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Re: Re: Re: "Gimpes"

You know, once upon a time I might have got angry with Krane's attitude, but now - I'm just having a good ole laugh at him, and his antisocial attitude. The thing that capped it was this -

Vireb fyi.....i can solo ANY 2h paladin ANYTIME with my gimped rogue....

i have 0 chance vs 2h arms...

and fyi...i got my friends/fun in this gime...but the diff is they like to play this game properly..unlike some ppl here...


So I don't play the game properly because I choose a non standard spec that you don't approve of? What a muppet :great: You clearly know everything there is to know about everything, oh l33t one.

:clap: Seeiara. I've had the same shit for as long and I don't care now. I just laugh it off at their own stupidity now, to be honest. It's amusing these days :)


i think all you people who says 2handed paladin are gimped are very wrong..i group up with seeaira daily and she do alot better then most armsman out there...maybe you should try something before you open your mouth and complain, and dont say you have seen one because what you said so far shows that you know nothing about it, seeaira knows how to play it and she do it good.



Originally posted by gunner440
this is based on?


Your not a normal armsman so you dont count gunner :)
Your one of the best maybe even are the best arms in this realm so I won't start comparing this to you ;)

Anyway for the raids I have a good idea lets make it RR9+ way better Outlaw and Zoy gets all the drops and i get em for free ;)
Really ppz close this thread plz and start learning to work together instead of calling each other gimps :(


Re: Re: Re: Re: "Gimpes"

Originally posted by [PS]Venom
You know, once upon a time I might have got angry with Krane's attitude, but now - I'm just having a good ole laugh at him, and his antisocial attitude. The thing that capped it was this -


So I don't play the game properly because I choose a non standard spec that you don't approve of? What a muppet :great: You clearly know everything there is to know about everything, oh l33t one.

:clap: Seeiara. I've had the same shit for as long and I don't care now. I just laugh it off at their own stupidity now, to be honest. It's amusing these days :)

twat :great:

go back to ps imo


Think the big problem Europe has is that it has no pendragon like server...
How often i didnt get replies on VN board /copychar to pendragon and go test there :S
I bet if we would have the means of testing without using 2342134 respecc stones we would get way better specs for all chars.
Anyway to all you 2H pallies out there dont respecc ;)


Originally posted by seeaira
Everyone has a right to spec the way they want and I know I will always be lottoing after the 2 handed swords... so sucks for you.. I have one.. 2 more to go :kissit:

All the women who are independent
Throw your hands up at me



- Pathfinder -

2hand paladins are gimps, noone can honestly claim otherwise. That said, if you go to a raid, you have as much right to a drop as someone else, regardless of time spent in emain. However "collecting" drops without the actual intention of using them in your SC setup is just lame - do you people actually TRY to get every single sword, despite not having any intention of using them, because they look nice? Get a grip :m00:


you take a pala in RvR group for end regen and maybe FH, not for dmg. not having 42chants = gimp


Originally posted by Aussie-
you take a pala in RvR group for end regen and maybe FH, not for dmg. not having 42chants = gimp

So all Polearm users are gimped to? Becouse if I want dammage I take an Ice-Wizard with VP. And a S&S Armsman makes a much better slam bot then a Paladin.



Originally posted by Fagane
So all Polearm users are gimped to? Becouse if I want dammage I take an Ice-Wizard with VP. And a S&S Armsman makes a much better slam bot then a Paladin.


They are equal slammers, but an armsman does better damage than a paladin.


Why not a 2h paladin? Why is it a gimp? Simple. It’s a group-focused game. It’s a group-focused character. It is not a pure tank. Sure, you can win duels with a 2h Paladin, but duels mean f’all to actual RvR. Of course you can spec your character exactly how you want to, but you can’t pretend that it’s not a gimp spec for RvR. You can go to Hadrian’s and duel Thanes or use your Sidi weapon on brownies, but you can’t pretend that you’re getting the same use out of it as a rr 10 2h armsman. But I don’t want to argue about that because I am not really sure how I feel about the lottos… I think it’s a slippery slope if you start looking at people’s spec… I think you could talk rr into account though.

