Not at all.
No Histonics - No 'thats it Im going' threads as we have seen frequently before...
She just quietly went, sad about her Freddies .
TBH I am not often here now either and didnt even notice until Ed told me today and she does not know that I have posted about it. I did so because I think its a damn shame and a loss to the Freddies community.
Yeah but also look at it this way, there was a community there for years and 2 different communities were forced together, of course not everyone is going to like it, dont see why she she should just put up with it if it wasnt her choice
please come back EZ!
p.s : dont be fooled by the puppy face, 2 seconds after the photo he was attacking my feet :<
he was attacking my feet :<
I'm equally shit to everyone you glory hunting plastic mong