She is a bit on the wide side.
Big-Nose-Becky said:"We said, 'Yes! Girl power!' We were celebrating the fact that a girl got's great to see the girls doing so amazingly...Males have ruled the roost for a long time and it was about time we got involved.
Probably-Bigger-Than-Deeb's-Conk said:"Hopefully that will encourage the younger generation and show that women can be feminine and be involved in sport"
Oh fuck off. Swim against the men if that's what it's all about for you. You don't see the men going "yay! men power!! thank fuck we've not got tits!"![]()
Scouse said:A) They should give tickets to residents of the local area and schoolchildren.
B) How about not treating the public, who've paid for it, like shit?
Ticket to the 100m final, bought today on the website, 700 quid. It's Olympics for the rich. Period.
Actually the reason for that is the same reason why you can't be proud to be a middle-aged white man. No opressive past means you can't be proud of your achievements becuse there's no obstacle to overcome. Which would suggest that middle aged white men have no problems and as such are superior, but lets glide past that![]()
For the rich hence the army getting free tickets. I have decided you will never be happy if they gave the tickets to locals you would say why not the homeless, if they gave them to the homeless you would say why not dying children. The army are there they are the easiest groups of people to give them too. Giving them to locals would mean setting up a lottery to make it fair.
The only reason they are giving 'em to the army is because, as you said, it's easy.
It's almost as easy to give the tickets to schoolchildren - you know, create a longing for sporting achievement and all that. Legacy. Encouraging healthy lifestyles etc.
The Olympics is supposed to be exactly about that. They've been harping on about it ever since we won the bid.
But no, they're plugging their PR gap in the easiest way possible - drafting in squaddies.
Forgot how many shitty sports there are at the Olympics, bring back some of the old school stuff imo, where's the tug of war? That would be completely awesome.
How the fuck is Horse Dressage a sport?
I'm assuming the squaddies are the ones who are off-duty from taking over from G4S so you could also look at it as a reward/apology to the squaddies for drafting them in to guard the games!
Why was that school given more tickets than our school? Why did that school get better tickets that our school? Who is going to collect all the permission slips from the parents so the kids can go? School is closed and the teachers are on holiday so who is going to supervise the kids? Who is going to organise food? Who is going to organise the parents collecting the kids from these events?Rubbish.
The only reason they are giving 'em to the army is because, as you said, it's easy.
It's almost as easy to give the tickets to schoolchildren - you know, create a longing for sporting achievement and all that. Legacy. Encouraging healthy lifestyles etc.
The Olympics is supposed to be exactly about that. They've been harping on about it ever since we won the bid.
But no, they're plugging their PR gap in the easiest way possible - drafting in squaddies.
So lets address it then.It's almost as easy to give the tickets to schoolchildren - you know, create a longing for sporting achievement and all that. Legacy. Encouraging healthy lifestyles etc.
But she praised an announcement by Lord Coe - who has said Olympics venues are "stuffed" with sports fans - that some empty seats would be filled by servicemen and women, as well as local students and teachers.
The only reason they are giving 'em to the army is because, as you said, it's easy.
It's almost as easy to give the tickets to schoolchildren - you know, create a longing for sporting achievement and all that. Legacy. Encouraging healthy lifestyles etc.
The Olympics is supposed to be exactly about that. They've been harping on about it ever since we won the bid.
But no, they're plugging their PR gap in the easiest way possible - drafting in squaddies.
I understand the point of view that soldiers do a relatively thankless job, but at the end of the day it is their job which they get paid to do and which they chose to sign up for themselves. There are plenty of other people out there doing equally as thankless (though admittedly less dangerous) jobs who aren't being 'thrown a bone' in terms of being given tickets - charity sector workers and nurses are just two obvious ones that spring to mind.
I agree but there is no way to do this a short notice as you can not make it fiar without some sort of lottery. If every nurse in London put their name down then they would all need to go in a pot with the shifts they are working a computer can then pick them at random and then someone can give them a call to give them the good news. If they are doing overtime or can not show up the process needs to start again. It is the same with Police and Fire Service as well. It is a shame for everyone else but it is the only fair way.Charity sector workers and nurses are just two obvious ones that spring to mind.
As stated on the radio this morning, for the soliders it is a case of giving tickets to an officer who will then dispense them to soldiers as they go off duty, no security checks are needed. To allocate them to civilians is a bit more difficult, schoolkids aren't in school and most students have finished for the summer so the education establishments aren't manned adequately to cope with ticketing. As for NHS and public servants, the understanding is that they are going to be getting tickets later in the week when systems are put in place to get them out securely. They can't just magic this all up in one day, those empty seats are a dynamic commodity and were allocated elsewhere, LOCOG are now checking who hasn't attended and why so they can free up the remaining tickets if those people aren't coming.
My missus is a teacher, they've already handed out tickets for schools, she's taking kids from her school to see something at the paralympics (can't remember what).All fair enough, but I'm more than sure that if tickets were allocated to schools there would be pleny of teachers willing to organise trips out so they and their students could see something at the Olympics. At the end of the day the problem really lies not in how it is being handled now, but that this wasn't handled months ago.
Isn't it always? I Personally found it quicker to go Bakerloo -> E&C -> Northern Line...but that is traveling to old Street.Fucking nightmare journey into London this morning. Waterloo and Shitty line was rammed and I couldn't get on the first train.