But about 2h paladins being viable…

Sure, a pally can spec 2h, play offensive in a group… sure… but no support people are going to want to group you. They get to spec rejuv instead of smite? Mind instead of Body/Matter? Insturments instead of weapon or stealth? So you can pwn with your 2h non-det getting, non-pf getting gimp? So you can mess up the group for everyone else who has sacrificed the “fun” spec for the group spec?

Maybe some people will group you cause they “just wanna have fun”. What happens? You get an offensive pala chasing a healer/bard…oops he’s insta mezzed or worse cast mezzed and out of the fight for the duration. Or he’s lucky and the healer doesn’t have insta up… oops..he doesn’t have pf either so he wastes loads of time chasing things around. Meanwhile you have a s/s arms guarding your clerics/casters when he could be out dealing dmg. Result? You lose. You lose. You lose. Unless you’re zerging, it DOES matter if you have the correct characters correctly specced in a group. And sorry but losing over and over isn’t having fun, I don’t care how you spin it.

Yes, a 2h paladin might beat a 2h arms in a duel because of chants, but in RvR you are grouped so the armsman then gets the chants too, and is a superior dmg dealer. That is why a 2h paladin is a gimp in my eyes. Why have a paladin do something that an armsman can do far far better? Why play in a group as if you’re soloing?


Originally posted by kenshee-himura
Well I love 2H pally alot, I considering actually going from s/s to 2H.
ppl say 2H palas are gimp why,

The problem with 2h Paladins is Albion's double-speccing requirement means that the Pally needs to spec 2 lines to get good damage output (and if they aren't specced to almost to max then you may aswell go high 1h for the same damage, but still have the defense). Speccing these high means that your Chants level will suffer, which effects the whole group.

Originally posted by kenshee-himura
1. 2h palas do not have the same dmg output as a 2H armsman (normal cause armsman can go higher in slash so base dmg is higher) That doesnt mean 2H palas have crap dmg far from it when u spec a 2H pally right u can kick serious butt.

Paladins are a Hybrid, with _MUCH_ lower weaponskill than an Armsman/Merc. Even with around 50+15 2h and capped str (which only raises as tertiary for a Paladin), with capped buffs this patch a 2h Paladin will have ~1600 weaponskill compared to over 2k for an Armsman. This makes a big difference to damage.

Armsmen, Mercs and Reavers all have much greater melee damage output than 2h Paladins.

Originally posted by kenshee-himura
3. s/s pallies are pretty wanted right now because they are the last line of defence in RvR. One and only job they got is keep ur body between mid/hib and ur VIP (being a caster cleric whatever)

Paladins don't have only one job in an RvR group, they have many. Being 2h-specced means you cannot do 4+ of them.

Originally posted by kenshee-himura
4. Because s/s spec has become since the 1.62 patch somewhat uba. If ur fully buffed by 50 enh cleric (I tried it) you will get more block/parry spam then anything else. Try fighting a SB with them buffs he prolly wont hit u 5 times during the whole fight.

Exactly right. This is what a Paladin does well. They are loaded with tools for survivability and group-enhancement and protection.

Originally posted by kenshee-himura
This is my idea of a good 2H pally which should peform near armsman level

2H : 44
Chants : 46
Parry : 30
Slash : 29

How is that going to get anywhere near Armsman level? That will give similar damage to a 1h Armsman, but without the Shield defense or stuns.

Originally posted by kenshee-himura
Dont bother going 50 2H cause Sun and Moon is most gimped 50 style in game imho (being last style of a 3 style chain haveing no very high dmg or hit boost)

Sorry. How is that style gimped? The first in the chain is anytime. The second has a 5s stun.

I'm not saying don't play a Paladin as 2h, but there is a huge difference in effectiveness between an Armsman and a Paladin. And if I had a level 50 s/s Paladin and wanted a change to a more offensive-specced character I would much rather roll an Arms/Merc and level to 50 than respec my Paladin to 2h.


