Crap Ez has left the building...

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Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
What a bunch of gaylords. And what a pissy primadonna. Sorry, who the fuck deletes their account on a forum? Instead of bitching about Generalite scum, you might want to ask yourselves, if she's such a wonderful person, how come she had no problem dropping you losers like a hot brick after five minutes of Wazz-love? Deleting your account is making a statement; normal people who stop liking a forum simply stop posting, they don't make the grand gesture and then have someone start a thread about it.

She's probably lurking right now reading this and getting off on all sycophancy. Well if you are reading this, shame on you.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Absolutely. It's why I make no apology (regardless of the negative rep) for saying that it's simply childish, attention seeking histrionics.

You make a very important point regarding the fact she fucked off without any regard of her awesomesauce 'friends'.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Absolutely. It's why I make no apology (regardless of the negative rep) for saying that it's simply childish, attention seeking histrionics.

You make a very important point regarding the fact she fucked off without any regard of her awesomesauce 'friends'.

Guess what, people use more than just the forum to keep in touch. Maybe you dont have anyone that wants to keep in touch with you outside of their Freddyslife, but it doesnt mean that others dont keep in touch via other methods


Apr 20, 2011
Because if you take that attitude in life, running away when things don't go your way, or if you don't like someone you'll be doing it forever. Jobs, social (in whatever forms) etc. That can lead to problems.

What a load of rubbish. This isn't life, this is an internet forum. Walking away from a job because you don't like it and quitting an internet forum because of trolls are two completely different things. Another one of your clueless posts.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
Very drama queen, probably a handful irl.

To be honest, at least now we got 99 problems but a bitch aint 1. :sex:


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Someone please make a /thread comment please, I'm fucking bored of this thread, I don't know why I keep reading posts, the bitching and QQing is hurting my face.

Do it.



Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Guess what, people use more than just the forum to keep in touch. Maybe you dont have anyone that wants to keep in touch with you outside of their Freddyslife, but it doesnt mean that others dont keep in touch via other methods

Good for her, but in that case, what's the fucking problem then? Why are we even talking about it?

Time for a thread close.


Apr 20, 2011
I agree with Gwadien. I also think it's harsh to judge people from the general section. The problem we have is that we have two particuarly vociferous idiots (Wazzerphuk and Big G), not surprisingly people will base their perceptions of general upon these guys as they post quite often. I would just advise all the OT-users who are not happy with their behaviour to put them on ignore en masse. It really does solve all the problems - it deprives the trolls of the attention they crave and others don't have to be subjected to their flaming.

It really is that simple people.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
What a bunch of gaylords. And what a pissy primadonna. Sorry, who the fuck deletes their account on a forum? Instead of bitching about Generalite scum, you might want to ask yourselves, if she's such a wonderful person, how come she had no problem dropping you losers like a hot brick after five minutes of Wazz-love? Deleting your account is making a statement; normal people who stop liking a forum simply stop posting, they don't make the grand gesture and then have someone start a thread about it.

She's probably lurking right now reading this and getting off on all sycophancy. Well if you are reading this, shame on you.

Just lol.

1) She's got other ways of keeping in touch with her friends (facebook, new forum coming up, etc).

2) The whole point of deleting her account is among other things, I imagine, so that she wouldn't be tempted to come here and lurk. I don't know if you can view these subforums without an account but I don't imagine so. And as her friend, I can tell you that this forum is the last place in the world she'd want to be right now, with all this crap going on about her person. And I'm not telling her much of what goes on here since that would just make her feel even crappier and defeat the whole purpose of leaving in the first place.

You guys managed to drive away a lass that is dearly beloved by many of the old OT crew. She's a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, she'd banter with anyone and she was always happy. In many ways she was a life nerve for our corner of the forums because of that personality. You should be ashamed of yourselves, no matter how you try to rationalize it away with your lol-worthy assumptions about someone you don't know jack all about.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Maybe Ezteq took it more personally than we credit her.

Nope, Ez just saw the writing on the wall, the last couple of weeks it has been pretty constant abuse from former General posters in threads they didn't like that were started by former OT posters. The mods might not like a 'them V's us' discussion but that is exactly what is happening because certain people can't help posting negative shit in threads they didn't even want to read. That is defined as trolling, good moderating solves it but the moderating is almost non-existent for those people who were the core of General for years. They just walk in and drop a bomb, the rest of us have to stfu or deal with it, worse still they tell use to use ignore.

WELL HERE IS A PEICE OF ADVICE FOR YOU GUYS, IGNORE THE THREADS OR POSTERS YOU DON'T LIKE! Problem solved? Oh no, they cannot resist trolling for a reaction, it is becoming like 4chan and frankly I can't be arsed with it.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Nope, Ez just saw the writing on the wall, the last couple of weeks it has been pretty constant abuse from former General posters in threads they didn't like that were started by former OT posters. The mods might not like a 'them V's us' discussion but that is exactly what is happening because certain people can't help posting negative shit in threads they didn't even want to read. That is defined as trolling, good moderating solves it but the moderating is almost non-existent for those people who were the core of General for years. They just walk in and drop a bomb, the rest of us have to stfu or deal with it, worse still they tell use to use ignore.

WELL HERE IS A PEICE OF ADVICE FOR YOU GUYS, IGNORE THE THREADS OR POSTERS YOU DON'T LIKE! Problem solved? Oh no, they cannot resist trolling for a reaction, it is becoming like 4chan and frankly I can't be arsed with it.

Actually no, I will moderate anyone. Infact I have even given TdC infractions :p

Like I mentioned earlier, noone is above moderation.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
It has fuckall to do with the merge, Wazzerphuk has already stated that regardless of where the initial post was he would have still made the same comments.

