Which ever has the biggest gun, which you'd assume to be the chap from Battlestar, considering they have lasers....
Of course - Face and his mates would probably off him through strength in numbers. And a funky sooped up truck with a cannon that fails to actually shoot anyone!
If it actually got as far as blows, Face would probably win. Why? Well, on the face of it (heh, pun), Face was just a pretty boy whilst Starbuck was actually the sort to get his hands dirty. However, I reckon Face is a bit of an American Psycho and beneath his take-home-to-meet-your-mum exterior is a raging sociopath.
Face has more punch up experience. He would wouldnt he? Would you fancy punching a Cylon? Maybe there should be a number of trials to decide the winner. A driving competion a pilotiing competition, a shooting competition, some classic fisticuffs competition & a pulling competition like the ones young lads have in Ibiza.
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