Originally posted by Fagane
So all Polearm users are gimped to? Becouse if I want dammage I take an Ice-Wizard with VP. And a S&S Armsman makes a much better slam bot then a Paladin.


No because a Polearms can take damage and have det.
You HAVE to have a paladin in group, it serves best as a defensive tool. It's not rocket science.


Originally posted by Fagane
So all Polearm users are gimped to? Becouse if I want dammage I take an Ice-Wizard with VP. And a S&S Armsman makes a much better slam bot then a Paladin.




Originally posted by Aussie-
you take a pala in RvR group for end regen and maybe FH, not for dmg. not having 42chants = gimp
thats your groups maybe yes , but being blind to new things is niave , i remember trying to lvl an ice wiz ages ago no one wanted me as i wa snot ubah fire spec, nothing significantly changed to make ice wizes uber in pve except cast time on pbae not really a huge deal , but omfg ice rocks now for pve. Case of same old Rutine everything else is teh gimp

as for the people who are on about what sidi weapons are used for what , if someone gets one fairly its upto them what they do with it , if they have fun running around in circle slapping green con mobs and then going emain and dying to the zerg who the fuck do you think you are to say they cant ? i have a sidi weap and if i wanna run aroun being like "oo look its purdy lkook at teh glow" and " wasting" it , you know what? i dont give a fuck i pay my subs i attend the raids i win the weap fairly so tbh you can KMA and SMB my weap ill do what the fuck i want you can all stfu and whinge :0 now kthnx bye

ps krane your a twat ~:)


plz tell us the uber thing that we are missing about 2h palas then.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I don't think anyone is saying they are uber but that people shouldn't be penalised/insulted for making a valid spec choice if it isn't 'uber' by current standards.


Originally posted by Aussie-

You are apparently.

1h pallie
Stays near caster runs endurence chant gets mezzed, dies 1 min later of /assist and did slam/protect nobody and if rooted nobody in the short area who can profit from the endurance chant range.
= effect => Nothing

2h pallie
Runs with the tanks, assists the tanks while running endurance chants.
= effect=> Endurance back in the fight, better dammage output then an any other hybrid/assassin, a lot of fun and little chance on a long time mezz duration. With FH (that can be used when not mezzed) also a good aid for the group in emergencies.

Paladins are the worste slam-bots in the game. It is just plain dumb to try to use them for that. They need to be with the tanks to make effect. And if slam was so uber, no armsman would spec 2h or pole.



please explain how a paladin gets mezzed when guarding a cleric from tanks?

please explain how he doesn't get mezzed when attacking healers/bards who have insta aoe mezz.



Originally posted by Fagane
You are apparently.

1h pallie
Stays near caster runs endurence chant gets mezzed, dies 1 min later of /assist and did slam/protect nobody and if rooted nobody in the short area who can profit from the endurance chant range.
= effect => Nothing

Blantantly I seem to have been playing my Paladin very very wrong... :m00:


Originally posted by Asha
please explain how a paladin gets mezzed when guarding a cleric from tanks?

because anyone with half a brain will mezz the support rather than the tanks (since the tanks ignore it with determination, mezzing their healer is far more effective, then _your_ tanks can kill them)

sure they might catch the side of an insta-mezz but with 50% resistances at the edge of an insta.... how long a mezz is that exactly?

It's a pain to get hit by, but it's far from putting you out of the action - whereas if they get a chance to stop and cast their castable mezz right on your head... sleepytime :)

I don't quite see why people have to diss other specs - 1h paladin and 2h perform completely different tasks in RvR... I'd say 2h need a boost but they can still be useful.

1h/shield is good in that they can provide AFchant and endurance to the casters sprinting around :) (if they stay back to defend - that said a 2h can defend - just takes two swings instead of one for the 9s stun ;))

the 2h (or the 1h/shield that goes charging off) stays with the tanks providing endurance/AF chant...

both get screwed over by mezz


Originally posted by Fagane
You are apparently.

