolf hitler, back in 1940, and play the game using your own name would it be fair to have your name changed because its offensive? Sure if you ran around going "Kill Jews" "Sig Heil" or whatever, but if you just using it innocently because its JUST a name then I dont really see what right people have to run around calling YOU offensive just for having a name. Thats my stance fundamentaly, although I dont mind giving a bit if someone was running around with the surname.


Originally posted by commie
No, they didnt do a mistake with Slobodan.
They talked to him, he argued but hey pushed for the namechange.

And Tank girl is the name.
But Tankster Girl is a similar name and copyright laws protect similar names too.

No they don't.

Names can not be copyright.

Names can be trademarked, but that is a different process.
Copyright law itself, especially in the area of artistic copyright is a very complicated process.

However Trademark law is very specific. In essence if a company has a trademark registered on a name or a design then you are basically not allwoed to use it without permission.

Names can never be copyright, artistic copyright actually follows a strict set of guidelines as to what is ans what isn't copyright.


Originally posted by Shike
Maybe you are right to think that Slobodan is an ok name, maybe you arent. If GoA decides its not, its not. Its that simple. Its their CoC, its their CoC to enforce in a way they find proper. You got reported and GoA have to take action in some way.

Its discrmination and its not ok.


Originally posted by Freppe^^
this have gone out of hand. if the name slobodan should be banned or not is up to goa, but you should at least be able to change it to somethin simliar like Slobbe for exampel.

When they change a name they usually ask the person to choose another one first....


Originally posted by Cernos

A game is for escapism, which we could all use some of at such a tense time in the world. If you bring parallels with the real world into the game through your name choice which then prove to be offensive to others (whether you intended it or not) then face the consequences with grace and choose a more appropriate name.


I agree with the above, if someone found any of my Characters name's truely offensive then i would change them without a second thought (even though they mean alot to me as i have built a reputation from them) You must of known some people would link Slobodan with Slobodan Milosovic when you created the character, because when i first saw the name Slobodan in emain i sure did.


stop reliving a war that's not yours and get on with your lives

There's prolly alot of albion names which medieval kings and landowners had that killed alot of people.
There's tons of nordic names which vikings etc used to have and they raided entire villages without any reason
There's tons of arab names which saracen and mores (sp?) used to have who killed alot of people.

the list is endless.

a first name means nothing...


Originally posted by klavrynd
stop reliving a war that's not yours and get on with your lives

There's prolly alot of albion names which medieval kings and landowners had that killed alot of people.
There's tons of nordic names which vikings etc used to have and they raided entire villages without any reason
There's tons of arab names which saracen and mores (sp?) used to have who killed alot of people.

the list is endless.

a first name means nothing...

Agreed.....good thing I didn't translate my last name into English :clap: and to those people who agree with Goa on this issue: stop using those "this is only a game" arguments, cuz actually it's an argument against you....this IS only a game, so people who say to be offended by other player's name and report it are the ones who take this way to seriously in the first place!:rolleyes:


I think it's really childish to react like u are doing now.

U may not agree with the request u received from GOA but by reacting like u are now u show no respect whatsoever for the reason why u were asked to change your name in the first place.

The fact u had to change your name isn't really the issue anymore now is it? U just want to nail GOA at all costs.

Well let me ask u something... what do u think this will get u in the end? U think GOA will let u change your name back to what it was? U think others will like u for having their names changed because u spend hours searching for some sort of violation of the CoC? U think it will honestly make u happy if they changed all names into something like "Tjdhdhdhd" tomorrow just because u slapped GOA with their own CoC?

Ask yourself these questions and think again about what u hope to gain by your reaction. Like some other people said... if someone had any problems with any of my chars names and i was asked to change them i would do this instant. And u know why?

Well two reasons really...

The first is the fact GOA sets the rules for this game and by paying them i repect them and i choose to obey them even if i don't agree with them all. If u don't, simply stop playing or don't start playing at all.

The second (and most important reason for me) is because i respect other people and their cultures. Just because i choose a name that isn't offensive in my country surely doesn't mean the same name can't be offensive in others. I have no knowledge of it when i choose the name but when i'm asked to change it i will because by doing that i show respect for other people. I don't play this game to upset others and as soon as GOA ask me to change my name cause i am i won't even hesitate to do it.


I dont think its really like that - I think they are protesting via an acceptable medium. Everyone has the right to protest - Im not saying they should march on the GOA office but you know what I mean:)

And why shouldnt he be able to appeal? By posting here and the number of people who have aggreed with them to get the name changed back shows that although a few are narked by the name, more than a few are not.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by n3wbie
soulfly arnt you an E&E? if so why do they chose someone whos name is against CoC?

Haven't been in the E&E team for ages, and I don't know, many of them have a copyrighted name.


Feck, I had a smart post in my mind but forgot it after reading all this pointless shit missing the topic...

