Crap Ez has left the building...

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FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Still don't understand why OT and General were merged in the first place, it was always going to end up with crap like this. Both 'sides' have their good and bad posters, but merging the two was simply always going to exacerbate any issues especially when a large section of both parties feel they have some kind of superiority over the other.

With that said, it's just an internet forum. All this drama is more than a little OTT.

Were you around for the BW/early FH days?

Drama made this forum alive :p.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
tbh thiers alot of wazzer hate atm, partialy warrented, but he's not the only one being a ****, not fair to lump it all on one person when there's plenty of ***** to share the hate with

don't get me wrong i haven't seen one constructive post from him, but we don't need a scape goat we need an overhaul or genral attitudes


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm being rather typecast as a soley destructive person, which is quite unfair. I do post constructively often, but I don't start threads often. There hasn't been a lot on here recently that has been constructive by anyone though, just lots of spammy nonsense, which is fine by me but it's not like everyone else is contributing AAA posts all the time is it? :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
youve had at least 20 farewell threads already everz


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
sychophancy ? after 7 years, it more like love from OT'ers, try again fool. Oh and, she knew exactly what would happen - this thread and all it contains..she has reliable friends.

Keep the name calling out of this please.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
I liked Ez but this is just silly, the posts made in the "other thread" was in no way worse than a lot of the trolling/abuse/posts I have seen regularly in OT before the merge. Clearly she just doesn't want to be here.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Interesting how the OT folk talk about how vemonous and destructive my posting can be, and then one of them (I won't name names) has left me feedback telling me to "fuck off and die."

I wonder if it's the same person who did me, leaving the simple one word expression of 'Cock'.

I'd never really looked at the whole reputation thing, but apparently this thread has earned me two negative blobs and 1 positive.

I've never been so hurt, and feel victimised.

I might need to delete my account.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The problem is, now that I have put the tedious generalites on ignore it makes the threads look a bit odd.

Any way of making it so that it doesn't even show if they have posted?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
tbh thiers alot of wazzer hate atm, partialy warrented, but he's not the only one being a ****, not fair to lump it all on one person when there's plenty of ***** to share the hate with

don't get me wrong i haven't seen one constructive post from him, but we don't need a scape goat we need an overhaul or genral attitudes

It wasn't him I had a problem with as he posts everywhere. yeah he is a bit of a dick but that's just his style. It's the people that don't know EZ that think that just because they are on the internet they can smack talk people. They simply wouldn't dare speak to people like that in real life. Pathetic little bullies thinking they are someone on an internet forum.

Another thing. which I brought up before and nothing was done is.

Why are there no OT mods? Yes yes we have TDC who was always omnipresent (and generally does a good job I must add!) but that's it.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Were you around for the BW/early FH days?

Drama made this forum alive :p.

BW, yes, early FH not so much. But I've been around the forums since I was playing Tribes 2 (2001).

Regardless of whether you feel drama makes a forum 'alive', my personal opinion is the most interesting/worthwhile element is discussion and general banter between regulars - not pointless drama. I honestly couldn't care less whether Ez or anyone else comes or goes to or from the forum, because at the end of the day it's just a bit of fun. Taking anything posted on a forum personally is absurd.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
It wasn't him I had a problem with as he posts everywhere. yeah he is a bit of a dick but that's just his style. It's the people that don't know EZ that think that just because they are on the internet they can smack talk people. They simply wouldn't dare speak to people like that in real life. Pathetic little bullies thinking they are someone on an internet forum.

Another thing. which I brought up before and nothing was done is.

Why are there no OT mods? Yes yes we have TDC who was always omnipresent (and generally does a good job I must add!) but that's it.

Are you putting your name forward to become a mod of The Front Room?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Sure, why not? If nobody had a problem with that.


Resident Freddy
Aug 24, 2006
I wasn't going to post in here but deebs has mentioned mods il put my name down for that I hate you all equally :D


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I don't see why people who don't wish Ez the best, could just leave that thread alone.