Paladins are the worste slam-bots in the game. It is just plain dumb to try to use them for that.

yep gotta agree on fagane on that one, because

saying with the casters tends to put you death center in the aoe CC.
Short range on end chant will often result in tanks running out of endurance.
Lower weapon skill and dex will result in slam missing alot.
Pallys tend to use slower weapons, otherwise you dont have any dmg output, but this results in it actauly beeing hard to land a slam thru stacked pbt.

If you wanne guard a caster put a mincer or a creric with some smite near em, insta stun and mezz will do alot more then a shield hitting air


ok, i have grped with Seeaira rvr. i have no complaints what so ever in any way...... at all.

if you dont like 2h pallys fine, i personally dont think you have the right to come here and bad mouth any of them. Ok so its not the best spec in the world but thats their call, whatever makes them happy is good for me.

i have to say i am distressed to old.kranes attitude in all this, you may be 1337 or whatever you wanna call yourself but you are lacking in some social skills, now i am not having a go at you i am just pointing out room for improvement seeing as you see fit to tell others whats best for them i will do the same for you, its only fair.

some of the return flames are just as bad but its just too many to list, imo we should just end this thread and get back to having a good time, its that why we pay?


Originally posted by Asha
please explain how a paladin gets mezzed when guarding a cleric from tanks?thx.

If you think that won't happen can you please explain how my druid gets mezzed quite often in RvR?

I give you a hint: It helps to mezz the cleric/druid/healer because they cannot heal/do other good things that way.

Most primary CC'ers use AoE-mezz instead of targetted mezz since limited QB-room etc etc.

And the tank guarding the healer-class will get mezzed then too.


Originally posted by Sibanac
If you wanne guard a caster put a mincer or a creric with some smite near em, insta stun and mezz will do alot more then a shield hitting air


I give up, you obviously don't rvr if you think mintrel stun/cleric mez does a damn thing vs a high det tank. The shield isn't just for stun, it's also for guard.

FYI my stun lasts about .5 seconds on Zzang. We tested it.


Originally posted by Fagane
You are apparently.

1h pallie
Stays near caster runs endurence chant gets mezzed, dies 1 min later of /assist and did slam/protect nobody and if rooted nobody in the short area who can profit from the endurance chant range.
= effect => Nothing

2h pallie
Runs with the tanks, assists the tanks while running endurance chants.
= effect=> Endurance back in the fight, better dammage output then an any other hybrid/assassin, a lot of fun and little chance on a long time mezz duration. With FH (that can be used when not mezzed) also a good aid for the group in emergencies.

Paladins are the worste slam-bots in the game. It is just plain dumb to try to use them for that. They need to be with the tanks to make effect. And if slam was so uber, no armsman would spec 2h or pole.


what a load of tripe.

Firstly, why are you stuck in the mindset that s/s = stand at back only?

You don't need to carry a 2h weapon to move at the front to provide end. and you can pop bubbles and slam for the real damage dealers.

Secondly, no you do not have better damage output than all other hybrids. My Reaver does 2x the damage at 3x the speed of a 2h Paladin.

Thirdly, slam-bot? Whoever 'plays' their character so inadequately to be described as a 'bot' should be slapped. A Paladin has SOOO many jobs to do in a proper group.


What the hell? This is what I get for being in America and being 5 hours behind. I went to bed lastnight woke up with 5 pages of mostly verbal diarrhea.
I wanted to respond to a few people...

Originally posted by old.krane
Your 2 hand palading IS THE WORST FUCKING GIMP IN THE GAME...its like speccing a friar full rejuv and enhancements without staff..or even worse than that.
You CANT fulfill your role in rvr...you CANT compete with ANY other tank in either your or the other realms...

There is lots of ways to spec a paladin...not all have to be alike...but 2h is gimped...u got shit dmg output anyway...

about your chanter friend in US...what the fuck does that prove? the game was VERY different back at start or at beta...so he did a mana chanter...than what...that spec was very different back than also....fyi i was starting game with an ice wizard in my fixed grp also...and we dropped it cause it was crap for xp...back than..