Keep the merge out of this thread it has no place here.

Ok so it is shit moderating then? Maybe the mods are a bit too close to the offenders? Persistant trolling is against the CoC, jumping in threads and posting mememe negative shit instead of contributing is blatent trolling but nothing ever gets done about it.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
The split will never happen just start reporting people who just come into a thread to puff their chest and feel the big man. Hopefully they will learn to stay out of threads they have no interest in. I really don't see the point in going into a thread to piss on someone else parade just because you don't like it lets hope after getting reported enough they steer clear.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'd rather a Hallway anyway, instead of the Front Room.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
cos we had a good community, now we don't

most people have posted far less since the merge, iv'e only posted on the football and random spam threads really as i cba with all the bullshit that comes from posting in any other thread, it's not how it was and it's not how it should be, it's just how it is

i wasn't one of the people massivly against the merge anyway, i didn't really care, but now i see why so many were

Dunno mate, I have posted more, sadly recieved more abuse as well. Trying to take it on the chin but it gets a bit old really. Was very much pro-merge and actually fell out with a few people over it, I still feel it could be a good thing but certain people need to start playing by the rules or ignoring threads by people they obviously dislike.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
The split will never happen just start reporting people who just come into a thread to puff their chest and feel the big man. Hopefully they will learn to stay out of threads they have no interest in. I really don't see the point in going into a thread to piss on someone else parade just because you don't like it lets hope after getting reported enough they steer clear.

That would mean every 4 or 5 posts will need reporting :p


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Ok so it is shit moderating then? Maybe the mods are a bit too close to the offenders? Persistant trolling is against the CoC, jumping in threads and posting mememe negative shit instead of contributing is blatent trolling but nothing ever gets done about it.

If this is what has happened then I take full blame and will instruct the mods to be sterner in the future. One thing I have liked about FH is that moderation has (in the most part) been fairly liberal. If liberalism is too much then it can change.

To be honest, I have been called a ****, a wanker and whatever else you want to think of in these forums and others around the net, I just shrug it off and think fuck em. In fact I have been called the same at work and out of work in real life. Has it affected me ? Not at all. I certainly do not let those that make bad comments about me influence me unless I know it would be for the better.

Personally if everyone decides to leave FH tomorrow so be it, I will still continue to host the forums until I cannot do it, why? There is a lot of history in here and I would hate the internet to lose that.

FFS I did not want to post any more opinions in this thread!


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Dunno mate, I have posted more, sadly recieved more abuse as well. Trying to take it on the chin but it gets a bit old really. Was very much pro-merge and actually fell out with a few people over it, I still feel it could be a good thing but certain people need to start playing by the rules or ignoring threads by people they obviously dislike.

That would mean every 4 or 5 posts will need reporting :p

Then report them for trolling, I am sure there is an infraction for trolling, if not there soon will be!


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
If this is what has happened then I take full blame and will instruct the mods to be sterner in the future. One thing I have liked about FH is that moderation has (in the most part) been fairly liberal. If liberalism is too much then it can change.

To be honest, I have been called a ****, a wanker and whatever else you want to think of in these forums and others around the net, I just shrug it off and think fuck em. In fact I have been called the same at work and out of work in real life. Has it affected me ? Not at all. I certainly do not let those that make bad comments about me influence me unless I know it would be for the better.

Personally if everyone decides to leave FH tomorrow so be it, I will still continue to host the forums until I cannot do it, why? There is a lot of history in here and I would hate the internet to lose that.

FFS I did not want to post any more opinions in this thread!

What he means is, stfu, and carrying on posting shit.

I like the liberalism, it's cool, you can just have a laugh with people..

Chet and I hate each other on this forum, but irl, he won't be able to resist me..

Just chill out its teh internetz.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
If this is what has happened then I take full blame and will instruct the mods to be sterner in the future. One thing I have liked about FH is that moderation has (in the most part) been fairly liberal. If liberalism is too much then it can change.

Fair enough.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
What he means is, stfu, and carrying on posting shit.

Not at all, if I meant that I would have closed the thread. I believe in free speech.


Apr 20, 2011
I just get the feeling that OT'ers are making a bigger deal out of it because the posts in question that caused offence were made by generalites. Or am I wrong to assume that?

By the way, I dislike the posts made by some forum members as much as anyone.

However, where has this idea that OT was a perfect community arisen from? It was never like that before the merge.

I just think that some people are trying to make others feel isolated and un-wanted (or to make people feel extremely guilty) by spewing all this propaganda about OT being a utopian place before the evil of the General Section poisoned it. I know this because I have been subjected to it many times from the OT community.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
However, where has this idea that OT was a perfect community arisen from? It was never like that before the merge.

I'm not sure it has anything to do with OT being perfect. To the OT people the Generals are like Pikeys who have parked up on our football pitch and invite themselves to our BBQ's. Until we get to know them and they get to know us it will be them vs us.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Ok so it is shit moderating then? Maybe the mods are a bit too close to the offenders? Persistant trolling is against the CoC, jumping in threads and posting mememe negative shit instead of contributing is blatent trolling but nothing ever gets done about it.


Historically, the most problematic sub forum to moderate has always been the DAOC-OT forum. Think back to all the people you know have been banned and where did it originate? Over tha last couple of years, with DAOC in decline anyway, we have deliberately been far more lenient with stuff. What do you really want? Tough obnoxious modding where we don'T have any flexibilty or a relaxed forum environment?

I'm sad Ez decided to leave, but that is her decision and choice, and it has jack shit to do with the way Tony runs FH.

I can't do a /sober thing now cos I am still pissed

Oh... and fuck off giving TdC a hard time... he is awesome! :twak:
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