Crap Ez has left the building...

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Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Just don't want to have to do another "mod clearout" spreadsheet tbh mate, it took ages ;)


Apr 20, 2011
I've got a problem with it. No offence but DAoC was stereotypical of "too many cooks" and the number of mods there were who did sweet fa was immense.

The report post function is there for a reason and nobody complains about TdC from either side.

Or is it rather a case of the generalites trying to maintain power over the OT/DAoC member-base? Why should we not have a moderator that represents and is part of FreddysHouse's largest and most loyal community?

Oh, and I can think of many other non-DAoC members who acted liked "cooks", and I can think of a few occasions when you have yourself been guilty of such behaviour.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Or is it rather a case of the generalites trying to maintain power over the OT/DAoC member-base? Why should we not have a moderator that represents and is part of FreddysHouse's largest and most loyal community?

Oh, and I can think of many other non-DAoC members who acted liked "cooks", and I can think of a few occasions when you have yourself been guilty of such behaviour.
No, it's not. I'll give your flamebait 2/10. The most comedy part of it being "largest and most loyal community" because I was under the impression we were all the FreddysHouse community and had been for some time? (like, since the very start when BW/Game fell over).


Aug 24, 2008
I'd vote Raven in, top bloke and wouldn't be scared of setting anyone straight. Unlike some people that run wild trolling because their mates with certain people and like to act the tough guy on the internet rather than real life.

It's understandable some people have a rather shitty and cowardly life and they get pleasure out of belittling other people on the internet. But is it really necessarily on a female who acts like her self online? If Raven was mod, it would prob all have been prevented by just nuking the post early.

For middle aged men, some immature shit going on here now.


Apr 20, 2011
No, it's not. I'll give your flamebait 2/10. The most comedy part of it being "largest and most loyal community" because I was under the impression we were all the FreddysHouse community and had been for some time? (like, since the very start when BW/Game fell over).

It is not flamebait kid, everything I said in that post is true, and you know it. The DAoC community within FreddysHouse was its biggest division, and you know it.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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Dec 22, 2003
I prefer quality over quantity.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Interesting how the OT folk talk about how vemonous and destructive my posting can be, and then one of them (I won't name names) has left me feedback telling me to "fuck off and die."

High ground? Really? How can what I said be any worse than wishing death on someone? By the way, I don't take offense to it and it doesn't affect me at all, just shows someone up to be an utter embarrassing hypocrite of the worst kind.

I typed FOAD. Do I feel like a hypocrite ? NO. Embarrassed ? NO Hilarious you are attempting to become the victim ? YES.

Not affected at all ? so unaffected, i'll just make a post about how unaffected i am, oh the irony.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Well I don't actually understand the point you are trying to make, care to elaborate?
I might be wrong but he seems to be saying that only you give a shit.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
i think right now is not the best time to be looking to review who/how many mods.

regardless of what decision is made, there will be someone who thinks there is an alterior motive of some kind.

the boats fine, we've taken on a bit of water, no need to scuttle it just yet.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
i think right now is not the best time to be looking to review who/how many mods.

regardless of what decision is made, there will be someone who thinks there is an alterior motive of some kind.

the boats fine, we've taken on a bit of water, no need to scuttle it just yet.


Apr 20, 2011
i think right now is not the best time to be looking to review who/how many mods.

regardless of what decision is made, there will be someone who thinks there is an alterior motive of some kind.

the boats fine, we've taken on a bit of water, no need to scuttle it just yet.

I'm not calling for anything.

I just thought it was rather peculiar of MYstIC G to be so quick in saying that he has a problem with Raven being a moderator. My stance on this is neutral - but his reason for being against it was rather trivial, especially considering the fact that he probably doesn't even know Raven.

Just slightly odd behaviour, that is all, and I was just hypothesising as to why he acted so.

And Roo, I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who cares about this. Just read the thread.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
And Roo, I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who cares about this. Just read the thread.

No, you're not. There do appear to be some battlelines here ... can only see it ending in an EZ kind of way with posters leaving. Which is pretty sad really. Most of the numbskull DAoC posters had left a while ago -- there was no need for some of those posts on EZ's thread but I can't see the individuals involved changing, its how they roll.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
This "us and them" mentality is a microcosm of everything that's wrong with the world (politics, football, religion, the battle of the sexes).


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
bainteor, why do you think its DAOCers and the rest ? dont really get that distinction.
lots of originally daoc people are just general freddies now, it was a point of entry, nothing more

as for the whole Ez thing, a few general thoughts :
there are some people on here who are flotsam in the gene pool, thats to be expected, ignore ftw

shes gone.. and ? i get a creepy feeling its nothing to do with "ez" and everything to do with spotty teenagers being overly protective of a female,regardless of who it actually is

and i hate to say it, but : id rather there were posts on here that make people rage, for whatever reasons, it means people are speaking their minds, if it were nazi modded with "if we want your opinion we will give it to you" it would die rapidly, so er on the side of caution for kneejerk reaction


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I typed FOAD. Do I feel like a hypocrite ? NO. Embarrassed ? NO Hilarious you are attempting to become the victim ? YES.