It was something she felt good about, and wanted to share with the forum. As she have always done!

I do not know the General Discussion memberbase(Actually, I didn't even know we had a room like that, before some months ago).

But atleast on OT, there have been shared everything from breakups to marriages without people "bullying" the threadstarter. But instead have supported the members that is involved, like a community should do!

Anyway, shit happens and Ez decided to leave. There is no point staying on a forum anyway. Where you can't share & discuss whatever you want, without having trolls going at you!

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
TBH I have only skimmed this thread, so I apologise if I am repeating other peoples points.

Firstly, I am with Zenith in that I generally just hit the new posts link and comment on what I feel like, I don’t distinguish between OT and anything else. I for one didn’t notice or care about the merge and I don’t really see what it has to do with anything.

Personally I think it is a loss for the forums that Ez has chosen to go, but it is her decision and should be respected. I don’t know EZ well and other than occasionally commenting on her posts have had very little to do with her, however during my skimming I noticed people calling her a drama queen (ect) or accused of attention seeking and I think that is a very unfair. It is obvious to anyone who reads these forums that Ez has close friends on FH and it is only natural for her to share good news (or bad) with them, in the same way as updating a facebook status.

I have been a small part of the FH community for sometime now and have seen it go through its share of ups and downs. It is highly unusual for any forum to last as long as FH / Barrysworld has and in many cases has been the source of many friendships and even relationships and it seems to me that people should learn to respect that fact a little more and perhaps prejudge a little less.. If you disagree with something you have every right to say so, but there is a world of difference between constructive disagreement and debate and completely derailing a thread just because you have preconceptions about the nature of that thread.

As for moderation on the forums, I don’t think I have ever been moderated personally, so I can only comment from observation. Is it even handed and 100% fair? Probably not, but then that is true of every single public forum I have ever posted on. FH for the most part is reasonably fair, but moderators are people too and therefore fallible. In the end, on any forum, all you can hope for is that common sense prevails – and from what I have observed on FH it usually does.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Personally I think it is a loss for the forums that Ez has chosen to go, but it is her decision and should be respected. I don’t know EZ well and other than occasionally commenting on her posts have had very little to do with her, however during my skimming I noticed people calling her a drama queen (ect) or accused of attention seeking and I think that is a very unfair. It is obvious to anyone who reads these forums that Ez has close friends on FH and it is only natural for her to share good news (or bad) with them, in the same way as updating a facebook status.

Ford, that's not where the "drama queen"accusation is coming from. Its the act of deleting one's account rather than anything she's said. I actually went and read the thread in question and saw nothing wrong with it, not what she wanted to talk about, but also not what Wazz said (it was a fairly minor troll), it really wasn't a big deal. So in that context, "drama queen" pretty much sums it up.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Ford, that's not where the "drama queen"accusation is coming from. Its the act of deleting one's account rather than anything she's said. I actually went and read the thread in question and saw nothing wrong with it, not what she wanted to talk about, but also not what Wazz said (it was a fairly minor troll), it really wasn't a big deal. So in that context, "drama queen" pretty much sums it up.

I quite understand her deleting her account. She probably logs on to FH all the time without thinking, I know there are sites I automatically log into without giving it much thought because I visit them all the time, so by deleting the account it breaks the habit, it is no different than people disabling or removing a facebook account really. I don't really see the problem.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Sure, why not? If nobody had a problem with that.
I've got a problem with it. No offence but DAoC was stereotypical of "too many cooks" and the number of mods there were who did sweet fa was immense.

The report post function is there for a reason and nobody complains about TdC from either side.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
I've got a problem with it. No offence but DAoC was stereotypical of "too many cooks" and the number of mods there were who did sweet fa was immense.

The report post function is there for a reason and nobody complains about TdC from either side.

MYstIC G Just doesn't want to share the toys :)

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