AH, found it.

Commie didn't make those to "get even" or anything like that, so cut the Candy bullshit.
I understand that as a sarcastic note to GOA that something isn't right. Something that needs to be corrected. I mean, if you fail to see what Im trying to say, pweeeeaase, go eat popcorn with Derric.


Originally posted by kr0n

Commie didn't make those to "get even" or anything like that, so cut the Candy bullshit.

Cut one all whine



Erik BoldOeks, 32warrior - Erik XIV, king in sweden 1560-1568 (Political)
Maybe teh guy who plays the char is named Erik too?

Elizabeth Bathory, 50 theugrist on prydwen - Queeen Elizabeh (Political)
Elizabeth Bathory is a countess who from hungary who killed virgins and swam in theyr blood who lived from 1560-1614.. long time ago...

Supreme Being lvl50 Runemaster - Claiming you are a superior person is not tolerated (Degrade other players)

SoulFly Amarok

Re: hm

Originally posted by old.Glabbin
Elizabeth Bathory is a countess who from hungary who killed virgins and swam in theyr blood who lived from 1560-1614.. long time ago...

cool ^.^


Meatballs, the way I look at it doesnt involve discrimination at all imo, some sod got owned and decided to report Slobodan, totally silly imo since I fail to grasp the similarity to Milosevic (after all, the common name used on Slobodan Milosevic in media is simply Milosevic). The thing that next happens is that GoA have to make a stand in the issue and decide what to do, they went on the reporters line and decided to change the name Slobodan, they took "personal" contact with Slobodan and asked him if he wanted some alternative name.

Whatever reason GoA had to change the name, we as players should simply accept it since its up to them, if they come and want to change my characters name I would accept that. There is nothing I can do about it. Dragging this whole issue into this point where its almost as some holy crusade vs GoA leads nowhere.

You see, I even agree that its a bit silly to change the name, if it was Slobodan Milosevic as a whole name, sure, change away, but the thing is that GoA owns Daoc, they own our characters, we agreed to a CoC that maybe is a bit silly in some ways but we have still agreed to it. If then GoA use that CoC to change a name, so be it. Not much we can do about it really. It is after all a fictive character in a game we talk about now, why get so terribly upset that you deliberately want to cause harm to other players and then if the players get harmed from it push the guilt on a CoC and ultimately GOA, it maybe even is so that thats the plan from Commies side.

Instead of using all this energy in this matter to research on the net and spend time on reporting people, why not use the energy on taking back some relics or something ingame that actually involves the actual game we all talk about here instead of playing in this sandbox BW is like children^^
Think I will follow my own words and not bother with this anymore :rolleyes:

see you out there! /salute


Blindguardian lvl 50 paladin exc/alb
famous folk metal band =) guess it's copyright then =)


Originally posted by Shike
If then GoA use that CoC to change a name, so be it. Not much we can do about it really.

But surely he has the right to appeal or protest? Otherwise how do GOA know how other people feel about it. Its like most things - unless people protest about anothers actions, people will get away with anything.



He did protest when he talked to Zargar didnt he? Zargar didnt change his mind, it should have stopped there. If he wanted to appeal, he should have used Rightnow.

A good thing would have been if Commie organized a petition for GoA to maybe look into the CoC a bit regarding the names and the way they interpret them, that wouldnt have harmed anyone and thats a way of doing things that probably would have done more for Slobodans cause. Am I wrong?

edit: added that it actually was Commie I talked about in the 2nd part of the post.


personally i would be insulted if some arse created red
headed midged character in computer game and named it after me. goa did the right thing.


may i suggest contacting the companys who trademarked names
have been used because otherwise Goa wont do diddily squat and they deserve a kick in the nuts for being so pathetic on this one


Hey what about Nolby Pride ?

im 9385345% sure that The ppl behind Gay Pride parade are really upset that some computer geeks use a part of their name !!

They find it a stain in their rep as dead sexy gay ppl .......

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Filip
Hey what about Nolby Pride ?

im 9385345% sure that The ppl behind Gay Pride parade are really upset that some computer geeks use a part of their name !!

They find it a stain in their rep as dead sexy gay ppl .......



Originally posted by old.Filip
Hey what about Nolby Pride ?

im 9385345% sure that The ppl behind Gay Pride parade are really upset that some computer geeks use a part of their name !!

They find it a stain in their rep as dead sexy gay ppl .......

but Nolby Pride are gay =)


Originally posted by old.Filip
Hey what about Nolby Pride ?

im 9385345% sure that The ppl behind Gay Pride parade are really upset that some computer geeks use a part of their name !!

They find it a stain in their rep as dead sexy gay ppl .......

Hahaha :)


Originally posted by ulrikakaka

Cut one all whine

Lol, have 2 admit its a good 1 :)

Tho its not whining. Its explaning the situation and stating facts.
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