And as for calling me a twat...well...i am a twat? guess it wasnt me who accidentally sold a sidi drop won on lotto?



and referring to US servers...please man....get a grip 99% of the US players are retards...read VNboards....they whine that savages dont do enuff dmg...and midgard is gimped...

every time i want a good laugh i read VNboards...

average EU daoc player > good US player anytime

and for the US pallys who go 2h..and also u who go 2h....good luck going to pve or rvr at low lvl zergs...cause u wont EVER get a grp with taht gimp spec...simply cause u cant fullfill your role in rvr...thus u are considered gimped...

the ppl like u and your 2h paladins is the reason why midgard/hibernia has such an easy time farming rps...you are :puke:

People like this guy make me laugh, he's sitting here talking like Daoc is his fucking life... MUST BE UBBER GAME MAN.. come on get a grip. I didn't notice when picking out my char that mythic said YOU MUST be S&S or you are forever worthless and shunned. Since you have never played a 2 handed pally im wondering where you got all your ubber information. It amazes me still the amount of people who don't know what im capable. First off lets forget about the duel aspect, as many people said that it doesn't count that I can kick a arms ass lets go to rvr.. I put out almost the same damage as a 2 handed arms in rvr. Me and Virek normally talk on the mic while playing and compare damage notes.

Bone Bruiser. my cap here is 503 and ofc I don't get cap, but being buffed I get damn close.. anywhere from 300 to 466
Doubler my cap here is 560.. in rvr buffed.. 400 to 520
Double back .. cap 520 ... I do about 440ish

The list goes on for my styles and what I can do.. in rvr I /assist main tank and twist witch gives me anywhere from 30 to 38+ to my damage.
am I as good as a 2 handed arms? No im not.. do I give a fuck? No, I don't.
I play this game for fun and the day I start thinking that my char isn't ubber enough or im not going to be wanted by groups cause we arnt going to get as much rp as they want cause they think I don't fit the mold is the day I leave.

You said I was the twat cause i "accidentally" sold my sidi armor? lol I didn't accidentally sell crap.. What I didn't do is educate myself on my first sidi raid and when I heard it was a pally drop I didn't take time to look at stats.. dumb? Yes, but it wont happen again. I got 4 plat for it in the end so who cares..

And here we go again.. ooo 99% of US players are retards.. well you are entitled to your own opinion I guess that's why im a retard and picked 2 handed.. im American. Sorry if I exorcised my right to CHOOSE.

As for Kate.. I think your post here shows a true glimpse into the life of someone who plays the game too much. You are telling me that im going to be overlooked and not wanted in a group cause of my spec. I have never had a problem getting a group, but then again im not in your elitist guild. I don't play this game to be ubber or to be the best.. to get to rr10 as fast as I can or to own people. I soloed and played with vireb much of my time in this game and the other part was helping friends. I may not have much rp's I may not be the best.. but I have a lot of fun and imo that's what matters. The game is starting to suck for a lot of you people and I see people leaving. Im not sick of it, I have fun all the time and I think it has something to do with this. What happened to just having a fun group? Now everyone is pointing fingers and whining about getting owned. Pallys suck as slam bots and I for one am not going to be some cookie cutter spec .. I like the fact im original and I have fun.

lol that's funny. Now im the worst player in the game. OMFG I MUST QUIT PLAYING NOW!!
Grow up.. And anytime you want to come see who is the worst V's who.. let me know.


2 hand paladin may well be a gimped spec, but so what? Are you the one playing it? As someone else said above, unless your paying for the subscription and levelling that character through those 50 levels yourself what right do you have to tell someone else how to spec there character.
Whilst I doubt her claims that 2 handed or even pole will ever become fotm regardless of double speccing fixes, and sincerely hope it never happens, if she is being upfront about being a damage dealer/end bot rather then a defensive slam tank whats it matter? Its not like any groups are going to invite her and miss the bloody great big sword on her back, and be under the misconception she'll be slamming for them, she never carries a shield anyway, if you don't want a two handed paladin in your group, don't invite her, but so long as she enjoys the character then its not harming anyone else what she does with it.

Personally I prefer groups with just offensive tanks in them anyway, the less casters to worry about babysitting the better, but everyone has there preferances.
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