Not affected at all ? so unaffected, i'll just make a post about how unaffected i am, oh the irony.

Way to fail to comprehend. If I was trying become a victim I would have called you out, but that's of no concern to me.

Merely pointing out that the "holier than thou" OT crowd lambasting me are full of much worse people. But you can think what you want, that has no bearing on me. I have no fucking clue who you are so that just makes it even more insignificant.

So, do you really think what I said is worse than some of the stuff that has been thrown around in this thread, or in feedback? Just because you abbreviated it does not mean that the meaning has changed you know. You wished DEATH on another person in defence of someone saying "you're bragging." Can you not unerstand how that is totally out of whack with anything that's gone before? If you can't, then you're a moron of the highest kind and are much worse than any trolling I've ever done.


Apr 20, 2011
This "us and them" mentality is a microcosm of everything that's wrong with the world (politics, football, religion, the battle of the sexes).

Enough of this philosophical rubbish - this is an internet forum. You act like an idiot, as you have done at times, then you get treated like one. I know this!

Turamber said:
No, you're not. There do appear to be some battlelines here ... can only see it ending in an EZ kind of way with posters leaving. Which is pretty sad really. Most of the numbskull DAoC posters had left a while ago -- there was no need for some of those posts on EZ's thread but I can't see the individuals involved changing, its how they roll.

This is just a case of people not being familiar with each other. If old.Tohtori had said what Wazzerphuk had said, as others have mentioned, it would have been brushed off because "Toht is Toht". Now, I have criticised Wazzerphuk, yes, but that is a lot to do with previous things he has said about me (unrelated to this issue).


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I just thought it was rather peculiar of MYstIC G to be so quick in saying that he has a problem with Raven being a moderator. My stance on this is neutral - but his reason for being against it was rather trivial, especially considering the fact that he probably doesn't even know Raven.
I don't need to know raven, it's not about raven, it's entirely about not needing more moderators. More moderators won't solve the problem of those who choose to cling to "us and them". As far as I'm concerned it's nice to see all the threads in one place instead of the "two of everything" we had going on before.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
This is just a case of people not being familiar with each other. If old.Tohtori had said what Wazzerphuk had said, as others have mentioned, it would have been brushed off because "Toht is Toht".

I think this is true for 7 years in FHOT Thot has been who he is and everyone takes it with a pinch of salt. In Ez's thread Wazzerphuk made his comments and maybe people did not know how to take it. Was it tongue in cheek? Was it malicious? In 6 months maybe he will get the same reaction as Thot and we will have no more drama.

I don't know if a new mod is needed. Deebs has said that mods will be moderated too so unless we doubt him there is no reason to force a FHOT mod into existence.


Apr 20, 2011
I don't need to know raven, it's not about raven, it's entirely about not needing more moderators. More moderators won't solve the problem of those who choose to cling to "us and them". As far as I'm concerned it's nice to see all the threads in one place instead of the "two of everything" we had going on before.

Fair enough, I guess I saw it a different way to you, but I see your point.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I can't handle this retarded trivial bullshit any longer.

For the love of God, lock this thread.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
There is no FHOT, there is no General. There is a Freddyshouse. Be part of it or don't, just stop the bloody complaining.

Dont forget half of the people in "General" came via eOT back in the properly shit old days when dicks like loxly and so on would troll the fuck out of everything and everyone. I took at least two bans back in the day, I've also aged by almost 10 years since those days.

Can we please get over this apartheid bullshit and just business as usual it?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
There is no FHOT, there is no General. There is a Freddyshouse. Be part of it or don't, just stop the bloody complaining.

Dont forget half of the people in "General" came via eOT back in the properly shit old days when dicks like loxly and so on would troll the fuck out of everything and everyone. I took at least two bans back in the day, I've also aged by almost 10 years since those days.

Can we please get over this apartheid bullshit and just business as usual it?


Got banned twice for telling people to die and racism.. lol.. good ole days.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
This "us and them" mentality is a microcosm of everything that's wrong with the world (politics, football, religion, the battle of the sexes).

I think the point is that we had a nice little community going, one which had grown over the last 6, 7, 8 years from the old BW DAOC off topic forum. We were quite happy chugging along.
One day it was proposed that we join with general, which was stagnant. There were people who objected and a few people that thought it would be a good idea...eventually it was pretty much agreed that it would be fine. After all, both OT and general were both full of spam so may as well join the two!
Now a couple of months down the line we see the same dickheads trolling threads that previously would not have been. In the most recent thread, Amber's bit of good news. News that she wanted to share with her friends and after her last couple of years was over due. But no, a bunch of twats that didn't know her decided to flex their E-muscles, just because they are dead hard and all that.

Like I said before, if people don't like a thread then the simple thing would be to not open it or post in it. But no, some people have such meaningless lives that they feel the need to attack someone that (from their own admission) they don't know.

As for the moderation issue, I did think we were fine as we were but a post or thread should not need to be reported, the mod team should pick up on trolling and abuse.

How many active mods do we actually that I mean those that log on every day and read threads?


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
can we just get back to talking about bacon, boobs & beer?

another 30 pages of this is pointless

/closethread imo
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